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Jann Daniel Linan

CPE321 – Basic Occupational Health and Safety

CPE3B – Final Assignment

Site: The Threat of an Anthrax Attack | CDC
Bioterrorism is a serious problem all over the world. It would be beneficial to the company if steps were taken to prevent such a situation
and to be prepared in the event that one did arise.

Few steps that can be taken to mitigate the effects would be the following:

o Mail, parcels, packages, and other items may be scanned to ensure their safety using suitable scanning devices.
o Employees might be asked not to send personal mail or parcels to the office address. This will remove a significant danger, as many
times, mails are sent to a particular employee with the word "personal" in the subject line.
o Awareness amongst employees regarding such bioterrorism would help a great deal and their co-operation in many aspects of
working against bioterrorism as a team.
o Regular updates regarding new strains of virus/bacteria can be passed on through regular training meets.
o Employees can be trained to identify suspicious packages or mails.
o Employees can be trained to identify symptoms of such an attack if one occurs despite strict regulations. If any such attack occurs,
and the same is contagious or communicable, employees can take corrective measures.
o Authorities like OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) can assist us in helping with getting hold of vaccines (if
o Running mock drills and trials would help to be well prepared in case of an attack.

Elements of emergency preparedness

o Authorities like OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), CDC, NIH, and DOD can be pulled in to train regarding
o Authorities like OSHA can assist us in helping with identifying the actual strain of virus/bacteria etc. and to assist us in getting hold
of the medicine or antidote to counter the attack.
o The nearest hospital can be roped in to assist in case of an attack. By keeping them in the loop, they can ensure that they can bring
in the required and appropriate medicines or antidote during or after an attack.
o Specialized kits can always be kept in office premises to mitigate any issues or attacks.
o Protective equipment or gears should always be kept in office premises.
o Collaboration with emergency help team can also be done to assist during an outbreak.

A bioterrorist attack would be quite devastating but if preventive measures and corrective actions are taken at the appropriate time, and
each and every individual is well aware and well prepared for the same, it can lead to saving lives and to reduce the consequences of such an
attack to a considerably reduced effect.

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