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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

in Healthcare
Module code: MOD005917
Module Leader: Carmelita Charles
Week 3 session 2
Ground Rules
• Respect ( find out what it means to me)
• Valuing contributions –everyone has the right to
express their opinion
• Everyone has the right to be listened to and have
their views acknowledged
• Arguments will be challenged
• It is ok to laugh and have fun
• Zoom Online Etiquette
• Time Management
Aims and Objectives
By the end of this session you will:
• Have began research on the build block of the value
proposition of The Business Model Canvas
• Have applied this building block to a case study
• Have engaged in a peer activity
The Business Model Canvass
The Business Model Canvas
The Business Model Canvas
It is argued that entrepreneurs should design, develop and test
as many business models as possible. Using multiple business
models for a startup allows the entrepreneur to design and test
these multiple hypotheses.

• [Lorenzo, Oswaldo/Kawalek, Peter/Wharton, Leigh.

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology]
Comfort stop 15 minutes
Group Activity: 30 minutes
In your groups research go to the Fraunhofer website and
research two themes. One of the themes must be health.
Prepare a PowerPoint slide with your findings to feedback to
the whole group
• Fraunhofer is currently Europe’s largest organization for
applied research, with more than 13,000 staff sharing a total
budget of 1.3 billion euros: “People need health, security,
energy, communication, the environment and mobility. These
are the main challenges that occupy everyone’s attention
today. And it is on these six thematic fields that we focus our
research capacities.” See more about this organization at its
Centre for Excellence in Technology
Enhanced Care (CETEC)
NHS Digital
The past, present and future of innovation to support and
empower the patient
By Hazel Jones and Jackie Tatterton. 13 July 2018
Please read the blog on line or you can download the word
document on the VLE
Watch the Film: The Founder
Homework: watch the film Founder
Questions for discussion
Please watch the film The Founder. Then, answer the following
1. Outline the entrepreneurial lifecycle of McDonald. In particular,
describe the way the need or problem was identified, the way
the idea was created, the way the business model was generated,
the resources acquired over time, and the way the business was
scaled up.
2. Identify different moments of iteration in the search phase of the
customer development process.
3. Analyse how the brothers McDonald and Mr Kroc were dealing
with the acquisition of resources to develop the business. In
particular, identify examples of effectuation from the case.

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