Finite Element Analysis in Trauma & Orthopaedics Ean Introduction To Clinically Relevant Simulation & Its Limitations

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Finite element analysis in combined to give an approximation of the solution to the

complex problem. It works by dividing complex geometries into

trauma & orthopaedics e an a set of small simplexes in the shape of triangles in 2D or tetra-
hedrals in 3D, known as a mesh. The solution is then approxi-

introduction to clinically mated over each element. This results in a large set of
simultaneous equations that are solved to approximate the

relevant simulation & its solution of the domain (object) of interest. Each element is
interconnected at specified points called nodes (Figure 1).

limitations Figure 2 shows the surface mesh generated from data based
on the geometry of a femur. The triangular elements are used for
the generation of the volume mesh inside the femur, which is
Gareth Llewelyn Roberts
made of tetrahedral elements.
Ian Pallister A number of computer software packages have been devel-
oped for the solution of finite element models, including ELFEN,
ABAQUS, NASTRAN, and ANSYS. These vary in complexity and
in the assumptions made during the solving, mainly a result of
Abstract the fact that they were created with certain situations in mind.
Finite element analysis is a mathematical tool, used by engineers to simu-
For example ANSYS grew from the Nuclear Industry, and NAS-
late real life situations. It is widely used in the Aeronautical industry and
TRAN (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Struc-
has led to considerable savings in development costs and improvements
tural Analysis) was developed by NASA to assess the space
in design. It has been used in the design of orthopaedic implants and
surgical techniques, both for elective and trauma surgery. Developing
However, all FEA software uses a similar workflow:
a virtual simulation of orthopaedic interventions carries huge theoretical
advantages; however to appreciate the results of finite element analysis
 Numerical analysis
a brief understanding of the process is required. The purpose of this
 Post processing.
article is to provide an overview of finite element analysis, its possible
applications in orthopaedics and also it’s limitations. Pre-processing
This is the problem definition stage, as defined by the user. This
Keywords biomechanics; finite element analysis includes generation of the mesh representing the domain of
interest, starting from the geometric definition derived from
scanned images or CAD (Computer Aided Design) definition.
Also at this stage the material properties, loads and boundary
Background conditions are defined. (The boundary conditions are the rela-
Finite element analysis (FEA) is a powerful tool for the simula- tionships that exists between the nodes and space, i.e. if they are
tion of a wide range of problems. Its origins can be traced back to fixed or can move in space.)
the 1940s; however developments in computer technology have
led to a rapid development of this technique in the past Numerical analysis
decades.1,2 It was initially developed for structural analysis, At this stage the discretized governing equations are solved on
however; it is now widely used to perform deformation and the generated mesh under the specified boundary and load
stress analysis of buildings, bridges and other structures as well
as the analysis of heat flux, fluid flow, magnetic flux and
seepage. It has been used in orthopaedic surgery in a variety of
situations, particularly in the assessment of both trauma and
elective surgical implants. The purpose of this article is to explain
to an orthopaedic surgeon the basics of FEA, and importantly its

Finite element analysis

Finite element analysis is a mathematical tool, which relies on
the simplification of complex situations into a number of
discrete, smaller problems, which can be solved individually and

Gareth Llewelyn Roberts MSc MRCS ST6 Trauma and Orthopaedics,

Morriston Hospital, Swansea, Wales, UK. Conflict of interest: none.

Ian Pallister MD FRCS Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics, Morriston

Hospital, Swansea, Wales, UK. Conflict of interest: none. Figure 1 An example of a tetrahedral element.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 26:6 410 Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 2 An example of a meshed femur.

conditions. This normally results in a large set of simultaneous

equations for the quantities of interest at the nodal points (i.e.
deformations and velocities). These equations are then solved
either directly or iteratively to give the nodal quantities of interest
(deformation and velocity). Other quantities can then be derived
from these entities (stress and stains).

Post processing
At this stage graphical presentation of the results is used, often
in the forms of characteristic images such as that shown
below (Figure 3), which display strain/stress patterns or patterns
of displacement. This data can also be displayed in tabular
format. Figure 3 An example of the visualisation of a stress analysis of a femur.

Validating the results of FEA

It is extremely important to check the results given by FEA extension. Various specific issues associated with the use of finite
software. This is often done by comparison with experimental element analysis need first to be addressed.
data, and comparison with other similar computation
techniques. The generation of FEA models of bone
Most of the objects analyzed using FEA are defined using CAD
Orthopaedic examples systems. The vast majority of FEA bones are generated from
imaging data, be it computed tomography (CT) or magnetic
Numerous examples of the use of finite element analysis exist resonance (MR) data. A CT works on the same principle as
within the orthopaedic literature. A search on PubMed with the X-rays, i.e. electromagnetic waves travel through objects/speci-
keywords ‘finite element analysis’ and ‘orthopaedics’ itself mens and are attenuated to different degrees, this difference
produces 807 published papers. The volume of literature on the being analyzed to give rise to images. Within a CT scanner the
subject is therefore vast. Everything from total hip replacement source of the X-ray beam and the detector change position,
to footwear has been analyzed by FEA. therefore allowing the generation of a matrix of attenuation
FEA has two main uses in orthopaedics: levels. The size of each pixel is dependent upon the field of view
 Static problems e such as the stress analysis of bone and and the size of the matrix.
the load bearing capacity of implants and prosthetic
systems. field of view
 Dynamics problems e such as fall analysis or the dynamic Pixel size ¼
size of matrix
simulation of anatomical structures.
Despite the fact that the use of FEA in engineering design Modern CT scanners scan in volume cuts, therefore generating
and analysis has become routine in such industries, its use a matrix of cubes, each cube of the matrix grid being called
for modelling orthopaedic problems is not a straightforward a voxel.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 26:6 411 Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 4 An illustration of the partial volume effect. The circle on the left is
scanned, and is recorded as a matrix of attenuation levels. Since the
recorded attenuation levels within each individual square is an average
attenuation of that square data is lost.

However trying to fit a curve into a square never works,

therefore problems arise at the boundaries between high atten-
uation (e.g. bone), and low attenuation (e.g. air). This leads to
the partial volume effect, which occurs due to the CT scanner
recording the average attenuation across each voxel, meaning Figure 6 An example of a 10 node tetrahedral element.
that at the edges voxels may have abnormally low or high values,
depending on the material of interest (Figure 4).
The only method to reduce this effect is to increase the size of  Reduce the size of the elements e the smaller the elements
the matrix or reduce the field of view, which is dependent upon the closer the final solution will be to the actual problem,
the CT scanner’s abilities. as shown in Figure 5. However reducing the size of an
element will in turn increase the number of elements,
Creating bone geometries from CT scan data therefore increasing the number of simultaneous equations
Bone geometries are created from CT scan data by segmentation, and the computational power required.
i.e. selecting what is needed. Various software programmes are  Using isoparametric elements e isoparametric elements have
available for this, e.g. MIMICS (Materialise, Leuven), 3D Doctor the ability to be designated curved sides due to the addition of
(Able Software Corp, Lexington), ScanIP (Simpleware, Exeter). mid-side nodes, for example a 10 node tetrahedral instead of
The degree of automation is variable. However, irrespective of a four node tetrahedral (Figure 6). However, despite the fact
the method of segmentation, the raw data remains cubic that this will reduce the number of elements required to
matrices of attenuation values. Therefore the accuracy of the accurately discretize the geometry, it increases the solution
geometric models generated is controlled by the size of the CT time due to the increase in the number of degrees of freedom
voxels. and the number of quadrature rules required to perform the
numerical integration. In addition, not all software has the
Shape of the elements ability to implement isoparametric elements.
Creating bone surfaces from tetrahedral elements is difficult,
as simple tetrahedral elements have straight edges whereas Interpolation
bone, obviously, has curved edges. There are two methods to The basis of the finite element method is the piecewise approx-
compensate for this. imation of a complex problem e that is, the solution of

Figure 5 An illustration of the effect of reducing the size of the elements. The smaller elements in (b) resemble the actual curve much better than the large
element in (a).

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 26:6 412 Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

a complicated problem is obtained by dividing the region of

interest into small regions (finite elements) and approximating
the solution over each sub-region by a simple function. Thus
a necessary and important step is that of choosing a simple
function for the solution of each element. The functions used to
represent the behaviour of the solution within an element are
called interpolation functions or approximating or interpolation
models. These are normally polynomial-type interpolation func-
tions, as they are easy to formulate and computerize and it is
possible to improve the accuracy of the results by increasing the
order of the polynomial.
When the interpolation polynomial is of the order of one the
element is termed a linear element. If the interpolation poly-
nomial is of the order of two or more the element is known as
a higher order element. In higher order elements, some
secondary (mid-sided and/or interior) nodes are introduced in
addition to the primary (corner) nodes in order to match the
number of nodal degrees of freedom with the number of
constants (generalize coordinates) in the interpolation poly-
nomial. In general, fewer higher order elements are needed to
achieve the same degree of accuracy in the final results.
Since the actual variation of the field variable inside the Figure 7 An example of the distribution of material properties across an
continuum is not known, we assume that the variation of the axial cut of a diaphysis, following assignment based on attenuation. Red
field variable inside a finite element can be approximated by representing high density and blue representing low density.
a simple function. These approximating functions (also called
interpolation models) are defined in terms of the values of the  E integration e firstly the Young’s modulus for each voxel
field variables at the nodes. When the filled equations (like is calculated based on the attenuation of each voxel and
equilibrium equations) for the whole continuum are written, the then this is averaged on each element.
new unknowns will be the nodal values of the field variable. By Taddei et al. compared both mapping strategies with experi-
solving the finite element equations, which are generally in the mentally derived measurements.10 They found that HU integra-
form of matrix equations, the nodal values of the filed variable tion produced a statistically significant different model than that
will be known. Once these are known, the approximating func- with E integration with, on average, lower values. They
tions define the field variable throughout the assemblage of concluded that both methods were able to predict superficial
elements. stress but that directly averaging the Young’s modulus for each
element improved the prediction of strain within the model.
Assigning material properties Several integration strategies are used in the literature for this,
Assigning the material properties of individual elements when some taking the average of a number of points within each
assessing bone is difficult. Some have applied arbitrary values to tetrahedral element others taking the average of each node of the
each element, whereas other have based the values on CT element.11,13 The accuracy of this integration is dependent upon
attenuation values3e7 (Figure 7). the size of the matrix grid with respect to the element size.14
In order to base material properties on the attenuation level
Isotropic vs orthotropic
of the input data it is important that the attenuation values of
To complicate matters further, bone is orthotropic, meaning that
the CT scanner are calibrated. This can be done by calibrating
it has different material properties or strengths depending on the
against materials of know density, such as hydroxyapatite or
dipotassium hydrogen phosphate solutions (K2HPO4), or by
calibrating against muscle and fat.8,9 After calibration it is
possible to convert the degree of attenuation into the bone A sample of the relationships within the literature
mineral density (BMD) of each voxel. Several equations are between Young’s modulus and material density
quoted in the literature for the conversion of BMD (r ¼ Publication Young modulus (E ) to density (r)
density) into material properties (E ¼ Young’s modulus), see relationship
Table 1.
As the relationship between BMD and Young’s modulus is Taddei et al.10 E ¼ 10 500 r 2.29
a power relationship and not a linear relationship it is important Bessho et al.11 r ¼ 0 E ¼ 0.001
in which order the conversion is made. 0 <r  0.27 E ¼ 33 900r2.20
Within the literature, integrating the material properties into 0.27 < r  0.6 E ¼ 5307r þ 469
the mesh has been done in two ways: 0.6 < r E ¼ 10 200 r 2.01
 HU integration e firstly the attenuation of each element is Dragomir-Daescu et al.12 E ¼ 14 664 r 1.49
calculated and then the element’s Young modulus is
calculated Table 1

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 26:6 413 Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

direction of the applied force. At present the majority of FEA allows movement and joint torques to be modelled in a mathe-
studies have considered bone to have isotropic behaviour, i.e. its matical model (inverse dynamic analysis). This mathematical
material properties are uniform in all directions. Some authors model is able to produce estimates of joint torques, each of which
have produce FEA models which allow orthotropic behaviour, represents the resultant action of those muscles that cross the
but that then raises problems in identifying the orientation of the joint. However, due to the complexity of the human body, with
orthotropic behaviour.15,16 Yang et al. has shown that this can complex interactions between different muscle groups, it is not
have important effects, particularly in specific regions, such as possible to calculate individual muscle forces through this
the proximal femur with its complex trabecular pattern.15 The method. Neither is it capable of providing information regarding
resolution of standard clinical CT scanners is currently not small muscle load sharing, agonistseantagonist activity, energy trans-
enough to allow this to be defined. fer between joints via biarticular muscle and dynamic coupling.20
The relationship between movement and muscle forces in
Loading forces a musculoskeletal model is represented by the equation below.
Another limitation of FEA models in orthopaedics is the lack of
physiological loading conditions. This is also true of the majority MðqÞq_ þ Cðq; qÞ
_ þ GðqÞ þ RðqÞFMT þ E ¼ 0 ð1Þ
of biomechanical laboratory testing, in that muscle forces where M(q) is the system mass matrix (n  n)
themselves are largely ignored. When FEA nodes are applied to _ is the centrifugal and coriolis loading (n  1)
Cðq; qÞ
the lower limbs, for example, several publications describing the G(q) is the gravitational loading (n  1)
proximal femur consider a static one-legged stance with only E represents external forces.
joint reaction forces modelled. The vast majority of FEA models R(q)FMT represents muscular joint torques (n  1), where
are static in nature, or at best quasi dynamic, with none showing R(q) is the matrix of muscular moment arms (n  m) and
a completely dynamic simulation. FMT are the muscle forces (m  1, m: number of muscles).
Some recent papers, such as that by Taylor et al. have gone The number of unknown muscle forces often exceeds the
further and analyzed muscle forces and the effect they have on number of equations (m > n). In order to estimate muscle
internally fixed clavicle fractures.17 However this kind of analysis forces, either muscles must be combined or a method relying on
also has its limitations. the optimization principle must be used.20 In its simplest form
the generalized system equations reduce to a one-to-one corre-
Defining muscle forces spondence between the degree of freedoms and the muscle
Defining muscle forces is in itself a challenge. Measuring the loading:
physiological loading conditions of bone accurately is extremely
difficult, if not impossible, due to both ethical and technical MðqÞq_ þ Cðq$qÞ
_ þ GðqÞ þ TMT þ E ¼ 0 ð2Þ
constraints. Attempts have been made to obtain details of femoral
loading by implanting instrumented devices.18,19 Bergmann et al. Where TMT are the muscular joint torques (n  1) which are
implanted a series of four instrumented total hip replacements equal to R(q)FMT
from which they were able to get accurate joint loading informa- This obviously would not contain enough detail for the
tion.18 Similarly Schneider et al. implanted an instrumented intra- loading applied to the femur.
medullary nail into a comminuted femoral fracture and from this
was able to collect loading information.19 The fact that Schneider Muscleeskeleton coupling: muscle produces torque or moment
et al. obtained a bending moment of only 8.7 Nm at the fracture site (of force) at a joint. This is defined in simple terms by:
when expecting a bending moment of 20 Nm whilst in a sitting
Torque ¼ distance to centre of rotation  force ð3Þ
position illustrates the importance of muscle in the loading of the
femur.19 Various methods have been described in the literature to
Where the force is perpendicular to the displacement vector.
measure muscle forces. Not all are relevant or applicable to every
Within the human body the moment arm (the distance
situation. A brief description of the various methods follows.
between a muscle’s line of action and the joint’s axis of rotation)
is dependent upon the origin and the insertion of the muscle in
Direct methods: these often involve the measurement of super-
question. This distance is often joint angle dependent. Any model
ficial tendons such as the Achilles tendon, or intra-operative
that is used to estimate muscle forces must therefore incorporate
measurements, such as measurements from the flexor tendons
accurate and anatomical descriptions of muscle insertions and
during carpal tunnel release. This method is not possible for the
the three-dimensional path of muscles relative to the moving
majority of bones.
Non-invasive measurement: these all rely upon Newton’s third
Muscle modelling
law of motion in that,
The magnitude of force that a muscle is capable of generating is
“To every action there is always an equal and opposite reac- dependent upon its activation level and its forceegeneration
tion: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal properties which are defined by the force-fibre length and force-
and are directed in opposite directions.” fibre velocity relationship.

Therefore, each muscle pull that results in a skeletal move- Inverse solution: as has previously been discussed, in some
ment will cause a change in the ground reaction force. This situations it is not possible to know muscle excitation or joint

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 26:6 414 Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

torques therefore we are unable to solve Equation (1) as Software

a forward solution. However standard gait analysis, in the form Software packages such as OpenSim ( and
of motion capture and pressure plates gives joint kinematic data Anybody ( are available which are able
and ground reaction forces. With the time history of these vari- to convert gait laboratory data into muscle force calculations.
ables it is possible to calculate muscular joint torques at each These have models of various complexities and validations, such
instant of the movement by re-arranging Equation (1). as the London Lower Limb Model which is available in OpenSim
based on an anatomical study by Klein Horsman et al. and
TMT ¼ MðqÞq_ þ Cðq; qÞ
_ þ GðqÞ þ E ð4Þ validated against the Hip98 data of Bergmann et al.18,21,22
(Figure 8).
In practice, muscular joint torques are often derived from
single segments, working from distal to proximal. Therefore
the more proximal the segment, the less accurate are the Validation
assumptions. Muscle force predictions are usually validated against Electro-
myography (EMG) data. However the temporal characteristics of
Muscle force estimation muscle firing during movement and muscle force generation
Firstly the joint torques for each instant in time are calculated aren’t necessarily the same. Another method of validation is to
using Equation (4). The muscular load-sharing problem is then calculate joint reaction forces and compare these with the results
solved for each instant in time by minimizing an objective of instrumented implants.
function J (e.g. total muscle force) subject to constraints repre- A major weakness of these muscle models is that they are
senting the equality of the sum of individual muscular moments based often upon cadaveric studies and offer little in the form of
to the joint torques calculated. The individual muscular moment customization for individual subjects. Further developments
is calculated from the muscle force (the unknown of the opti- such as that by Scheys et al. have based their muscle properties
mization problem) and muscle moment arms, which may or may upon MRI data, which may be the future.23
not depend on joint angles. Usually, the maximum possible
muscle forces are limited by physiological values as an additional The future
boundary constraint. Advances in computer technology over the past decades have
allowed FEA to develop at a rapid pace. It currently allows very
accurate analysis to be performed in all kinds of situations.
Currently in orthopaedics its accuracy is hindered by assump-
tions which are made necessary by the limitations of raw data,
such as CT scan data, and loading estimations. In the future
integrated solutions may be developed which will allow accurate
simulation of individual persons, allowing the tailoring of
implants and procedures to individuals. Mimics, Anybody and
ANSYS in collaboration are currently developing an integrated
system capable of combining the whole process.

FEA is an important step in any engineering problem. It
certainly has a role to play in the development and refinement
of orthopaedic implants and procedures. However it must be
remembered that FEA is based upon a number of assumptions
and simplifications. The results obtained therefore need to be
assessed in context and require further work to validate
them. A

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