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Help Decide'TheF ateof1be TeenF -BombThrower

Should this H P HS student befed to the wolves, or should we let him gofree.p
I recently stages of HPISD schools, 'Teen, have saved yourself a world because of the gifts that outside of it, you have no
received a gem and it would be cool for, I've really struggled over of hurt if you'd listened. geography bestowed upon power, and people feel less
of a reader them to one day be worthy whether or not I should You're very lucky to live you, you're in for a rude inclined to put up with your
e -m a il. from of adults bowing down to forward your nasty-gram in the Park Cities and attend , awakening. The .success.. grossly inaccurate sense of
an' HPH$ stu- , them in a stadium setting, . to your parents. While I'm school in one of the 'finest leadership, and graceful accomplishment.
dent: It was simply out of awe for what deciding if I'm going to rat, districts in the country. You progression you refer to are Or you could shape up
Merritt in re s pons e , they might accomplish in . you out, I'll give you a little. ' will have more opportuni- not earned by doing your now, save the four-letter
Patterson to my Sept. 12 'the-future and because they time in the halls of HPHS. words for your peers who
column, Sit are among wealthy, well-
equipped peers with sue- .
But here's the kicker, if vou .'
They are developed by stu-
dents who wisely use the
find it an acceptable part of
self-expression. and keep
Down, Shut
Up, Behave. cessful predecessors.
But seeing how the like-
think you get a totally free . tools they've been given.
Though I hope I'm wrong,
your premature, unshak-
able confidence on the
The subject line was
brief; it consisted of a four- lihood of such unearned
treatment is low, how do I
ride to be a jerk because of the I predict you'll continue to
launch similarly entitled
; down low. Practice appear-
ing humble, and learn more
letter word starting with
the letter "F" followed by teach my kids to be respect- gifts that geography. bestowed F-bombs until one explodes effective methods of telling
the word "You."He used his ful, and not use profanity d, '.f'. university style, at which people off. In fact, I think I'
real' name and proceeded, - especially with grown- upon you, you re a ru e Ifl l'Of time you'll return home to can help you with that.
to rant about how I needed ups? And if by chance I keni live in your old room and Yours Truly,
to respect the youth run- miss that boat completely, awa,' enlng. blame others for your fail- Merritt Patterson
ning amuck at Scot football how do I make sure they're ure. Your former classmates
games because they are smart enough not to write will hang out with you over' Vote this kid's fate by
the "future 'leaders of our it down and send it with advice. ties for success because Of Christmas break and you'll visiting peopJenewspapers. I
country." He also reminded an electronic signature in, I know you can't process ' the education you've bedn , tell them how working for com/parkcities. Note to I
me that HPHS students are a-community where all the it now, so just cut this col- provided and the valuable your dad's friend is what voters: If the kid apo~ogizesll
known for how they "excel
and progress gracefully
through life."
'parents know each other? umn out of the paper and
'Which br ings me to my file it under "lessons I was
next point. too smart to learn as a teen,"
connections your parents'
street address has afforded
you've alwayswanted to do:
You'll make it sound
you. But here's the kicker glamorous 'and live the rest'
before this poll ends' at 51\ Monday, he's free. I /
That's good news because One day you'll rediscover it .-:- if you think you get a of your life without leaving I'
I have four kids in the early Dear F-Bomb Dropping and realize that you could totally free ride to be a jerk. the community, because, ,I

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