Final Accounts Solution

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Name Roll

1 Kaniz Fatema Mehzabin 2025171048

2 Lazina Shehrin Hoque 2025171066
3 Hasin Farhan 2025171058
4 Kazi Nazia 2025171044
5 Imtiaz Imdad 2025171092
6 Fahim Ahmed Chowdhury 2025171096
7 Masrur Jamil Prochchhod 2025171090
8 Mahmud Sinan 2025171050
9 Sadman Ishq Sumam 2025171064

10 Shams Siam 2025171028

11 Tanvir Dihan 2025171040
12 Abu Sayeed Anoy 2025171062
Name of the Business
Owners' Equity Statement
For the year ended 31st December ,2018
Particulars Taka Taka

Capital 73000  
Add. Net Profit 14460  
Less. Drawings 7100  
Owner's Equity   80360

Term Paper
Name of the Business
Statement of Financial Position
For the year ended 31st December ,2018
Particulars Taka Taka Taka
Current Asset:      
Cash   48372  
Accounts Receivable   5668  
Prepaid Insurance   1665  
Prepaid rent   825  
Computer supplies   580  
Total Current Asset     57110
Fixed Asset:      
Office equiment 8000    
less. accumulated Depreciation 400    
Computer equipment 20000    
less. accumulated depreciation 1250    
Total Fixed Asset     26350
Total Asset     83460
Owner's Equity and Liability      
Current Liability:      
Accounts payable   1100  
Wages payable   500  
Unearned computer service revenue   1500  
Total Current Liability     3100
Owners equity:     80360
Total O/E and Liability     83460
Closing entries
1) Closing the Revenue account to Income Summary Account

2) Closing the Expense account to Income Summary Account

Debit Credit

Income Summary 16,824


Wages Expense 3,875

Rent Expense 5,228
Depreciation Expense (1250 + 400) 1,650
Mileage Expense 1,146
Computer Supplies Expense 3,065
Repairs Expense – Computer 1,860
Debit Credit

Computer Service Revenue 31,284

Income Summary 31,284

3) Transferring the Balance of Income Summary to Capital

Debit Credit

Income Summary 14,460

Capital 14,460

4) Transferring the Withdrawing Account to Capital Account

Debit Credit

Capital 7,100

Withdrawing 7,100
Debit Credit

Income Summary 14,460

Capital 14,460

Debit Credit

Income Summary 14,460

Capital 14,460

Question 2

Taranagar Enterprise
Statetment of Financial Performance
For the year ended 30th June, 2019
Particulars Taka Taka Taka
Sales Revenue     950000
Less. Cost of goods sold:      
Inventory (01.07.2018)   80000  
Purchase   500000  
less.Closing Stock   60000  
Gross Profit     430000
Less. Operating expense:      
Expired Prepaid insurance   10000  
Advertisement expense   30000  
Salary and wages expense 80000    
add. Salary and wages payable 20000    
Utilities expense   5000  
Supplies expense   20000  
Depreciation on building and equipment (40000 +
30000)   70000  
Interest on bank loan   30000  
Operating Income     165000
Add. Other revenues and gains:      
Investment Income   30000  
Net Profit     195000

Taranagar Enterprise
Statetment of Financial Position
For the year ended 30th June, 2019
Particulars Taka Taka Taka
Current Asset :      
Cash   150000  
Accounts Receivable   100000  
Closing Inventory   60000  
Supplies 30000    
less. Used 20000    
Prepaid Insurance 45000    
less. Expired 10000    
Total Current Asset     355000
Fixed Asset:      
Land   500000  
Building 800000    

less. Accumulated depreciation (440000+40000) 480000    

Equipment 600000    

less. Accumulated depreciation (330000+30000) 360000    

Total Fixed Asset     1060000
Total Asset     1415000
Liability and Owners' Equity      
Current Liabilities:      
Accounts Payable   70000  
Notes Payable   80000  
Salary and wages payable   20000  
Interest on Bank Loan   30000  
Total Current Liability     200000
Long Term Liability:      
Bank Loan   300000  
Total Long Term Liability     300000
Owner's Equity:      
Capital   800000  
Add. Net profit   195000  
less. Drawings   80000  
Owner's Equity     915000
Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity     1415000

Question 3
Statetment of Financial Performance
For the year ended 31th December, 2015
Particulars Taka Taka Taka
Rent Revenue   9200  
Add. Earned rent revenue   1000  
Salary expense 3000    
Add.unpaid 300    
Utilities expense   1000  
Advertising expense   500  
Expired Prepaid Insurance (200x8)   1600  
Depreciation on lodge (2400/12x8)   1600  
Depreciation on Furniture (1800/12x8)   1200  
Used supplies (1900-1200)   700  

Interest on Mortgage Payable (35000x24%=8400/12x8)   5600  

Net Loss     -5300

Statetment of Financial Position
For the year ended 31st December, 2015
Particulars Taka Taka Taka
Current Asset:      
Cash   2500  
Prepaid Insurance 1800    
less. Expired 1600    
Unsed Supplies   1200  
Total Current Asset     3900
Fixed Asset:      
Land   15000  
Lodge 70000    
less. accumulated depreciation 1600    
Furniture 16800    
less. accumulated depreciation 1200    
Total Fixed Asset     99000
Total Asset     102900
Liabilities and Owner's Equity      
Current Liability:      
Accounts Payable   4700  
Unearned rent revenue 3600    
less. Earned 1000    
Unpaid salary   300  
Interest on mortgage loan   5600  
Total Current Liability     13200
Long term liability      
Mortgage payable   35000  
Total long term liability     35000
Owner's equity      
Capital   60000  
Less. Net loss   5300  
Owners Equity     54700
Total Owner's Equity and liability     102900

Question 4
MS Shapla & Co.
Statement of Financial Performance
For the year ended 31st December, 2003
Particulars Taka Taka Taka
Fees Revenue   79320  
Add.Unearned Fees Earned (1800-700)   1100  
Less.Expenses :      
Salary Expense 25200    
Add. Unpaid Salary 1300    
Rent Expense 5000    
Add. Rent Expired 1000    
Telephone Expense   2490  
Interest on Bills Payable   210  
Expired Prepaid Insurance   600  
Office Supplies Expense 1280    
Less. Closing Inventory 620    
Research Expense   4310  
Travel Expense 1860    
Add. Unpaid Travel Expense 220    
Depreciation on office equipment   800  
Net Profit     36770

MS Shapla & Co
Statement of Financial Position
For the year ended 31 December, 2003
Particulars Taka Taka Taka
Current Asset:      
Cash   9880  
Accounts Receivable   4310  
Prepaid Insurance 1320    
Less. Expired 600    
Prepaid Rent 1500    
less. Expired 1000    
Office Supplies Closing Inventory   620  
Total Current Asset     16030
Fixed Asset:      
Office Equipement 4000    

Less. Accumulated Depreciation (2400 +800) 3200    

Total Fixed Asset     800
Total Asset     16830
Owner's Equity and Liability      
Current Liability:      
Accounts payable   630  
Salary Payable   1300  
Interest on Bills Payable   210  
Travel Expense Payable   220  
Bills Payable   3000  
Unearned Fees   700  
Total Current Liability     6060
Owners’ equity:      
Capital   10000  
Add.Net Profit   36770  
Less.Drawings   36000  
Owners’ equity     10770
Total Liabilities & Owner's Equity     16830

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