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Learning Design for: English as a Foreign Language - And they lived happily ever

after. Or didn't they?

Topic: Storytelling-Flipped classroom
Total learning time: 2 hours and 45 minutes
Designed learning time: 2 hours and 45 minutes
Size of class: 20
Description: Students' age group:14-15
Language proficiency level (CEFR): B1+/B2
This lesson uses short stories as a means to develop students' comprehensive and productive
skills in English. First, as a flipped classroom, Ss visit a bl og and view content (a powerpoint
presentation and texts) in order to explore the plot structure of a narrative text. Then, students
watch an animated video of a fairy tale with a twist and, in groups, they create their own
versions of well-known fairy tales.
At the Notes section there is a description of the assessment for each TLA activities.
Mode of delivery: Blended

The aim of the lesson is:
1. To use short stories in order to enhance Ss' reading and listening skills, get Ss actively
involved in the speaking process so as to develop creative speaking skills, improve their
communicative efficiency and raise their self-confidence regarding oral production.
2. To promote 21st century skills such as collaboration, communication and persuasiveness,
time management, decision making and creative thinking.
Students will be able to:
1. Take notes in the target language
2. Use notes as reference when producing oral speech.
2. Use grammatically correct sentences to describe orally past events.
3. Produce short narrative texts.
4. Give opinions and contribute effectively in discussions using the target language.

Knowledge: Learners will gain knowledge on the narrative structure of short stories and will be
able to recognize these structural elements in various text types (myths and fairy tales).
Application: Learners will modify fairy tales and produce their own twisted versions.
Synthesis: Learners will share ideas, present arguments, give and ask for opinions and make
joint decisions
Evaluation: Learners will be equipped with peer-assessment skills.
Uncategorised: Learners will practice listening, writing and oral presentation skills.
Teaching-Learning activities
At home - Activities planned for before in school learning happens (On your own online
Read Watch Listen 20 minutes 1 Student Teacher not present Online
Students (Ss) were given instructions to visit the blog "My English inspiration"
( and study the
embedded slides presentation "Elements of a short story".
Then, Ss have to read Aesop's fable "The shepherd boy and the wolf" and the fairy tale "The
story of Goldilocks and the three bears", also available on the blog. Their task is to identify the
plot structural elements in these two stories. The elements are: Setting, Characters, Plot,
Conflict, Climax, Resolution, Theme, Point of view.

Teacher (T) has posted the instructions on the educational platform e -me , on the class hive
wall with links to the blog.
Linked resources
🔗 "My English Inspiration" blog

Practice 10 minutes 1 Student Teacher not present Online

After having identified the plot structural elements in the two stories, Ss will write them down
in a quiz the T has created with google forms. The quiz link is also posted on the e-me class hive
wall with the instructions.
T will send feedback of the assessment activity (practice section) to the students before the
class day.
Class Day - Activities planned for in school learning

Discuss 3 minutes 20 Students Teacher present Face to

face (not
Introduction to the topic and to the first activity
T asks Ss the plot structure of a narrative text and writes the answers on the white board.
T tells the class that they are going to work in groups and become story tellers.T asks if Ss know
the fairy tale "The Princess and the pea" and Ss tell a brief summary of the plot.
T introduces the audio-visual task saying that Ss will watch a short video* (4:45 min) of the fairy
tale “The princess and the pea” and asks them to pay attention to the plot.
* Video of the fairy tale “The princess and the pea” cleaned by the T using VideoLink
Original video: From HISHE Kids channel on youtube [last access 24/4/2021]
Read Watch Listen 6 minutes 20 Students Teacher present Online
SS watch the video ( with the different ending version of the fairy
tale and give answers to the T's questions below:
“Was the story the same as you know it? “Which element of the original tale was changed?”
"A common ending in fairy tales is the phrase : And they lived happily ever after. In this version
did the protagonists live happily ever after? Or didn’t they?”
Linked resources
🔗 The princess and the pea

Collaborate 13 minutes 4 Students Teacher present Face to

face (not
Ss form 5 teams of 4 by drawing pieces of papers from a bag (there are numbers from 1 to 5
written on the papers. Ss are assigned to a team according to the number they pick).
T hands out the worksheet and explains that Ss will work in teams to change the setting (the
place or the time) of the fairy tale they have just watched and explore how this may affect the
other elements of the story.
T hands out a layout template and advices Ss to take notes that will serve them as visual aids. T
announces that the time for this task is 10 minutes.
T moves around, monitors the process and offers help if necessary.

Produce 15 minutes 4 Students Teacher present Face to

face (not
Teams present their answers to the class.

Discuss 8 minutes 4 Students Teacher present Face to

face (not
T announces that homework will be done in teams (see At home - Activities planned for after
T explains that Ss will have to work synchronously and/or asynchronously and asks teams to
decide which member will create an e-me hive for them to work and exchange the needed
information to stay in contact out of school.
Teams pick the fairy tale which they will work with. Each team is assigned one of the fairy tales
Cinderella, Snow White, Hans and Gretel, The big bad wolf and the three little pigs and Little
Red Riding Hood.

T can evaluate individual speaking skills while monitoring the collaboration activity.
At home - Activities planned for after in school learning happens
Read Watch Listen 20 minutes 1 Student Teacher not present Online
Ss have to produce a new version of a fairy tale working in teams from distance. They will
present it to the rest of the class as presentations with audio or videos (up to 8 slides)
T has posted on e-me the worksheet with the assignment along with videos for each digital
tool, specifically padlet, google slides, animaker or powtoon.
Ss will watch the videos individually and later (see next step "collaborate") will decide as a
team which one they to create presentations of their fairy tale version.
Links to the videos and guidelines about their assignment and evaluation (details in the Notes
section of the next TLA) is given in a worksheet posted on their e-me hive wall.
Linked resources
🔗 google slides
🔗 padlet
🔗 powtoon

🔗 animaker
Discuss 30 minutes 4 Students Teacher not present Online
Ss will share ideas about the new version of a fairy tale. They will decide which elements they
will change and how they will present it to the class. Ss assign roles to each member.

This can be done on the e-me hive of the team synchronously and/or asynchronously. Ss are
advised to work synchronously for better communication at this stage.
Produce 20 minutes 4 Students Teacher not present Online
Ss create their presentations using one of the above-mentioned collaborative tools.
T is available to give assistance during the whole process.
Ss share the links of their work with the T and post them on their e -me blog.
(Although the activity is marked as asynchronous, Ss may also work synchronously depending
on the tool they will use).
Produce 10 minutes 1 Student Teacher not present Online
Ss will fill in questionnaires to assess their performance with regard to task completion and co -
operation in their teams and their personal contribution.
Assessment: Ss will be graded (a) individually for their contribution after they provide the
questionnaire mentioned in the last section of this TLA and (b) for their teams' final product
(details given below).
T will not evaluate the technical aspects of the presentations/videos but will take into account
creativity in thinking and clarity in communicating meaning. Thus, the final products will be
assessed in terms of vocabulary and grammar with regard to accuracy and how comprehensive
Ss are. In terms of fluency, T will evaluate how confidently and without hesitation Ss express
At home - Activities planned for before in school learning process
Collaborate 10 minutes 1 Student Teacher not present Online
In the next in-class lesson, Ss will present their work in class and provide advice for
improvements (peer-learning). As a preparation activity T wants each S to watch the final
product of one other team and write a short comment on their blog.
Ss are advised to comment taking into account the following guidelines given to them in
advance on their worksheet assignment as mentioned in the previous TLA.
1) Is the length according to the teacher's guidelines?
2) Is the story interesting for the viewer?
3) Is the meaning communicated clearly?
4) Do pictures and audio compliment each other?
5) Do they serve the story well?

Representations of the learning experience

Learning through minutes %

Acquisition (Read, Watch, Listen) 46 28

Investigation 0 0

Discussion 41 25

Practice 10 6

Collaboration 23 14

Production 45 27

minutes %

Whole class 9 5

Group 86 52

Individual 70 42
minutes %

Face to face (not online) 39 24

Online 126 76

minutes %

Teacher present 45 27

Teacher not present 120 73

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