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Brendan Hogg

e-mail: A Combined Riser Mooring

MCS, Galway Technology Park,
Parkmore, Galway, Ireland System for Deepwater
Annette M. Harte
Department of Civil Engineering, For deepwater developments, riser and mooring system requirements become a significant
National University of Ireland, factor in the cost of the overall field development. Therefore, methods for reducing the
Galway, Ireland riser and mooring design requirements and minimizing the cost of these systems become
increasingly important. This paper presents the design methodology for a combined riser
mooring (CRM) system and demonstrates the feasibility of the system for a test case
Frank Grealish application in a deepwater development offshore West of Africa. The CRM system offers
e-mail: significant benefits over the independent riser and mooring systems, namely reduced riser
MCS, Galway Technology Park, dynamics, reduced vessel offsets, a smaller seafloor footprint and system installation prior
Parkmore, Galway, Ireland to the arrival of the FPSO. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1834621兴

Introduction The CRM system is illustrated in Fig. 1 attached to the stern of

the vessel with conventional mooring lines attached to the bow.
In deepwater applications, the selection of both the riser and
The hybrid system is comprised of SCRs connected to a subsea
mooring system represents a significant factor in the overall fea-
buoy with flexible jumpers located between the buoy and the ves-
sibility and cost of the system. The use of spread moored floating,
sel. This configuration is similar to a number of proposed lazy
production, storage, and offloading vessels 共FPSOs兲 with steel cat-
wave steel riser systems. However, in addition the lazy wave con-
enary risers 共SCRs兲 are being favored for deepwater applications
figurations the CRM system has tethers, connecting the subsea
with mild environmental conditions such as West of Africa. For
buoy to the stern of the vessel. The system utilizes the full poten-
these proposed applications, SCRs are hung from a spread moored
tial restoring force capability of the SCRs, which are positioned in
FPSO along the side of the vessel’s hull or at the stern of the
tandem with mooring lines of minimal length. Previous proposed
vessel with the first and second order motions of the vessel gov-
lazy wave systems and conventional SCR systems aim to reduce
erning the design and configuration of the risers system.
the hang-off angle of the SCRs in order to minimize the forces
The spread moored FPSOs with SCRs have a number of draw-
exerted by the SCRs on the vessel. By increasing the hang-off
backs, some of which are outlined below:
angle of the SCRs, significant horizontal restoring forces can be
• The dynamic motions of the FPSO are transferred directly to provided by the SCRs. The subsea buoy anchored to the seabed
the SCR at the hang-off positions. This leads to fatigue life provides an interface to which all the components of the CRM
issues in the riser touchdown point on the seabed, which gov- system are connected. The buoy provides a decoupling effect be-
ern the cross-sectional design of the pipes. tween the motions of the vessel due to wave loading and the
• With increasing water depth, the length of mooring line re- motions of the SCRs. The design of the subsea buoy has been
quired and the cost of the mooring system also increase; driven by both operational and installation considerations.
hence there are significant savings to be made by optimiza- The main advantages of the combined riser mooring system are
tion of the mooring system. as follows:
• The potential for interference between the SCRs, mooring
• A reduced potential for interference between SCRs as the
lines of the FPU, and mooring lines of neighboring platforms.
mooring lines of the SCRs are located at the bow or stern of
A typical FPSO is the centerpiece of a deepwater field with
the FPU.
wellhead platform and offloading buoy mooring lines in close
• Decoupling of vessel motions transferred to the SCRs result
in reduced wall thickness requirements and increased fatigue
• The minimal ability for a spread moored FPU to weather
life in the riser touchdown and hang-off zones.
vane into the direction of the environment if the dominant
• A reduced seabed footprint compared with convention moor-
environmental conditions are on the side of the vessel.
ing systems. This can be an important issue in congested field
• Long installation times for SCRs, resulting in a large delay
between the arrival of the FPU on site and the first oil date.
• The ability for a spread moored FPU to weather vane under
An innovative way to provide a solution to some of the above beam environmental conditions.
shortcomings of the two conventional systems is a concept com- • Reduced installation times for SCRs, resulting in a short time
bining the functional requirements of both systems. This CRM between the arrival of FPU on site and the first oil date.
system will integrate the functions of both mooring and riser sys- • All the components required of the system are existing com-
tems using existing technology in use in the offshore industry. The ponents, which have been installed and proven in various
system will reduce the amount of hardware required to success- field developments.
fully moor the vessel and export production fluid from a deepwa-
In order to successfully evaluate the CRM system, a design
ter field development. This combined riser mooring system must
process must be developed to assess both the riser and mooring
meet the design requirements for both the mooring and riser sys-
requirements of the system.
tems and solve some of the present shortcomings of the conven-
tional systems.
Design Methodology
Contributed by the OOAE Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF OFF-
SHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING. Manuscript received May 2003; The individual components of the CRM system have dual func-
final revision, April 2004. Associate Editor: H. R. Riggs. tions, which lead to a certain amount of iteration with the design

Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering NOVEMBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 273
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11. Perform a mean, low frequency, and wave frequency analy-
sis using the mooring model. Establish extreme offsets of the ves-
sel for all loading directions.
12. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 using the new offsets established in
Step 11.
The offshore analysis software programs, Flexcom-3D and Ari-
ane are used to calculate all system and component responses.
Vessel Extreme Excursions. The response of the overall
mooring system to mean environmental forces is calculated by a
balance of mean wave drift, current and wind induced static
forces. The low frequency response of the moored vessel is de-
rived from the time domain integration of governing second order
response equations. The wave frequency response is derived using
appropriate RAOs combined with wave elevation.
Maximum vessel excursions and maximum mooring line ten-
sions are essentially the main design criteria for the mooring sys-
tem. The maximum excursion is taken as the mean offset plus the
combined wave frequency and low frequency vessel motions 关2兴.
Maximum excursion is determined in the following manner:
Fig. 1 Schematic of selected CRM system X max⫽X mean⫹X LF 共 max兲 ⫹X WF 共 sig兲 if X LF 共 max兲 ⬎X WF 共 max兲
X max⫽X mean⫹X WF 共 max兲 ⫹X LF 共 sig兲 if X WF 共 max兲 ⬎X LF 共 max兲
methodology to develop the optimum system. The design meth- where
odology is separated into two parts, which are analyzed with two
different analysis tools. The riser design of the CRM is analyzed X mean⫽mean vessel excursion
using the finite element program, Flexcom-3D 关1兴, and the moor- X max⫽maximum vessel excursion
ing of the full system is analyzed using the mooring analysis X LF ( max)⫽probable maximum low frequency vessel excursion
program, Ariane 关2兴. The conventional mooring lines at the bow X LF ( sig) ⫽significant low frequency vessel excursion
of the vessel are not modeled in the FE analysis for the riser X WF ( max)⫽probable maximum wave frequency vessel excursion
design and, similarly, for the mooring design the full CRM system X WF ( sig) ⫽significant wave frequency vessel excursion
is not modeled. The CRM system is reduced to two nonlinear Extreme Case Analysis of Mooring Components. The
springs for the purposes of the mooring analysis. The approach to maximum line tension is the mean offset plus the combined wave
the design and analysis of the CRM system is summarized in the frequency and low frequency tensions. Maximum line tensions are
following steps: determined in the following manner 关2兴:
1. Establish the suitability of the riser sizes for the functional T max⫽T mean⫹T LF 共 max兲 ⫹T WF 共 sig兲 if T LF 共 max兲 ⬎T WF 共 max兲 (3)
requirements of the production system 共i.e., riser sizing and cross-
sectional design兲. T max⫽T mean⫹T WF 共 max兲 ⫹T LF 共 sig兲 if T WF 共 max兲 ⬎T LF 共 max兲 (4)
2. Verify that the static response of the riser components in the where
CRM configuration is acceptable.
3. Verify that the static response of the mooring components in T mean⫽mean line tension
the CRM configuration is acceptable. T max⫽maximum line tension
4. Establish an optimized buoyancy requirement of the buoy T LF ( max)⫽probable maximum low frequency line tension
system based on a balance of forces for the static system. T LF ( sig) ⫽significant low frequency line tension
5. Develop finite element models for the CRM portion of the T WF ( max)⫽probable maximum wave frequency line tension
entire mooring system. T WF ( sig) ⫽significant wave frequency line tension
6. Establish restoring force versus offset relationships for the
CRM system for near, far, and cross directions. In calculating the low frequency response, a sufficient number
7. Establish preliminary maximum offset values 共as a percent- of 3 hour simulations 共each with a different random seed number兲
age of water depth兲 for the vessel. Using these offsets, perform are performed so that reliable statistical results can be derived.
current and dynamic analyses for the CRM system in accordance The cumulative average and standard deviation from a number of
with the extreme load case matrix. Establish the extreme re- simulations is monitored until steady values are reached.
sponses for key parameters for all riser and mooring components The wave frequency dynamic line tension response is calcu-
of the CRM portion of the system. lated directly by performing a short duration high frequency simu-
8. Iterate on the design of the system to ensure that the re- lation incorporating line dynamics in the region of expected peak
sponses of all components are within allowable limits. response.
9. Develop a mooring system model using Ariane. The conven- For the CRM system, the vessel extreme offset due to mean
tional mooring lines at the bow of the vessel are modeled explic- loads and second order motions is derived from an Ariane analy-
itly. The CRM system at the stern of the vessel is modeled using sis. A Flexcom-3D regular wave dynamic analysis of the CRM is
two nonlinear springs. The restoring force effects of the CRM then performed using this extreme offset as a mean offset for the
system are accounted for by including the restoring force versus regular wave analysis. The result from this analysis then gives the
offset relationships developed for the CRM system 共Step 6兲. extreme tensions in the CRM tethers, accounting for all offsets.
10. Establish the contribution to loading on the vessel from the
current acting on the CRM portion of the system by performing Test Case Application
current analyses using the finite element model. Include this load- The design criteria used for the evaluation of the CRM system
ing contribution as an external force term in the mooring model. for a test case application in a deepwater field is presented in this

274 Õ Vol. 126, NOVEMBER 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 2 Summary of CRM design

SCRs and jumpers

SCR Number Wall thickness
12 in. production 6 19.1 mm
10 in. production 3 15.9 mm
12 in. water injection 2 19.1 mm
10 in. water injection 1 15.9 mm
10 in. gas injection 1 18.3 mm
Umbilical 3 N/A
Buoy particulars
Diameter of individual buoys 6m
Length of buoy 36 m
Mass of structure 1100 tonne
Total buoyancy of structure 4173 tonne
Net buoyancy 3073 tonne
Section Upper tethers Lower tethers
Fig. 2 Schematic of selected CRM system Grade Spiral strand Circular braided
Number 6 4
section. The test case application chosen for the detailed evalua- Diameter 100 mm 160 mm
Length 210 m 1295 m
tion of the CRM system is a full field development in 1400 m MBL 8500 kN 7436 kN
water depth in Angola Block 18 area offshore West of Africa. The Conventional mooring lines
full field development includes all risers required for the field i.e.
production lines, fluid injection lines, and umbilical. Offshore Section Lower Chain Middle Wire Upper Chain
Grade R4 K4 Spiral strand R4 K4
West of Africa is a deepwater field with benign environmental studless studless
conditions, which favor the use of the CRM system. Diameter 100 mm 110 mm 100 mm
The configuration chosen for this application consists of a CRM Length 2100 m 1425 m 50 m
system attached to the stern of the vessel and two groups of con- MBL 9864 kN 9941 kN 9864 kN
ventional mooring lines attached to the bow, as illustrated in Figs. Configuration 2⫻3 layout at 5 deg
1 and 2. The CRM and conventional mooring system provide the
mooring requirements of the vessel with the CRM system also
transferring production and operational fluids between the seabed
and the vessel. 共i兲 Head/quarter conditions—14 m/s
The vessel considered for the study is a ship shaped very large 共ii兲 Beam conditions—16 m/s
crude carrier based FPSO, with a two million barrel storage ca-
pacity. Relevant vessel dimensions for such an FPSO were used This is the 10 min average wind speed at 10 m above the MWL.
for the analysis along with wind/current coefficients, wave qua-
dratic transfer functions 共QTFs兲, areas, and response amplitude Global Analysis Results
operators 共RAOs兲.
The environmental conditions used for the design of the moor- Selection Configuration. The final configuration selected for
ing and riser system are typical extreme swell, sea, wind and the full field development in Angola Block 18 is presented below.
current conditions for a West of Africa location offshore Angola. The main components of the selected CRM system are as follows:
Directional environmental conditions are considered that contrib-
• 13 SCRs and 3 umbilicals terminating at a subsea buoy struc-
utes to the optimization of the combined riser and mooring design.
The sea states occurring off the coast of West of Africa are best
• 16 jumpers running from the buoy up to the FPSO.
represented by a JONSWAP wave spectrum. The corresponding
• A buoy structure comprised of four individual buoys.
associated regular wave conditions for the sea and swell condi-
• Four lower tethers mooring the buoy to the seabed, supported
tions are presented in Table 1 along with the current profiles. The
by suction anchors.
typical current to be used for beam 共current transverse to the ves-
• Six upper tethers in two groups anchoring the FPSO to the
sel heading兲 sea mooring analyses is 1.0 m/s.
The water depth for the area under consideration in this study is
• Six conventional mooring lines attached to the bow of the
1400 m. Water depth variations due to tidal effects are considered
to be minimal and were not considered in this study.
The wind data in this region is not expected to have a large In order to minimize any adverse effect of the environment, in
effect on the CRM design, with maximum vessel excursion driven particular the swell condition, on the FPSO and CRM system, the
by current profiles rather than wind conditions. The following FPSO is oriented with the bow toward the SSW direction 共i.e.
extreme wind data for 100-year conditions was assumed: towards the prevailing swell direction兲 with the initial plane of the
CRM configuration oriented in the NNE direction. A schematic of
the configuration selected for this project is presented in Fig. 2.
Table 1 Summary of environmental data The main properties for the CRM system are summarized in Table
Current profiles Direction Surface Mudline The finite element model for the extreme analysis was con-
95% nonexceedence Omni 0.30m/s 0.15 m/s structed by grouping the SCRs and jumpers into seven equivalent
10-year peturn period SW-SE 1.5 m/s 0.45 m/s lines for the purposes of construction of a manageable size model,
Wave data illustrated in Fig. 3. A detailed refinement of the riser layout on
the buoy was not undertaken for the purposes of this study as it is
Associated conditions 95% 5 yr 10 yr 100 yr
H max (m) 4.5 7.0 7.4 8.7 more a detailed design issue and not a critical parameter of the
T H max (s) 12.2 14.4 14.7 15.6 CRM system. The modeling of the buoy structure is shown in the
inset of Fig. 3.

Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering NOVEMBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 275

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Fig. 3 Snapshot of FE model of CRM system

The extreme response of the CRM system was analyzed with

dynamic time domain regular wave analyses and was carried out
for near, far, and cross-loading directions in order to determine the Fig. 4 Buoy design
feasibility of the CRM configurations. An iteration on the CRM
design under dynamic loading was performed until the relevant
acceptance criteria were satisfied.
flooded compartment兲 locking of the flex joint may occur 共i.e., the
SCRs. The selected SCR designs are based on hoop/collapse/ rotation limit reached兲 with the joint designed to absorb the addi-
buckle propagation calculations from API 2RD 1998 关3兴. The tional bending loads.
buckle propagation calculations show that buckle arrestors are
required. Buoy Design. The CRM buoy ties all the components of the
The SCR hang-off angles at the subsea buoy were selected CRM system together, hence the sizing and orientation of the
based on the global mooring stiffness of the system and von Mises buoy is a critical design factor.
stress criterion in the risers. The maximum von Mises stress uti- The buoy was positioned below the wave zone at a distance of
lization occurring in the intact conditions is 0.63 共302.2 MPa兲 in 186 m from the stern of the vessel to provide suitable mooring
the 10 in. gas injection riser, which is well within the allowable stiffness. The net buoyancy of the buoy was 3073 tonnes, which
value of 0.8. The largest damaged condition utilization is similarly was required to support the SCRs and provide tension to the lower
well under the allowable utilization of 1.0. The variation in SCR tethers for all extreme and damaged conditions. A suitable length
angle to the vertical at the connection point for the various dy- of buoy was selected to allow the numerous SCRs and jumper
namic conditions is about 8 deg for the intact cases and 14 deg for lines to be arranged to avoid interference issues.
damaged cases 共between the min. near angle and max. far angle兲. In order to have better control over the roll of the buoy, four
The dynamic amplification factors are relatively small 共typi- separate buoys were used with two bulkheads per buoy, as illus-
cally less than 1.16兲 confirming that the dynamic loads on the trated in Fig. 4. The use of the four separate buoys also removes
SCRs are relatively small. the problem caused by the damaged buoy conditions. Ballasting
and flooding of individual buoyancy compartments is used for the
Flex Joint. The flex joint connection between the SCRs and SCR installation procedure.
the CRM buoy is an important detail and a major design consid- The orientation of 20 deg to the horizontal in the equilibrium
eration for the system. At the equilibrium position, the angles position was selected to simplify the installation procedure to be
between the SCRs and the buoy structure vertical axis are 1.4 deg used for the SCRs. The location of the upper and lower tether
共i.e. SCR hang-off angle with respect to the global vertical is 21 connections on the CRM buoy are to balance the moments for the
deg and the buoy rotation is approximately 20 deg兲. For the intact SCRs and the upthrust of the buoy and minimize rotation. The
dynamic conditions, the maximum variation in flex joint angle is range of buoy roll is 22.8 deg for the extreme intact conditions
10.6 deg. Similarly, for the damaged dynamic conditions, the and 30.7 deg for extreme damaged conditions. The yaw and pitch
maximum angle variation is 11.6 deg. These angles are largely of the buoy is negligible in the near and far directions. In the cross
driven by rotations of the buoy as the dynamic rotations of the direction the maximum yaw is 22.8 deg for the intact Case, and is
SCRs are minimal. 23.1 deg for the damaged case. The critical condition for buoy
One key benefit of the proposed buoy design is that in the near rotation is the impact of abnormal conditions, i.e. flooding of one
and far offset directions the buoy will rotate 共due to reduced/ or more compartments in the buoy. The maximum roll of the buoy
increased tether tensions兲 in a direction that is beneficial to the due to damaged conditions is 24.2 deg
flex joint, e.g., in the far direction, the SCR is stretched out so its
hang-off angle increases. At the same time, the increased tether JumpersÕTethers. Both the upper and lower tethers consist of
tension causes the buoy to rotate toward the FPSO, thereby keep- a group of lines to provide the required level of redundancy for
ing the flex joint rotation relatively small. mooring system design. The lower tethers are grouped into two
The angle variations governing the flex joint designs are not sets of two circular braided polyester lines with allowable factors
necessarily determined by the extreme normal operational condi- of safety of 0.48 and 0.64 for intact and damaged conditions,
tions. Variations in internal fluid 共production riser empty兲 were respectively. The upper tethers are grouped into two sets of three
evaluated resulting in flex joint variations of up to 16.3 deg for the spiral strand wire lines with allowable factors of safety of 0.6 and
mean hang-off angle. For damage buoy conditions 共i.e., the 0.8, respectively.

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Table 3 A comparison of CRM with conventional

CRM Conventional
system system
Extreme response
Max. effective tension 共kN兲 2856 4553
Max. bending moment 共kN m兲 102 131
Touch down point 共years兲 466.7 130.3
Hang-off location 共years兲 ⬎10000 4.8

The largest tensions occurring due to environmental loading in

the upper tethers is in the far offset direction. A maximum value of
2463 kN for intact and 3031 kN for damaged occurs in this direc- Fig. 5 Schematic of mooring system model
tion. The cross direction is more critical for the lower tethers and
yields the largest tensions of 3598 kN for intact and 3739 kN for
damaged. All of the effective tension values are below the maxi-
mum allowable tensions. In addition, note that in most cases the Mooring Analysis Results
dynamic amplifications in the tether tensions are relatively small. The mooring analysis of the CRM system was carried out using
The jumpers were designed to ensure that their minimum bend- the mooring analysis program, Ariane. Three-hour time domain
ing radii were within allowable limits and no interference oc- irregular sea simulations were run, considering both 3D first order
curred between the jumpers. The nominal hang-off angle of the motions and low frequency second order effects.
jumpers to the FPSO in the equilibrium position is 15.5 deg. No The vessel is moored in two different ways. The aft of the
bend stiffeners were required at the vessel hang-off. The tension vessel is moored using the CRM system and the bow is moored
values are not excessive and therefore variations in jumper details with a conventional 2⫻3 mooring line configuration. The layout
do not cause an appreciable change in the global stiffness of the of the CRM system and the mooring lines are shown in Fig. 5
system. with the CRM system shown as two nonlinear springs and the six
conventional mooring lines modeled explicitly.
Comparison With Conventional. A conventional SCR op- A summary of the results from the extreme mooring analyses is
tion was designed for the same deepwater application and the presented in Table 4. The maximum vessel excursions are pre-
results compared with the CRM system. The wall thickness re- sented in the near far and cross offset directions, for both intact
quired for the conventional system is larger than that of the CRM and damaged mooring conditions 共most loaded line broken兲. Plots
SCRs due to the more onerous fatigue conditions. The conven- of in-line and transverse stiffness for the overall system are pre-
tional SCRs were attached to the side of the vessel and hung in a sented in Figs. 6 and 7.
catenary configuration to the seabed. The maximum utilization value for tensions in the mooring
For the extreme analysis the largest effective tension in the lines is 0.45 for the intact system and 0.58 for the damaged sys-
SCRs for the CRM system is 2856 kN occurring in the 12 in. tem. These utilizations compare well with allowable factors of 0.6
water injection riser. The maximum tension in the conventional and 0.8. This is with a dynamic amplification factor of 1.2 in-
system is 4553 kN in the same riser. This is to be expected due to cluded in the values for maximum dynamic tension as a percent-
the benign motions of the CRM SCR support point 共buoy兲 versus age of the minimum breaking load 共MBL兲. Preliminary line dy-
the relatively severe dynamic motions of the conventional SCR namics analyses indicate that the selected value is reasonable.
support point 共FPSO兲. Some of the differences in tension are also To evaluate damaged conditions, the effects of various combi-
accounted for by the extra wall thickness used for the conven- nations of upper and lower tether failure of the CRM system on
tional SCRs. the mooring performance characteristics are analyzed. The moor-
The rotations of the SCRs relative to the subsea buoy 共in the ing stiffness of the system does not vary with the different dam-
CRM system兲 are relatively small at ⫾10 deg. This is compared to aged tether conditions and therefore there is no change in the
the ⫾20 deg for the variation between the vessel and the SCR for global response of the system from intact conditions. The main
the conventional option. The difference is due to the relatively issues in the evaluation of the damaged conditions are as follows:
small movements and rotations of the buoy compared with the
large dynamic motions of the vessel. Clearly the CRM SCRs is a • Increased tensions in the remaining tethers 共tether groups
substantially less onerous application for flex joints than the con- were designed for this critical damaged condition兲.
ventional SCR. • A small degree of yaw of the buoy caused by asymmetric
The fatigue life of the risers was analyzed at two main points: loading.
the riser touchdown point in the near offset direction and the
upper connection point in the far offset direction. The effective
tension and bending moment variations for the SCRs in the CRM Table 4 Summary of mooring results. Note: The far damaged
application are less than that of the conventional application. condition is equal to far intact as there is no change in the
A fatigue life analysis of the risers was carried out for two mooring stiffness of the CRM under damaged conditions.
critical cases using a fatigue life postprocessor, Life-3D 关1兴. Dy-
namic analyses were carried out in the frequency domain using Direction Vessel offset 共m兲 Vessel yaw 共deg兲
the finite element tool, Freecom-3D 关4兴 applying the 95% nonex- Intact
ceedence return period wave 共Jonswap f p⫽0.97, a⫽0.00143 and Near 16.0 0
g⫽4) from Table 1. The fatigue curve used was the API X’-curve Far 12.8 0
Cross 82.5 ⫺5.1
and the stress concentration factors 共SCFs兲 used in the fatigue life
calculations was taken to be 1.23 along the entire SCR. The fa- Damaged
Near 55.2 ⫺1.3
tigue life of both systems is presented in Table 3 with the fatigue Far 12.8 0
life of the CRM risers being significantly higher than the conven- Cross 132.4 ⫺3.4
tional SCR applications.

Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering NOVEMBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 277

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terial characteristics as the CRM system mooring lines. The lines
were orientated at 45 deg 共⫾5 deg兲 to the bow–aft plane of vessel
with a pretension of 2500 kN. Figures 6 and 7 present a compari-
son between the conventional mooring system and the CRM sys-
tem for in-line and transverse stiffness characteristics.
The in-line stiffness of the full CRM system is stiffer than the
conventional system. The full CRM system stiffness in the trans-
verse direction is lower than the stiffness of the conventional 12
line mooring system, which results in offsets that are about 20%
larger for the CRM system. The riser section component of the
CRM transverse stiffness curve is only 13%, which allows for a
certain amount of weathervaning of the vessel in beam seas. This
is due to the difference in transverse stiffness being provided be-
tween the bow and stern of the vessel.

Fig. 6 In-plane mooring stiffness The overall conclusions for the evaluation of the CRM system
for deepwater applications are presented as follows:
1. The feasibility of using the CRM system as an alternative to
The variation in the mooring stiffness of the system due to the conventional riser and mooring systems for deepwater applica-
internal fluid conditions was a 10%–15% reduction in inline stiff- tions from floating productions units has been demonstrated. The
ness and a 15% increase in transverse stiffness when considering CRM system was shown to be a viable solution for the full field
the production risers empty. The global stiffness of the CRM sys- development of Angola Block 18.
tem was also evaluated for various stages of phased installation of 2. The mooring capability of the CRM system has been shown
the SCRs. to be largely consistent with a conventional spread moored system
for this application. The key differences being as follows:
Stiffness Sensitivities. While the CRM system has a high
stiffness in the longitudinal direction, the transverse stiffness of i. Extreme offsets: The CRM gives smaller offsets in the in-
the system is low. Most of the transverse stiffness of the overall line direction and larger in the transverse direction. This is
system comes from the six conventional mooring lines at the bow optimal from the viewpoint of the riser system, as the riser
of the vessel. A number of sensitivity analyses were carried out on system can absorb much larger transverse offsets than in-
the base case system in order to evaluate the maximum transverse line offsets.
stiffness possible for the configuration selected. The following ii. Damaged conditions: The CRM offsets for damaged condi-
issues were evaluated and optimized for their effect on the trans- tions do not increase compared to intact offsets. For the
verse stiffness: conventional systems offsets typically increase by 50% to
• Location of the subsea buoy relative to FPSO.
• Increasing pretension in six conventional lines 共thus pulling 3. The use of SCRs as part of the CRM system has been shown
the equilibrium position of the vessel in the far direction兲. to represent a very benign application for SCRs, in particular
• Modification of the mooring line configuration for the six when compared to conventional SCRs hung-off directly from the
conventional lines. FPSO. The key advantages for the SCRs in this application are
reduced dynamics 共minimal fatigue issues兲, allowing the use of a
Comparison With Conventional. A conventional 12 line thinner wall pipe.
mooring system was used as a basis of comparison. The mooring 4. The design of the subsea buoy for the CRM system has been
system was orientated in a 4⫻3 layout with the mooring lines driven by both operational and installation considerations. Four
consisting of a chain–wire–chain configuration with the same ma- separate buoys supported in a diaphragm structure is selected as
an optimum solution for this application with the buoy orientated
to minimize roll. The four buoys will each have three compart-
ments, which can be separately independently ballasted/
deballasted to give optimum buoy rotations for all phases of the
development and that also give substantial redundancy for buoy
damage conditions 共e.g. one compartment flooded兲.
5. The analyses performed in this study have shown that the
CRM can be installed at either end of the FPSO, i.e. either facing
into or away from the predominant environmental loading direc-
tion for the West of Africa.
6. The CRM system almost completely decouples the riser
construction from the FPSO fabrication, thereby reducing inter-
faces and scheduling risks.
7. All interference issues with the CRM system can be resolved
through optimization of the design. The potential for interference
between the SCRs can be resolved through varying the hang-off
angles of the risers at the subsea buoy structure.
8. Horizontal movement of the buoy during installation stages
does not cause excessive stresses in the SCRs.
9. The study has shown that the installation of the CRM system
is feasible without exceeding any design parameters and the sys-
Fig. 7 Transverse mooring stiffness tem can be installed using standard equipment and procedures. A

278 Õ Vol. 126, NOVEMBER 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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key advantage of the CRM system is that it allows for the prein- tional systems. Further investigation would be required into the
stallation of most components prior to the arrival of the FPSO. installation of such components and the detailing over the subsea
buoy for the CRM system.
This study has achieved a certain level of optimization for the
overall CRM system. Another round of iterations on the overall Acknowledgment
design is recommended to develop a fully optimized design. This
evaluation assessed the CRM system in a single configuration. The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of
The use of the CRM system in alternative configurations 共e.g. SaiBOS Services for the development of installation procedures.
connected to both ends of the vessel or to the vessel beam兲 and for
other field developments needs to be assessed to verify its appli-
关1兴 MCS International, 1999, ‘‘Flexcom-3D, Users’ Manual,’’ MCS International,
cability to a wide range of applications. Galway, Ireland.
In addition, there are a number of potential deepwater features/ 关2兴 Bureau Veritas, 1992, ‘‘Users’ Guide—Ariane 3.0,’’ Bureau Veritas.
issues that would need to be assessed with respect to the CRM 关3兴 American Petroleum Institute, 1995, ‘‘RP for Design and Analysis of Station
system, such as the feasibility of incorporating pipe-in-pipe risers Keeping Systems for Floating Structures,’’ API RP 2SK, 1st ed., Washington,
into the system or actively heated lines. However, many of these 关4兴 MCS International, 1999, ‘‘Freecom-3D, Users’ Manual,’’ MCS International,
issues apply to general deepwater applications, including conven- Galway, Ireland.

Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering NOVEMBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 279

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