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Transactional Analysis Journal

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Sir Lancelot or the Beautiful Wife Game

Samuel N. Park Jr.

To cite this article: Samuel N. Park Jr. (1971) Sir Lancelot or the Beautiful Wife Game,
Transactional Analysis Journal, 1:2, 17-18

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Beautiful women become accustomed main, if not only, source of their social
to much stroking and have more oppor- life.
tunities for physical intimacy than is On the occasions when they are there,
average. Sir Lancelot is there too, but never with
With marriage, the amount of stroking another girl. He and the Queen supply
decreases though the desire for it at its each other with much stroking, viz con-
previous level goes on. It is not cultur- versations, flirtatious glances, etc. In
ally syntonic for a woman to accept too fact, their relationship has alI the ap-
many strokes from men other than her pearances of. a courtship. The King is
husband. very aware that this is going on.
After marriage, the beautiful woman At one time, because the situation
is still subject to many attempts at was so strange and occasioned much
seduction which she may learn to parry gossip, it caused the king to lose face
with Rapo, GYWP, etc., if she wishes. and he forced Sir Lancelot and the
Queen to stop. However, in a few
Her husband is aware of the threats
months he permitted it to start again,
and, if he is not sure of her fidelity, sets
indicating that the game had some im-
up his own defenses to protect her. One
portant advantages for all players. Now
of these is the game Sir Lancelot noticed
it is an accepted thing at the club, taken
at a social club.
for granted by all.
The roles are: The motivation for this game was
KIN G: The husband, well-to-do pointed out by one of the cavaliers at
businessman, middle-aged. the club who, when referring to the
strange menage a trois, said, "It's OK
QUEEN: His beautiful, middle-
for him to make goo-goo eyes at her,
aged wife.
but let me or some other cavalier (sexu-
SIR LANCELOT: Rich, educated, aIly-threatening male) start talking to
socially prominent, president of a her and the King's right there!"
large company, who never goes out The King had wisely chosen a person
with girls. very frightened of intimacy as a buffer
THESIS: The King and Queen are against cuckolding, for while the Queen
members of a social club and go to it was engaged with Sir LanceIot, she was
three or four times a week; it is the safe!
Transactional Anal. J. 1:2, April 1971 17

The silent, unspoken contracts were: MOVES:

(ULTERIOR) Invitation, Acceptance, Parting.
King: If you keep the other cavaliers ADVANTAGES:
away, you may flirt with her. Exp: Men and women can't be trusted
Sir Lancelot: I will as long as you don't together (King)
leave us alone. Sex is wicked (S. L.)
Queen: I'll go along as long as you keep Internal Psychological Advantages:
assuring me that I'm beautiful and Avoid cuckolding (King).
desirable. External Psychological Advantages:
The payoff comes at the parting after Avoid physical intimacy, (S. L.)
an evening together. Internal Social Advantages:
External Social Advantages:
SOCIAL LEVEL I could have him, girls! (Queen)
King, P, Queen, P.: Good night, Sir Biological Advantages:
Lancelot, it's been nice. Stroking, DBTSs
Sir Lanoelot, P: Good night, I enjoyed RELATIVES: Rapo #2 (3-way), NIGY-
the evening, see you soon. SOB, AlA, Frigid Man
The affair between Guinevere and Sir
King, C: Kiss off sucker, you see who
, Lancelot eventually led to the dissolu-
sleeps with her. (Thank's Sucker.)
tion of Camelot; however, according to
S. L., C: All that making out, now home
TA principles it is doubtful if the play-
alone again, Ain't It Awful, but thank
ers will ever change the game though
goodness! (If There Were Only
they may tire of it. They will simply
Other Girls Like Her.)
find new players or some other script
ROLES: King, Queen, Sir Lancelot, This game was presented to PHITAS
Cavaliers in Philadelphia under the direction of
DYNAMICS: Phobias, intimacy, cuck- Fanita English on November 11, 1970.
olding, aging It was agreed that it was a new game;
many other possibilities were discussed,
AIM: Reassurance
1. Many other internal psychological
2. Other dynamic motivations, voyeur-
King and Queen, P: Good evening,
ism, homosexuality, etc.
Sir Lancelot, won't you join us?
3. As a three-headed game, the pos-
S. L., P: Ies nice to see you, don't sibility of each player alternating
mind if I do. among roles, victim, rescuer, and
PSYCHOLOGICAL LEVEL 4. The possibility of other similar
King, C: Join us so those other cava- games where an individual is used
liers can't take her away. to protecting others from threats to
S. L., C: I will if you don't leave us their job, their social position, etc.
alone. .5. The occurence of the game be-
Queen, C: I'll go along if you tell tween two couples, with four play-
me I'm beautiful. ers.
18 Transactional Anal. J. 1:2, April 1971

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