CS-400 CS 4 C 3 May

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Mid Term Online Exam Spring 2021

Course Title: Database System Course Code : CS – 400
Discipline /Program : BSCS (4C) Total Marks : 18
Time allowed : 12 Hours Instructor’s Name : Saadia Sultana

Note: Attempt all questions.

Q. No. 1 (a) Discuss how does ANSI SPARC architecture helps us in achieving data independence.
(b) Keeping in view the core responsibilities of Physical Database Designer and Logical Database
Designer. Discuss whose role is more critical in different stages of development and why?
[2+2 Marks]
Q. No 2. Consider the following emp relation and rename it with your name: [4 Marks]
a. Apply commit and rollback commands to explain their difference and also add any comment on
the table.
b. Insert Some data in above table: apply disable and drop constraint on the table to show the
difference between both commands.
Q. No. 3 From discussions with hospital staff, reviewing hospital documents, and studying existing
information systems, the study team developed a list of business rules describing the policies of the
hospital and nature of the hospital’s operation that govern the relationships between these entities. Some of
these rules are:
a. A facility maintains one or more diagnostic units (radiology, clinical laboratory, cardiac
diagnostic unit, etc.).
b. A facility contains a number of wards (obstetrics, oncology, geriatrics, etc.).
c. Each ward is assigned a certain number of staff members (nurses, secretaries, etc.); a staff
member may be assigned to multiple wards.
d. A facility staffs its medical team with a number of physicians. A physician may be on the
staff of more than one facility.
e. A physician treats patients, and a patient is treated by any number of physicians.
f. A physician diagnoses patients, and a patient is diagnosed by any number of physicians.
g. A patient may be assigned to a ward (outpatients are not assigned to a ward).
h. A physician writes one or more orders for a patient. Each order is for a given patient, and a
patient may have many orders.
Create an ERD, relational schema model and relations in SQL with all required constraints. Also attach screenshot
of each query executed in Oracle (add your roll no. with each entity to avoid plagiarism).
[4+4+2 Marks]

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