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(University of the City of Manila)

General Luna St., cor. Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila, Philippines


Civic Welfare Training Service
Tel. 8643 – 2563

NSTP-Section: 02-23
Name: Daniel C. Caquilala
Course: BSME

The Bare Truth: Raising Awareness and Engagement Webinar Guide Questions

Direction: Please read the questions carefully. Use not more than 250 words per question. Be concise with your
answer. Use the space provided.

1. How can we still promote/sustain community engagements despite the pandemic we are facing?
We can still promote and establish community engagements by using and utilizing the gift of technology
in today’s world. Using virtual movements and developments that aims to spark change and influence their
audience to do good and spread positivity amidst the situation. A simple information dissemination means a
lot in mending our lives in this time of pandemic. Joining webinars and meetings that focuses on assessing
the problems being faced and providing immediate solution to it. However, this can only be made possible if
we contribute and do our part in supporting some organized projects of the government, NGO’s and private
organization that take part in doing actions to resolve problems. At the end of the day, we are the ones that
should work and help hand in hand to make our home a better place to live in.

2. Why is sustainability in terms of community engagement? How can an organizer ensure sustainability on
community projects?

Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs. Sustainability is essential in a community movement/ engagement because
it is the driving force to further push the people to do more and will be their primary basis towards their
action. It will be very helpful if the project is sustainable and can be improved so that lots of individuals can
benefit from this thus people can see the impact it can bring to them and to the community. An organizer
can ensure sustainability through system of plans and methods that will make the foundation strong and will
be impactful for many. A simple goal can branch into lots of ways depending on the situation which means
that there are always other ways to look at if in case the first way didn’t worked. An organizer should elicit to
the minds of the people that their project is essential so that people will be engaged and will participate in
making the project sustainable and effective.

3. What other ways can aspiring-student volunteer can contribute?

An aspiring student volunteer can contribute by just means of information dissemination and joining
webinars and movement that aims to improve the lives of many through a project. As a student, a single
action that would help the project would mean a lot. A simple participation and interaction between the
project leaders are also a contribution. Being a voice of many by just being a spokesperson of a specific
group or a representative from a class is a big thing for those student leaders that needs answers from their
co-student. As the saying says, every journey starts with a single step thus being a volunteer does not come
from the position, but it comes from the heart and the willingness to serve and support.

4. How can an organization measure “success” of an event?

An organization can say that their event is successful if they met their objectives at the end of the show
and people are engage to it. Objectives are a way to break a strategy down into a set of achievable targets
for purposes such as performance management. This can be a short-term or long-term goal depending on
the motive of an organization being talked about. An organization has their own unique objectives and goals
that will be the center of their program and actions. This will be their guide and primary basis on the ways
they will decide and depend for the people. Once they met their main goal/ objectives, and people are
greatly engaged to it, an organization can now say that their event is a success and a fruitful one.
5. As an NSTP sudent, in what ways can you personally contribute on community engagement efforts?

As an NSTP-CWTS student, I can contribute by means of joining and participating interesting movements
and projects in and out of my campus for it will surely help and build my personality. A simple sharing,
reacting, and posting in my social media platforms is a big thing for it can reach lots of people that knows
me and follows me. I can also serve as a voice for those people who cannot speak for themselves most
especially regarding our academic and personal situation in this time of pandemic. There are a lot more that
I can offer if I grow older, but I believe that by starting in these simple ways, I will surely become a bigger
person and will be able to help more those who are in need.

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