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In this part I will analyze SWOT of our business. First comes the strength.

The first
strength of our business is that we are doing our business at a very low budget. As
we are students so our investment is low. But in this low budget we are able to
manage whole costing. Our second strength is we can customize our products
however we want. We can customize our products on the basis of customers
need. Third strength of our business is we can use social media and E-commerce
platform to capture the market.
Then it comes the part of weakness. Our first weakness can be the confusion of
the customer about our product’s quality. Second weakness is we have low
startup cost. Third weakness is we have limited flexibility in pricing. It means we
cannot price high of our products.
Then it comes the part of opportunity. The first opportunity of our business is
recently the demand of crafting items are raising. Second opportunity is we do
not have any major competitor. Third opportunity is we can expanse our business
through online platform.
As other business we also have to face threats. Our first threat is our competitor
can offer similar products to the market. Second threat is there are many
entrepreneurs who are starting their business on this same idea through online
That’s the SWOT analyze of our business.

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