Bench To Bedside The Rano Stics in Nuclear Medicine

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Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2020, 26, 1-8 1

Bench-to-Bedside Theranostics in Nuclear Medicine

Narges Jokar1 , Majid Assadi1, Anna Yordanova2 and Hojjat Ahmadzadehfar2,3,*

The Persian Gulf Nuclear Medicine Research Center, Department of Molecular Imaging and Radionuclide Therapy (MIRT),
Bushehr Medical University Hospital, School of Medicine, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran; 2Department of
Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany; 3Department of Nuclear Medicine, Klinikum Westfalen, Knappschaft
Hospital, Dortmund

Abstract: The optimum selection of the appropriate radiolabelled probe for the right target and the right patient is
the foundation of theranostics in personalised medicine. In nuclear medicine, this process is realised through the
appropriate choice of radiopharmaceuticals based on molecular biomarkers regarding molecular imaging. Ther-
anostics is developing a strategy that can be used to implement accepted tools for individual molecular targeting,
including diagnostics, and advances in genomic molecular knowledge, which has led to identifying theranostics
biomaterials that have the potency to diagnose and treat malignancies. Today, numerous studies have reported on
Received: November 02, 2019
Accepted: December 11, 2019 the discovery and execution of these radiotracers in personalised medicine. In this review, we presented our point
of view of the most important theranostics agents that can be used to treat several types of malignancies. Molecu-
DOI: lar targeted radionuclide treatment methods based on theranostics are excellent paradigms of the relationship
10.2174/1381612826666200218104313   between molecular imaging and therapy that has been used to provide individualised or personalised patient care.
Toward that end, a precise planned prospective examination of theranostics must be done to compare this ap-
proach to more standard therapies.
Keywords: Theranostics, precision medicine, MIBG, FAPI, PRRT, PSMA, Radioiodine.

1. INTRODUCTION Treatment based on theranostics helps increase tumour dose

The term, personalised medicine, was introduced during the absorbance versus sparing non-targeted tissues with rapid absor-
same period in which the human genome project began. Personal- bance and high specific value in the target lesions. For many years,
ised medicine offers significant benefits in the management of dis- functional imaging methods, including single-photon emission
eases, including treatment approaches tailored to the individual computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography
characteristics of patients, risk assessment, safety, accuracy, effi- (PET), PET-computed tomography (PET/CT), and recently PET-
cacy and enhancing patients’ quality of life. Since the introduction magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI), have been used in oncol-
of personalised medicine, many studies have reported on drug dis- ogy for tumour cell assessment. These kinds of imaging are very
coveries based on the use of biomarkers, including molecular imag- useful for in vivo tissue specification, target identification, prognos-
ing in personalised or precision medicine. Similar terms that are tication, patient monitoring, and, consequently, personalised treat-
used to describe personalised medicine include: pharmacodiagnos- ment planning [7]. Advances in genomic molecular knowledge
tics, integrated medicine, and theranostics. All of these concepts use have led to identifying theranostics biomaterials that have the po-
detailed, precise information about gene expression and an individ- tency to diagnose and treat malignancies based on molecular imag-
ual’s clinical data to choose the drugs, treatment method or preven- ing. Consequently, many different theranostics probes have been
tive plans that are especially suited to each patient [1]. Theranostics developed. This review examined the development of theranostics
include a combination of diagnostic and subsequent therapeutic agents that are being utilised in a clinical setting or have been used
applications introduced by John Funkhouser in August 1998. He in current preclinical and clinical for various malignancies, includ-
defined this term as single compounds that are implemented for ing thyroid, neuroendocrine and prostate cancers, bone metastases,
diagnostic imaging and therapeutic purposes [2]. Nevertheless, the melanoma and neuroblastoma. In an attempt to provide an overview
use of radioactive iodine isotopes in both diagnostic and therapeutic of this topic, only the routine theranostics approaches in nuclear
proceedings in thyroid abnormalities is an example that this concept medicine are discussed.
was applied in nuclear medicine long before the term theranostics
was defined [3]. In the tumour biology era, ongoing research has
resulted in a major understanding of the molecular pathology of 2.1. Radioiodine in Thyroid Cancer
carcinogenesis. This information has led to the expansion of imag- For many years, iodine radioactive has commonly been used to
ing methods and the evolution of treatments targeting tumour evaluate physiologic metabolism and thyroid disorders, including
masses and specific biological molecules [4,5]. The theranostics benign and malignant conditions. In the late 1930s, Hertz et al.
approach in nuclear medicine couples diagnostic imaging and ther- described the first investigation of radioiodine uptake in the thyroid;
apy with the same, but differently radiolabeled, molecule, or the in the early 1940s, they reported the first treatment of Graves’ dis-
same agent in different dosages [6] (Table 1). ease with radioiodine [8,9]. While there are various iodine isotopes,
the ones that are most frequently used are 131I, 123I and 124I. 131I
emits beta (β−) and gamma (γ) radiation that is used for imaging
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Nuclear Medi- and therapy [6]. The quality and sensitivity of this imaging are high,
cine, Klinikum Westfalen, Knappschaft Hospital, Dortmund;
especially for detecting thyroid microlesions and determining the

1381-6128/20 $65.00+.00 © 2020 Bentham Science Publishers

2 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2020, Vol. 26, No. 00 Yadav et al.

Table 1. Common and Under-investigated Theranostics Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Medicine.

Cancer Type Theranostic Agent Theranostic Agent

Thyroid Iodine 123,124I for imaging

131I for imaging and therapy
Neuroblastoma, Pheochromocytomas, Paraganglio- Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) 123I-mIBG for imaging
mas, Medullary thyroid Carcinomas, and other neu- 131I-mIBG for imaging and therapy
roendocrine neoplasia

advanced and metastatic neuroendocrine tumours Somatostatin Analog Receptors 68Ga labelled somatostatin analogues (DOTA-
, especially gastroenterpancreatic (SSR) ligands, especially SSTR 2 NOC-DOTATOC -DOTATATE), 99mTc-Hynic-
toc and 111In labelled octreotide for diagnostic
90Y labelled DOTATATE/TOC for therapy
177Lu labelled DOTATATE/TOC for imaging
and therapy
64Cu-TETA-octreotide/ 64Cu-DOTATATE

Prostate Cancer PSMA-ligands 68Ga or 99mTc labelled-PSMA-617 for imaging,

177Lu and 225Ac-PSMA-617 for therapy
64Cu-PSMA-617 for imaging and therapy

Metastatic Melanoma Benzamide/ arylcarboxamide 123I-BZA2 for imaging

131I-BZA2 for therapy
Bone Metastases Ethylene Diamine Tetraethylene Phospho- 153Sm, 177Lu, labelled EDTMP
nate (EDTMP)

Pancreatic, Ductal Adenocarcinoma, Colorectal Can- Neurotensin Receptors ligands 111In/177Lu-3B-227

cer, Gastric Cancer, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the
Head and Neck, Bone Cancer, Advanced Cancer,
Recurrent Disease, and Metastatic Tumors

Several Epithelial Carcinoma’s Cells, especially Co- Fibroblast Activation Protein (FAP) 68Ga-FAPI-04 for imaging
lon, Breast and Pancreatic Carcinomas 90Y-FAPI-04 for therapy

localisation of recurrent or metastatic disease. The radiation emis- which they spread, they can show different clinical presentations
sion of 131I includes 90% β− and 10% γ, with a mean and maxi- [11]. Overexpression of somatostatin receptors (SSTR) is character-
mum energy of 192 keV and 610 keV, respectively, and mean tis- istic of these tumours. Targeting these receptors with radiopharma-
sue penetration of 0.4 mm. The appropriate 8-day half-life of 131I ceuticals enables the imaging and treatment of NETs [12]. Of the
makes it a valuable radionuclide for treatment approaches. Iodine is five types of SSTRs, SSTR 2 is the most important for peptide re-
an essential element for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, such as ceptor imaging and therapy using a radiolabelled analogue com-
thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The iodide transporter of the thy- plex. The expression of SSTR can be imaged using radiopharma-
roid absorbs radioactive iodine in a process that is similar to that of ceuticals with either SPECT or PET techniques. SSTR imaging
natural iodine. The β− emission destroys the abnormal cells; simul- provides information about the receptor status of the tumour, which
taneously, γ radiation enables the post-therapeutic imaging. In is important for evaluating the eligibility of patients for treatment
1997, de Vathaire et al. examined the risk of leukaemia and cancer with somatostatin analogues as well as peptide-receptor radionu-
following administration of 131I in 1771 patients treated for thyroid clide therapy (PRRT). The classic theranostics radiopharmaceuti-
cancer with a mean cumulative activity of 7.2 GBq; they followed- cals for NETs are 68Ga-labeled somatostatin analogues for diag-
up the patients for 10 years. They reported a slightly elevated risk nostic methods using PET or 111In-Octreotide and 99mTc-Hynic-
for colon cancer, but the risk for the second type of cancer or leu- toc using SPECT and beta-emitter therapeutic radionuclides, in-
kaemia was not significantly increased. Today, 131I is a theranos- cluding 177Lu- and 90Y-labeled somatostatin analogues [12,13].
tics radionuclide that is considered to be one of the main therapeutic One of the most important facets of 68Ga-labelled SSTR PET-CT
options for hyperthyroidism and differentiated thyroid cancer (Fig. is its potential for molecular quantification of NETs. The three
1) [10]. tracer peptides are routinely labelled to 68Ga are DOTA-1-Nal3-
octreotide (DOTANOC), DOTA-D-Phe1-Tyr3-octreotide (DOTA-
2.2. Somatostatin Analogue Receptors in Neuroendocrine TOC) and DOTA-D-Phe1-Tyr3-Thr8-octreotide (DOTATATE).
Tumours Hofmann et al. showed that 68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT is superior
Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) arise from cells in the endo- to 111In-octreotide SPECT for detecting upper abdominal metasta-
crine system; in most cases, they are derived from the gastroentero- ses [14]. Moreover, this radiopharmaceutical can be used for patient
pancreatic (GEP) (60–70%) and pulmonary systems (almost 30%). follow-up and assessment of molecular response to treatment by
Depending on the site from which they originate or the site to
Current Scenario in Computational Drug Designing for Malaria Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2020, Vol. 26, No. 00 3

2.3. PSMA-based Radioligand Diagnostics and Therapy

Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a transmem-
brane glutamate carboxypeptidase that can be expressed in a variety
of tissues, including the prostate, salivary glands, kidney, brain and
small intestine. PSMA is overexpressed in prostate cancer (PC)
cells. This antigen augments an opportunity for targeting tumours
through PSMA radiolabelled targeting based on a precision medi-
cine approach [24]. PSMA ligands consist of a binding motif, a
radiolabel bearing moiety and a linker molecule [25]. Modifications
in the linker molecule or chelator result in significant variations in
the specifications of the PSMA ligand [26]. At first, the humanised
monoclonal antibody, J591, is labelled to radionuclides, such as
177Lu, and it has been reported to be effective for PSMA targeting.
These radioimmunoconjugates showed proper sensitivity and speci-
ficity for targeting metastatic PC lesions in both soft and osseous
tissues; however, they have a high toxicity profile [24,27-33].
Later, small molecule inhibitors have been developed and used
to target PSMA enzyme through labelling with different radionu-
clides for PET and SPECT imaging and radioligand therapy [25]
(Fig. 3). Theranostics approaches, achieved by implementing a
single agent through PSMA low molecule inhibitor ligands, have
been conjugated with 68Ga or 99mTc for diagnostic applications
Fig. (1). Post radioiodine therapy scan of a patient with follicular thyroid and with 177Lu or 225Ac for therapeutic applications [24].
cancer with diffuse lung metastases as well as lymph node metastasis left
In recent years, PSMA-based PET imaging has revolutionised
retro-clavicular. A: whole-body radioiodine scan. B: transversal SPECT/CT
fused image in soft tissue window. C: transversal SPECT/CT fused image in
the diagnostic and therapeutic approach for PC patients [24,34].
lung window. Several studies have reported detection rates for lesions based on
different PSA values. For patients with a PSA value <0.5 ng/ml,
0.5–<1.0 and 1.0–<2.0, detection rates ranging between 47% and
evaluating the dimensions of the tumour and quantifying the recep- 57%, up to 70% and up to nearly 90%, respectively, have been
tor density prior to and after PRRT (Fig. 2). The sensitivity and reported [35-38]. A PET scan with PSMA ligands is very effective
specificity of these tracers are 82%–97% and 80%–92%, respec- for detecting metastatic spread or cancer recurrence; it is also the
tively, for detecting small lesions or metastases of GEP neuroendo- best treatment approach for patient management, assessment of
crine malignancies [15-17]. treatment response and targeted biopsy. Numerous studies have
Furthermore, 90Y-DOTATATE/TOC and 177Lu- reported that a PSMA PET/CT is superior to bone scans, CT, MRI
DOTATATE/TOC are used for the systematic treatment of patients and 18F-choline PET/CT for the detection of metastases in initial
with advanced and metastatic NETs (in G1-G3 NETs) [12]. In staging [39-43].
many centres, 177Lu-DOTATATE and DOTATOC are preferred According to the results reported in different retrospective and
because they result in less renal toxicity. The renal excretions of prospective studies, PSMA-based radioligand therapy is an effec-
these tracers could induce renal function impairment; therefore, the tive treatment for patients with metastatic CRPC (mCRPC) [ 44-
short penetration range of 177Lu (max 2 mm) makes it more suit- 48]. At the time this paper was written, this therapy was still an
able for PRRT than 90Y, which has a mean and max tissue penetra- experimental treatment approach; in the majority of cases, it is per-
tion rate of 2.5 mm and 11 mm, respectively. In addition, 177Lu formed as the last possible therapeutic option. However, even if the
emits both γ and β− radiation, which makes it a bi-functional diag- disease has progressed or if patients are intolerant of prior therapies,
nostic and therapeutic radionuclide. Different studies have demon- PSMA therapy seems to be an effective and tolerable therapy with a
strated the efficacy and safety of PRRT [12,18-22]. Since 2018, very low-toxicity profile [48-55].
PRRT using 177Lu-DOTATATE has been an approved therapy by
the FDA for the treatment of NETs with GEP-NETs [23].

Fig. (2). Pretreatment 68Ga-DOTATATE PET scan of a 50-year-old female showed multiple somatostatin receptor positive lesions in the liver, around the intra
vena cava (IVC) in the right side, and also a focus in the left side of the vermis. After successful treatment with three cycles PRRT using 177Lu-DOTATATE,
follow-up 68Ga-DOTATATE PET showed partial response.
4 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2020, Vol. 26, No. 00 Yadav et al.

tically and therapeutically [67-68]. Catecholamines, similar to 90%

of other neuroblastomas, together with adrenergic innervation, are
the principle 123I/131I-MIBG radiopharmaceutical agents used in
theranostics [57]. Functional 123I-MIBG scintigraphy is being used
to characterise whether patients with pheochromocytomas and
paragangliomas are appropriate for targeted radiotherapy with 131I-
MIBG [69-70]. Apart from MIBG based diagnostic and therapy,
SSTR imaging and therapy has also an important utility in the man-
agement and therapy of these tumours [71].

Fig. (3). A 70-year-old patient with prostate cancer and multiple bone me-
tastases lesions. Pre-therapeutic Ga-PSMA PET/CT and an initial cycle of Fig. (4). An 8-year-old boy affected by neuroblastoma. 131I-MIBG whole-
the Lu-PSMA-617 whole-body scan showed similar pattern tracer uptake body scintigraphy showed intense tracer uptake through the body.
through the body.

2.5. Bone Palliation

2.4. 131I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine Theranostics in Neuroblas- Radiolabelled phosphonates have a high bone affinity, and they
toma, Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas can be used for imaging and palliation of painful bone metastases.
The most frequent, heterogeneous extracranial solid tumour in Depending on the degree of osseous metabolism, the tracer accu-
infancy is neuroblastoma, which originates from the sympathetic mulates via adhesion to bones, and, preferably, to osteoblastic bone
system, a branch of the autonomic nervous system. Overall survival metastases [72]. The use of bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals is
(OS) in neuroblastoma is <40%, despite implementing multimodal- one of the approaches that is implemented in patients with various
ity treatment methods. However, it is associated with one of the skeletal lesions. It is used alone or in combination with other mo-
highest proportions of spontaneous and complete regression of all dalities to increase survival rate, relieve pain and minimise skeletal
human cancers [56-57]. Diagnosis of neuroblastoma is based on morbidity. Some of the benefits of this treatment option include
pathologic information and imaging modalities, including CT, MRI efficiency, low cost and relatively low toxicity in comparison to
and nuclear imaging, including bone scintigraphy, 123I- other modalities [6]. In this method, the radioactive matter links to
metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scanning, fluorodeoxyglucose the bone-seeking agent and targets the osseous malignant cells
(18F-FDG)-PET and SSTR-PET. Depending on the stage of the [72,73]. Different therapeutic radioactive agents are available, in-
neuroblastoma, treatment can include surgery, chemotherapy, bone cluding 186Re (β− emission, T1/2=89 hours, maximum range=4.6
marrow transplantation and systematic internal radiation treatment mm, maximum energy=1.1 MeV), 188Re (β− and γ emitters [85%
through MIBG or PRRT [58-60]. and 15%; 2.1 MeV and 155 keV energy, respectively], half-
MIBG is a norepinephrine analogue that targets tumour cells in life=16.8 hours, maximal range=10 mm) 32P, and 89Sr labelled
the sympathetic nervous system; it has been administrated since with hydroxyethylidene diphosphonate (HDEP) and 153Sm (half-
1984. The labelling of MIBG with radioactive iodine enables life=1.9 days, mean β−energy =233 keV, γ−energy=103 keV) and
evaluation of the staging and treatment response in neuroblastoma 177Lu (half-life, 6.7 day, maximum β−energy=497 keV,
[61]. 123I-MIBG has low gamma energy and a short half-life (159 γ−energy=208 keV) labelled with ethylene diamine tetramethylene
keV and 13 hours), which make it an optimal agent for diagnostic phosphonate (EDTMP) [74,75]. When determining which therapy
imaging. In patients with MIBG-positive tumours and metastases, to use, a bone scan is required to estimate the metabolism and the
therapy with 131I-MIBG seems to be very promising, especially in extent to which the metastases are involved. However, it has been
combination with chemotherapy [62-64]. Many clinical studies reported that there is no significant difference between different beta
have verified the effectiveness and 30%–40% response rate for emitters regarding pain palliation [72]. Moreover, alpha particle ther-
131I-IMBG as a systemic delivery dose to tumour cells, especially apy with 223RaCl2 (Dichrolide) was approved by the Food and Drug
in high-risk neuroblastoma with refractory, relapsed or resistant Administration (FDA) in 2013 for osteoblastic metastatic lesions in
conditions [65-66]. Radiolabelled MIBG is a valuable theranostics CRPC [76]. Ra223 is the first, and currently the only FDA-approved
compound, which has resulted in the evolution and improvement of alpha emitter for the treatment of symptomatic bone metastases of
new strategies as well as reasonable hopes for prolonged survival CRPC patients with a positive impact on OS [77]. It has a half-life of
and complete response to cancer (Fig. 4). 11.4 days, with a total emitted energy of approximately 28 MeV.
Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas are catecholamine- 2.6. Theranostics Approach for Metastatic Pigmented Mela-
secreting (epinephrine and norepinephrine) tumours that originate noma
from the adrenal medulla and outside the adrenal gland, respec-
For decades, high stage melanoma has been considered to be
tively. Management of these tumours is challenging, both diagnos-
the most aggressive form of skin malignancy, with a 10% 5-year
Current Scenario in Computational Drug Designing for Malaria Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2020, Vol. 26, No. 00 5

survival rate and median OS of 8 to 18 months. Interleukin 2 (HD liminary study by Anderson et al. evaluated the diagnostic charac-
IL-2) and dacarbazine are two FDA-approved agents; however, teristics of the radiotracer 64Cu-TETA-octreotide in comparison to
patients treated with these agents show low response rates and poor the usual SPECT agent 111In-DTPA-octreotide in a small group of
OS [78]. One of the intrinsic features of melanoma in 20–30% of patients with NETs [77]. They reported that radiopharmaceutical
metastases is the presence of melanin pigment, which makes it a 64Cu-TETA-octreotide had high sensitivity, excellent lesion detec-
promising target. Several studies have evaluated the use of radioio- tion and desired dosimetry and pharmacokinetics, indicating that it
dinated N-(dialkylaminoalkyl) benzamides for SPECT imaging of is a promising radiotracer for PET imaging in patients with NETs
melanoma metastases. The high absorbance and slow clearance of [85]. The first human prospective study confirmed that Cu-
131I are two characteristics of this radiotracer that have been DOTATATE has better image quality than 111In-DTPA-octreotide
proven to be beneficial in the imaging and radionuclide therapy of [86]. Another study demonstrated that the diagnostic sensitivity and
melanoma [79]. SPECT imaging in melanoma has been conducted accuracy of 64Cu-DOTATATE (97%) is superior to 111In-DTPA-
with N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)-4-iodobenzamide and N-(2- octreotide for NET patients, and it recommends implementation of
diethylaminoethyl)-2-iodobenzamide (BZA2) labelled with 123I in these new radiopharmaceuticals as a substitution for 111In-DTPA-
phase II and multicentre phase III clinical studies, respectively. octreotide [87]. Recently, 64Cu-labeled ligand DOTA-PSMA-617
These radiotracers have been applied in selected patients with pig- has been widely investigated as a diagnostic potential agent of PET
mented metastases, which facilitate melanin-targeted therapies imaging for PC. The best resolution PET images of the malignant
[80,81]. lesions were detected with high target-to-nontargeted contrast.
64Cu-PSMA-617 PET/CT could be a suitable replacement for PET
3. NOVEL THERANOSTIC AGENTS AND FUTURE DE- imaging in PC, even though it is a potent radioligand therapy due to
VELOPMENTS the β− radiation of 67Cu as the “theranostics pair” [88,89].
New advances in preclinical oncology with a primary focus on
immunology have resulted in the discovery of new molecular tar- 3.3. Fibroblast Activation Protein Imaging
gets with potentially significant applications in theranostics. Among The fibroblast activation protein (FAP) is another impressive
the many medical disciplines, nuclear medicine based on molecular novel tracer in nuclear medicine. FAP is overexpressed in several
imaging may be the most suitable field for implementing theranos- epithelial carcinoma cells, especially colon, breast and pancreatic
tics approaches. Thus, new, rapid development in radiopharmaceu- carcinomas. The tumour masses in the malignant cells and stromal
ticals, which have been implemented in nuclear medicine and in the cells contain inflammatory cells, vascular cells and fibroblasts. This
molecular imaging era, facilitate the evolution of targeted drug cancer-associated fibroblast extra-cellular fibrosis constitutes more
delivery for patient-friendly treatment, especially in oncology. than 90% of the gross tumour volume. Therefore, recently, FAP-
specific inhibitors have been developed as anti-cancer agents and
3.1. Neurotensin/177Lu-3BP-227 tumour-targeting radiopharmaceuticals. FAP imaging (FAPI) has
The peptide Neurotensin is present in the gastrointestinal tract, been conducted with inhibitor molecules and antibodies, such as
the adult central nervous system (e.g., the brain) and the myocar- 28H1 labelled with 99mTc, 111In and 89Zr. For therapeutic appli-
dium. Neurotensin, as well as three distinct neurotensin receptors cations, this would be labelled with α and β emitters, such as
(NTSRs), are found in different tissues during embryogenesis, and 153Sm, 188Re, 213Bi or 212Pb [90,91]. Promising pre-clinical and
they are overexpressed in different malignancies, such as colorectal clinical results of some of the labelled tracers have been reported.
carcinomas, small cell and non–small cell bronchial, carcinomas, Kratochwil demonstrated that several cancers showed high uptake
pancreatic carcinomas and breast carcinomas. Recently, the NTSR- and image contrast with 68Ga-FAP-PET/CT. This high absorbance
ligand 111In/177Lu-3B-227 has been reported to have potential could lead to tumour-characterisation and radioligand therapy in sev-
applications in diagnostic imaging and therapy for these malignan- eral tumours in the future [92]. In comparison with FDG-PET/CT,
cies [82]. It has been confirmed that the density of NTSR1 on pan- there is no need for diet/fasting restrictions before PET imaging, and
creatic adenocarcinoma may be as great as the expression of SSRTs the tumour-to-nontarget ratio was similar or even better than FDG
in NETs [83]. Thus, radiolabelled NTSR1 ligands were considered [93]. FAPI-04 was reported to be a promising tracer for both imaging
to be an absorbent choice for radioligand targeted therapy of pan- and potency targeted treatment in breast cancer. 68Ga-FAPI-04 PET-
creatic carcinomas. Today, phase I and phase II clinical trials CT scans present high absorbance in lesions associated with metasta-
(NCT03525392) are being carried out with 177Lu-3BP-227 radio- ses of breast cancer; moreover, pain symptoms were found to de-
pharmaceutical for advanced NTSR1-positive tumours, including crease when using a low dose of 90Y-FAPI-04 [94].
pancreatic, ductal adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, gastric can-
cer, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, bone cancer, CONCLUSION
advanced cancer, recurrent disease and metastatic tumours. The biological characterisation of each patient is unique. This
important property leads to significant differences in pharmacoki-
3.2. Copper Radioligands netics and drug distribution. In theranostics, the goal is to identify
The diagnostic and therapeutic potential of various radioiso- potential targets that can help predict if a patient would benefit from
topes of copper has been investigated in different tracers; it seems a specific treatment. Molecular-targeted radionuclide treatment
to be promising for the personalised treatment of various diseases. methods based on theranostics are excellent paradigms of the rela-
Copper (Cu) ions are necessary for a large number of biological tionship between molecular imaging and therapy that have been
processes; they are essential as catalytic cofactors for many en- used to individualise or personalise patient care.
zymes and they play substantial roles in living cells [84]. As the
radioisotope with the longest half-life, 67Cu (half-life=62h) is used CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
to deliver a favourable dose to the target cells. Furthermore, its β− Not applicable.
and γ decay (Ee, max=577 keV and 185 keV (48.7%), 93 keV
(16%), respectively) makes 67Cu appropriate for SPECT imaging FUNDING  
and radioimmunotherapy. In comparison to another prevalent ra- None.  
dioisotope, 131I, 67Cu has a shorter half-life and it emits low en-
ergy γ rays, which may help to avoid unnecessary radiation expo- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
sure for patients and medical staff. Other radioisotopes of Cu, such The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or other-
as 64Cu and 61Cu (half-life=3.3 h), have also been investigated in wise.
preclinical and clinical studies for theranostics applications. A pre-
6 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2020, Vol. 26, No. 00 Yadav et al.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [17] Haug AR, Cindea-Drimus R, Auernhammer CJ, et al. The role of
68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT in suspected neuroendocrine tumors. J
Declared none. Nucl Med 2012; 53(11): 1686-92. PMID: 22984220
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