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WEINING HUANG (Orcid ID : 0000-0003-1411-1353)

Article type : Review

Accepted Article
Title: Advances in present-day frozen dough technology and its improver and novel bio-tech

ingredients development trends_a review

Jacob Ojobi OMEDI1 , and Weining HUANG*

State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology; Laboratory of Baking and Fermentation Science,

Cereal/Sourdough and Ingredient Functionality Research, School of Food Science and Technology,

Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +86(510)8591 9139; fax: +86(510)8591 9139. E-mail address: (W. Huang).


Background and objectives: In response to the need for product flexibility and fast response to consumer

trends, research interest frozen dough technology has continued to increase since its inception in 1970s.

Common categories of these products are pre-fermented, unfermented and par-baked frozen dough

products; with widely known frozen dough products such as refrigerated cookies and brownies, sweet

rolls, biscuits, dinner rolls, and pizza, sold “as if freshly baked” to the consumer. The underlying catalyst

for the development and growth of the frozen dough products in the 1970s to 1990s is closely related the

development of improver technology and increased research efforts to improve frozen dough quality; thus

a steady market growth in frozen dough products in the following. Despite increased popularity of frozen

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doi: 10.1002/cche.10122
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dough products, they are still faced with processing challenges such as reduced yeast activity and viability,

damaged dough gluten-starch network and alteration of individual dough components which are induced
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by freezing and frozen storage treatment. Therefore, increased research efforts by both industry and

academic institutions have been vital in understanding and improving processing parameters as well as the

end product quality of frozen bread-dough products.

This review provides an overview of the effect of ice crystal characteristics on water redistribution and

major components (starch and gluten) and ingredient (yeast) during freezing and frozen storage of frozen

bread-dough systems. Additionally, advances in frozen dough improver technology such as use of

hydrocolloids, ice structuring proteins, ice nucleating agents, and novel fermentation end products and

enzymes that alter ice crystal characteristics to improve steamed bread frozen dough quality are suggested

and discussed. In addition, due to the recent increase in popularity of frozen steamed products, they are

used as a case study and some critical conditions for their processing were suggested.

Findings: Freezing and frozen treatment on key components. Gluten: Gluten protein quality is mainly

indicated by GMP depolymerisation during freezing and frozen storage. In frozen steamed dough systems,

SH groups, an indicator of S-S bond disruption, increased in gluten but fluctuated in glutenin fraction

during frozen storage. This invariably increases the molecular weight distribution of the glutenin subunits

(HMW-GS and LMW-GS). Starch: Freezing and frozen storage induces granule structure re-organization;

decline in amorphous state coupled with increase in crystallinity as starch granule materials leach out,

influences the A- and B- type granules differently. Yeast: Freezing and frozen storage treatment decreases

yeast activity and viability in frozen dough systems; with the degree of damage related to the freezing

conditions used (e.g. freezing rates, ice crystal size and location and ice re-crystallization) and ability to

metabolize different molecules (e.g. glycerol, trehalose, proline, arginine). Despite loss in activity and

viability, yeasts are comparatively advantageous to use than chemical leaveners in frozen steamed dough

systems. The degree of damage can be related to the freezing conditions used and ability to metabolize

different molecules.

Hydrated frozen steamed dough, 3 water sources identified as rigid, confined and bulk water are found in

the dough matrix system and are redistributed differently through ice crystallization and recrystallization in

dough; thus affecting component structure and functionality. Bulk followed by confined water crystallizes

to ice during freezing. The freezing rate applied will also affect the ice characteristics, thus altering

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structure and functionality. Hence, studies on water redistribution induced by ice crystallization and

recrystallization may give a deeper understanding in the search of solutions to preserve gluten in frozen
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Improver and cryoprotective technology: Advances in additives improver technology such as the use of

hydrocolloids, ice-structuring proteins or antifreeze proteins, ice nucleating agents and use of novel biotech

ingredients and enzyme technology was able to; i) increase yeast cell freeze-tolerance, ii) enhance gluten

and starch functional (rheological, thermal) properties during freezing and frozen storage treatment.

Subsequently, the yeast cells in frozen dough have better fermentative capacity, resulting in improved end

product quality in terms of higher specific volume, lower hardness and increased shelf life.

Conclusion: This is attributed to the additives ability to alter ice crystallization and recrystallization

characteristics in frozen dough. Knowledge on development of ice crystallization and recrystallization

during freezing and frozen storage, respectively is useful to enable optimization of freezing conditions and

reduction of temperature fluctuations to maintain yeast viability and frozen dough quality.

Significance and novelty: This overview adds new knowledge and useful insights on: i) use of bio-tech

ingredients for clean label technology in frozen dough and food industry, a consumer demand trend for

clean label products, ii) optimization of frozen dough processing and equipment technology for modern

baking and food industry.

KEY WORDS: Advanced frozen dough technology, Freezing and frozen storage, cryoprotective ability,

Ice crystals, Gluten, Yeast, Starch,


Consumer tastes and preferences for bakery products are continuously changing. Despite this, bread

freshness and soft texture are acceptable quality attributes (Bockstaele, Walle, Dewettinck, Gellynck, &

Ku, 2009); deviation from which significantly decreases consumer bread acceptability (Heenan, Hamid,

Dufour, Harvey, & Delahunty, 2009). Consumers in different markets desire variety of freshly baked

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products sourced from local traditional functional and health promoting ingredients (Annunziata &

Vecchio, 2013).
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Excluding microbial spoilage; change in bread texture and freshness collectively termed as staling, occurs

in bread crumb and crust after baking process (Gray & Bemiller, 2003). Attempts to delay bread staling

through several empirical studies are continuously being done by the baking industry and researchers. In

this regard, improved processing methods and innovative technologies like sourdough fermentation,

enzyme technology and frozen dough technology are commonly applied in the baking industry (Bárcenas,

Haros, & Rosell, 2003; Bartkiene, Vizbickiene, Bartkevics, Pugajeva, Krungleviciute, Zadeike,

Zavistanaviciute, & Juodeikiene, 2017; He & Hoseney, 1990; Izadi Najafabadi, Le-Bail, Hamdami, Monteau,

& Keramat, 2014; Jiang, Le Bail, & Wu, 2008; Ronda, Caballero, Quilez, & Roos, 2011; Yi, Johnson, & Kerr,


Brief history of frozen dough products

In the late 1970s, industrial bakeries were reported to supply unfermented frozen dough for bake-off to

supermarket chains, retail bakeries, food service and institutional users (Decock & Cappelle, 2005).

Therefore, since then, the use of frozen dough technology concept, since its inception in 1970s, continues

to receive great interest from researchers and industry thus being converted into a mainstream business

(Rosell & Gómez, 2007). This trend was primarily driven by the need for product flexibility in terms of

freshness and fast response to consumer trends. To address product freshness, semi-finished doughs were

produced and frozen and stored at subzero temperatures followed by transportation to be processed at the

baking unit stations located at the point of retail such as supermarket chains, and retail bakeries among

others (Decock & Cappelle, 2005). This ensured extension of dough shelf life and addressed bread

freshness concerns of the consumers. Additionally, with increased distance between central production

units (factory) and the point of sale; introduction of the frozen dough concept invariably reduced the

distance between production sites and point of sale, thus improved the response to consumer needs.

Therefore, the use of frozen dough technology in bread industry has been growing since the 1970s.

As presented in Fig. 1a, there are four frozen dough products have been developed and produced overtime.

Unfermented frozen dough (U-FD), where the dough is prepared, shaped and frozen, however, baking is

done after fermentation. Fermentation before freezing should be minimized; for instance, zero pre-

fermentation in Danish pastry without yeast but using baking powder is done, while over 30% relaxation

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time in yeast raised Croissant without a separate proofing step, but with a 20min resting period prior to

blast freezing (Decock & Cappelle, 2005). U-FD technology has been commonly used in croissant and
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Danish, with recent applications in bread and rolls. U-FD technology saves on transport costs; when the

final fermentation is eliminated especially in croissants, no thawing is required, thus further increasing on

the level of convenience and product response time. However, the baking times are longer and the ovens

used require steam during operation. Additionally, U-FD products are close to the conventional dough

products, baking products made using this technology usually face problems related to final bread volume.

These are mainly attributed to loss of yeast fermentative activity and lower gas retention of dough.

Pre-fermented frozen dough (P-FD), are frozen dough pieces that no longer require additional proofing

prior to baking with the degree of fermentation prior to freezing varying from 20 to 100% (Gabric, Ben-

Aissa, Le-Bail, Monteau, & Curic, 2011; Le-Bail, Nicolitch, & Vuillod, 2010). P-FD were mainly developed

to offer ready-to-bake products that can be prepared faster than U-FD products. The success of P-FD was

attributed to the introduction and development of improver technology in the late 1900s; with most success

reported in layered dough systems such as croissants and Danish, but more challenging in un-layered

systems such as baguettes and variety breads. After frozen storage, P-FD may directly be transferred from

the freezer to the oven; especially in layered dough products, but a defrosting step is recommended for

most un-layered prior to baking. On the market, P-FD technology products are commonly marketed as

freezer-to-oven, turbo, ready-to-bake, and frozen-to-bake. Compared to other frozen dough products, P-FD

products have been reported to give fast responses to market consumer demands. Compared to pre-baked

goods, P-FD are considered to be less costly to transport, but costlier than un-proofed baked products.

However, most P-FD are prone to thawing due to temperature fluctuations during storage and

transportation, which result in collapse of the pre-fermented structure attributed to pressure drop caused by

freezing, humidity condensation in the cells and carbon dioxide gas transfer towards the dough due to

increased gas solubility with decline in temperature.

Par-baked frozen dough (PB-FD), has become more popular in several shops and supermarkets, and it

involves prebaking the dough product at lower oven temperatures such as 180°C instead of 230°C for

French baguette, while using lots of steam. This enables complete formation of a crust-less baked product,

followed by freezing and frozen storage, and finally a second and final baking which is done at the bake

off point to create a crust. The second baking gives the par-baked product its distinct flavor, taste, and a

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crisp crust, as expected by the consumer (Rosell & Gómez, 2007). The concept of PB-FD is reported to

have gained popularity in the mid to late 1980s, but due to product quality inconsistencies such as crust
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flakiness between the first and second bake, led to a decline in its popularity. However, with the

introduction of improver technology in the early 1900s, the shelf life after the second bake and minimized

crust flakiness were achieved thus increased trend in the application of the technology. PB-FD technology

has been mainly used for crusty baked goods such as baguettes and a variety of rolls, but almost non-

existent in laminated items such as croissants or Danish (Decock & Cappelle, 2005; Rosell & Gómez,

2007). This technology has been known to offer high convenience, easy to handle products with little

skilled labor needed at the bake off point, no need for steam in the oven. However, the products have a

limited shelf life after the second baking time and high transport costs are involved.

The underlying catalyst for the development and growth of the frozen dough products in the 1970s to

1990s is closely related the development of improver technology for both layered and un-layered dough

systems and increased research efforts to improve frozen dough quality; thus a steady market growth in

frozen dough products. Therefore, using the frozen dough concept, bakery products such as refrigerated

cookies and brownies, sweet rolls, biscuits, dinner rolls, and pizza have been sold “as if freshly baked” to

the consumer at their convenient time in the market.

Freezing and frozen storage treatment negatively impacts dough structure and composition. For instance,

disrupted gluten network integrity (Wang, Xu, Nikoo, Ocen, Wu, Yang, Jin, & Xu, 2014b), decreased loaf

volume and increased bread textural hardness (Meziani, Kaci, Jacquot, Jasniewski, Ribotta, Muller, Ghoul, &

Desobry, 2012b) are common effects observed in frozen dough products. The changes have been attributed

to ice crystal characteristics among others, during freezing and frozen storage treatment (Baier-Schenk,

Handschin, & Conde-Petit, 2005a; Chen, Jansson, Lustrup, & Swenson, 2012; Chen, Öhgren, Langton, Lustrup,

Nydén, & Swenson, 2013; Huen, Weikusat, Bayer-Giraldi, Weikusat, Ringer, & Lösche, 2014). Despite

growth in global presence of frozen bread-dough products, processing challenges induced by freezing and

frozen storage treatment are still prevalent. The understanding of ice crystal characteristics during freezing

and frozen storage treatment is vital in improving processing parameters as well as end product quality.

Therefore, this review intends to provide an overview of the effect of ice crystal characteristics on water

redistribution and major components (starch and gluten) and ingredient (yeast) during freezing and frozen

storage of frozen bread-dough systems. Additionally, advances in frozen dough improver and

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cryoprotective technology including; additives, enzymes and novel fermentation end products that alter ice

crystal characteristics are suggested and discussed. Due to their increase in popularity, frozen steamed
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products and some critical conditions for processing high quality frozen steamed dough products were also

suggested as a case study.

Ice crystal characteristics during freezing and frozen storage treatment

To understand the impact of freezing and frozen storage treatment on frozen dough systems, knowledge of

ice crystal characteristics is important (Simmons, Serventi, & Vodovotz, 2012). Based on thermodynamic

principles of aqueous solutions; frozen dough, a heterogeneous mixture of ingredients in water, has a lower

freezing point compared to pure water (Tf=0°C) (Zaritzky, 2010). It is therefore critical to study ice

formation dynamics on frozen dough during freezing and frozen storage. Two distinct ice crystal

characteristics, ice crystallization and ice re-crystallization occurring at during freezing and frozen storage

stages, respectively are discussed.

Ice crystallization during freezing: At the start of freezing, dough undergoes 3 changes (Meziani,

Ioannou, Jasniewski, Belhaj, Muller, Ghoul, & Desobry, 2012a); i) initial cooling phase, characterized by

temperature decrease to the freezing point, ii) pseudo plateau, characterized by progressive crystal

formation due to removal of latent heat of crystallization, and iii) tempering stage, characterized by

temperature reduction in dough to the environmental temperature. In step two, up-to 80% water is

transformed to ice crystals and is key in the freezing process efficiency (Kiani, Zhang, Delgado, & Sun,

2011; Kiani & Sun, 2011). In frozen dough, ice crystallization occurs when water undergoes ice nucleation

and ice growth.

Ice nucleation in dough: Frozen dough ice nucleation is predominantly of the heterogeneous type, and

involves aggregation of water molecules in a crystalline arrangement on the nucleating agent. In frozen

dough, ice nucleation occurs when free energy state of pure water is overcome through initial cooling to

freezing point of dough for phase transition to occur. The initial cooling rate used therefore influences ice

nucleation and location of the crystals in dough; at high initial cooling rate, ice nucleation increases

characterized by increase in nuclei number of small ice crystals formed. This was confirmed in frozen

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sweet dough when slow and fast cooling rates resulted in large and small ice crystals formation,

respectively (Meziani et al., 2012a). The ice seeding temperature used influences location of ice nuclei
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formed; as indicated by a study where lowered ice seeding temperature increased intracellular ice crystal

formation, whereas raising it resulted in more extracellular ice crystal formation in frozen dough

component tissue (Nakamura, Takagi, & Shima, 2009).

Additionally, in dough, ice nucleation sites have linked to gas pore interfaces. This was confirmed in a

wheat dough study model with air inclusions by (Baier-Schenk, Handschin, Von Schönau, Bittermann,

Bächi, & Conde-Petit, 2005b); which indicated that ice nucleation was observed to start at the gas pore


Ice crystal growth in dough: Ice crystal growth occurs readily at temperatures close to freezing point of

dough and is controlled by mass and heat transfer (Delgado & Sun, 2001). For instance, crystal growth is

achieved as ice crystallizes from solution in dough, water molecules diffuse out to the ice crystal surface

and are incorporated into the growing solid phase. Simultaneously, solute molecules are continuously

rejected from the region occupied by pure ice crystals and diffuse away from ice surface. Hence, number

and size of ice crystals formed is a result of both ice nucleation and growth rate; and ice crystal size varies

inversely with number of nuclei formed. Therefore, control of ice nucleation and growth may alleviate

quality shortcomings of frozen dough.

Ice recrystallization during frozen storage of dough:

Many studies on frozen storage effect on dough have cited ice recrystallization as the main detrimental

factor to frozen dough product quality (Eckardt, Öhgren, Alp, Ekman, Åström, Chen, Swenson, Johansson, &

Langton, 2013). Ice recrystallization occurs during frozen storage due to presence of temperature gradient

as temperature fluctuates. Temperature gradient created by fluctuation in temperature during frozen storage

of dough leads to melting of small ice crystals on dough surface and formation of larger ice crystals at this

site. Consequently, larger ice crystals grow at the surface of stored dough. As shown in Fig. 2, this was

confirmed in pre-fermented frozen bread dough using cryoscanning electron microscopy stored at -22°C;

ice recrystallization progressed with an increase in ice crystal size and ice crystal initially embedded in the

pore interface were instead on the surface (Baier-Schenk et al., 2005a). These changes are reported to

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affect frozen dough quality, however, several specific studies on ice recrystallization in frozen steamed

bread-dough systems need to be done.

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Thermodynamic properties of frozen dough. Thermodynamic properties of frozen dough have been

used to simulate and model heat transfer, and calculate the size of the ice crystals in the frozen dough.

These properties include; effective thermal conductivity, apparent specific heat, ice melting enthalpy,

freezable water fraction and ice fraction (Matuda, Pessôa Filho, & Tadini, 2011). However, differential

scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been commonly used to directly determine thermal conductivity and ice

melting enthalpy (∆H) in many reported studies.

Freezable water and ice fraction of frozen dough can be calculated according to method by (Kumcuoglu,

Tavman, Nesvadba, & Tavman, 2007); X 100% ; where fw is freezable water of frozen dough

(%), ∆H is ice melting enthalpy in frozen dough (J), ∆Hi is latent heat of fusion for pure water (334 J/g), m

is mass of water in frozen dough (g).

The ice fraction in frozen dough can be calculated as expressed by (Hamdami, Monteau, & Le Bail, 2004);

f= ; where f is ice fraction in frozen dough, ∆Hr is exothermic enthalpy for temperature from T0 to


However, other methods have been used to simulate and model the determination of thermodynamic

properties of dough during freezing and frozen storage (Cornejo, Cornejo, Ramírez, Almonacid, & Simpson,

2016; Luo, Sun, Zhu, & Wang, 2017).

Freezing rate on ice crystal characteristics in frozen dough.

Studies on impact of freezing rate during freezing and frozen storage treatment of dough has focused

mainly on quality and shelf life attributes. For instance, rapid freezing of cooked rice frozen dough stored

at -18°C for 7 months; starch retrogradation was retarded and textural properties improved (Yu, Ma, & Sun,

2010). However, less focus is placed on effect of ice crystal characteristics on frozen dough.

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The freezing rate applied during freezing affects ice crystal characteristics in frozen dough in different

ways. For instance, when fast-rapid freezing rates are used in dough freezing and frozen storage treatment,
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small evenly distributed ice crystals are formed; less damage is done to the dough hence better product

quality reported (Ban, Yoon, Han, Kim, Han, Lim, & Choi, 2016; Yi & Kerr, 2009; Yu et al., 2010). The

reverse is true when slow freezing rates are used (Havet, Mankai, & Le Bail, 2000) which leads to fewer but

large ice crystals formation. This is attributed to the rates’ ability to initiate ice nucleation. This is observed

in slow freezing rate, where formation of initial ice crystals keeps pace with heat removal than in fast-rapid

freezing rate; resulting in heat undercooling and increased frequency of nucleation in fast-rapid freezing

rates, thus more active nucleation sites and an increase in the number of small ice crystals. Additionally,

freezing rates are closely linked to location of ice crystals formed in frozen dough (Delgado & Sun, 2001).

However, an opposite effect of freezing rate is observed on yeast activity and viability in frozen dough.

With a slow freezing rate reported to improve yeast viability while the fast rate is detrimental (Meziani et

al., 2012b). These effects are attributed to water migration dynamics, size and location of ice crystals

formed during the different freezing rate (Acker & Croteau, 2004; Gao & Critser, 2000; Li, Wang, &

Tingrui, 2013; Soveral, Madeira, Loureiro-Dias, & Moura, 2008). As discussed in the next section,

characteristic of the ice crystals formed impacts dough components differently, thus altering their structure,

morphology, and functionality.



Dough is a complex heterogeneous mixture of constituents like water, starch, gluten and yeast (Goesaert,

Brijs, Veraverbeke, Courtin, Gebruers, & Delcour, 2005). The main ingredients for frozen steamed dough are

mainly flour, water, and yeast among others. Frozen dough quality is impacted by ice crystal

characteristics and freezing conditions used, and is presented in Table I. Frozen steamed bread systems are

mainly composed of yeasts, flour (majorly gluten protein and starch components), water and other

ingredients. In this section, advances on studies on the impact of ice crystal characteristics and freezing

conditions on water redistribution and its effect gluten, starch and yeast activity and viability as they affect

dough quality are discussed.

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Wheat protein, mainly in the form of gluten, is a major component in Chinese steamed bread. Gluten forms
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a viscoelastic network in dough, holding starch and other components inside the product (Zhu, 2014); the

network is stabilized by covalent disulphide bonds (S-S) and other non-covalent interactions (hydrogen,

ionic, and hydrophobic bonds) (Wieser, 2007). Freezing of dough will therefore impact gluten composition

and structure and alter viscoelastic and rheological properties of frozen dough. From studies, frozen

steamed bread dough should be made from flour with protein content of 9.5-11% (Kondakci, Zhang, &

Zhou, 2015; Zhu, 2014), where too high or too low protein content was found to result in rough surface and

bad eating quality.

Changes in gluten protein structure: Gluten macropolymer (GMP), composed of gliadins and glutenins

(high (HMW-GS) and low (LMW-GS) molecular weight glutenin subunits) whose molecular size

distribution in dough influences functionality in bread making (Wieser, 2007). GMP contains same LMW-

GS content irrespective of HMW-GS composition; structurally, LMW-GS is part of GMP through S-S

cross-linking with HMW-GS (Don, Mann, Bekes, & Hamer, 2006). HMW-GS is directly correlated to

amount of GMP. Functionally, GMP fractions contribute to dough rheology in different but synergistic

ways; gliadin is responsible for dough viscosity and extensibility and glutenin is responsible for dough

strength (Delcour, Joye, Pareyt, Wilderjans, Brijs, & Lagrain, 2012; Wieser, 2007). As observed by high

precision techniques, freezing and frozen storage treatment influences gluten functionality.

Macro-molecularly, using an electrophoretic analysis of SDS-soluble protein aggregates extracted from

frozen dough, significant decline in HMW-GS from 129,100 to 88,700 was observed (Ribotta, León, &
5 8
Añón, 2001). A similar decreasing trend in molecular weight (from 3x10 Da to 4x10 Da) and radius of

gyration of gluten after 3 freeze-thaw cycles was observed using size exclusion chromatography in

conjunction with multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) (Zhao, Li, Liu, Chen, Liu, Zhu, & Li,


On the other hand, decrease in HMW-GS coincides with increase in LMW-GS. This was associated with

weakening S-S cross-link between LMW-GS and HMW-GS resulting in release and increase of LMW-GS

(Xuan, Zhang, Zhao, Zheng, Jiang, & Zhong, 2017). Collectively, the changes observed are due to

depolymerisation of HMW-GS fraction of GMP (Wang, Chen, Mohanad, Xu, Ning, Xu, Wu, Yang, Jin, &

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Xu, 2014a; Wang, Tao, Jin, & Xu, 2015b) as gluten structure is weakened with prolonged frozen storage as

illustrated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Fig. 3) (Zhao et al., 2013).

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GMP depolymerisation during frozen storage is the main indicator of gluten quality; is linked to S-S bond

disruption and breakage (Wang, Jin, & Xu, 2015a). SH groups, an indicator of disruption of S-S linkages;

was constant in gliadin, but increased in gluten and fluctuated in glutenin fraction during frozen storage

(Wang et al., 2014a). Upon frozen storage, decreased degree of gluten polymerization was observed in

steamed bread made from frozen dough (Wang et al., 2015b). Despite lack of a clear understanding of

GMP depolymerisation mechanism during frozen storage; many recent studies attribute it to interaction

between GMP and water during frozen storage.

Gluten protein interaction with water: In hydrated frozen dough, 3 water sources identified as rigid,

confined and bulk water (Fig. 3) are found in or around gluten (Kontogiorgos, 2011). Water redistribution

through ice crystallization and recrystallization in frozen dough damages gluten structure and functionality.

The gluten-starch matrix network supports gas cells in form of pores which are preferred sites for ice

nucleation and growth; thus water in gas cells crystallize and grow (Esselink, Van Aalst, Maliepaard, & Van

Duynhoven, 2003). This invariably disrupts and weakens the gluten structure and GMP subunits as

confirmed by scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Esselink et al., 2003; Wang

et al., 2014b).

Conformational changes in gluten have been suggested to originate from the GMP fractions. In gluten-

water and gliadin-water systems, water mobility was induced and increased upon frozen storage; a similar

trend was observed in hydrated gluten (Wang et al., 2014b). Increased water mobility was also observed in

dehydrated gluten after 5 weeks of frozen storage (Jia, Huang, Rayas-Duarte, Zou, Zhang, & Li, 2014b).

Bulk followed by confined water in gluten matrix crystallizes to ice during freezing. The freezing rate

applied affect the ice characteristics, thus alter gluten structure and functionality. During frozen storage,

temperature fluctuations create a temperature gradient leading to ice crystal melting and recrystallization to

form large ice crystals on surface of gluten (Kontogiorgos & Goff, 2006).

This was elaborated when T2 relaxation time distributions of gluten-, glutenin- and gliadin-rich fractions at

different frozen storage times were used. Increased frozen storage time, increased T2relaxation time in

gluten- and gliadin-rich fractions; an indication of weakened association between amino acids and low

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mobility of water molecules (Wang et al., 2014b). The rigid and confined water in gluten- and gliadin-rich

fractions were more sensitive to frozen storage than glutenin-rich fractions.

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Secondary structural changes like reduction of α-helix structure and conversion to specific β-sheet and β-

turn structures of gluten- and gliadin-rich fractions have also been observed using Fourier transform-

infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (Jia et al., 2014b). The structural changes increased with longer frozen

storage (Wang et al., 2014b). Presented in Fig. 3, evidence by atomic force microscopy (AFM) images

showing the weakening of a fibril-like branched network formed from gluten chain with increased frozen

storage time (Zhao, Liu, Hu, Li, & Li, 2016). Hence, studies on water redistribution induced by ice

crystallization and recrystallization may give a deeper understanding in the search of solutions to preserve

gluten in frozen dough.


Starch has a unique structure and physicochemical properties which determine its functionality in bread

making (Goesaert et al., 2005). Starch granules are intracellularly water insoluble and have different

diameter sizes, morphology and structure depending on botanical source (Vamadevan & Bertoft, 2015). In

conventional bread making, starch granule hydration follow similar pattern of water absorption,

gelatinization and retrogradation upon cooling; leading to loss of birefringence and crystallinity, and re-

association to a more ordered state. The effect of freezing and frozen storage impact on starch composition

and structure are discussed.

Changes in structure of starch during freezing and frozen storage: Changes in starch granule in frozen

dough is important for technological and sensory quality improvement of starch based frozen foods

(Vamadevan & Bertoft, 2015). Structurally, freezing and frozen storage damages starch granules and

changes its morphological make-up. This was observed with increased number of freeze-thaw cycles

greatly impacting wheat starch granular structure (Tao, Yan, Zhao, Tian, Jin, & Xu, 2015). Granule

structure changes are attributed to freezing pressure created due to exposure to phase transformation as

water expands on freezing to form ice crystals in dough. Starch granule is preferentially compressed

resulting in deformation and disruption (Perry & Donald, 2000) (Fig. 4).

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Freezing induces re-organization in freeze-thawed starch compared to native starch. This was evidenced by

decline in amorphous state coupled with crystallinity increase in starch granule as materials leach out (Tao,
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Wang, Wu, Jin, & Xu, 2016a). After 10 freeze-thaw cycles, relative crystallinity and short-range order of

native wheat starch increased by 4.3% and 0.251% respectively (Tao et al., 2015). Similar irreversible and

disruptive changes in crystallinity were observed in waxy rice starch (Tao et al., 2015) and potato starch

after multiple freeze-thaw (Szymonska, Krok, Komorowska-Czepirska, & Rebilas, 2003).

Starch granules of common cereals of baking relevance like wheat, barley, and rye exhibit a bimodal size

distribution. Freeze-thaw influences the A- and B- type granules differently. As indicated in Fig. 4, (Tao et

al., 2016a) observed no apparent damage on A-type granular surface, but a cracked structure on B-type

wheat granules; indicative of sensitivity of B-type granules to freeze-thaw treatment. In a reconstituted

bread model made from wheat starch B-granules; smaller specific volume and increased crumb firmness

(p>0.05) was observed. But, no difference was observed in A-granules after freeze treatment (Tao et al.,

2016a). In wheat flour frozen dough bread; increasing A-type granule may improve product quality.

Similar studies using other starch sources will further enrich our understanding of this phenomena. Despite

difference in botanical starches; impact of freezing and frozen treatment on starch granule generally

follows similar trends. This was observed in gel structures were freezing rates and both freezing rates and

thawing rates impacted potato starch and wheat starch, respectively (Freschi, Doran, Malumba, & Blecker,


Starch interaction with water during frozen storage: Starch granule functionality is closely related to its

hydration properties. To understand starch granule hydration in native wheat, maize and potato, 1H HR-

MAS spectroscopy shows that water mobility exists mainly in minor part of starch polymer, while majority

of chains were densely packed and remained isolated from bulk water (Larsen, Blennow, & Engelsen,

2008). However, chains in the amorphous starch micro-spheres were more accessible for water. Therefore,

the structure adopted a hydrophilic three dimensional network held together by chemical linkages. For

cross-linked starch microspheres, X-ray scattering showed hydration induced evolution in the polymer

structure; a fact linked to swelling as observed with optical microscopy (Wojtasz, Carlstedt, Fyhr, &

Kocherbitov, 2016).

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Starch granule interaction with water during freezing and frozen storage impacts starch composition and

functionality (Alcázar-Alay & Meireles, 2015; Przetaczek-Rożnowska, 2017; Zhu, 2017). Pretreatment of
Accepted Article
starch negatively influences functionality in frozen dough. This was observed in sodium dodecyl sulfate

(SDS) pretreated wheat starch were freezing induced irreversible changes on granular structure, but barely

affected the native starch (Fig. 4) (Tao, Wang, Zhang, Wu, Jin, & Xu, 2016b). SDS washing of native starch

could have removed non-starch components like proteins and lipids; thus increasing granule water

absorption and sensitivity to freezing treatment. Functionally, higher gelatinization temperatures, melting

enthalpy and pasting viscosities were observed in pretreated starches. In other words, freezing delayed

thermal properties in native wheat starch samples. In In-situ study by (Molina, Leiva, & Bouchon, 2016),

freezing delayed the gelatinization degree of frozen native starch granules in excess water. However, in

limited water accessibility, difference with the unfrozen samples decreased (Molina et al., 2016). This

indicates the indispensable role water migration plays during freezing in relation to starch functionality.


In frozen dough systems, Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains have pre-dominantly been used as an

ingredient during fermentation. The effect of freezing and frozen storage treatment on yeast activity and

viability and its impact in frozen dough quality is discussed.

Changes in yeast activity and viability: Generally, freezing and frozen storage treatment decreases yeast

activity and viability in frozen dough systems. Despite loss in activity and viability, yeasts are

comparatively advantageous to use than chemical leaveners in frozen steamed dough systems (Wang,

Yang, Gu, Xu, & Jin, 2017a). The degree of damage can be related to the freezing conditions used and

ability to metabolize different molecules.

Freezing conditions affect yeast activity and viability in several ways, thereby influence sensory and

physical properties of frozen steamed dough products. Generally, freezing and frozen storage treatment

may affect yeast activity and viability through factors such as yeast cell water permeability, freezing rates,

ice crystal size and location and ice re-crystallization. During freezing, yeast cells can be damaged by the

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

ice crystals formed resulting in the release of reducing agents such as glutathione which weaken dough

through reduction of gluten S-S bonds (Öztürk, Cerit, Mutlu, & Demirkol, 2017).
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As shown in Fig. 5, damage to yeast due to freezing conditions can be categorized in two parts; firstly,

slow freezing rate, characterized by slow osmotic migration of intracellular water and extracellular

formation of ice crystals (Gao & Critser, 2000). The cells shrink as solute concentration increases in

extracellular environment (Fig. 5); thus cells become dehydrated and may denature (Soveral et al., 2008).

Secondly, when freezing rate is fast; intracellular water has no time to flow out through membrane and ice

crystals are formed intracellularly (Fig 5); this impairs membrane structure and function as ice crystals

form in the cells (Acker & Croteau, 2004; Li et al., 2013). Therefore, high freezing rates correlate with an

extended damage to yeast activity in frozen steamed dough products (Meziani et al., 2012b). The resultant

bread had a lower specific volume and higher hardness. In this regard, in frozen steamed dough, a slow

freezing rate are preferable to maintain yeast cell integrity. Also, in practice, to compensate loss in yeast

activity and viability; high levels of yeast is used.

In a recent study by (Huang, Zhao, Zhang, Xu, Toth, & He, 2017), combined treatment of pre-dehydration

using extracellular trehalose and ice seeding at high subzero temperature resulted in high cell viability of

fibroblasts, adult stem cells and red blood cells. Ice seeding minimized free energy that drives ice re-

crystallization induced cell injury during thawing of cryopreserved cells (Huang et al., 2017). In yeast (S.

cerevisiae), ice-seeding temperatures enhance growth and survival in the log phase of growth during

freezing process; in prolonged storage, this was more important than presence of trehalose (Nakamura et

al., 2009). Hence, the absence of ice nucleation capable sites reduces intracellular ice formation; and the

super-cooling should be eliminated by dehydration before the cell cools to its ice nucleation temperature

(Lindow, Arny, & Upper, 1982). This is confirmed in predictive models by (Kasner, Hunter, & Kariko,

2013); were at nucleation temperature of -25°C, no intracellular ice formation was predicted to occur in

yeasts cooled at a rate of <20°C/min, but would occur with near certainty when cooled at ≥30°C/min. The

predictions were closely confirmed in experimental observations by DSC. Therefore, attempts to control

freezing and frozen storage conditions that affect ice crystallization and recrystallization may offer

solutions to improve yeast activity and viability, resulting in improved fermentation ability of frozen


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In response to freezing and frozen storage, yeast cells have been reported to intracellularly accumulate high

levels of protective molecules such as proline, arginine, and glycerol; which confers high resistance to
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freezing stress (Morita, Nakamori, & Takagi, 2002). Metabolically, non-proline utilizing S. cerevisiae yeast

strains release ∆1-pyroline-5-carboxylate reductase to convert ∆1-pyroline-5-carboxylate into proline,

which accumulates to confer freeze-tolerance. In freeze-tolerant yeast cell mutants, co-overexpression of

mutant γ-glutamyl kinase and wild type γ-glutamyl phosphate reductase, but not ∆1-pyroline-5-carboxylate

reductase were effective for proline accumulation in yeast cells (Terao, Nakamori, & Takagi, 2003). The

two enzymes are considered rate limiting enzymes in yeast (Tsolmonbaatar, Hashida, Sugimoto, Watanabe,

Furukawa, & Takagi, 2016).

The accumulated intracellular molecules impact yeast functionality differently. Trehalose prevents protein

denaturation by slowing rate of polyglutamine mediated protein aggregation and resultant pathogenesis by

stabilizing an aggregation prone model protein; during freeze stress, helping retain yeast cellular integrity

(Mizunoe, Watanabe, Sudo, Kobayashi, Yasukawa, Natori, Hoshino, Negishi, Okita, Komatsu, & Higami ,

2017; Stefanello, Machado, Pasqualin Cavalheiro, Bartholomei Santos, Nabeshima, Copetti, & Fries, 2018;

Zhang, Oldenhof, Sieme, & Wolkers, 2016). Proline, on the other hand combines with intracellular free

water to form strong hydrogen bonds; and at high levels, are associated with high level of superoxide

dismutase which lowers levels of reactive oxygen species; preventing intracellular substances from

oxidation (Sasano, Haitani, Hashida, Ohtsu, Shima, & Takagi, 2012). Glycerol prevents dehydration by

balancing intracellular osmolarity with that of environment (Ballester-Tomás, L., Pérez-Torrado, Rodríguez-

Vargas, Prieto, & Randez-Gil, 2016); as observed when glycerol (2%, flour basis) added to pre-fermented

frozen steamed bread reduced (P<0.05) freezable water proportion by 14-16% compared to control sample.

This subsequently prevented formation of ice crystals in dough during freezing and frozen storage (Huang,

Wan, Huang, Rayas-Duarte, & Liu, 2011); thus improved yeast activity and viability resulting in improved

dough leavening capacity, and reduced proof time after initial freeze-thawing.

Despite suggested mechanisms that allow yeast cells to survive during freezing and frozen storage, there is

still a lot to be studied (Ballester-Tomás et al., 2016). However, accumulation of intracellular molecules is

by far the most important component in enhancing baker’s yeast strains in frozen dough.

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Based on this, through genetic engineering techniques, specialized yeast strains have been developed for

commercial frozen steamed dough product production. Common examples predominantly used in frozen
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steamed dough formulations are compressed or active dried; however, instant dry yeast are not




With the ever increasing popularity of frozen dough products, frozen dough research trends have become

relevant for frozen bread production. Ingredient added and processing techniques used in frozen dough

technology may impact the quality of frozen dough end products. For instance, in an earlier study, salt,

trehalose and dough mixing time interacted and influenced the rheofermentometer parameters and specific

volume of frozen sweet dough in a mixed trend (Huang, Kim, Li, & Rayas-Duarte, 2008).

As discussed already, freezing and frozen storage conditions affect key dough components. In this section,

as highlighted and presented in Table II, recent cryopreservation techniques applied in frozen dough

systems and products are summarized with emphasis placed on techniques that control ice crystallization

and recrystallization. Additionally, developments in enzyme applications and microbial (e.g. lactic acid

bacteria, LAB) fermentation technology aimed at enhancing quality of the frozen dough oriental products

are discussed.

Additives as improvers in frozen dough.

To control ice crystallization and recrystallization during freezing and frozen storage; studies suggest use

of different additives to improve baking quality of frozen dough products. In earlier studies, frozen dough

additives of lipid-related emulsifiers (e.g. DATEM, CSL) and sucrose esters received most attention

(Berton, Ropers, Bertrand, Viau, & Genot, 2012; Matsumiya, Takahashi, Nakanishi, Dotsu, & Matsumura,

2014; Matuda, Parra, Lugão, & Tadini, 2005; Van Steertegem, Pareyt, Brijs, & Delcour, 2013). These

emulsifiers’ mode of action has been linked to i) retardation of retrogradation by interaction with water, ii)

blocking moisture migration between gluten and starch, thus less water uptake by starch, and iii) interact

with added lipids to reduce surface tension in gas bubbles resulting in larger numbers of smaller bubbles

(Selomulyo & Zhou, 2007).

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In recent studies, focus has shifted to additives such as ice structuring proteins (ISPs), ice nucleation agents

(INA), and hydrocolloids in cryopreservation of frozen dough.

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Hydrocolloids: Hydrocolloids used as additives capable of controlling both rheology and texture of

aqueous food systems have been extensively studied. During frozen storage, instability of frozen dough

properties is linked to ice recrystallization as temperatures fluctuate (Maity, Saxena, & Raju, 2017).

Hydrocolloid can preserve frozen dough by complexing with gluten and bound water. This increases

dough water holding capacity (WHC), alters moisture migration, and minimizes gluten damage caused by

ice recrystallization in frozen dough (Kontogiorgos & Goff, 2006). Hydrocolloids also decrease water

activity through competition with other flour components. Interaction of hydrocolloids with dough macro-

components (water, starch and protein) varies based on nature of hydrocolloid used (Linlaud, Ferrer,

Puppo, & Ferrero, 2011). For instance, higher and lower molecular mobility of gluten-water matrix were

observed when xanthan gum and pectin respectively were used. Hence, overall cryopreservative

effectiveness of hydrocolloids in frozen dough products may depend on type, solubility, dosage, water

holding capacity, rheological properties and their synergistic effect with other ingredients during freezing

and frozen storage (Ferrero, 2017). Studies to establish clean sources of hydrocolloids are also ongoing.

Ice-structuring proteins: Ice structuring proteins (ISPs) isolated from sources like plants and

microorganisms, improve freeze tolerance of frozen dough. ISPs extracted from oat (Avena sativa L.)

lowered freezable water content of frozen dough; this improved final steamed bread quality (Zhang, Zhang,

Wang, Qian, & Qi, 2015). The improved steamed bread quality was attributed to improved fermentation

capacity of ISP supplemented samples; an indication of improved yeast viability and less gluten matrix

disruption. This is in agreement with an earlier study by (Zhang, Zhang, & Wang, 2007), who reported

decreased yeast mortality during freeze-thaw cycle and improved gas retention capacity of frozen dough

after addition of ISP isolated from carrots (Daucus carota). Ice crystallization was also retarded (Zhang et

al., 2007). In a separate study (Ding, Zhang, Wang, Qian, Qi, & Xiao, 2015), ISP isolated from barley

increased the apparent specific heat of dough after freezing, increased freezing and range of melting and

glass transition temperature when added to frozen dough. As demonstrated by ISPs from oats (Zhang et al.,

2015), barley antifreeze proteins (BaAFP-1) decreased the melting enthalpy and freezable water content of

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

fresh dough after freeze-thaw cycles (Ding et al., 2015). Presence of ice structuring proteins from white

wheat increased WHC of frozen dough and increased bread specific volume (Xu, Huang, Jia, Kim, & Liu,
Accepted Article
2009). Similar results were observed in water molecular state, microstructure, rheo-fermentation capacity

and baking properties of frozen doughs with added thermostable ice structuring proteins (TSISPs)

extracted from Chinese privet (Ligustrum vulgare) leaves (Jia, Huang, Wu, Zhong, Rayas-duarte, & Guo,


Ice nucleation agents (INA): During freezing and frozen storage of dough, heterogeneous ice nucleation

is the prevalent pathway for ice formation and it occurs at warmer temperatures (Glatz & Sarupria, 2017).

From studies, different surfaces promote ice nucleation at different temperatures and rates; but surface’

ability to promote ice nucleation are largely unknown. Studies relating surface and water behavior at super-

cooled temperatures using INA attempt to address these questions.

INA mainly minimize the degree of super-cooling and inhibit formation of large ice crystals. Epiphytic

bacteria such as Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia herbicola widely distributed in leaves of plants have

been extensively studied for their ice nucleation properties through prevention of super-cooling of plants

(Lindow et al., 1982; Vanderveer, Choi, Miao, & Walker, 2014).

In frozen dough, addition of extracellular ice nucleators (ECINs) from Erwinia herbicola alleviated bread

crumb hardness, and increased specific volume by 50% after 3 freeze-thaw cycles compared to controls

(Shi, Yu, & Lee, 2013b). This was associated with increased yeast viability at log- and stationary-phase by

100 and 10 fold respectively, and 17% increase in frozen dough (Shi et al., 2013b). Microbial sourced INA

can be classified by their nucleation temperature and chemical composition. Despite several classification

studies using the nucleation temperature, there are relatively few studies that have characterized bacteria

INA by their chemical composition. In an earlier study, the extracellular ice-nucleating matter produced by

Erwinia uredovora was reported to contain 10%, 43%, 35%, and 12% of lipids, proteins, saccharide and

polyamine, respectively (Kawahara, Maho, & Obata, 1993). This confirms the lipoglycoprotein nature of

ECINs. Interestingly, when zein-based ice nucleation films (INFs) were used to wrap frozen dough; ice

nucleation temperature of water increased from -15°C to -6.7°C, water loss by frozen storage reduced after

5 freeze-thaw cycles (Shi, Yu, Jin, & Lee, 2013a). In bread, specific volume increased to 25% compared to

control dough. This was attributed to improved yeast viability through cryopreservation by INFs.

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However, factors such as amount of additives, dough formula, and processing conditions could each affect

cryopreservation effectiveness of additives in frozen dough. Besides, the discussed additives, other
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techniques such as optimization of the freezing process and use of novel technologies have been suggested

in a review by (Luo et al., 2017).

Bio-tech ingredients in frozen dough systems

Many food fermentations especially natural are dominated by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast

microorganisms (Brandam, Fahimi, & Taillandier, 2016; Nout, 2009; Wang, Mao, Meng, Li, Liu, & Feng,

2014); which have been reported to bio-transform food physicochemical and functional attributes. The

changes are greatly linked to the enzymes synthesized in-situ by specific microorganisms. As processing

aids, enzymes are involved in a series of catalytic activities; which when optimized is beneficial to product

quality (Archer, Connerton, & MacKenzie, 2008).

Microbial end products: In frozen dough systems, the low freezing and frozen storage temperatures will

or may damage and alter metabolic capabilities of microorganisms used as starters in dough fermentation.

To overcome this, studies have attempted to use functional end products synthesized in-situ by several

microbial fermentations or added the enzymes separately. For instance, a low branched high molecular

weight microbial exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced in-situ by LAB Weissella confusa QS813

fermentation significantly improved the freeze-thaw stability of wheat starch gel (Tang, Liu, Huang, Cheng,

Wang, Zhang, Chen, Jiang, Omedi, & Li, 2018). In this instance, the EPS acted as a hydrocolloid by

reducing the rate of syneresis in wheat starch after frozen storage. This invariably enhanced the

technological properties of frozen goods. Additionally, functional end products like organic acids (Couto

& Sanromán, 2006; Erbaş, Kemal Uslu, Ozgun Erbaş, & Certel, 2006; Rhee, Lee, & Lee, 2011), GABA

(Huang, Hu, Tsai, & Chang, 2013), ACE-I inhibiting peptides with emulsifying properties (Omedi, Huang,

Su, Liu, Tang, Xu, & Rayas-Duarte, 2016) among others have been successfully studied in sourdough

fermentation systems, but not in frozen dough systems.

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Enzymes: Enzymes have been added singly or in combination to minimize dough freezing and frozen

storage damage on gluten structure, and yeast. For instance, transglutaminase enzyme principally used for
Accepted Article
its protein cross-linking ability, could be applied to frozen dough systems to reduce gluten cross-linking

caused by ice crystallization. In an earlier study (Huang, Yuan, Kim, & Chung, 2008), the use of

transglutaminase improved frozen dough quality through its protein polymerization ability which stabilized

the gluten structure embedded in the starch granules. This notion was confirmed in a study by (Steffolani,

Ribotta, Perez, Puppo, & León, 2012), where transglutaminase added at intermediate levels resulted in the

largest bread volume compared to control (without added enzymes) and other two enzyme (pentosanase

and glucose oxidase) samples of frozen dough stored at -18°C for 0 to 9 weeks. In another study (Tang,

Wang, Huang, Zou, Jia, Jin, Omedi, & Li, 2016), transglutaminase treatment significantly decreased the ratio

of HMW-GS: LMW-GS and GMP content in fresh dough and GMP particle size increased. However,

Lipase known to catalyse hydrolysis and or synthesize the ester bond (s) of glycerol (phospho- or glycol)

lipids (Gerits, Pareyt, Decamps, & Delcour, 2014); had no effect on GMP particle size (Tang et al. 2016),

but its specificity to lipid fractions in frozen dough may exert major roles in gas incorporation and

stabilization after frozen storage (Pareyt, Finnie, Putseys, & Delcour, 2011). Interestingly, the combination

effect of Rhizopus Chinensis lipase and transglutaminase was observed to dramatically increase the

proportion of the larger particles and weighted average volume (D4.3) in GMP (Tang et al. 2016). This

could attributed to the synergistic benefit of combining both enzymes in the treatment which inhibited

GMP depolymerisation during frozen storage. Similar synergistic findings were reported in doughs

containing recombinant lipase (Rhizopus chinensis lipase) and transglutaminase enzymes stored at -18°C

for 7 to 35 days; rheofermentative and water holding capacity of the frozen dough were improved (Li,

Tang, Huang, Liu, Tilley, & Yao, 2011). Additionally, the samples had a more open network and uniform

crumbs, higher specific volume with higher sensory scores for the product (Li et al., 2011).

Glucose oxidase and pentosanase responsible for removal of oxygen and breakdown of pentosane for

reduction of viscosity, respectively; both showed promising results in improving bread volume and

lowering firmness of frozen dough systems (Steffolani et al., 2012). Studies involving use of other

enzymes to enhance key quality parameters of frozen dough systems are being undertaken.

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FROZEN STEAMED PRODUCTS: Despite being unpopular in the past decades, frozen steamed

products such as Chinese frozen steamed bread, buns and rolls are becoming readily available in countless
Accepted Article
supermarkets in China and East and Southeast Asia. Additionally, due to their high quality, frozen steamed

products are increasingly being exported to markets in United States, Europe and Australia; a trend that is

increasing the product’ global presence (Huang & Miskelly, 2016). Due to this, increased research efforts

to improve understanding of the freezing and frozen storage of the product has been done by both industry

and academic institutions. Steamed bread, originally from northern China, has increasingly become a

staple food for many Asian countries and the western world as well. Characteristically, this bread has no

browned crust, has a softer crumb and is mainly produced using low protein flour (7.5-11%) depending on

the cultural and geographic location of the local production and consumers (Liu, Li, Hao, Zheng, Bian,

Zhang, & Wang, 2015; Zhu, 2014). However, on a larger scale, there are compositional differences in the

recipes used in its production (Keeratipibul, Luangsakul, Otsuka, Sakai, Hatano, & Tanasupawat, 2010; Liu,

Chang, Li, & Liu, 2012; Liu, Ruan, & He, 2016; Zhu, 2014). For consumption, these products are reheated

in a steamer or microwave and eaten for breakfast or as a snack. With the ever increasing popularity of

steamed bread, frozen dough research trends have become relevant for steamed bread production. As

shown in Fig. 1b, frozen dough for steamed bread production may be pre-proofed (frozen and ready for

steaming) or frozen un-proofed (requires thawing and proofing by end user before steaming); an indication

of frozen dough technology evolution in principles and practices in western bakery products.

Critical processing conditions for frozen steamed product quality.

Control of critical processing conditions of frozen steamed doughs is important to achieve product

acceptability and freshness of the frozen product on re-steaming or microwaving. In this section, control of

fermentation processes and dough temperature during processing are discussed as the two critical

processing conditions for frozen steamed product quality. As shown in Fig 1b, the dough fermentation

differs depending on the frozen product of interest. The control of fermentation at all stages of the process,

through proper dough temperature management is critical to maintain dough quality. In practice, frozen

steamed products are molded, proofed (or unproofed), cooled, freezing treated and packed followed by

frozen storage. For quality products, dough should be mixed optimally and temperatures maintained at 20

to 24°C. For frozen steamed bread products, control of fermentation and proofing temperatures in the

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range of 30 to 35°C and 35°C-40°C for proofed frozen steamed products and 20 to 25°C, rest at 30°C-

45°C, followed by a proofing at 25°C to 35°C, 60-70% RH for 90-120min for un-proofed frozen steamed
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products. The control and optimization of the relative humidity and time is normally used.

In addition, use of the recommended flour for processing at the right temperature should be used. The

dough should be worked immediately from the mixer with little rest as possible between the stages.

Adequate packing through lamination to provide extra protection. The steamed products dough need to be

freezing treated as fast as possible. Freezing of steamed products to bring the temperature as fast as

possible to the range of -8°C to -15°C within 10 to 30 minutes and freezing and frozen storage at -18°C to



Use of frozen dough enables provision of fresh bread to consumer at all times, while reducing

manufacturing costs. However, freezing and frozen storage reduces yeast viability and damages dough

gluten-starch network. As a result, bread from frozen dough is lower in quality than that of freshly baked


This review discussed ice crystal development characteristics during freezing and frozen storage of frozen

dough as the main factor affecting quality of gluten, starch and yeast viability as they interact with water

re-distribution. Effective strategies used to lower the impact of ice crystallization and re-crystallization on

quality of frozen dough are suggested. The use of hydrocolloids, ice-structuring proteins and ice nucleating

agents as additives increase the ability of yeast to tolerate freezing and frozen storage treatment. Yeasts’

ability to produce intracellular molecules in stress response to ice crystal characteristics in relation to water

re-distribution in dough are the main influencers of quality of frozen dough components. This improves

yeast freeze tolerance and fermentation capacity of yeast. However, there is need for further research on

the interaction of frozen dough added additives on dough ingredients such as starch, water and gluten

during freezing and extended frozen storage.

Enzymes (e.g. lipase, transglutaminase, glucose oxidase) and functional microbial end products (e.g.

dextrans), as discussed, have enhanced some technological properties of frozen dough systems. However,

additional studies are needed to enrich this body of knowledge.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Knowledge on the development of ice crystals during freezing and recrystallization during frozen storage

is useful to enable optimization of freezing conditions and reduction of temperature fluctuations to

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maintain yeast activity in frozen dough.


The concepts in food nutrition and consumption have remained dynamic in the recent decades. The past

decades were mainly characterized by less knowledge awareness on nutrition and consumption by the

individual consumer. However, with the information age era, this has tremendously changed, as more

consumers are more informed and continuously select more health promoting foods. Therefore, to cope

with such changes, the baking frozen technology industry should continue to innovate and develop better

premium quality products with novel ingredients and technologies.

In this view, the use of new and advanced freezing technologies such as high pressure and ultrasound-

assisted freezing techniques to enable better control of temperature fluctuations during frozen storage and

freezing conditions of frozen dough is inevitable. This would enable a better understanding of the

mechanism of ice recrystallization in frozen dough. Also, during freezing and frozen storage treatments;

mostly single freezing techniques or cryopreservation methods have been applied. Studies to explore the

combination effect of these techniques could improve the quality of frozen dough products.

Further search for novel frozen dough improvers will continue. As discussed, the use of ice-structuring

proteins and ice nucleating agents indicate a growing research trend in tackling ice crystal development

characteristics. Finally, the use of bio-tech ingredients for clean label consideration in frozen dough

systems is a very recent research effort. This trend is in line with the consumer need for non-synthetic or

non-chemical food ingredients to be used in food formulations. Bio-tech ingredients such as

exopolysaccharides (dextran), amino acid supplements (GABA, ACE-I inhibiting peptides), emulsifying

agents (gums like xanthan and guar) and flavor enhancers among others have been successfully

synthesized in microbial fermentation systems, but not entirely in frozen dough systems. Enzymes such as

transglutaminase and lipase have been successfully utilized in the frozen steamed dough bread systems;

thus a significant potential for future related studies.

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We are grateful for the financial supports of the research from Grants (31071595, 31571877) from the
Accepted Article
National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National High Technology Research and Development

Program of China (863 Program, 2012AA022200), Fujian “Hundreds of Talents Expert” Program of China

(20172022), Science and Technology “LiaoYuan Plan” Program of Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China

(2015G46), of BaihoBake Biotechnology International, Inc. (Nanjing, China), and MagiBake International,

Inc. (Wuxi, China).

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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List of tables:

Table I: Effect of freezing and frozen storage on starch, gluten and yeast functionality in frozen dough.
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Table II: Effect of different additives on cryopreservation of frozen dough system.

List of figures:

Figure 1a: Manufacturing process of frozen dough products to the point of retail. P/F-FD; pre/fully

fermented frozen dough, PB-FD; partially baked frozen dough, U-FD; unfermented frozen dough, FB-F;

fully baked frozen. Adapted and modified from (Decock & Cappelle, 2005) and (Wang et al., 2015a).

Figure 1b: Production of pre-proofed ( ) and un-proofed ( ) frozen doughs for frozen steamed

products. Adapted from (Huang & Miskelly, 2016).

Figure 2: Micrographs of fractured dough from dough center illustrating ice recrystallization during frozen

storage of pre-fermented frozen dough. A; fast frozen in liquid N2 after proofing (no storage), B; frozen 1h

in freezer (-28°C) to 11°C (no further storage), C; frozen 2h in freezer (-28°C), stored 1 day at -22°C, and

D; frozen 2h in freezer (-28°C), stored 149 days at 22°C in freezing room. Adopted from (Baier-Schenk et

al., 2005a).

Figure 3: Schematic description of structural changes of hydrated gluten network during frozen storage at

-18°C for 0 (A, C) and 60 (D, E) days. Left to right: Atomic scale of atomic force microscopy (AFM)

images and cross-section of gluten protein network. At nanoscale, gluten sheets arranged in nano-capillary

format filled with confined and rigid water, and surrounded by bulk water; state of water redistribution in

gluten upon frozen storage. At microscale, SEM images of gluten and secondary structural changes in

gluten matrix with the increased frozen storage time. Reproduced images adopted from (Kontogiorgos,

2011; Kontogiorgos & Goff, 2006; Zhao et al., 2016; Xuan et al., 2017)

Figure 4: SEM images: 1Effect sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) pretreatment and freeze-thawing treatment

on native wheat starch (adopted from (Tao et al., 2016b)). 2Freezing treatment on particle size distribution

of wheat starch granules (adopted from (Tao et al., 2016a)).

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Figure 5: TEM micrographs of dough: Effect of freezing treatment/rates on fermentative activity of yeast

cell structure. A; yeast in unfrozen dough. Yeast in dough after, B; slow freezing rate (-0.06°C/min), C;
Accepted Article
slow freezing rate (-0.23°C/min), D; intermediate freezing rate (-0.36°C/min), and E; rapid freezing rate (-

8.6°C/min) (adopted from (Meziani et al., 2012a)).

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ccepted Articl TABLE 1: Effect of freezing and frozen storage on starch, gluten and yeast functionality in frozen dough.

Component Object of study Result of treatment Effect on functionality Reference(s)

Gluten Physico-chemical changes on wheat GMP depolymerisation. Loss of elastic (G’) and viscous Lowered rheological property (Wang et al., 2014a)

gluten-, glutenin- and gliadin- modulus (G’’) of gluten and glutenin. No change in gliadin

fractions fraction

Structural behavior of gluten and Enhanced SDS-extractable proteins upon frozen storage; due to Decreased degree of gluten polymerization (Wang et al., 2015b)

starch during steaming process of less incorporated glutenin in the glutenin-gliadin crosslink of

frozen dough. steamed bread

Starch Native starch in water, carrageenan In excess water, delayed gelatinization; limited water diminished Less firmness/ improved specific volume (Molina et al., 2016)

gel or sucrose solution difference of gelatinization.

Functional properties of SDS- Increased the temperature of onset of gelatinization Lower bread specific volume. Increased bread (Tao et al., 2016b)

pretreated native wheat starch Increased the enthalpy change of gelatinization. hardness

Increased pasting viscosities

Multiple freeze/thaw modified wheat Increase in freeze/thaw cycles, the lower starch gelatinization Increased starch crystallinity in bread crumbs. (Tao et al., 2016c)

starch on dough properties. enthalpy and the higher the retrogradation enthalpy of Increased firmness of bread crumbs.


Structural behavior of gluten and Decreased moisture content of steamed bread; due to ice Increased bread firmness (Wang et al., 2015b)

starch during steaming process of crystallization.

frozen dough Increased starch crystallinity; due to increase in melting enthalpy

of amylopectin and rate of retrogradation.

Wheat starch granule particle size No damage to A-type surface. Cracked B-type structure Lower specific volume, increased hardness in (Tao et al., 2016a)

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ccepted Articl distribution in frozen dough reconstituted bread made from B-type


Yeast Self-cloning of yeast cells mutants Increased intracellular proline, trehalose, and glycerol. Higher fermentation level. (Kaino et al., 2008;

Increased freeze-thaw tolerance. Nakagawa et al., 2017;

Sasano et al., 2012;

Tsolmonbaatar et al.,


Gene engineering of yeast Gene overexpression of GPD1, MAL62, TSP1, PRO1, SNR84, Increased freeze tolerance and freeze-thaw. (Sasano et al., 2013;

PDE2. Increased synthesis of cryo-preservative Sasano et al., 2010; Tan et

Gene deletion of POG1, both NTH1 and PUT1). molecules al., 2014; Aslankoohi, et

al., 2015)

Comparison of yeast and chemical Chemical leavened dough more freeze-stable than yeast Decreased yeast viability, but better gas (Wang et al., 2017b)

leavened frozen dough leavened dough after 3 FT cycles. retention compared to chemical leavened


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ccepted Articl
TABLE II: Effect of different additives, enzymes and functional microbial end products on cryopreservation of frozen dough system.

Study objective Result Ingredients used (flour basis) Reference

Hydrocolloid Gum (tragacanth, salep) influence on Increased water absorption, improved bread sensory, 2% salt, 2% yeast, 0.5-1% gum, 53.8- (Gharaie et al., 2015)

rheological properties flat bread from frozen less firmness and chewiness; especially with 58.2% water depending on gum.

dough Tragacanth gum

Gum (xanthan, locust bean, guar), pectin on Increased water restriction increased freezable water. 2% salt, 1.5% hydrocolloid, 60.2-66% (Linlaud et al., 2011)

interaction with water, protein, starch of Decreased starch final gelatinization temperature in water depending on hydrocolloid.

frozen wheat dough. excess water. Disordered and labile network in

presence of pectin. Good compatibility between

hydrocolloid and gluten network; guar gum

Hydrocolloids (carboxymethyl cellulose, Frozen storage negatively affected batter properties 308% egg white, 130% soft sugar, 2.5% (Jia et al., 2014a)

locust bean gum, xanthan gum) and storage (viscosity, specific gravity, bubble size, hardness); salt, 1.5% tartar powder, 1% for each

conditions on angel food cake frozen batter hydrocolloids improved all affected properties hydrocolloid.

properties. affected by frozen storage and freeze-thaw cycle;

increased specific volume and reduced hardness in


Antifreeze protein (AFP) Oat extracted AFP on frozen dough and Lowered freezable water content in frozen dough. 50% deionized water, 1.5% instant dry (Zhang et al., 2015)

or Ice structuring protein steamed bread quality Improved fermentation capacity. yeast, 0.1g AFP

(ISP) Protect gluten network matrix.

Improved texture of bread

Barley extracted AFP on thermal properties Increased apparent specific heat, freezing Not reported (Ding et al., 2015)

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

ccepted Articl and water state of frozen dough temperature, influenced the melting performance and

gelation properties of frozen dough, slowed decrease

in moisture content,

Carrot extracted AFP on fermentation capacity Increased yeast viability, improved gas retention 2% instant yeast, 4% sucrose, 1.5% salt, (Zhang et al., 2007)

of frozen dough capacity, retard ice crystal formation 62% water, 5% butter, 0.62% protein

(carrot concentrate protein or bovine

serum albumin or soy protein isolate)

Ice structuring proteins (ISP) isolated from Increased water holding capacity, improved 60% water, 1.5% yeast, 4% sugar, 1.5 salt, (Xu et al., 2009)

wheat on water holding and bread making breadmaking properties (proofing time, specific 4% shortening, 0.3% or 0.6% ISP

properties of frozen dough volume)

Thermostable ice structuring proteins TSISPs inhibited dehydration of gluten proteins, 25g vital gluten flour, 0.125g TSISPs, (Jia et al., 2014b)

(TSISPs) extracted from Chinese privet decreased α-helix, increased β-sheet and 25ml water.

(Ligustrum vulgare) on hydration, HMW/LMW ratio, improved rheological properties

polymerization and rheological properties of of gluten dough

gluten-water frozen dough

Thermostable ice structuring proteins Decreased freedom of water molecules and the 4% sugar, 1.5% salt, 2% yeast, 60% water, (Jia et al., 2012)

(TSISPs) extracted from Chinese privet melting enthalpy of ice (∆H); improved 4% shortening, 0.5% ISPs

(Ligustrum vulgare) on frozen bread dough microstructure, fermentation and baking properties of

properties frozen dough bread

Ice nucleation agents Biogenic ice nucleators from Improve yeast viability, decreased hardness and 56% water, 1.6% yeast, 6% sucrose, 1.5% (Shi et al., 2013b)

(INA) Erwiniaherbicola on yeast viability and improved specific volume salt, 6% shortening, 0.35mg/g of INA

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ccepted Articl baking quality of frozen dough

Zein based ice nucleation films on baking Increase specific volume (due to improved yeast 56% water, 1.6% yeast, 6% sucrose, 1.5% (Shi et al., 2013a)

quality of frozen dough viability), reduced water loss (higher water content in salt, 6% shortening, 0.35mg/g of INA

bread), lower firmness

Ingredient and process Flour protein content and freezing conditions Higher flour protein content led to better resistance to Flour’ protein: 7.5% (low), 9.5% (Kondakci et al., 2015)

conditions on frozen dough and steamed bread quality freezing damage of dough; improved specific (medium), 11% (high). Water: 54% (low),

volume, form ratio and texture of steamed bread. 57% (medium), 59% (high). 1% salt, 1%

instant yeast.

Rye bran Water extractible arabinoxylan (WEAX) from Water extractible arabinoxylan improved the loaf 1.1% active dry yeast, 54.4% water, 0, 1, (Wang et al., 2016)

rye bran on frozen steam bread quality volume and lowered rate of firmness of steamed 2% flour replaced by WEAX


Functional microbial end EPS produced by Weissella confusa on Reduced syneresis rate, altered water distribution and 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.1g purified EPS, 100mL (Tang et al., 2018)

products syneresis rate, water distribution and mobility, more dense and uniform gel microstructure deionized water, 8g unmodified wheat

microstructure of wheat starch gel during starch.

freeze-thaw process

Enzyme Single effect of glucose oxidase (Gox), Compared to the control (no enzyme), bread loaf was 3% compressed yeast, 2.2% salt, 58.5% (Steffolani et al., 2012)

transglutaminase (TG), and pentosanase (Pn) improved differently by each enzyme: high Gox water, enzymes: 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01%

on frozen dough concentration required, Pn needed a longer time (9 Gox; 0.01%, 0.1%, 0.5% TG; 0.006%,

weeks), while an intermediate TG concentration was 0.012%, 0.018% Pn.


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ccepted Articl Combined effect of Rhizopuschinensis lipase

and transglutaminase on rheology,

Improved G’ and G’’, rheofermentative

characteristics, specific volume and textural

60% water, 2% instant dry yeast, 1% salt,

8% shortening, 8% sugar.
(Li et al., 2011)

microstructure and baking properties of frozen properties of frozen dough


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Accepted Article

Freezing Freezing

Ferment Pre-bake

Ingredients Mixing Molding Ferment Baking

Freezing Freezing
e e

Figure 1: Manufacturing process of frozen dough products to the point of retail. P-FD; pre/fully fermented

frozen dough, PB-FD; partially baked frozen dough, U-FD; unfermented frozen dough, FB-F; fully baked

frozen, FB-F. Adopted and modified from (Decock & Cappelle, 2005) and (Wang et al., 2015a).

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Ingredient formulation
Accepted Article


Divide and mold Rest


Cooling, freezing, packing

Frozen storage

Thaw Proof


Figure 1b: Production of pre-proofed ( ) and un-proofed ( ) frozen doughs for frozen steamed

products. Adopted from (Huang & Miskelly, 2016).

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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Figure 2: Micrographs of fractured dough from dough center illustrating ice recrystallization during frozen

storage of pre-fermented frozen dough. A; fast frozen in liquid N2 after proofing (no storage), B; frozen 1h

in freezer (-28°C) to 11°C (no further storage), C; frozen 2h in freezer (-28°C), stored 1 day at -22°C, and

D; frozen 2h in freezer (-28°C), stored 149 days at 22°C in freezing room. Adopted from (Baier-Schenk et

al., 2005a).

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ccepted Articl
Atomic scale Nano scale Microscale Secondary changes



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ccepted Articl
Figure 3: Schematic description of structural changes of hydrated gluten network during frozen storage at -18°C for 0 (A, C) and 60 (D, E) days. Left to right:

Atomic scale of AFM images and cross-section of gluten protein network. At nanoscale, gluten sheets arranged in nano-capillary format filled with confined and

rigid water, and surrounded by bulk water; state of water redistribution in gluten upon frozen storage. At microscale, SEM images of gluten and secondary structural

changes in gluten matrix with the increased frozen storage time. Reproduced images adopted from (Kontogiorgos, 2011; Kontogiorgos & Goff, 2006; Zhao et al.,

2016; Xuan et al., 2017)

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1 1 1 1
Native wheat starch Freezing-treated wheat SDS treated wheat SDS + freezing-treated
Accepted Article
starch (3FTS) starch (SDS) wheat starch

2 2 2 2
A- type starch granule Freezing treated A- type B- type starch granule Freezing treated B-

starch granule type starch granule

Figure 4: SEM images: 1Effect SDS pretreatment and freeze-thawing treatment on native wheat starch

(adopted from (Tao et al., 2016b)). 2Freezing treatment on particle size distribution of wheat starch

granules (adopted from (Tao et al., 2016a)).

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Accepted Article

Figure 5: TEM micrographs of dough: Effect of freezing treatment/rates on fermentative activity of yeast

cell structure. A; yeast in unfrozen dough. Yeast in dough after, B; slow freezing rate (-0.06°C/min), C;

slow freezing rate (-0.23°C/min), D; intermediate freezing rate (-0.36°C/min), and E; rapid freezing rate (-

8.6°C/min) (adopted from (Meziani et al., 2012a)).

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