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Transcribe the data:

Name of institution:
Name of principal:
Contact no. of Principal:
Survey on

Perception of Students towards Expectations,

Problems and Teaching Method on Virtual Learning
Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female Types of school: (
) public ( ) private
Name of institution :
Your province: District:
What do you want to be in future: ( ) Doctor ( )
Engineering ( ) Social servant ( ) business man ( ) other
Study hour/day at home: ( ) < 2 hour ( ) 2-4 hour ( ) ≥
4 hour
Father's occupation: ( ) Business ( ) Government job (
) Private job ( ) Other
Mother's occupation: ( ) Business ( ) Government job (
) Private job ( ) House wife ( ) Others
Father's education: ( ) Illiterate ( ) School education
( ) University education
Mother's education: ( ) Illiterate ( ) School education (
) University education
Number of family members:
Number of digital devices at home:
Distance from home to school (time): ( ) < 10 m ( ) 10-
20 m ( ) 20-30 m ( ) ≥ 30 m
Which of the following devices do you have at home?
(Please tick)
Devices Yes No
How is the access of internet? ( ) Good ( ) Normal ( )
poor ( ) not available
For what purposes do you use digital resources ( )
entertainment ( ) study ( ) online class ( ) social media
Expectation of learners in virtual classes in
mathematics (please tick one and only one in each raw:
SA-Strongly Agree, A-Agree, N-Neutral, D-Disagree,
SD-Strongly Disagree)
Items S A N D S
Develop and share digital resources
Management of free internet access
Proper electricity supply
Partial/full support for purchasing the
devices by institution or any
Implement free digital awareness and
literacy programs through social media
(TV, Radio, Newspaper etc.) for
students and guardians
Regular class management or
Manage trained teachers
Manage training to the students for
proper use of digital resources
Manage technician for technical support
by the institution
Parental contact and awareness
Manage appropriate software, apps and
online resources
Implement of learning management
system (Google Classroom, Moodle,
Edmodo etc.)
Emphasis on collaborative teaching
Students encouragement in virtual
Share notes and videos of the class
Manage course materials like book,
Visualize mathematical content
Regular assignment and feedback
Manage separate room for virtual class
at home
Manage digital devices (e.g., mobile,
laptop etc.) and necessary equipment
Manage internet and electricity power
Create technology user friendly
Problems of learners in using digital resources in
learning mathematics on virtual mode (Please tick one
and only one in each raw: SA-Strongly Agree, A-Agree,
N-Neutral, D-Disagree, SD-Strongly Disagree)
Items IRP2 S A N DS
Access of internet is minor problem for
Cost of internet is major problem for
Access digital devices is minor
problems for me
Cost for digital devices is major
problems for me
Access of learning resources is minor
problem for me
Training on the use of digital resources
is major problem for me
Communication skills are minor
problems for me
Assignment preparation is major
problems for me
Assignment submission is major
problems for me
Scheduling of the classes are major
problem for me
Management of skillful teachers in
using digital resources is minor
problem for me
Clear policy of school for virtual
classes is major problem for me
Lack of digital literacy of parents is
major problems for me
Motivation of parents towards the use
digital devices was minor problem for
Separate room for taking class at home
is major problem for me
Survey of Student-centered Teaching Method during
COVID-19 (Only for those students who took online
classes during COVID-19) (Please, tick the best
alternative from 'Never to Always' based on your
experience of online learning in all subjects during the
In online teaching, my N Ra Som O Al
teachers…………… ev rel etim ft wa
er y es en ys
Use to treat all students fairly
and equally
Use to respect the ideas and
opinions of the students
Use to behave with dignity
Did not use to express negative
emotions that will discourage the
Use to understand the pressures
and limitations of students
Use to have a positive attitude in
all activities
Use to display energy and
enthusiasm in all activities
Use to support students through
clarifying doubts
Use to give time for discussion
whenever needed
Use to motivate students to
engage in intellectually
challenging tasks
Use to encourage students to
learn through different learning
Use to listen to the problems and
issues of students
Use to guide the students them
for addressing those issues and
Use to spend extra time with
students with learning difficulties
Use to involve in the tasks and
activities of the students
willingly and provides ample
Use to extend full support to
those students in need
Were cheerful and use to express
joy in teaching students
Use to show a sense of humor
and gives interesting examples
and anecdotes
Were alert to psychologically
disturbed students and render
necessary support
Use to provide remedial
measures for the development of
Use to identify talent in students
and motivates them for
developing their skills and
Were friendly and use to get
along easily with students
Were easily approachable and
Were pleasant and cooperative to
students and colleagues
Were genuinely interested in
students’ well-being and Use to
extend moral support
Use to help students in building
their personality
Use to counsel students and
direct them to take the right path
of learning
Use to understand the needs of
every student and take efforts to
direct them towards desired
Mathematics achievement score of last year:
Mathematics achievement score of latest term exam:

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