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So, time to talk about the nightmares :P,

when I look back in my overall career of 3.5 years as a java developer, I found these two particular
projects worked in two different companies one at an MNC and other in start-up.

Though I stated them as nightmares but those are the two projects which gave some adrenal rush
kind of feeling which was somehow felt alive.

Firstly, ill discuss the project when I was working with a MNC

I call it as “ the migration days”.

As usual I was working with spring frame works , mostly Spring MVC. It’s a banking domain project

In this project the work of our web application was to onboard the clients of banks and perform KYC
on those clients.

Generally this includes the capital / sanctions imposed on the country from which the client is
originated / as well as sanction imposed on the country from which the client is doing business with/
above point also looked for the stake holders originated countries.

Once the client is on boarder the KYC is performed and mark the client / their company as valid KYC
for a particular period…now the KYC is also performed after this stated period to re authenticate the
KYC because the country sanctions and risk on that changes time to time.

Our work : to manage the application and give new features/enhancement / bus fixes frequently.

So the project was a legacy project which was about to be decommissioned and the business wanted
to migrate the data as well as client with the whole process to some other framework called as

So we were stuck for many days planning how to migrate all available process / data to a totally
different tech than java.

After several thought and consulting with the business owners we finally came to a conclusion to
migrate the data and process one by one in an overlapping manner with Spring REST services.

Concept of this solution :

The user will start the process in the old UI of java as usual and then the process of KYC which was
done by the logic and system will be done in the new tech which was fenergo and then after the
client is processed the vaid KYC will also be returned in the old system in java for closure.

Due to this the client whose account is already being with old system can process the KYC on new
system and get the processed results back for closure..

Tech Solution :
We practically pushed all clients KYC related data to the new system through REST apis and freezed
the client in old system till the processed KYC data is sent back using same REST api and get
integrated with the old system .

Secondly, I will talk about the recent project I carried out when I was working for a start-up (2020-

Ill say this experience as a “Learning curve”

I joined there as a java developer for mostly to develop Rest aspis made with spring framework and
hibernate with Oracle database as back end and JSP + html as front end. (was doing my part)

So one day the start-up got one project which they want to develop not only on web which was only
jsp+html+css but also on android as well as iOS.

There were only 4 developers in the team 3 backend 1 frontend (angular) , we needed an android as
well as an iOS developer which was costly and time consuming and with some marginal budget we
weren’t able to hire two platform dev.

So earlier as a hobby I was exploring different tech in front end to pursue as a full stack dev 2019
start I chose to learn mobile application development and FLUTTER caught my eye, from then I was
just exploring the tech and lil poc here and their just for fun.

We had around 6 months to master Flutter and develop web as well as android app integrating this
to rest apis .

So by trial and error and give and take 7 months we finally learnt Flutter + Dart with some supporting
firebase tech and developed Android as well as WebApp with same codebase for the project. The
iOS app is in development with the same code base of flutter.

Its in testing phase ..can get the name and webapp url in the resume.

So now I can finally develop java supported backend system with all three platforms (android iOS
and web) with Flutter as front end tech.

short term goal will be carving knowledge on distributed systems with maturing my current

In long run want manage / build distributed systems with my own team

Want to explore business understanding / close working with real case scenarios and how to
apply them to distributed tech such as microservices , Kafka etc.
had no plans for starting up a startup n very much fascinated/excited if sees one and
how they started , bringing down the real life business case close to us from ideas to our hand
using techs.

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