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G. Theodorus L. Toruan : The Implementation of State Defense Education For.....

Page 69-73



G. Theodorus L. Toruan


Article history: Corruption is an extraordinary crime that has become a
Received August 24, 2017 major problem in Indonesia. Most of the perpetrators of
Revised Dec 01, 2017 corruption are the heads of local governments. In general,
Accepted March 20, 2018 they commit corruption because they have authority and
power. Based on the Corruption Perception Index 2016,
JEL Classifications Indonesia is ranked 4th in ASEAN. This index shows that
D73; H79 corruption is still one of the state biggest problems in
Indonesia. This paper uses descriptive qualitative method
Key Words: and the data collection is conducted using library research.
Implementation; The recommendation put forward through this paper is that
Heads of Local Government; the Heads of Local Government in Indonesia should join
Corruption State Defense Education and Training. In addition, the
Heads of Local Government should be able to become the
DOI: role models for the people.

According to the Association of Certified Fraud
Examiners (ACFE)1 fraud consists of several classifications
known as Fraud Tree, such as asset misappropriation,
fraudulent statement, and corruption. Meanwhile,
according to Arthur W. Holmes and David C. Rolls, fraud
is a deliberate misstatement of a material fact or presenting
statements by ignoring the principles of truth with the
intent of deceiving others and causing other parties
harmed.2 Corruption is a case of fraud commonly found in
the government sector.
As defined in the Black’s Law Dictionary,
corruption means illegality; a vicious and fraudulent
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is the largest Anti-
Fraud Organization in the world that provides anti-fraud education and train-
ing and is based in Austin, Texas, United States. Currently ACFE members
account for nearly 70,000 people and the largest in more than 150 countries.
With the Motto “Together Reducing Fraud Worldwide”, ACFE seeks to reduce
fraud in the business world around the world and gives people confidence that
this profession has high integrity and objectivity.
Holmes, Arthur, W. and David C. Burns. 2005. Auditing : “Standard and
Procedures” 9th Edition

Asia Pasific Fraud Journal 69

Volume 3, No.1st Edition (January-June 2018)
G. Theodorus L. Toruan : The Implementation of State Defense Education For.....
Page 69-73

intention to evade the prohibitions of the law. public office for personal gain by means of
The act of an official or fiduciary person who illegal bribes or commissions4.
unlawfully and wrongfully uses his station or There are several causes of corruption in
character to procure some benefit for himself Indonesia, one of which is the internal factor of
or for another person, contrary to duty and the the perpetrator of corruption. Most corruptors
rights of others. have a very poor understanding of the values
Article 2 of Law no. 20 of 2001 on of Pancasila and state defense. This is one of
the Amendment to Law Number 31 of 1999 the causes of the many cases of corruption
concerning the Eradication of Corruption in Indonesia, especially those committed by
states that any person who unlawfully commits state officials. State officials should be able
an act of enriching himself or others or a to become role models for many people, but
corporation that could harm the state finance or on the contrary, they have even committed
the economy of the state shall be punished with unlawful acts.
a minimum of 4 years and a maximum of 20 Based on the Corruption Perceptions
years imprisonment and a fine with a minimum Index 2016, Indonesia is ranked 4th in the
of IDR 200 million and a maximum of IDR ASEAN region. The country with the highest
1 billion. In addition, Article 3 states that any Corruption Perceptions Index in Southeast Asia
person with the intention of profiting himself or is Singapore with a score of 84, and is ranked
others or a corporation, misusing the authority, 7th in the world level, followed by Brunei
opportunity or facilities available to him or her Darussalam ranked 2nd with a score of 58, and
due to title or position which may harm the Malaysia ranked 3rd with a score of 49.
state finance or the economy of the State shall
Based on the research conducted by
be punished for life; or imprisonment with a
Transparency International (TI), the Index
minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 20 years
score for Indonesia is 37, up 1 point from
and or a fine with a minimum of IDR 50 million
the previous year, or 36. Indonesia is ranked
and a maximum of IDR 1 billion.
90th out of 176 countries surveyed. The rise
Lately a lot of corruption cases have been in the Corruption Perception Index indicates
revealed in Indonesia, both at the central and that corruption eradication is still running
at the regional level, ranging from members of in Indonesia. But it is so slow that it is hard
the House of Representatives, court apparatus, enough to reach 50 as targeted.
former ministers, governors, mayors, regents,
From the above explanation, the
to the officials of SOE’s. Corruption occurs
author presents this paper entitled “The
because there is an opportunity. The state
Implementation of State Defense Education for
officials use their power to gain illegal profit.
the Heads of Local Government as an Effort to
According to Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, Prevent Corruption”
the perpetrators are not ordinary people
because they have access to commit corruption
by misusing their authority, opportunities or
Based on the above description, the
facilities available to them.3 Marella Buckely
problems can be formulated as follows:
states that corruption is a misappropriation of
2.1 How can the implementation of state
defense education affect the Heads
Marella Buckley, in Hans Otto Sano, et.al., “Hak Asasi Ma-
Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, “Korupsi, Konspirasi dan Keadi- nusia dan Good Governance, Membangun Suatu Ketertiban”,
lan di Indonesia”, Jurnal Dictum LeIP, Edisi I, Jakarta, Lentera (translation by Rini Adriati), Jakarta, DepKumHam, 2003, p.
Hati, 2002, p. 67. 157

70 Asia Pasific Fraud Journal

Volume 3, No.1st Edition (January-June 2018)
G. Theodorus L. Toruan : The Implementation of State Defense Education For.....
Page 69-73

of Local Government not to commit regulatory rule and the consequences

corruption? of the policy for the people whom it
2.2 What causes the Heads of Local affects”
Government to commit corruption?
According to George Edward III,
the success of policy implementation is
3. OBJECTIVES AND BENEFITS determined by the following factors:
3.1. Objectives: 1) Communication
Communication determines
The purposes of study are:
the success of achieving the
a) To describe the implementation
objectives of the implementation.
of state defense education in the
Effective implementation occurs
prevention of corruption.
when decision makers already
b) To explain what causes the Heads
know what to do. Knowledge
of Local Government commit
of what will be done can work
if the communication goes
well so that every decision and
3.2. Benefits:
implementation rule must be
This study is expected to provide
communicated to the appropriate
benefits, among others:
a. Academically, this study
is expected to be a useful
2) Resources
contribution of idea on the
According to George C. Edward
implementation of state
III, the existing resources can
defense education in preventing
determine the success of the
corruption. Furthermore, this
implementation of a program,
study is also expected to be
because the existing resources
developed in subsequent research
are the driving source. Humans
so as to be able to provide
are the most important resource
sustainable benefits.
in determining the success of the
b. Practically, this study is expected
implementation process, while
to be consideration and input to
resources are the success of the
the government in formulating a
implementation process that is
state defense policy for the Heads
influenced by the utilization of
of Local Government.
human resources, cost, and time.
3) Disposition
a. Theory of Implementation
According to George C. Edward
According to George Edward III,
III, disposition or attitude of the
“policy implementation as we have
implementer is an important
seen is the stage of policy making
factor in the implementation
between the establishment of a policy
approach. In order for the
such as the passage of a legislative
implementation to be effective,
act, the issuing of an executive order,
the implementers must have
the handling down of a judicial
the ability to implement it. The
decision, or the promulgation of a
quality of a policy is influenced

Asia Pasific Fraud Journal 71

Volume 3, No.1st Edition (January-June 2018)
G. Theodorus L. Toruan : The Implementation of State Defense Education For.....
Page 69-73

by the quality or characteristics the defense of the state embodied

of the implementer. The success in the conduct of state defense;
of the policy can be seen from b) The participation of the citizen
the disposition (Characteristics in the defense of the state, as
of the implementing agent). referred to in paragraph (a) shall
If the attitude of the be held through:
implementers to be good (1) Civic education
after accepting a policy, the (2) Compulsory basic military
implementers will likely carry training
out their duties seriously as (3) Serving as a soldier
intended. Conversely, if the of the Indonesian
perspectives and behavior of the Army voluntarily or
35 implementers are different compulsorily
from those of the policy makers, (4) Serving according to
the implementation process will profession.
have difficulties. c) Provisions on civic education,
compulsory basic military
4) Bureaucratic Structure training and serving in

According to George C. accordance with the profession
Edward III, although resources shall be regulated by law.
for implementing a policy are
available or the implementers c. Corruption
know what to do and have a Article 2 of Law no. 20 of 2001 on
desire to implement a policy, it the Amendment to Law Number 31
is unlikely that the policy cannot of 1999 concerning the Eradication
be implemented or realized of Corruption states that corruptor is
because there are weaknesses any person, both public and private
in the bureaucratic structure. official, who unlawfully commits an
Bureaucracy as the implementer act of enriching himself or another
must be able to support the policy person or a corporation that could
that has been decided politically harm the state finance or the economy
by doing coordination well. of the state. Corruption is defined as an
act of enriching oneself or others, not
b. State Defense Education performing the mandate and misusing
Law No. 3 of 2002 on State Defense power for self-interest or a particular
mentions that in the administration of group that violates the law and causes
national defense, every citizen has the harm to the state.
right and obligation to participate in
the defense of the state as a reflection Corruption is a contemporary crime
of the life of nationhood which which is different from conventional
ensures the rights of citizens to live one. The difference lies in the level
equally, fairly, safely, peacefully and and social, economic, or educational
prosperously. Meanwhile in Article 9, status of the perpetrator. The causes of
it is affirmed as follows: corruption are not solely determined by
a) Every citizen shall have the right the internal factor of the perpetrators
and obligation to participate in

72 Asia Pasific Fraud Journal

Volume 3, No.1st Edition (January-June 2018)
G. Theodorus L. Toruan : The Implementation of State Defense Education For.....
Page 69-73

but also by the opportunities provided the Head of Local Government.

by the public or the prevailing system. The special research is projected
to an understanding of the values
Corruption occurring in Indonesia of statehood and nationality as
not only harms the state finances but well as the background of the
also violates the social and economic candidates of the Heads of the
rights of the community widely, so Local Government.
corruption should be classified as an
extraordinary crime, and its prevention 7. REFERENCES
and eradication must be carried out Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, “Korupsi, Konspirasi
extraordinarily. dan Keadilan di Indonesia”, Jurnal
Dictum LeIP, Edisi I, Jakarta, Lentera
This study uses descriptive qualitative Holmes, Arthur, W. dan David C. Burns.
method. Data collection is conducted using 2005. Auditing : Standard and Procedures
library research. 9th Edition
Marella Buckley, dalam Hans Otto Sano,
6. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION et.al.,Hak Asasi Manusia dan Good
a. Conclusion: Governance, Membangun Suatu
Given the large number of the Heads Ketertiban, Jakarta, Depkumham, 2003
of Local Government who have been
arrested by law enforcement officials,
especially by Corruption Eradication
Commission (KPK), it can be
concluded as follows:
1) The lack of awareness of the
function of the Head of Local
Government as a role model for
the citizens indicates that the Head
of Local Government does not
apply the values of State Defense
Education in the behavior of daily
2) The existence of opportunity for
the Head of Local Government to
gain personal benefit outside of
his or her authority.
b. Suggestion:
1) The elected Head of Local
Government needs to be included
in the State Defense Education
and Training.
2) It is necessary to revive special
research related to the candidates
who will follow the election of

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Volume 3, No.1st Edition (January-June 2018)
G. Theodorus L. Toruan : The Implementation of State Defense Education For.....
Page 69-73

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Volume 3, No.1st Edition (January-June 2018)

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