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Abstract: This thesis introduce a real time face recognition using a electronic webcam. The
proposed system consists of 4 steps, including
1. Training of real time images
2. Face detection using Haar classifier
3. Contrast of trained real time images with images from the electronic webcam
4. Result based on the comparison.
An important application of interest is electronic surveillance, where the objective is to
recognize people who are on a watch list. The aspiration of this paper is to compare an
image with several images which has been already trained. In this paper, we represent a
methodology for face detection robustly in real time environment. Haar cascading is one of
the algorithm for face detection. Here we use Haar like classifiers to track faces on OpenCV
Library. The accuracy of the face recognition is very high. The proposed system can
successfully recognize more than one face which is useful for quickly searching suspected
persons as the computation time is very low. In India, we have a system for recognizing
citizen called National ID. If we use this as a community database we can differentiate
between citizen and foreigner and further look into whether the identified person is culprit or
Keywords: Electronic webcam, face detection, face recognition, Haar cascade, OpenCV,

In today’s world the rapidly increasing rate of criminal activities are now causing a major
threat to the security of a country and as well as to its citizens. To identify any criminal the
police needs some form of identification regarding that person, which is usually given by the
eyewitness or could be obtained at the crime scenes. It is widely known that criminals love to
enjoy themselves in public places like Beer halls, Beaches. Because of the advancement of
technology these places usually contain a electronic webcam. To the INDIAN Police, crime
fighting is crucial and criminal face identification can be done using several means in which
Criminal Identification using face detection with the help of the electronic webcam is one of
the techniques that can be used to identify criminals. In surveillance camera-based face
recognition the input to the system is simply a live surveillance with the help of the camera
that can be placed at various places for identifying the criminals based on the previous record.
In finding criminals a surveillance camera-based facial recognition system can help the law
enforcements to identify criminals from public places or even from the private places by
placing electronic webcam.

According to the India 2019 Crime & Safety Report, overall Showing a 1.6% annual increase
in the registration of cases (50.7 lakh cases), the crime rate per 100,000 population has
increased from 383.5 in 2018 to 385.5 in 2019 and also there is an increase in the number of
wanted persons. The Indian police has got many departments and amongst all of its
departments there is the Criminal Investigation Department which is currently using an
Automated Fingerprint Identification System FINGERPRINT ANALYSIS AND
CRIMINAL TRACING SYSTEM (FACTS) to identify criminals using fingerprints that may
be obtained at crime scenes. Nowadays in India there is an increase in the usage of electronic
webcams across the nation due to the advancement of technology and also they should use
surveillance camera-based facial recognition system which can be a great opportunity to help
the police to detect culprits and to track them by using facial recognition systems.
Surveillance camera-based facial recognition systems are systems that identifies certain faces
from any electronic webcam that may be placed at public areas.

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