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Talk about neighbours, computer games, food. Read about The Sims 3 computer game. Listen to phone calls to a takeaway. Write an ematl about your class. Learn about the Fresent Simple and the Present continuous. Get Ready 1 Listen to the descriptions of the people in the 3. Read the questionnaire and think about pholoy and complete the table. your answers. i I Job | Interest | Personality Mrs Adani | ¢ frendy Mr Tayl gardening es pees ov ‘What are vour next-door nelchbours called? Danny 4 What are they ike? [_Jquiet [noisy oo -_—— Ltierity Joke fiendly 2 re Di page 109. Look at the Key What are ther jobs? | Words. Add more jobs to the list. Have they got a pat? | Have they gat children Key Words: Jobs 4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions dentist doctor electrician hairdresser about yoartieghbavrs. lorry driver mechanic office worker j plumber secretary shop assistant A wth ure your nert-doey neighbiiars culled? taxi driver teacher vet Ro Mrand Mrs Jacks. Gi Warm-up ‘T Look at the photos (a-c) and match them with the sentences (1-3). 1 London has got the biggest Chinatown in Europe. 2 Over a quarter of the people in London are from outside the UK. 3 There are restaurants from over seventy different countries in London. Reading and Listening [i] 2. Read and listen to a radio interview. Answer these questions. 1 How many people are in the Bannerjee family? 2 Where are the grandparents originally frome 3. What is the father's job? 4 What languages do the parents and | children speak? Man I'm in the kitchen in a house in East London. Mrs Banerjee is preparing the dinner; her parents are sitting in the living room with two of her children. What are you cooking, Mrs Bannerjee? Mrs B I'm making fish curry and rice. It's a typical meal from Bangladesh Man Mm, it smells great. Do you always do the cooking? Mrs B Yes, | usually prepare the meals. My husband sometimes helps. He's a good cook. Man Where is he now? Is he worhing? Mrs B Yes, he’s a taxi driver. He usually finishes about ten o'clock Man Your children speak English with a london accent butt they aren't speaking English now. They're talking to their grandparents in 4 different language Mrs B Yes, they're speaking Bengali. All our kids are bilingual, like me and my husband but my parents don't speak English well. Man Where are your other children? Are they doing their homework? Mrs B- Well, Durga is studying for her exams but Apu isn’t doing any schoolwork ~ he's at basketball practice. Man | see, can you tell me about ... mmar: Present Continuous ‘Complete the sentences from the interview with the correct form of the verb to be. 1 making fish curry, irs Bannerjee 2 preparing dinner. Her parents? sitting in the living room. ‘Apu isn’t doing any schoolwork. They 4 speaking English now. Is he working? Yes, he is. p they doing their No, they aren't. homework? What 6 you cooking? Practice 4 What are these people doing at the moment? Use these verbs. cook play study talk work Mrs Banerjee / Mr Banerjee / Apu / The grandparents / Durga Mrs Banerjee is cooking. 5 air work tind five differences between the pictures at the hack af the hook. Student A, page 93 Pe Student B, page 94 the boy sitting in your picture? Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous Look at the sentences below. usually prepare the | I'm making fish curry. Is don't speak They aren't speaking Sh. English now. 7 Complete the rule with Present Simple or Present Continuous. a) For activities b) For regular activities general: Practice 8 Write sentences in the Present simple or Present Continuous. 1 The music next door is very loud My neighbours / have a party we neighbours are having a party. Jam a vegetarian. i / not eat meat 3 ybrother hes a headache, He not do his homework 4 Our teachers are busy now. They / check our tests 5 My sister isn't interested in music. She J not buy CDs 9 Complete the description with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. My next door neighbours are the Lipskis. They 1 (live) at number 5. They 2. (work) in a bank in the City. They've got a daughter, Anna. Look, she >. (play) with their dog in the garden. she * (not go) to school — she's only four. Ihe woman in the garden opposite is Mrs Chang. She’s about seventy and she (love) gardening. She § (cut) her Your Turn 10 Game Think of a person in your class. Make sentences about him or her in the Present simple and Present Continuous. The class guess the person. A. Shes wearing black shoes. She likes sport B bit Sue? A Yes, itis. RING > Page 96, Exercise 4 i ii nee re Warm-up 1 Look at the pictures. What are the people doing? They are doing karate. Reading (tm 2 Read the review of a computer game. In what ways are The Sims like real people? list six things They eat food. What’ happening in my neighbourhood today? The Judsurs ure hieving neh. Mina, their neighbour, is working at the local café. Sam. Mina's husband, is having a shower. This sounds normal but I'm talking about The Sims 3. 1S a virtual world so the people arent real. In The Sims 3, you create imaginary people. You chance what thay look lika, give them names end personalities. You also give them jobs ond build their homes. The Sims 3s fun because it is reelistic: old food in the fridge goes bad and children get dirty. When choructers hiuve u gute uf dess, you can see what they are thinking! Your characters con do most normal things, They travel to work and have a rest when they get home. ‘At the weekends, they have fun with their Friends, Un birthdays and holidays, they have parties, Babies grow up and children become teenagers. Sims con die From old age or they can have an accident and die young, You control their tives but this can be difficult because your characters become unhanpy when you make a bad decision, You cantt win or lose The Sims 3 but itis great fun. If you know The Sims 1 and 2, this one is better. And if you are new to The Sims, try it! Read the review again. Choose the correct 6 Look at the Sentence Builder. answer, a), b) or ¢). The Jacksons, Mina and Sam are Se — = the writer's friends. ' characters from a film. The Sims is fun because | it's realistic. people in a computer game. The Sims is realistic | so it’s fun. Iu The Sims 3 you cat create new countries. people and places. television programmes. The characters in The Sims 3 are sometimes unhappy. 7 Now join the halves of the sentences with so or because. 1 She's worried a) he's looking for it. 2 Wshis party tonight b) she’s got a new computer game. 1) never have meals, ‘ : sins haveatons 2 tees ne ©) he's very excited. 4 The writer likes the game because 4° He can’t find his d) the children are a) you can win things. phone all quiet. &) itis fun. 7 ReeSNESr ut Gnhing Bute) her tfiend Us lane: it's worse than The Sims 2. 4. Look at the Word Builder. Find five more Speaking exresslons Wit ave rhe ets 8 Workin pairs. ask and answer questions about = computer games. : - 1 How many hours a week do you play She is having a shower. computer games? They have lunch at 1 o'clock, 2 What kind of computer games do you like? (e.g. roleplay, fantasy, war?) 2 What computer games are you good at? 5 Read the sentences. Add sentences with have. ai -peiealthee ne prupir seconmit! | 1 They're in a café. other people? Dey re in a cafe. Theyre having lanch. 5 Do you argue with your parents about 2 ‘I'm tited. computer games? 3 They are talking and laughing together. ‘6 How many computer games have you got? 4 It’s his birthday. 7 Do you ever play games on the Internet? 5 In the film, he drives very fast in bad weather. 8 Do you ever play other games, for example, 6 She's in the bathroom. chess, cards, buardgames?: Q Tell the class about your partner. She kes roleplay games. She's got a virtual 200 and she looks after all the animals ying computer games ‘an give yo ra Warm-up 1. Picture Dictionary page 108. Look at the Key Words. Which fond and drink da you like? What things are good for you? Food and Drink burger cheese chips cola fish fruit hot dog ice cream kebab meat milk orange juice pizza salad sandwich vegetables water yoghurt 2 What do you have when you go out with your friend? Reading and Listening (IM 3. Read and listen to the dialogue. Are these 1 2 S 4 5 sentences true (T) or false (F)? [J] ethan and Rory have pizzas. [J Grace and Lydia have sandwiches. [5] Grace is thinking about the competition [5] tyuia is happy to see joe. I] Grace wants to take the pound back. On Saturday, the group are in central London. They have lunch in a café. Ethan I'm starving! lydia You're always hungry. Waiter Hello. Can | help you? Grace Yes, please. Can | have a tuna sandwich? Ethan And I'd like a pizza, please. Rory The same for me and a cola, please. Waiter And what would you like? lydia Oh, | can't decide ... A hot dog and a bottle of water, please. What would you like to drink? Orange juice for me, please. A boitle of water, please. Is that everything? Yes, thanks, ... This cate’s nice. Can we bring the exchange cudents here? It's a nice place for visitors. You can see ... +: my brother Joe! Where? There, he's waving He looks okay. You don’t live with him! Waiter Ethan Grace Waiter Grace Lydia Grace Lydia Grace Lydia Later Grace Look, I've got £2.40 change. That’s wrong = the correct amount is £1.40. Wait here, I'm going back to the café Why? It's his mistake. I can't keep it. It’s dishonest. Keep it, it's only a pound. Lydia Grace Lydia Rory I don’t know. itis only a pound, but it’s ‘ishonest. Speaking 4 Look at the Key Expressions. Key Expressions: Ata café Can help you? Yes, please, Can | have a tuna sandwich, please? 1 like a pizza, please. The same for me, pl what would you like to eat? 50. What would you like to drink? ‘Orange juice for me, please. A bottle of water, please. 5 Work in groups. Act out a dialogue in a café. Use the Key Words and the Key Expressions. A Hello. Can I help you? B can/havea.. 1 Read the Listening Help. Listening Help: Doing tasks (a2 * Before you listen, check you know what to do, eg. complete a table, fill in gaps, etc. © when you listen, use abbreviations 10 write answers quickly, e.g. ch (chicken), oj (orange juice), sal (Salad). Look at the menu above. Listen to two boys ordering takeaway food by phone. Complete the table. Boy1 | Boy2 Food and drinks 6 fs Phone number How much does each bay spend? Listen closely Complete each gap with one word. Hello, Happy Snacks, ____ help you? What like? iierians small? And one water. ant phone number, please? And Listen again and repeat the sentences. (RIWEOINE > Page 96, exercise 6 ‘ing: A personal email 1. Read the email and answer the questions. 1. Why is Rory writing the email? 2. Why does he like London? 3. What is their neighbourhood like? Tate Modern Shakesped Glebe The: = === Farliamcnt To: Subject Hi from London! HIE 3) We're in the competition and we are planning your days in London. There are four of us in the |” group. We're typical Londoners: Ethan's grandparents are from the Caribbean, Lydia's mum is | Polish so she can speak Polish and Grace is bilinqual too. She speaks Turkish at home because her dad is from Turkey. My mum and dad are Scottish but we don’t speak Gaelic! London is a great place because there is lots to see. You can see some of the hest places in the attached map. We've got lots of ideas for the two days: Lydia wants to visit the Tate Modern | Gallery because she loves art (she mode the map). Groce's into 2port 20 ahe wants to take you to the Wembley Stadium in north London. Ethan and I love music and we write songs together} ne writes the lyrics ano I do the music. When you're In London, we wal tw Lake you Ww Covert | Garden - you can hear some cool street musicians there, We know a great café in central London for lunch. The food is good and it isn’t expensive. We live in east London and our school is in an interesting neighbourhood. There are cafés from lots of different countries so we can take you for a snack from Bangladesh, Thailand, Turkey, or Polan Win or lose, we're leaking farward ta maating youl Best wishes, |__ Rory Text Builder 2. Match the parts of the email (1-6) with the 4 Work in groups of three. Imagine a group topics (2-4) of international students is coming to your ayn emailintrnstisn school. Write an email to the visitors. Follow b) goodbye NRE 4 hens i 2,4 Choose a topic each (AC) and make e) the group ; notes f) their neighbourhood A the people in your group B your interests 3 Louk at the linking words in blue in the email. your ares Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. £7} Putyournotes together. Use them to 1 Anna loves football. she hates basketball. (but) aa Anna loves football bre se hades basketball Use this order: 2. I'm into films. My brother likes films. (too) 1 addresses/subject/date 3. London is an interesting city, It's got lots of a famous sights. (because) Sip cies 4 Jack likes Liverpool. Jack likes Manchester # aoe United. (and) $ poiee 5 We live on the coast. We can go surfing at the weekends, (50) B 6 Thal computer game is fun. Ws difficull. (but) Understanding Grammar: | | ——— 1. Read the text. Have you got any strange neighbours? Live in a very quiet area. Everybody and friendly but we have one very strange neighbour. He’s an astronomer. He lives alone ina big house with a telescope on the root. The house is very old. The man has a small ugly dog and two cats, The dog plays in the garden all the time. The man is always at home. When | go to school, | see him in front of his computer. He doesn’t go to work, he doesn't travel by bus, he never goes to church, and he never talks to people. But at night, he is usually on the roof and he studies the stars. ice 2 Look at the blue words in the text. Choose the correct words to complete the rule. We use 'a / the when we talk about a person or thing for the first time, and we use a / the when we talk about this thing or person again. 3 Look at the zreen words in the text. What roof, what garden and what man is the author waiting about? The reuf uf the astronomer’s house Choose the correct word below to complete the rule, fe use the when it is / isn’t clear what person ‘thing we are talking about. 5 complete the sentences with a, an or the. 1 Thisis nice house ~ garden is big and rooms are light. 2 My room is small but ___ window is very big. 3 We have dog and two hamsters but hamsters are afraid of ___ dog, 4 Our town has old theatre, concert hall and stadium. theatre is very old but concert hall and stadium are new. 5 1 go to school with friend from mary school. 6 On Sunday, we often eat lunch in restaurant, 6 Look at the words in red. They don’t have a, an or the. Complete the sentences with similar ‘expressions trom the box. have breakfast in hospital at school in bed gohome by taxi by plane after lunch 1 My grandfather always goes for a walk 2 I don't like travelling scared 3 Don't call them now! It’s midnight, they're —___., 'malways 4 y sister is only fifteen, she's stil 5 5 You're tired and have a rest, | can finish the work. 6 I get up very late and | rarely before school 7 Ws ate, let's go home 8 The head teacher has a heart problem, he is 7 Complete the text with a, an, the or nothing (). ‘We normally eat at ' home but sometimes we go out and have 2 dinner in > Italian restaurant in t ‘town centre. °___ restaurant very nice and nat very expensive. We usually sit by © fireplace. 7 food is always very good. ° ‘walters are students from? university and they are very nice. " restaurant is also open at" niight so Uiey work very hard. We come '* home by ®______ taxi and [usually go to « bed straightaway. al Study Corner 2 Language Check Write the jobs. | work in an office, s__ U repair cars. m work in a shop. s_ | give people medicine. d_ J cut and style hair h Complete the sentences. | always have a p_______ with my friends on my birthday. We otten have ___ restaurant on Sundays. 8 | sometimes go to the amusement park with my friends, We have great f 9 Mydad has abigb______ morning. He likes bacon and eggs. 410 When we are on holiday, my parents always have ar___ in the afternoon. oN HEWN x at my uncle's in the Vocabulary [_|/ 10 3 Complete the text with a. the or (2). Our neighbours are *? nice family. 2 father works at © home and 4__ mother is ®__ maths teacher, she helps me with my maths homework! Feedback | [ii © Listen and check your answers to the Language Check. Write down your scores © Look at the table. Check where you made mistakes. Wrong answers: | Look again at: Numbers 1-5 _| Get Ready — Key Words Numbers 6-10 | Unit 5 Word Builder Numbers 11-15 | Understanding Grammar Numbers 16-25 | Unit 4 - Grammar Numbers 26-30 Unit 6 ~ Key Expressions © Now do the exercises in Language Check 2 of the Workbook. 4. Choose the correct verb in each sentence. 16 My father drives | is driving to work every day. 17 1 am tidying | tidy my room at weekends. 18 My sister often is playing / plays computer games. 19 But at the moment she does / is doing her homework. 20 | am not liking J don’t like Chinese food 21 We usually are watching | watch TV at night. 22 At the moment my mum is preparing | prepares the dinner. 23 Where is Paul? Ah, he is sitting / sits in the cous. 24 A. What are you doing / do you do? B{amlooking for my pen. (25 A What are you doing / do you do? B lama secretary. Grammar [_|/ 15 5 Complete the dialozue with the correct words. Waiter Can I help you? Kim Yes =___ Ihave a salad, please? Sonia 1d>______ a cheese sandwich, please. Waiter What ________you like to drink? Kim A bottle of water. Resta the 2 forme, Waiter Okay, a salad, a cheese sandwich and two bottles of water. KeyBepersdions 1/5 Study Help: Storing vocabulary Look at these ways of storing vocabulary. ese e ios Corecess Seale Caer r fonny Peete a. Personality prondy honest © Draw a table for food. Divide it into three columns: meat/vegetables/fruit. © Drawaa diagram for jobs. How many can you add to the diagram in two minutes? Get Ready _ Vocabulary: Jobs 1 Complete the words for jobs (1-11), then match them with the correct pictures (ak). Adentist a etect____ at DOODOOODEEEE! E 2 Listen to Mark and write true (1) or false (F). Your Turn 1 Mark and jack live in London 3 What ate your neighbours like? Write 2 They don't like computers. six sentences. 3 They often play sport. 4 They have an unfriendly neighbour “3 Mark is good at science. ee - © Emma is a helpful neighbour aI ! g Vocabulary and Grammar Vocabulary Grammar: Present Cuntinuous 1 Match the verbs (1-5) and the words (ae). > Geammalstatieede digi tt 1 do a] the cooking 2) speak \ b) a meal se 4 Look at the picture in Exercise Sime ¢ mean 3. Complete the sentences in ide A slong the Present Continuous. * 1 Look! The people 3 study for “~~ e) your homework epee aredancing (dance) 2 Complete the sentences, Use the words in the box. in the street! accents bilingual grandparents 2 What é originally typical {they / wear)? 3 Who —— play) 1 My grunparents are my parents’ parents. the music? 2 Weal speak English but we have different 4 The little girt 3 Pasta a —_Natian meat, (enjoy) the Festival. 4 My dad can speak two languages. He's =i 5 The dancers se, 5 We're British but our family is from Poland. (not / wear) typical British 3 Complete the text with words fram Exercise 2 Sete Grammar: Present | Simple and Present Continuous | & Grammar Reference, page 100 | 2 5 Choose the correct form of the verbs. 1. Every summer, peopleravel) Zare travelling to London for the festival 2 Do you usually golAre your beat te tewally going tothe festival? | | 3° Listen! They play/They're playing the drums? Every serene siete 1s ae Testi temee De tne cue I's called the Notting Hill Festival. dlancesishe's dancing in the het Inthe sitet street. | Gravudparents parents and children dance toget ; About one milion people fem man diesen countries eqjoy the | 5. don't often dancelam not fentivel every yor ~ you coe hear many different languages and | ie PRONE aah Abs people fo Gritain, but . —— «Sarno in ae eee — | & They ahways play/are always anyatsLordorary: Som of tie odren: We ——___—_— playing very loud music. tiey speak English at school and other languages at home. A; Look at that woman! she The ‘and dances are* from the Caribbean. | wearsiShe’s wearing amazing Alot of the food is” Caribbean food There's ory | clothest | one problem: the weather is British! ‘G Complete the description with the verbs (ah). a) are playing e) dance b) walk loves q go 8) play @) is playing h) ‘shaving These men! ¢ to the festival every year-They 2, round the streets and? their music. They often * , too, Everybody *__ them, They © their instruments now. One man = avery big drum. He * a great time. 7 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, ‘Sarah ' teaches (teach) in a big London school. Many of her students * (speak) English at school and a different language at home. She often * (help) them with their English, but they also* __{leara} from their friends, Today is Monday. It's 10 o'clock and Sarah (teach) science, Two of the students are from other countries and they *__ {not speak) English very well, At the moment, a special teacher ?__ (help) ‘them: She * {explain} some new words to them. x 8 Complete the questions. 1 Listen! What _ axe they singing (they / single : {ole eae the answer? What language (they / usually / speaky? What's funny? Why {you / laugh)? What for)? Can I help? (you / know) (you / look Make questions for the answers, Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. sit speak go watch do live Q Why has your brother got his. guitar? Where he = ‘A. Band practice. they Birmingham? ‘A No, they're Londoners. Why ___ you __on the sofa? ‘A Because I'm tired. What — you ? ‘A. The Simpsons. Come and wateh it with me! How many languages he_ 2 Two. English and German. What ___she Be Her homework, | think. i B suis Reading 1. Complete the text. Choose a), b) or ¢). Bo you like travelling? Do you * _€ _ to visit different countries? ‘Well, now you can see the world from your own home. You just need 5 the Internet! Virtual travellers ?____ need tickets, so their journeys are free! They can go round the world in an afternoon or stay in Would you like to see London? There are cameras in all the streets. What's 4 __in Trafalgar Square? Cars, taxis and buses are moving slowly: 15 round the square. People * walking in and out of buildings, up and down steps, and round and found the statues, just click on the screen and watch. Sometimes you 20 can control the camera. Would you like to go to the country, or a beach? Create your own virtual holiday ~ choose from a long list of exciting and wonderful places. 25 Maybe you © make a decision — don't worry, go to all of them? And when you really go out, smile — because someone? 30 watching you! 1a) wants b) wanting ¢) want 2 a) don't b) aren't ) haven't 3 ais bj are ¢ be 4 a) happening —b) happens ¢}_ happen 5 a} do bj have =) are € a) don) b) con't ©) aren't 7 as b) awe be 2 Choose a heading for the text. a) Relax and Travel b) Plan Your Next Holiday The Computer Game for Travellers 3 Match the definitions with words or phrases from the text. 1 not real — on 3 computer! (ines) ei rtaal 2° the area near my home. (line 9) 3 a good time (line 9) 1 4 direct (verb) (line 20) 5 make(line 22) 6 decide (line 25-6) - Your Turn 4 imagine there’s a camera in the classroom. You and your partner are watching. What's happening? Vocabulary $s 1 Complete the dialogues. Choose a), bj orc). Would you like to see @)_ That's a good idea! London? B) Yes, { do. Yes, 1 love it. How often do you use a) _ Yes, 'm using it now. the Internet? b) Every day. Yes. | do. What does he do? a) He works with computers, b) He's using a computer. ) Yes, he does. Do you go to work? a) By bus. b) No, I'ma student: No. I'm going to town, Are you playing a game? a) Yes, it's brilliant, 'b) Yes, sometimes. ©) The Sims, Do you like travelling? _a)__That’s a good idea. b) By plane. ©) Yes, it’s great. Complete'the sentences. Choose a), b) or ¢). Mydogis 6 ald now. a} being) getting ¢} having Children grow — then they arc adults. ajup by olde) tal ‘Does your brother go to =F; a) job) office) work always ___when | play chesst a) fail —b) lose al ‘Wow! This picture is very v a) real b) really —_¢) realistic When you want to use the CD ROM, __—_ um ‘START’. a) click) touch) press Write the words. We feel this when we are'sad. un Aa p py This means ‘not reali This is the opposite of ‘unusual’. 1. ‘This person lives near me.m ‘When children grow up, they become these? a a He or she is a person in a story. _ = & Complete the sentences. Use expressions with have. 9 Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets. ‘Sentence Builder 1 Computers are usetul because they ee ee 2 {often play computer games, 0 tim very good at them. (because) 3. 1 don't write many letters because | -tusttally use the phone of email. (50) | ‘our computer's broken sot can't (because) 8 Communication Vocabulary: Food and drink 1 Write the words in the correct lists. Key Expressions: At a café 2 Complete the dialogue. Choose correct replies for the customer. There are two extra replies. Waiter —_Hello, welcome! Customer 1 © a) An orange juice, | think. No, can | Waiter Can | help you? have a cola? Customer- 2 b) Yes, please. Waiter _Vegetable or meat? a AhThanks: Customer 3 _ ‘ Walter And what would ynu like to’ deink?: Gh, Yes, Ie like a kebab, plense. Gere b e) Yes, you can. Waiter Okay. 1s that all? f) Oh, meat, please. Customer 5 ___ 8) Yes, thank you. i Waiter You're welcome. 3 Complete the dialogue. Write one word in each gap. Waiter Hello, can 1 ____ you? Kate Yes. 1 sam And _____ a hot dog, Waiter Okay. And what __ you = = samt ___an orange juice, Kate And acola_ me, : CTE Writing Challenge 1 1 Read the email. Choose the correct answers. 2. choose the correct words. 1 You can meet new people@ndbut learn abaut their lives. 2 Thisis a great way to learn about the world so/ because you make friends at the same time. 3° I don’t speak Spanish and/but my friends in Pecu speak English 4 We've got a computer at home so/because | ‘an send emails easily. 5 Id like to go to Peru one day. I'd like to go to Subject: Introduction to e-friends Date: 3rd November Hit Welcome to e-friends! Now you can make Brazil, so/too. Vac Ca 6 {want to know about the country and/too the Your first e-friends are some students = in Peru, South America! This Is their 3 Complete the reply. Use and (x 2), but {x 3), 0, address: because or too. | ‘They are waiting for your first email. Tell | them about some or ail of these things: your class and your schoo! your interests your town ‘Ask them some questions about their school and their lives. | This ts a great chance for you - enjoy it! | Best wishes and good luck | aenny and everyone at e-frienas Hit = 'm one of your new e-friendst | fm fourteen | and 1 Hereford. it's in England, | ‘Place. Maybe you can find it on a map. | 1 g0 to a big school, It has nearly 1,000 jean 3_ the classes aren't very big. There are twenty people in mine. 1 study nine subjects. My favourite subject is geography, 4__ I want to hear all about Perul | like languages. °___. 1 study fi : {aria maton Heh a cen Tb stn af Sonemeres deer pi 2 oer ie ere | tock | can't play # musical instrument 2 I can sing. What about you? 2 What's it about? J can’t write any more now ®__ my a) Peru mums calling me, Please write back soon! b) travelling contacting new people 3 Who's going to write the next message? Your Turn a) efriends 3 — 4 Write your message to Peru! some students in Peru 4 What ate they going to write about? a) their lives b) Peru @ efriends Understanding Grommuar: a, anor the 1 > Grammar Reference, page 101 ‘dex 2 Find and correct one mistake in each sentence. Choose the correct words: There's the skateboarding park in our town, . and there's a leisure centre too. | never go to My trend Dave has got 'a/em/the electric a leisure centre because it's very expensive, guitar. He plays in 2a/an/the band. There's ‘but | often go to the skateboarding park. 4a/anjthe drummer and ‘a/an/the singer, to, tsa amazing place and we always have a SAjAniThe band’s name is Elephant. They be ee ee See good piattise every Satuirtiay tai Maran /tne alt 0 16 see the film there. We'd like to go to building in “a/an/the drummer's garden. concerts but we haven't got the concert hall 8A/An/The drummer's name is Ben and he in our town. wants to be °a/an/the rock star. 3 Complete the information about your house or flat. Ee -uUNo B® eau Vive ina small house. it's got a kitchen, a sitting rvom, two bedrooms and a bathroom house or flat? /(i © Hs got te what's it like? Ss Favourite room? My favourite neom i what's in itz There's ‘Complete the sentences with a, an, the or nothing (-). ‘We usually goto __4 __snack bar and have Junch there. There's youth club in our town and | sometimes go there after __ school. My sister has broken leg so she’s in hospital, ‘We've got two computers in our classroom. One of them is new, and it’s great. other one is old. Do you ever have _ breakfast in __ bed? I stay at home on Saturday, but my friend jo goes to __ school. Ve got___ old bike, but 1 usually travet by car or bus. Look at those people. Is ‘man famous? | q Language Check 2 Vocabulary ‘1 Who do they need? Complete the word for the job. My cat's sick! vet 1 My hair is very untidy. bh 2 Ican't write letters and answer the phone at the same time! s 3° The tights don't work! e 4 I've got a problem with my car. m é 5 I don’t feel very well, d Cys 2 Complete the sentences. Use expressions with have. Every birthday Vhave a party and invile all my friends. 1 Tom's at the pool. He's having a 2 Everyone's laughing. They're having, 3 Idon’t like baths, so | always have a 4° My mum usually does the cooking, and we have at about 7 p.m. 5 It’s one o'clock and I'm hungry. Let's have is 3 Write the word for the food or drink. This brown drink is very popular. cole This white drink is good for you. This round meal is Irom Italy! This is cold and delicious. Potatoes are_ ink. Apples and oranges are This food comes from the sea, __ anawna Grammar 4 Write the correct farm of the verb in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Look, there's Joluel where's he going (go)? 1 ____ you usually __{work) on Saturdays? 2 What's funny? Why you (laugh)? |____(wear) my new shoes today, but they aren't very comfortable. 4 Maisie always (talk) in class. She's very noisy. 5 Look! Ben __ (not / study), he (sleep)! Lis 5 Complete the sentences with «, an, the ‘or nothing (-}. 1 I've got__4 CD player and MP3 player. 2 Do you usually go to bus? 3 Jolten buy __sandwieh for lunch, café and ___ restaurant __ café is okay butt restaurant, school by 4 There's near our school don't like hits Key Expressions Complete the dialogue. Waiter Can| hele you? apa? would * __ Vike to drink? a bottle of water, please? Ls Module 2 CV vocatuiary EC) Whe @ 1 Grammar © inane @ | Key Expressions ©) rhisisdtio Liss

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