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Vasopressor Load: Sounding the Alarm in

Management of Cardiogenic Shock Associated
With Acute Myocardial Infarction*
Brandon M. Wiley, MD1
KEY WORDS: cardiogenic shock; extracorporeal membrane oxygenation;
Peter M. Eckman, MD1
inotrope; mechanical circulatory support; vasopressor
Jacob C. Jentzer, MD2

ardiogenic shock (CS) associated with myocardial infarction (AMI-CS)
develops when myocardial injury leads to impaired cardiac output
and end-organ hypoperfusion, which can rapidly deteriorate into
worsening shock with concomitant multiple organ system dysfunction (1, 2).
Although the average short-term mortality of AMI-CS populations remains at
30–40% despite contemporary therapy, CS encompasses a wide spectrum of
illness severity with correspondingly variable in-hospital mortality rates (1–4).
As it has for decades, initial hemodynamic support for patients with AMI-CS
continues to rely predominantly on adrenergic vasopressor and inotropic drugs
(1). Although these drugs are often effective for improving systemic hemody-
namics, they are considered a “double-edged sword,” and their use must be bal-
anced against potential harmful side effects at higher doses (5, 6). This risk of *See also p. 770.
toxicity associated with escalating doses of vasoactive medications has provided Copyright © 2021 by the Society of
the justification for the development of an armamentarium of increasingly so- Critical Care Medicine and Wolters
phisticated temporary mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices designed Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights
to rescue critically ill patients with CS (7). However, recent randomized clin- Reserved.
ical trials have not shown improvements in survival of patients with AMI-CS DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004906

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using temporary MCS devices, raising questions re- a mortality risk approximately double the overall pop-
garding the optimal hemodynamic support strategy in ulation average.
AMI-CS (1, 7). Since requirements for higher doses of The number of vasopressors and inotropes required
vasopressors and inotropes have been consistently as- to stabilize a patient with CS has long been recognized
sociated with worse outcomes in critically ill patients, as both a predictor of mortality and subjective criterion
the quantification of vasopressor load—the amount of used to make decisions about initiating MCS (11, 13).
vasoactive therapy required to stabilize the hemody- However, the dose of each individual drug is equally
namic perturbation of shock—could provide clinicians important, and a useful measure of total vasopressor
with an objective decision-making tool to identify load should incorporate both the number and dose of
patients who are developing shock refractory to med- vasoactive drugs (9, 11). There are several scores that
ical therapy that may benefit from expedited transition can be used to quantify the vasopressor load, including
to MCS (5, 6, 8–11). the VIS, norepinephrine-equivalent (NEE) dose, car-
Choi et al (12), in this issue of Critical Care Medicine, diovascular Sequential Organ Failure Assessment sub-
address the crucial issue of risk stratification using va- score, and the cumulative vasopressor index (CVI).(6,
sopressor load in AMI-CS by analyzing the association 14) The VIS is presumably more relevant for AMI-CS
between mortality and the maximal amount of vaso- since it includes inodilator doses (milrinone and dobu-
active medications used during the first 48 hours of tamine), unlike either the CVI or NEE (14). In a retro-
shock, quantified using the Vasoactive-Inotrope Score spective review of 10,004 cardiac ICU patients, peak
(VIS). Using the multicenter REtrospective and pro- VIS was a strong independent predictor of in-hospital
spective observational Study to investigate Clinical mortality after accounting for standard measures of ill-
oUtcomes and Efficacy registry, the authors identi- ness severity; a stepwise association between increas-
fied 836 patients with AMI-CS (excluding patients ing VIS and higher short-term mortality was observed,
with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest). The study popu- as in the study by Choi et al (12). A prior single-center
lation included patients managed with either medical analysis likewise found a linear correlation between
therapy (39%) or temporary MCS, including intra-aor- peak VIS in the first 48 hours and mortality in unsel-
tic balloon pump (IABP) in 26% and extracorporeal ected CS patients, with an interaction between VIS and
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in 35%. Observed ECMO for mortality prediction (15). By using the VIS
in-hospital mortality was 36.5%, which aligns with to quantify vasopressor load, Choi et al (12) frame the
prior studies of AMI-CS (1, 4, 13). In-hospital mor- importance of vasoactive medication requirements as
tality increased incrementally with higher VIS, and a a key marker of CS disease severity that is fundamental
VIS greater than 90 (the top quartile) was associated for mortality risk assessment and may have potential
with significantly higher in-hospital mortality regard- utility as an objective indicator to guide decisions on
less of whether management included MCS. VIS had the timing of MCS initiation.
better discrimination for in-hospital mortality among Although measures of vasoactive drug dosage have
patients treated with medical therapy (area under the been consistently associated with mortality in critically
curve [AUC], 0.80) compared with those treated with ill patients, they carry a number of important caveats
IABP (AUC, 0.70) or ECMO (AUC, 0.64). The optimal when used for risk prediction (14). Since hemody-
cutoff value for VIS as a predictor of in-hospital mor- namic goals may be individualized for each patient,
tality was substantially lower among patients who re- the VIS should be evaluated in relation to the targeted
ceived medical therapy (16.5) compared with patients mean arterial pressure, cardiac index, or cardiac power
receiving MCS (40.1 in IABP and 84.0 in ECMO). output (5). When treatment is guided by consistent
There was a significant interaction between VIS and protocols to achieve optimal hemodynamics using vas-
use of MCS for prediction of all-cause mortality, show- oactive drug titration, the VIS becomes a particularly
ing that higher vasopressor load is more dangerous powerful and objective metric of shock severity that
among patients not supported with MCS. AMI-CS can be used for clinical decision-making and risk strat-
patients in the lowest VIS quartile had a mortality risk ification. The specific vasoactive drugs that are used to
approximately half that of the overall population av- achieve a given VIS may influence the association be-
erage, whereas patients in the highest VIS quartile had tween VIS and mortality, as the dose-equivalencies for

866 May 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 5

Copyright © 2021 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 1. Society for cardiovascular angiography and intervention (SCAI) shock stages classification, with potential management options at
each SCAI shock stage highlighted. Among patients with shock (SCAI shock stages C, D, and E), the Vasoactive-Inotrope Score (VIS) rises
incrementally, and the VIS can be used to define the SCAI shock stage. Figure adapted from Baran et al (2). ACEI = angiotension converting
enzyme inhibitor, ARB = angiotension II receptor blocker, BNP = brain natriuretic peptide, CI = cardiac index, CPO = cardiac power output,
CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, IABP = intra-aortic balloon pump, MAP = mean
arterial pressure, MCS = mechanical circulatory support, PA = pulmonary artery, PAPI = pulmonary artery pulsatility index, PCWP = pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure, pVAD = percutaneous ventricular assist device, RAP = right atrial pressure, SBP = systolic blood pressure.

the different vasoactive drugs within the VIS are some- worsening shock state that is not responding well to
what arbitrary and are likely to change across the dos- standard therapy and is likely to carry a poor prognosis
ing range (14). Lower mortality risk has been reported if not effectively reversed. Although randomized trials
for cardiac ICU patients receiving norepinephrine have failed to demonstrate reductions in mortality with
(particularly among patients with higher vasopressor the routine use of MCS devices in AMI-CS, contem-
requirements) (8, 9). Although increasing vasopressor porary guidelines emphasize that these devices may
and inotrope doses to restore hemodynamics and still be appropriate when CS patients are not respond-
organ perfusion will necessarily increase the VIS and ing well to medical therapy (1, 7). Published data that
the estimated risk of mortality, clinicians should be suggest a clinical benefit with routine use of MCS in
reassured that this association predominantly reflects AMI-CS may reflect the use of clinical protocols that
a greater severity of underlying shock rather than a use defined quantitative hemodynamic variables to
harmful effect of the drugs themselves. Therefore, al- guide therapy (13). In the study by Choi et al (12),
though the VIS is a useful single measure to quantify the stronger association between VIS and mortality
overall vasopressor load as a measure of shock severity, and the lower VIS cutoff for prediction of mortality
a more nuanced approach is needed when using this for AMI-CS patients receiving medical therapy versus
metric for clinical decision-making. MCS highlight potential vasopressor dose thresholds
Regardless, high or rising vasopressor doses should that could indicate when MCS should be considered.
alert the clinician that the CS patient has a severe or Patients with a low VIS are likely to do well without
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MCS, but as the VIS rises, the need for MCS poten- Dr. Eckman’s institution received funding from Abbott Laboratories
tially rises in parallel along with the necessary degree and Medtronic, and he received funding from Honoraria. The re-
maining authors have disclosed that they do not have any poten-
of hemodynamic support.
tial conflicts of interest.
Initiation decisions about MCS for individual patients
are complex and typically center- and clinician-specific;
VIS alone is not adequate to make the decision regarding
whether escalate to MCS. However, the VIS can serve as REFERENCES
an objective indicator to help guide implementation of 1. van Diepen S, Katz JN, Albert NM, et al; American Heart
rescue therapies in CS. Integrating automated VIS calcu- Association Council on Clinical Cardiology; Council on
lation into the electronic health record could facilitate an Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; Council on Quality of Care
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Thoracic Surgeons (STS) in April 2019. Catheter Cardiovasc
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tion by matching the flow provided by the device to the of America (HFSA); Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS);
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it helps lay the foundation for trials evaluating the use expert consensus statement on the use of percutaneous me-
chanical circulatory support devices in cardiovascular care:
of VIS in therapeutic decision-making and may help
Endorsed by the American Heart Assocation, the Cardiological
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about associations and predictions in populations to Intervencion; Affirmation of Value by the Canadian Association
one that is practical at the bedside for clinicians for of Interventional Cardiology-Association Canadienne de
individualized decision-making. Although the de- Cardiologie d’intervention. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; 65:e7–e26
cision to initiate MCS cannot be distilled to a single 8. Jentzer JC, Wiley B, Bennett C, et al: Temporal trends and clin-
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the cardiac intensive care unit. Shock 2020; 53:452–459
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Cardiovascular Effects of Prone Positioning in

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients:
The Circulation Does Not Take It Lying Down*
Michael R. Pinsky, MD, MCCM
KEY WORDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; cardiovascular
function; hemodynamic monitoring; heart-lung interactions; prone

resently, ventilatory management of patients with acute respiratory dis-
tress syndrome (ARDS) focuses primarily on improving ventilation to
perfusion matching without causing tidal volume-induced lung injury.
Tidal volume-induced acute lung injury efforts include minimizing the tidal
stress-strain changes by limiting driving pressure, peak and plateau airway
pressures, and reducing the rate of inspiratory increases in lung volume.
Ventilation-associated efforts include recruitment maneuvers to open col-
lapsed but re-expandable alveoli and by adding end-expiratory airway pressure
in excess of ambient airway pressure to keep recruited alveoli open. Minimal
attention is usually focused on improving perfusion. To a large extent, this is
done by attempting to minimize end-inspiratory overdistention as monitored
by expiratory CO2 levels. Importantly, prone positioning has the ability all at
once to improve ventilation to perfusion matching and minimize ventilation-
induced lung injury. In the prone position, the transpulmonary forces causing
lung distention are more evenly distributed and the dorsal regions, where a
majority of the lung parenchyma exists, benefit from more recruitment, as the
abdominal pressure causing diaphragmatic assent into the thorax is limited to *See also p. 781.
the ventral regions with much less lung while dorsal regional pleural pressure is Copyright © 2021 by the Society of
more negative. Blood flow within the lung is also better matched to the dorsal Critical Care Medicine and Wolters
regions because the hydrodynamic forces promoting pulmonary blood flow Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights
preferentially direct flow to the dorsal regions. This improved ventilation-per- Reserved.

fusion matching is occasionally associated with decreased pulmonary arterial DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004858

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