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Presentado por: Jose Miguel Monterrosa Ojeda

Parte 1.

Resumen “Let’s read”

Different people araund the Word have differents cultures, and with in the culture comes
the food. Regan and Craig and their children lives in america, regan and Craig work so they
don’t have much time to cook, they prefer to order convenience food in a restaurant or go
to fast food restaurants sometimes.

In Tokio, japan, people usually cook and eat a lot of fish and rice, the fish is because they
are close to the wáter.

In cuba, the culture is totally different, despite they have variety, they have to ration the
food and what they buy, they have a loto f fresh fruit.

Resumen “ let’s listen”

This is a conversation between, jane, Albert Roberts and the other memebers of the company, is
about an explication of the investigation that Albert Roberts did, he was hired to do some research
in the city where they’re planning to introduce their new product. He did a caracterization of the
people, ages, ocupation, economy and health. He also investigate about the malls in the city, the
city’s blockbuster, and the main attraction.

Parte 2

Elabore una propuesta sobre como presentar un producto o servicio en el mercado de la ciudad
que Albert describió.

We are here to present you: “custom food”

We are going to describe part of our marketing study

Geographic segmentation: we found out that 60% of the elderly are pensioners, 50% of the adults
are professional, 20% of the whole population is poor, 50% have incomes that permit them to
have good life conditions, and 30% of the population in this place wealthy.

Gender segmentation: our product is for men and women.

Income segmentation: our target market is the people who work, people who doesn’t have time
to prepare his food in the morning.

We have plans to work out the way to launch the product as soon as posible, we want to do
something big, for the people could see this launch like the blockbuster of the market, because
our product have the modifications that solve the necesities of them, so we want for them to see
we are cutting the Edge and offcourse in 1 or 2 years we would corner de market.

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