Dispersion: and UWB Antennas

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Dispersion and UWB Antennas

Hans GregoIy Schantz

Next-RF, Inc.
Huntsville, AL,USA
e-mail: h.schantz@ieee.org

Ahstract- predicting qualitatively the behavior of a UWB antenna

This paper discusses the phenomenon of dispersion in element. Finally this paper will analyze a planar loop
U W B antennas and presents a simple madel to evaluate UWB antenna and assess its dispersion. The aim of this
the lime domain radiated fields from an antenna structure. paper is to demonstrate that a qualitative dispersion
This model allows a quick assessmentof dispersion. assessment of a proposed antenna element is simple and
I. INTRODUCnON straightforward.
Traditionally, engineers have evaluated antennas 2. DISPERSION OF TRADITIONAL
according to a few basic parameters such as gain and FREQUENCY INDEPEiWEW ANTENNAS
retum loss (or matching). For typical narrowband
antennas, these parameters vary little across the Classical frequency independent antennas rely on
operational band. Thus, one is justified in treating these variations in geometry to obtain their broadband
parameters as constants. behavior. A smaller scale portion radiates high
frequency components and a larger scale portion
The extension to ultra-wideband antennas seems radiates lower frequency components of a signal.
straightforward. Since gain and return loss generally Because the phase center moves as a function of
vary with frequency, these parameters may he treated as frequency, frequency independent antennas radiate
functions of frequency. dispersed signals.

This approach does not tell the whole story, however. For instance, consider a log spiral antenna. Figure 1
Gain is a scalar quantity, and thus does not reveal shows a 1-11 GHz log spiral antenna. This antenna is
subtleties in phase variation that may have a serious fed from the tip of the cone where the spiral has a
impact on UWB antenna performance. For instance smaller scale. Lower frequency components must
even though an antenna’s gain may appear well propagate to the larger scale structure at the base of the
behaved, if the phase center of an antenna moves as a antenna before they radiate. Figure 2 shows the result
function of frequency, or as a function of look angle, of this physical structure on a received signal. The
then an antenna will radiate a mangled and dispersed transmit antenna accepts a transmitted impulse voltage
waveform. signal (lewred) at its terminals. A receive antenna then
yields a received impulse voltage signal (righthlue) at
Dispersion is a problem for multi-band systems as well its terminals. The dispersion of the log spiral antennas
as those where a radiated signal occupies the entire used for both transmit and receive results in a dispersed
band, If an antenna behaves differently at different look receive signal. This dispersion is clearly manifest in
angles or at different frequencies, then a UWB system two respects. Fmt, the received signal has a temporal
must compensate for these differences. This extent over twice as long as the transmit signal. Second,
compensation may be difficult and resource intensive. the received signal shows a distinct “chirp.” The earlier
Further, there is no guarantee that the performance of a portion of this signal exhibits relatively high frequency
dispersive antenna may be made equivalent to that of a content with a shorter time duration between zero
non-dispersive antenna. crossings. The later portion of the received signal
exhibits relatively low frequency content with a longer
The best way to obtain a quick qualitative assessment of time duration between zero crossings.
dispersion is to look at the time domain electromagnetic
field signals emitted by an antenna. This paper will
examine dispersion in typical frequency independent
antennas as well in compact UWB antenna elements.
This paper will suggest a simple analytical model for

0-7803-8373-7/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE - 161 -

. , ,, . , .
; ’.,
Fifiure 1: Log conical spiral antennas
(02004 H. Schank). Figure 3: 1.25:l axial ratio planar elliplicol dipoles
~ cm elements (02004 H. Schaniz).
with 4 . 8 3.8
....... ........
_” -l d a d R e x e d l 5 ~ EUGH2 Inairer
i ........
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~ I I - S O C H ~ I ~ ~ L ? ~


U n5 I IS 2 ?I, 2, 35 6 eS I 51 6:
U os I is ? 21 t 3) I 65 s 55 6 .l.%Ui

IR(.IP,l ............. .............

. . .............. .........
Figure 4: Transmitted (IeJVred) and received
Figure 2: Transmitted (le#/red) and received (right/blire) voltage waveformsfrom apair of
(rightblue) voltage waveforms from a pair of planar elliptical dipole antennas
conical log spiral antennas (02004 H. Schantz). (02004 H. Schank).
A third disadvantage of dispersion is not immediately With a pair of non-dispersive planar elliptical dipole
evident in Figure 2’s boresight response. Because the antennas, the received voltage signal is qualitatively
phase center moves as a function of frequency, the indistinguishable from the transmitted voltage signal.
temporal extent and “chirpiness” of the received signal Figure 4 shows transmitted (letbred) and received
will vary as a function of look angle. (righthlue) voltage waveforms from a pair of planar
Certainly, it may be possible to compensate for elliptical dipole antennas.
dispersion [I]. Nevertheless, good system performance
is easier to achieve using UWB antenna elements that 4. MODELINGDISPERSION OF
are as non-dispersive as possible. SMALL ELEMENT UWB ANTENNAS

3 . DISPERSION OF SMALL ELEMENT UWB ANTENNAS Time domain electromagnetics is sometimes regarded as
an obscure and complicated subject. Nevertheless, there
In recent years interest in small element UWB antennas are a few handy “rules of thumb” that may provide great
insight to the time domain behavior of ultra-wideband
has increased. One of the most popular small element
antennas. ’
dipole antenna families is planar elliptical dipoles’[2].
Thcse antennas have many desirable properties
including a flat dipole-like pattern and gain for at least a The “right-hand rule” is a very basic concept that allows
3:l span of frequencies. Also, typical return loss may one to readily determine the orientation of an induction
he -20 dB or better across a significant bandwidth. magnetic field. A similar rule holds for determining the
Finally, elliptical dipoles tend to radiate a very compact orientation of a radiation magnetic field 131.
and non-dispersive waveform. Figure 3 shows a pair of
elliptical dipole antennas with a 3.8 cm minor axis and a Maxwell’s equations (as traditionally written in the
4.8 cm major axis (a 1.291 axial ratio). Hertz-Heaviside form) express electric and magnetic
fields as functions of the time derivative of the opposite

162 -
field component. For calculation purposes, it is more , .
convenient to express the fields in terms of charge . . . .
densities and current densities. This approach yields a . .
generalized Coulomb’s law and a generalized Biot-
Savart law to allow a calculation of the electric and
magnetic fields, respectively. .-.---

“ind %d
Jefimenko has used this method to obtain a generalized
Biot-Savart Law:

1 aJ
H=;,[~+&]+ (1) Figure 6a (lefl): The right-hand nile f i r induction
magneticjields: currents (0yield inductionjields
(02004 H. Schanh).
where J is the current density, x is’the vector i?om the
source point to the field point, and the square braces Figure 66 {right): The right-hand rule for radiation
denote that the enclosed quantities are to be evaluated at magneticfields: the time derivative of current (i)
the retarded time (t + t - [4-61. Figure 5 shows the yields radiationfields (Had (02004 H. Schaniz).
. ..

geometry involved in this equation. Taking r as the

vector Eom the origin to the field point (p), and r’ A few Simple relations allow a quick, qualitative
the vector from the origin to the point, then = evaluation of the time dependent fields around an
- r’ is the vector i?om the source point tb the field point. antenna.

Rule 1: Currents are concentrated on the edges of

planar structures. Therefore replace planar smctures
with equivalent line sources on their edges. A quick
historical note: Heinrich Hertz identified this rule over a
century ago.

yuj 1
“Just as electriciq when distributed by
electrostatic induction would tend to
accumulate on the sharp edge of the strip. so
here the current ;;;:ew:
move along the edge.”
Rule 2: For typical quarter-wave scale antenna elements
with excitations whose bandwidth is on the order of a
Figure 5: Geomehy for using Jejimenko’s Biot-savafl
law (02004 H. Schantz). couple of octaves or less, one may assume i I .-
For our purposes though, we require only a few simple 3: Both Current I and rate of change of Current
obsemations. nef i s t term ofjefimeko’s Biot-Savart dUdt decrease with distance from the feed point. Thus, a
law (Eq. 1) expresses the dependence of the induction good qualitatively acurate model of antenna currents
portion ofthe magnetic field on the CUrrentdensity (J), consists of a cosine tapered current, maximal at the feed
The second term shows an analogous dependence of the tapering Off to at the ends of an
radiation of the magnetic field on the time rate Taking “x” as a generalized coordinate Eom a feed point
of change of the current density (dJ/dt). Thus, just as (x = 0) to an end Point (1= Lh the Current (4 ~ ~ X I E S :
the naditional right-hand rule reveals the orientation of
the induction magnetic field about a current (I), there is I = I o cos-X
an analogous right-hand rule that reveals the orientation (2)
of the radiation magnetic field about the time rate of
change of current (dI/dt). Figures 6a and 6b show the
induction and radiation right-hand rules, respectively.

- 163 -
Rule 4: The source point (or phase center) for radiated ~ ( t=) exp[- (n t ~ ) ’ ] . (4)
fields in a particular direction of interest is where the
line source runs perpendicular to the direction of Then (by Rule 5 ) , the radiated fields from each source
interest. This follows from combining the right-hand point will be proportional to:
rule for radiation with the Poynting vector to obtain the
orientation of the electric field -
~ ( t )(1 - ~ ( (t-p/c)L)’
n exp[-(n(r -p/c)f,)’] (5)

S=ExH. (3) where p is the path length. The principal challenge of

this method for assessing dispersion lies in determining
Of course, radiation from an infinitesimal linear current the appropriate path length for the two sources.
element has a dipole pattem dependence sine where 0
is measured from the axis of the current element. For the near source, the voltage signal propagates along
Nevertheless, the assumption of Rule 4 is generally a path of length R r$ from the feed to the near source
comect for elements with curved perimeters and vastly where R is the radius of the line element. Then, the
simplifies calculation. signal radiates from a point that is a distance R closer to
the field point than tht origin. Thus, the effective path
Rule 5: A voltage signal propagates at the speed of for the near source is:
light along the edge of an element, then radiates a time
dependent field proportional to the second time pnem($)= R (4- 1) + r
derivative of the voltage signal (E@) dV(t)/dt). The
radiated field similarly propagates at the speed of light. where r is the radial distance from the origin. For the
far source, the voltage signal propagates along a path of
OF length R (n - Q) from the feed lo the far source. Then,
the signal radiates from a point that is a distance R
further from the field point than the origin. Thus, the
Figure 7 shows a planar loop antenna [8]. effective path for the far source is:

Simple Model of Planar Loop Antenna pjaX+)= R (n - 4 + 1) + 7. (7)

Near / Note that the orientation of the current is different for
the near source and the far source. Also (by Rule 3), the
current is strongest at the feed point and weakest at the
opposite side of the loop. Thus,

Enem($) +Cos(W) (8)

EpX$) -cos[(n-QY21. (9)
/w/ Finally, the total radiated field as a function of time and
, angle is approximately proportional to:

E($, 0 -Enem($, 0 + En.dr$, 0

Figure 7: A simple model of a planar loop antenna -cos[$/2] (1 -2(r (t-R(Q-l)/c-r/c)jJ2
(02004 H. Schanfz). exp[-(a(f -R($-l)/c-r/c)/J2]
- COS[(X-@)/~]
(1 - 2(n (t-R(n-$+l)/c-r/c)~)~
For simplicity, we may replace the element with an exp[-(n(f-R(rr-r$tl)/c-r/c)f,)’]. (IO)
equivalent line source (Rule I). Consider radiation in a
particular direction at an angle $ with respect to the feed Taking R = 11.9 mm, f = 1.5 ns,L = 2.0 GHz, and c =
point. Then (by Rule 4) the phase center is that element 30 c d n s , Figure 8 displays the time domain electric
of the line source that is oriented perpendicular to the fields over a 120 cm x 120 cm region centered on the
direction of radiation. Thus, there will be two sources, a origin (the antenna element is not to scale).
“near source” at an angle $ and a “far source” at an
angle n - $. Assume a Gaussian voltage signal:

Dispersion of signals from UWB antennas is a serious
problem confronting the designers of UWB systems.
Traditional narrowband antenna measurement
techniques do no do a good job of assessing dispersion
of UWB signals. However, it is possible to use a
relatively straightfonvard analytic technique to
qualitatively determine the time domain radiated fields
around a UWB antenna and inspect the field pattem for
evidence of dispersion.
The figures ofthe present paper are reproduced from the
author’s book, UWB Antennu Design, to be published
by Artech House in 2005.
[I] T. Hertel and G. Smith, “On the Dispersive
Properties of the Conical Spiral Antenna and Its
Figure 8: Waveform radiated by aplanar loop antenna. Use for Pulse Radiation,” IEEE Transactions on
Light colors indicate positive electricfield Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 7, July
amplitude while dark colors indicafe negative 2003, pp. 1426-33.
electric field amplifude [2] H. Schantz, “Planar Elliptical Element UWB Dipole
(02004 H. Schanb). Antennas,” IEEE A P S Conference Proceedings
(June 2002).
Note the variation in the waveform shape as a function [3] H. Schantz, ‘%lectromagnetic Radiation Made
of azimuthal angle $. In the direction of the feed, the Simple,” APS/AAPT Joint Meeting (April 1997).
waveform is a positive “Gaussian W waveform. As [4] 0. Jefimenko, Electricity andMagneiism
the azimuthal angle increases, the amplitude of the (Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1966), 815-
center peak decreases until the radiated waveform 7,pp. 515-518.
becomes a negative Gaussian W. 151
. .D. Griffiths and M. Heald. “Time-deuendent
generalizations of the Biot-Savart akd Coulomb
The reason for this variation is that the relative path
laws,” Am. I.Phys. 59,111-117 (1991).
difference varies as a function of $. For small 4,pmnm($) [6] H. Schantz, “The flow of electromagnetic energy in
is small and^,^,($) is large. For large 4, p..,($) is large an electric dipole decay,” Am. J. Phys. 63,513-520
and p@,(b) is relatively small. Thus the two (1995).
contibutions to the radiated field (near and far) sweep 171 H. Hertz, Electric Wuves,(London: Macmillan and
past each other in time, adding up conshuctively for
small +, destructively for $ - 120 degrees, and
constructively again (but yielding an inverted
Co., 1893) p.164.
[8] H. Schantz, “Planar loop antenna,” U S . Patent
waveform) for +- 180 degrees.
6,593,886 (July 15,2003).

For a UWB antenna element to be non-dispersive, there

must be minimal variation in the relative delay between
paths of various signal components.

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