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A few students have contacted

me saying that they have

finished the Diploma
requirements and therefore
could they please be awarded
it. Two students did this after
having only been enrolled for
two days!

An example of the Oxford Diploma

So I have compiled some Frequently Asked Questions just to

make triple clear what is needed.

1. Is the Diploma a degree?

2. Is the Diploma from Oxford University?

3. Will the Diploma mean I can lecture at University?

4. Will the Diploma mean I can create my own company?

5. What does the Diploma actually mean?

It means you have achieved a certain level in your education. The full details are on
the Diploma itself. This details the length of the course, the number of lectures etc.
This will give you a sense of personal achievement. It also may be of great interest
to your employer. Plus, if you are self-employed it may be useful in getting you

6. Do I have to watch all the lectures?


7. Do I have workbooks to complete?


8. Can I complete the Diploma in 48 hours?

Very very unlikely. On some courses it would be possible – but that is not the point
of the Diploma is it?

9. Will the Diploma cost me anything financially?


10. Will the Diploma have my name on?


11. Are the Diplomas individually numbered?

Yes – that stops any fraud.

12. Do many people achieve the Diploma?

No – that is why achieving it is so special.

13. How long will it take to achieve?

That depends on how much work you do. You have the course for life.
14. Will I have to work hard to get the Diploma?

More accurate to say, ‘work consistently’. You have the course for life.

15. Has anyone on my actual course achieved the Diploma?

It depends on which case you are enrolled. Several are well on their way to
achieving it on the Economics courses. One person has on the Coping Skills course.
If everyone achieved it, then it would be pretty worthless. To achieve the Diploma
you have to work through the course – not just click ‘play’ and certainly not just do a
few quizzes. This Diploma requires effort, application, thought and research. It is
something worth having BUT, I repeat, it will not mean you can teach at Oxford

16. Can I still receive the Diploma even if I write a bad review?

Of course! The Diploma is not awarded by me. It is awarded if you fulfil certain
criteria – and one of these is NOT about writing reviews!

17. Can someone make a fake Diploma?

Yes...and no. Each Diploma is individually numbered. Therefore anyone can check
the validity of the Diploma by emailing the college. If they email and say ‘Did XYZ
achieve this Diploma on (date)’ and the records do not match this then the College
will reply ‘No’.

18. Are all the Diplomas on the courses of equal difficulty?

No. Some courses – especially Economics, Grief Healing and Art Therapy – are much
longer than others and have far more discussions. Therefore, there is more to do to
achieve the Diploma. But again, I stress, the Diploma of itself, is not so important –
it is what you have to do to get it.

19. May I frame the Diploma or put it on a t-shirt?

Of course! You are sent the image and you can do what you wish. Maybe even put it
on Linked-In or your website…or your bathroom wall!

20. Is it possible to get twenty Diplomas – or more – if I do all your courses?

Yes, I suppose, but you want a life, don’t you?

Last question:

So in summary, what do I have to do to get the Diploma?

As stated in the video you have to:

a. complete all the workbooks. Some questions ask you to think and
reflect. Some, you have to post the answers in the Q/A section in the
course. This is to allow others to comment and discuss and ask
questions. Of course you have to respond to questions too.

b. watch all the lectures

c. where the lectures set homework such as 'summarise this video' or

'answer this question' then you have to post your answers in the Q/A
section for the course

d. read and comment on the Educational Announcements

e. involve yourself in the discussions in the Q/A section as that is how

you learn. This does NOT mean you have to respond to every post, of
course, but you do have to participate

f. finally check that no new lectures have been published i.e. make sure
everything has been done

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