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IS216 Computer Networks – Week #1 Assignment

Grantham University


The OSI Model

The Open System Interconnected model is a framework that describes the functions a of

telecommunication system. It uses layers to better describe each process of the communication. The main

reason why this framework was created was to standardize and to have consistency within the IT industry.

The OSI is divided into seven layers. Network professionals refer to these layers by its number

for example: The Physical layer which is the first layer is called layer 1 and so the rest of the layer. These

layers are, from top to bottom these layers are; the Application layer, the Presentation layer, the Session

layer, the Transport layer, the Network layer, the Data Link layer and the Physical layer.

Layer 7 – Application layer is the closest layer between the framework and the end user. Here is

where application programs that provide services to a user interact directly with the end users. Some of

the protocols associated with this layer are HTTP for web browser, FTP for file transfer, SMTP for


Layer 6 – Presentation layer deals with compressing, formatting and encryption. It`s responsible

for data encryption and decryption.

Layer 5 – Session layer this one is responsible for creating and terminating sessions between

communication devices. It uses session ID to track each session, this way data string request by one client

is separate it from the rest of the clients.

Layer 4 – Transport layer is responsible for the delivering data also, flow control and

retransmission is done at this layer. Data at this level is called segment. there two main protocols that

work at this layer; TCP and UDP.

Layer 3 – Network layer here is where routing takes place. Data at this layer is called packet,

packets get forwarded through different routers until they reach their destination. Another important thing

that happens at this layer is the assignment of IP addresses.

Layer 2 – Data link layer this layer is responsible for the interconnection between physical media

and the local network. Data at this layer is called frame. MAC addresses are used to identify how devices

can access to physical median.

Layer 1 – Physical layer this is the layer where we work with hardware. at this layer data travels

as bits via the cables and NICs.

The creation of the OSI model was beneficial and still a very important framework for the

industry because it allows the communication between network devices without the need of been tied to

specific vendor. These layers interact with each other, when data is sent from the upper layer the it is

expected that the lower layers help with the delivery of the data which must be in certain format.

West, J., Andrews, J., & Dean, T. (2019). Network+ guide to networks. Cengage.

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