Saif Ul Azam Freedom Fighter Documents Final Version 6

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HRT 24402-2098 Ae ‘aaa walsiiorre ‘stir yBeargt WHEAT unin ABD et (99 @ 50 OM) Wo, STRATA URE Lore GR ALA, TTsI-Yo00 | fears BRIG tear MAT eer | ame STEHT YRC alt VBHHTERI MaRS ae. 94, WIRE § 29-09-2058 Es | SiGe RSG sche Wicks 66, Si Piyssracecitin ca Ont YCUa MBP Oger HEP! HHS BIA MIRA Mele Ceificcw you akc CTA FEE oie cath ata omnicef 2 OPE waicaa MIRA IPT | PARTY, Bidht UPS CTH a TTS “el aMAANT Baal aera May wye ie = CATER? oe (1B) WF (ie fica ; , SOS Wire bh akgs/ (err aoa Wee GH Site) THO 4 AREA ls AAT ert CARP RE Tee aie 5 AR, reew wR Geren 3 eB UAY, comt s OUAD | Fryov000 stetererreah TOT HATTA . afore Rese wae marares Fe BA VEYA pavelab Rood 9052 arate Wawra ereynen ean eC, A/C TL, BRB. TE. Prom... BL LA MOTE ara feoms. IGE. afer Ree TET SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC (OF BANGLADESH = Bangladesh Mission, /s Ray 7, Rue Henri-Veyrassat, 202 Geneva, ‘The I5th October, 1974. My dear Saif-vl-Azam, I am in receipt of your letter dated the gth October, 1974. I do distinctly remember that during the liberation movement you brought one day certain papers from Pakistan High Commission in London relating to the orders placed by them for supply. of arms, This information was valuable to us. ‘You also attended some of our meotings held in London in I97I and toog part in singing the national anthem of Bangladesh. Soon after you saw me first your services were terminated by the Pakistan High Coxmission in London. During my last visit to Dacca I have made these facts known to Dr. Kamal Hossain, who expressed sympathy when he learnt about your present condition and appreciated your need for a suitable employment. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, We, ce (Abu Sayeed Chowdhury; Mr. .M. Saif-ul-Azem, Flat I, 25, Queensbury Street, London NI 54D, steteent oa areetcrs) erat ayers Farr rarer: re teres op 81 >afeaer ect Ig, OTT www.molwa, ay to $829 78 UA A. Aly.00,0000,008,99, 203.98 80 “oI — tae aoa BR fara gfesraret fecce wiftremne fest TICTAA | FR Blr,00,0000,008,99.292.98- dwn, Bifat: o@/oe/2o3e ean) yf fare ETNA “ATF 0, BIfrt: 2w/oB/2Ode 44) SHEN “Uae A By.08,0000,003,22.208,.92- 82 5) SrEaTA ga IT ATEMOFIB 2.20 er rum ar x rt ete EHR, AAT AT, A RE GATT CE 3 gw cmorrSh mr fret PROT CAM () CATE AT CLA AY TAA sserefiecs arty aferrat Be o¢wU TST HOTORTET FR 9.20 a PraTCER CAPETE oxen THIET TATA (31) HAM MICH oH COATS AT THT | orcammrerdtersr ot rar AI | ro AAA Borate PACHA METS ATTRACT fate cormrrace crear areal SETA bbs ATP COVA Tt BTA | emorrerm, oF, amr WE Ger ST, Prete TT ME eT AT MATT TH, APE APTN, raver mifSaets, Soraens VPoeRG, reems oUaT oe Rae ashe afecerat EPIC TST Fe aa Bec Oy STAI wT fea CT PA ETAT | aes: ANG ef). abren A as (cate areas eats wise ) Bernfba(eresD) THRE CULES srarataprere cas rr BG Sam, wera cori af ora aan wane 3 artes > aioa, Tra relent, Creator, Uret (As ets: TetiiorTe, erp @ wT, spat afer) , 2 vitor are aia, yey Parnes ester, Ureet (fot MAMTA FAT AANA eT) | A D5 POE BHT TET, ATE YS HS AT AT RINT BH, aE ATT fara Baraens mBerulG, coms CBsIr | ee eae High Commission for Bangladesh No. BHC(Lon)-5/04 22 February 2005, Dear Secretary, : ‘Mr. S.M, Saif ul Azam of 14 Penryn Street, London NWI IRL, reportedly # Freedom Fighter and a prominent British Bangladeshi saw me in my offee today, He submited an application with a request to forward the same to the concomed authorities in Bangladesh to enable him to receive aeatifiete us a Freedom Fighter His claim merits consideration. Tam forwarding his application with the request for necessary action at your end. Encl: As stated Yours sincerely, (AH. Mofazzal Karim) Secretary ‘Ministry of Liberation War Affairs Bangladesh Secretariat Dhaka Copy to: Mr. SM. Saif ul Azam, 14 Penryn Street : London NWI IRL. a Ga, Mofizzal Karim) High Commissioner Va High Commission for the People's Republic of Bangiodesh 28, Queen's Gate, London SW7 BUA Phione - 020-7584 0981, Fax 020-7581 7477 E-mail: info@bhelondon org uh Website: wavw.bhetondon org uk No. 19.01.4401.405.00.004.20-66 Date : 19 September 2020 frees escent feces nero Fa CHC ATT PAS ICT | 3g No. BHC(Lon).-5/04 Dated- 22 February 2005 Bocas Ferrer an ema SITES OA OH, CR Bet Te, FET. TS GT: MAN, CARI TF, ‘wan fern: Flat-14 Penryn Ttreet, London NW1 IRL, UK #4 atenori at shire, rst miftergs ROMS TAMAS (HE) A ATTY TN HOE AT OR TTA cae Pewee, atest ore eran, Bite Ge oer UR TH, Sa aor fort aim: AGHA, Crees: aS, Sacer: weeks, comm: bur fer woo fae afecareT | aecerat Reors AT ats Ee aR TAO By zoe wheats Tay is TS TAMER see ae CURIS Ciee Sr AT ifecre fers fifes em aA) creren Sm arene ae afer acme earns wh rere AA HARE STATE, AT OB TCH TS TT HT | 8) Aw errs cette rem otB arene apeeT RCH HT PONE EMAC FCAT CA SMT RAT | TH :0209@bB00bd/R0% E-mail-dewar Hobie i= O7F 42027 a1 fee, afeecare fren restora, arerior Aiba, OFT | (Gt stat 8 Bt-afoa (cred) 21 Reefeorre (eafefire afte) wrStn yiscara sisi (Brest), BSE Sea, “Be Oram AERA Boe TAM, BTHT-S20¢ | WM + (Conbeta weeEpHica AH) 1 a ofapers (erp 6 ear), WHIT, TET | Bre oma, wie Ber eet , Herm. 14 Penryn Street, London NW1 IRI 1 afi afer \ me =) ) asc

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