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Automatic Trash Segregation and Monitoring System by

Using GSM for Smart Cities

Abstract: In large cities waste generated is very large so for handling this waste properly we
have to develop smart and an easy alternative for both municipal corporation authority and
population. The rapid growth in the population has also led to the surge in the volume of
waste being generated on a daily basis. This increase in the generation of waste due to
continuous growth in the urbanization and industrialization has become a severe problem for
the local and the national government. It is also posing a serious problem for the local
authorities to manage the wastes being dumped everywhere as landfill. To ensure the minimal
risk to the environment and human health, it is necessary to take meticulous measures when
segregating and transporting waste. For maintaining the beauty of locality and also for
maintain proper hygienic condition of surrounding which affect the health of population this
waste should be managed properly which can be achieved by developing an automation
system to sort out wet and dry waste which help to separate degradable and non-degradable
waste. In our project we have using different sensors like infrared, moisture and global
system for mobile (GSM) through which the authority will get real time information via SMS
when dustbin is completely filled or any abnormal condition occur in system such as fire
detected. Segregation of waste in a proper manner brings to the limelight actual economic
value of the waste. The traditional method used for segregating of waste in India is through
rag pickers which are time-consuming and can have adverse effects on the health of the
people who are exposed to such wastes. Here we propose the use of an Auto Waste
Segregator (AWS) which is cheap and also an easy to use solution for segregation of
household waste.
Keywords: GSM, IR Sensor, Arduino Uno controller, Moisture sensor.

Introduction aesthetic value of the natural environment

Waste disposal is a huge cause for concern and it is an unavailing use of land
in the present world. The disposal method resources.
of a voluminous amount of generated Day by day population growth is increases
waste has had an adverse effect on the tremendously simultaneously pollution
environment. Unplanned open dumping at rate increases very rapidly. There are so
landfill sites made by municipal is a many source which produced domestic
common method of disposal of waste. waste, agriculture waste, hospital waste
Human health, plant and animal life are and savage waste. Majority of waste
affected due to this method. production is domestic waste because day
The harmful method used for waste by day rate of urbanization is increase
disposal generates harmful chemicals highly, so waste generation per ton of each
which contaminate surface and city is large and management of such huge
groundwater. It can give rise to disease waste is critical job for concern authority
vectors which spread harmful diseases. of country. Hence it is important to focus
This also degrades the aesthetic value of on such critical problem solving method
natural environment can degrade the which proved to be success in future
atmosphere and also this new automated method of waste collection. But during
technique has overcome old one few days in year like on festive season the
management control which can be waste generated is huge in such cases the
achieved by using Arduino UNO, garbage dustbin gets immediately full
Bluetooth and GSM based technology. which leads to overflow, which is not
Waste management is very essential supposed to happen. Hence these kind of
because it is very hazardous for human problem can be solved by implementing
being as well as environment surround, so our project in which the government
many new techniques have been developed authority will get the Short Service
out of which automated waste Message (SMS) immediately and can also
management techniques has been proving get live status on android phone with
to promising, that’s why many cities are suitable Bluetooth terminal application.
adopting this techniques to manage the Therefore we can say that smart
waste. Automatic waste management can monitoring is the best possible alternative
be simply referred to as co-relation for waste management because it reduces
between human thing, computer, and the amount of waste overflowing in waste
electronic things and all the mechanical bins such as domestic waste, small scale
working object can be controlled and industry waste, agriculture waste etc. Man
monitored by using Arduino Uno power required is also reduced and waste
controller, Bluetooth module, GSM and collection delay also minimized due to
Dc motor. These devices can communicate such benefit smart waste management has
and interact with other over the signal data a great scope in future leading to new
and they can be remotely monitored and invention in waste management system.
controlled. In automatic waste Most of the developed cites and
management system different sensors are developing cities has also faces such huge
been used which covert the physical data problem of waste which causes unhygienic
into the digital signals and transmit to the condition, overflow of waste, bad smelled
area where all these signals are monitored. so it is avoided by such proposed system.
All the physical data that is to be transmit
over digital signal is based on real time Review of Literature
basis scenario and by using this real time
data we can develop a system architecture. Amrutha Chandramohan et. al.[1] states
Now the current method of waste there is no such system for segregation of
management is that government authorized wastes into categories such as dry, wet and
person will monitor the status of the waste metallic wastes at the household level. An
bin and normally in general they have a Automated Waste Segregator (AWS) can
fixed appendix of collecting the waste or be used at the household level so that the
garbage from the dustbin. This appendix of waste can be sent directly for processing.
collecting waste mainly depend on The AWS employs inductive sensors to
population of that area, it can be once in a identify metallic items, and capacitive
day or twice in a day or in some cases once sensors to distinguish between wet and dry
in two days. Here we can clearly see that waste depending upon the threshold values
quantity of waste generated is not been set. However, it cannot segregate ceramic
taken in consideration in our traditional old
into dry waste because it has the higher Ultrasonic Distance Measure Sensor, and
relative dielectric constant as compared to as the garbage reaches the sensor level
other dry wastes that are segregated. By which is attached in the bin an interrupt is
increasing accuracy and overall efficiency, sent to the microcontroller and a message
we can eliminate noise. is displayed on LCD saying bin is full and
The limitations of this system are it can the microcontroller enters low power mode
segregate only one type of waste at a time till it is not reset.
with an assigned priority for metal, wet We had proposed a standing model for the
and dry waste. Thus, buffer spaces can be system to be implemented but to improve
used to segregate a mixed type of waste. the accuracy and feasibility of the system
Since the time for sensing metal objects is and to make the system cost effective we
low the entire sensing module can be chose to make a system using a conveyer
placed along a single platform where the belt and mounting different sensors at the
object is stable to ensure better results. sides of the belt so as to segregate waste.
Nishigandha Kothari et. al.[2] used Meghana K C, Dr. K.R. Natraj have
Ultrasonic Sensors are used to monitor the equipped the smart bins with ultrasonic
garbage collection. When the garbage sensor which measure the level of dustbin
reaches the sensor level an interrupt is sent being filled up. The container is divided
to the microcontroller. J.S. Bajaj et. al.[3] into three levels of garbage being collected
says many upgradations can be done to the in it. Every time the garbage crosses a
existing project. Some of which are listed level the sensors receives the data of the
below: Advanced processing techniques filled level. This data is further sent to the
can be incorporated once the waste has garbage analyzer as instant message using
been segregated, methods for individual GSM module.
material feeding for local use so that the 3) Vishesh Kumar Kurrel has built a
segregation can be performed continuously framework in which a camera will be set at
once the waste is dumped, image sensing each garbage collection point alongside
can be used to segregate materials through load cell sensor at base of the trash can.
Image processing technology. The camera will take continuous snapshots
Rashmi M. Kittali et. al.[5] says that even of the garbage can. A threshold level is set
PLC can be used for AWS. It has an which compare the output camera and load
advantage of reduced manpower, cell sensor. Accordingly, information is
improved accuracy and speed of processed that is controller checks if the
management of waste. It also avoids the threshold level is exceeded or not. This is
risk of working in hazardous places. This convenient to use but economically not
work can be implemented by making use reliable. 4) Smart Garbage Management
of a robotic arm in the future to pick and System by Vikrant Bhor, Pankaj Morajkar,
place certain materials which can be re- Maheshwar Gurav, Dishant Pandya. It
used. The bins can be unloaded by placing provided us with additional details and
limit sensors at the top of each bin. designs needed for flow and management
Depending upon the above survey we will of garbage while collection.
be implementing an AWS using Ar- Proposed System
Arduino UNO with a feedback system We are interfacing a dustbin with Arduino
which will be implemented using an Uno controller based system having IR
wireless system so that all the status of the [5] Hassan, M. N. Chong, T. L., &
level of waste collected can be get notified Rahman. M. M. (2005). Solid Waste
when bins is full and also have moisture Management-What’s The Malaysian
sensor which can separate out dry and wet Position. Seminar Waste to Energy,
waste. Here in our project we are using Universiti Putra Malaysia.
approach in which level of waste in the
dustbin is automatically detected where for [6] M. Al-Maaded, N. K. Madi, Ramazan
neat and systematic operation a unique ID Kahraman, A. Hodzic, N. G. Ozerkan , An
number is provided to the dustbin which is Overview of Solid Waste Management and
area wise, as soon as the dustbin will Plastic Recycling in Qatar, Springer
overflow, a SMS would be automatically Journal of Polymers and the Environment,
send to the person who collects the waste March 2012, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp 186-
by the means of vehicle also the person 194
who collects the waste get real time
notification on smart phone. [7] Islam, M.S. Arebey, M. ; Hannan,
Block Diagram M.A. ; Basri, H,”Overview for solid waste
bin monitoring and collection system”
Innovation Management and Technology
Research (ICIMTR), 2012 International
Conference , Malacca, 258 – 262

[3] Souptik Paul, Kolkata Sayan Banerjee,

Srutayu Biswas, “Smart Garbage
Monitoring Using IoT”, 2018 IEEE 9th
Annual Information Technology,
Electronics and Mobile Communication
Conference (IEMCON)

[4] Amirthaa Sri K S, Anusha M,

Kaveinaya M, Kaveeyavani R S, Abinaya
M, Indirapriyadharshini, “Smart Garbage
Maintenance System Using Internet of
Things”, 2018 3rd International
Conference on Communication and
Electronics Systems (ICCES)

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