Herold-Mus149-Assignment 4

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Amanda Herold

Dr. Talbot
19 October 2018

Lesson Plan 4.3-Body Movement

Context: Students are in a 6th grade general music. They have recently worked with music in 2/4
and are able to identify quarter notes and eighth notes.

Section 1: Essential Questions & Standards

Essential Questions How does 6/8 meter affect the way we feel rhythm?
How are we learning?

Standards MU:Cr2.1.6a: Select, organize, construct, and document personal musical

What is the framework for ideas for arrangements and compositions within AB or ABA
our learning outcome? form that demonstrate an effective beginning, middle, and
ending, and convey expressive intent.
MU: Pr4.2.6c: Identify how cultural and historical context inform
MU:Re7.2.6a Describe how the elements of music and expressive qualities
relate to the structure of the piece
MU:Cn11.0.6a: Demonstrate understanding of relationship between music
and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and
daily life.

Section 2: Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes 1. Students will perform dances to a song in 6/8
How are we relating the 2. Students will identify 6/8 in a song
standards to the lesson? 3. Students will improvise a rhythm in 6/8
4. Students will define 6/8 meter

Section 3: Materials, Vocabulary, & Pre-Requisites

Materials  Open Space
 Paper
 Pencil
 Tarantella Song – (Y. (2008, December 31). Tarantella Neapoletana.
Retrieved October 21, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?
 Rhythm for identification:

Glossary of Terms &  Meter: Measure of time; arrangement of poetical feet; the grouping of
Abbreviations beats into regular patterns. The organization of the rhythmic patterns
in a composition are done in such a way that a regular, repeating pulse
of beats may continue throughout the composition. OnMusic Dictionary
-. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2018, from
 Tarantella: A dance in fast 6/8 time having a delirious, mad character
to it. The tarantella is characterized by alternations between major and
minor tonalities and a quickening of speed throughout the composition.
OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2018, from
 6/8 Meter: A time signature that consists of 6 eighth notes per
measure. It is commonly conducted in “2”. OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.).
Retrieved October 20, 2018, from http://dictionary.onmusic.org/)
 Beat: The regular pulse of music which may be dictated by the rise or
fall of the hand or baton of the conductor, by a metronome, or by
the accents in music. 
 Eighth Note: A note having the time duration of one eighth of the time
duration of a whole note. OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved October
20, 2018, from http://dictionary.onmusic.org/)
 Pulse: the steady beat within a piece of music

Section 4: Procedures
1) Students will gather into the center of the room and form a circle
2) Teacher will play music and have students stomp their feet to the main
3) Teacher will play the music and begin dancing to the Tarantella.
4) Teacher will have students observe and maintain the pulse in their feet
while the teacher performs. This time the teacher will also have
students count “1,2,3” between each foot stomp
5) The teacher will lead the dance and have students learn as the music
Part 1:
6) The teacher and students will skip 16 beats counterclockwise
7) The teacher and students will skip 16 beats clockwise

Part 2:
8) The teacher and students will step forward for two counts with their
right foot and then step back two counts with their right foot
9) Rotate counterclockwise in place for 4 counts
10) Repeat foot taps for left foot
Part 3:
11) Lift and tap right knee for 8 counts
12) Lift and tap left knee for 8 counts
13) Repeat steps 4-10 until song ends
14) The teacher will repeat the song multiple times until the students
appear comfortable with the dance moves and staying in time to the
15) Students will sit in a circle and be placed in pairs
16) Teacher will ask students “Where did we keep the pulse when
performing this piece?” and “What do you think the macrobeats were?
What about the microbeats?” *Each student must answer a question
17) Teacher will discuss explain the piece was in 6/8 and show students
that their feet kept the dotted quarter and was the macrobeat while the
eighth notes were microbeats.
18) Students will collaborate to create a classroom definition for 6/8 meter
and write a sample measure of 6/8
19) Teacher will have students stomp their feet to a slow tempo
20) Teacher will clap rhythms in 2/4 and in 6/8 (provided in materials
section) and have students identify whether they were in 6/8 by closing
their eyes and raising their hand if it was in 6/8.
21) Teacher will notate the rhythm on the board and show students why or
why it wasn’t 6/8 after performing it.
22) Students will improvise a measure of 6/8 on “tah” while classmates
conduct a “2” pattern
23) Students will define 6/8 meter as an exit ticket and notate a measure of

Section 5: Assessment & Extensions

Assessment  The teacher will assess students’ definitions of 6/8 through an exit
Checking understanding of ticket
objectives.  The teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ identification of
6/8 meter by having them identify the pulse
 The teacher will visually assess students’ 6/8 rhythm improvisations by
checking that all of their beats fall within the pulse
 The teacher will visually assess students’ performance by checking to
see if they maintain a steady pulse

Assessment 0 1 2
Student Student writes Student shows a Student clearly
Definition an incorrect general states in
definition or understanding definition that
does not write a in definition but 6/8 is a meter
definition at all only recognizes commonly

one key aspect performed in
(either only “2” and contains
recognizes it as 6 eighth notes
being commonly per measure
performed in
“2” or that it is 6
eighth notes per
Student Student does Student gets Student
Identification of not identify 6/8 50% of the correctly
6/8 rhythm identifies 6/8
identification and is able to
correct separate it from
Student Rhythm Student does Student Student
Improvisation not improvise struggles to improvises a
create a 6/8 6/8 rhythm that
rhythm under a stays within the
steady pulse pulse
Student Student does Student Student
Performance not perform performs the performs and
and Dance dance but fails transitions to
Transition to maintain a different
steady beat sections of the
song smoothly
maintaining a
steady pulse

Extension of Lesson  Students will phrase a section of the music based on their own
Where can this lesson go in interpretations
context?  Students will research another song that is in ternary form
 Students will present their own musical movements in Tarantella while
staying in tempo and within the counts within the section of music
 Students will dance in smaller groups of 4 or 5

I affirm that I have upheld the highest principles of honesty and integrity in my academic work, and
have not witnessed a violation of the honor code.

-Amanda Herold

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