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Assignment 1

Q1. Being a Brand Manager of Cupshup, you are being asked to design its Customer driven
strategy. how you create value for your target customers though its customer driven strategy.
Elaborate each step detail. (10)

Q2. NIDO believes that a mother’s love is unconditional and is always searching to give her
child the very best in life. That is what she is all about, NURTURING. NIDO strives to provide a
strong foundation for growth and development by giving your children the very best in health
and nutrition.
a. What is the product life cycle stage of “NIDO” . what should be their strategies for its
current stage. (1+3)
b. Recall Nido’s product line (hint: all products that they are currently offering under Nido
brand name) and assess its segmentation basis. (2+4)
c. NIDO has planned to target children older than 12 years and less than 16 years. What
proposed potential segment would you target? What would be your new product
segmentation basis? (2+4)

Assign Date: 13th April

Due Date: 20th April


Kindly complete each and every question in MS word and submit it here. For this assignment you must
have a command over chapter segmentation, targeting and positioning and product life cycle stages and
its strategies.

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