Transmaterial 2 A Catalog of Materials T

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T ra n s mat er ia l 2
Edited by

Blaine Brownell

A cata l o g o f m at e r ia l s t h at r e d e fi n e o u r p h y sica l e n v i r o n m e n t
ISBn 978-1-56898-722-4 US$35.00

Princeton Architectural Press

Following the success of the first volume of the Transmaterial series, Transmaterial 2: A Catalog of Materials That
Redefine Our Physical Environment offers a clear and concise directory that provides information about two hundred
of the latest, most intriguing materials, organized according to emerging industry trends. Based on editor Blaine
Brownell’s widely read “product of the week” electronic journal, Transmaterial 2 is an indispensable reference work for
any architect or designer interested in keeping up with the current trends in the field of materials and will inspire
creativity in any designer.

“Transmaterial is useful as a materials book for the “Colorful and stimulating, and you don’t have to be
architect who would never think of leaving such an architect or even a home improvement enthusiast to
matters to a consultant, but instead would rather dive appreciate it....There is endless inspiration here.”
into the research directly.” —Architectural Record —New Scientist

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Edited by

Blaine Brownell

A c ata l o g
o f m at e r i a l s
t h at

Princeton Architectural press

N e w Yo r k

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T o m y pa r e n t s Ta b l e o F c o n t e n t s

Published by Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data I ntr o d u cti o n 6

Princeton Architectural Press Transmaterial 2 : a catalog of materials that redefine our
37 East Seventh Street physical environment / edited by Blaine Brownell. — 1st ed. P r o d u ct P a g e K ey 12

New York, New York 10003 p. cm.

Includes indexes.
For a free catalog of books, call 1.800.722.6657. ISBN 978-1-56898-722-4 (pbk. : alk. paper) 01: Concrete 15
Visit our website at 1. Materials—Technological innovations. 2. Materials—
Catalogs. I. Brownell, Blaine Erickson, 1970– II. Title:
© 2008 Princeton Architectural Press Transmaterial two.
02: mineral 31

All rights reserved TA403.6.T15 2008

Printed and bound in China 620.1’1—dc22 0 3 : m e ta l 39
11 10 09 08 4 3 2 1 First edition 2007022126

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any 04: wood 61

manner without written permission from the publisher, DISCLAIMER: Princeton Architectural Press and
except in the context of reviews, or as text for use in the author make no warranties or representations concerning
language research. these products or their use.
05: plastic + rubber 85

Every reasonable attempt has been made to identify 06: Glass 13 3

owners of copyright. Errors or omissions will be corrected
in subsequent editions.
0 7 : pa i n t + P ap e r 151
All images courtesy of the respective manufacturer.

Editing: Linda Lee

0 8 : fa b r i c 165

Design: Paul Wagner

09: light 195

Special thanks to: Nettie Aljian, Sara Bader, Dorothy Ball,
Nicola Bednarek, Janet Behning, Kristin Carlson,
Becca Casbon, Penny (Yuen Pik) Chu, Russell Fernandez, 10 : d i g i ta l 215
Pete Fitzpatrick, Wendy Fuller, Jan Haux, Clare Jacobson,
John King, Nancy Eklund Later, Laurie Manfra,
Katharine Myers, Lauren Nelson Packard, D esi g ner I nde x 24 3
Jennifer Thompson, Arnoud Verhaeghe, Joseph Weston,
and Deb Wood of Princeton Architectural Press M an u fact u rer I nde x 24 4

—Kevin C. Lippert, publisher

P r o d u ct I nde x 24 6

A ckn o wled g ments 24 8

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T he M aterial R ev o l u ti o n C o ntin u es

Approximately two years after the publication of Transmaterial 1, M o t i vat i o n s 2 . 0

Nearly a decade into the twenty-first century, the optimism ushered in by the new millennium has
we live in a climate in which the effects of significant material been overshadowed by new anxieties regarding global environmental and political instabilities.
change in the physical environment are becoming evident. Global warming is of paramount concern, frequently addressed in headline news by the international
media. Although it remains difficult to predict exactly how the influence of anthropogenic emissions
Alternative-energy technologies, resource-conservation measures,
will ultimately affect the environment, recent studies indicate acceleration in the changes brought
and pollution-reduction strategies are transforming the way build- about by the atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases. Not only are CO2 emissions under
ings and products are made. New digital technologies are facil- increased scrutiny but also ozone, perfluorochemicals, and other pervasive pollutants. Materials that
release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and contribute to unhealthy indoor air quality, or “sick
itating fabrication and reintroducing sophisticated craft-making building syndrome,” are likewise being evaluated. As a result, manufacturers have become serious
capabilities in construction. A recent interest in biomimicry has about developing nontoxic and low-VOC products, as well as less-polluting alternatives by which to
manufacture them. Photocatalysis has also been embraced as a means to reduce air pollution, exem-
led to a generation of prototypes based on cellular, algorithmically plified by the use of titanium dioxide in self-cleaning coatings.
generated forms based on the active study of living structures. We While the adverse effects of greenhouse gases and pollution are not immediately visible, natural
and human-made disasters provide cause for immediate concern. The Asian Tsunami and Hurricane
have entered a new era, and the rules are still unclear. However,
Katrina, for example, emphasized the extent of destruction that nature can bring about; 9/11, the
the change is palpable. Iraq war, and increasing instability within impoverished nations have contributed to a general feel-
Transmaterial 1 presented the design-materials revolution in ing of insecurity. This sense of vulnerability has resulted in a recent increase in the number of secu-
rity-related products, such as building panels that provide increased resistance against storms and
its nascent phase. Changes that transpired during the subsequent ballistic loads and sophisticated electronic detection-and-alert systems.
two years recommend the reevaluation of assumptions addressed in Energy is another topic strongly related to issues of global insecurity. “Peak oil,” a theme large-
ly confined to conversations within a small scientific community a few years ago, has since come to
the first book, which described the steady progress of technology, dominate discussions among environmentalists and big oil companies alike. There is now strong
the adoption of aerospace and military inventions for the consumer consensus that the increasing demand for petroleum will outpace supply within the next quarter
century. Because of the extent to which petroleum-based sources are utilized for energy, transpor-
market, increasing environmental awareness, and interest in phe-
tation, manufacturing, polymers, agriculture, and other applications, a serious effort is now under-
nomenological effects as the primary motivators for material inno- way to develop alternative fuels to mitigate the negative effects of peak oil. Governments, utilities,
vation. Although these factors remain important motivators today, and corporations worldwide have increased investments in rapidly renewable power generation and
raised energy-conservation standards. New light-piping technologies and improved insulation mate-
it is important to reorder them based on updated priorities. The rials enhance building performance while saving energy. Manufacturing is increasingly deployed at
bulk of new material development at the turn of the century was the location of use in order to reduce transportation costs, and companies are pursuing regional pro-
duction capabilities at building sites as a result. Rapidly renewable materials are also replacing fossil
the result of the steady progress of technology; the primary moti-
fuel–based sources in products like food containers, packaging, and mobile electronic devices.
vators now are environmental concerns. This fundamental change As the depletion of material resources continues, product manufacturers must be more cre-
means that virtually every material, product, and building-system ative about how to optimize raw materials and utilize waste. Conventional materials are enhanced
with augmented dimensionality for additional strength and elongated spans; exotic new fibers and
manufacturer is developing new technologies and revising existing composites exhibit increased strength-to-weight ratios. The more frequent use of waste materials
ones in order to accommodate the recent surge of interest in envi- in manufacturing new products has helped alter the perception of recycling—no longer viewed as
having downgraded value. In many cases, products diverted from the waste stream are converted
ronmental awareness and “green building.” into uses that exhibit greater value than their original applications. Rapidly renewable materials are

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replacing old-growth sources, and rapid-growth plants are being scrutinized for their value as fuels 1 . U lt r ap e r f o r m i n g

or other material replacements. Throughout human history, material innovation has been defined by the persistent testing of lim-
One of the most interesting developments in the world of materials is dematerialization. The its. Ultraperforming materials are stronger, lighter, more durable, and more flexible than their con-
evolution of technology has inevitably accounted for the limited availability of resources, and in the ventional counterparts. These materials are important because they shatter known boundaries and
fabrication of new products, manufacturers have spread valuable minerals, polymers, and fibers necessitate new thinking about the shaping of our physical environment.
across greater possible spans than previously imaginable, producing products with equal or greater As discussed above, the ongoing pursuit of thinner, more porous, and less-opaque products
utility with significantly less raw material. The new versions also integrate lesser-value substances, indicates a notable movement toward greater exposure and ephemerality. It is no surprise that
such as adhesives, fillers, and air, to further extend their usefulness. The resulting products not only ultraperforming materials are generally expensive and difficult to obtain, although many of these
use less material but are often lighter, stronger, and more stable. This trend leads to interesting new products are being developed for a broad market.
hybrids as well as products with increased porosity and light transmittance. Translucency becomes
increasingly appreciated for its own aesthetic merit, and in a few cases conventionally opaque and 2 . M u lt i d i m e n s i o n a l

solid materials, like concrete, are being modified to transmit light. This development parallels the Materials are physically defined by three dimensions, but many products have long been conceived
outgrowth of value placed on the provocative aspects associated with rendering standard conven- as flat surfaces. A new trend exploits the z-axis in the manufacture of a wide variety of materials for
tions obsolete. various uses, ranging from fabrics to wall and ceiling treatments. Greater depth allows thin materi-
Not only has technology allowed us to do more with less, it has also provided the tools to manip- als to become more structurally stable, and materials with enhanced texture and richness are often
ulate materials more extensively for less cost. During the twentieth century, large-scale industri- more visually interesting. Augmented dimensionality will likely continue to be a growing movement,
al processes that emphasized standardization largely displaced the craftsperson. Detailed material especially considering the technological trends toward miniaturization, systems integration, and
manipulation and ornamentation became increasingly rare and costly. The advent of digital fabrica- prefabrication.
tion technologies has reintroduced the detailed individual artistry and sophisticated material refine-
ment of the craftsperson. Most notably, new tools tend to shift control over the final product from the 3. Repurposed

hands of the builder to those of the designer, allowing a variety of unprecedented capabilities such Repurposed materials may be defined as surrogates, or materials that are used in the place of mate-
as image-based topographies and algorithmically derived surfaces. One outcome of this trend is the rials conventionally used in an application. Repurposed materials provide several benefits, such as
“Photoshop effect,” in which graphical content conceived within the computer is directly applied to replacing precious raw materials with less-endangered, more plentiful ones; diverting products from
the physical surfaces of products, buildings, and landscapes. the waste stream; implementing less-toxic manufacturing processes; and defying convention. A sub-
The industrial era gave birth to mass production and product quantity but also ushered in set of this group comprises objects considered repurposed in terms of their functionality, such as
homogenization. Globalization, likewise, disrupts local customs and idiosyncratic processes in favor tables that become light sources and art that becomes furniture.
of the universal, where product quality is largely defined by predictability, consistency, and uniformi- As a trend, repurposing underscores the desire for adaptability and an increasing awareness of
ty. An increasing number of manufacturers participate in a counter trend in which materials exhibit our limited resources. While the performance of repurposed materials is not always identical to that
unique characteristics based on contextual needs. Mass-customized, responsive, and/or interactive of the products they replace, sometimes new and unexpected benefits arise from their use.
products, such as shape memory polymers, photoluminescent surfaces, or expandable furniture,
shape environments that correlate more directly with specific contexts as well as transform based on 4. Recombinant

varying needs. Smart materials also provide unprecedented feedback enhancements, from monitor- Recombinant materials consist of two or more different materials that act in harmony to create a
ing bodily health to signaling environmental quality levels. product that performs greater than the sum of its parts. Such hybrids are created when inexpensive
or recyclable products are used as filler, when a combination allows for the achievement of multiple
Trends functions, when a precious resource may be emulated by combining less-precious materials, or when
As established in the first volume, several broad categories serve to elucidate current material trans- different materials act in symbiosis to exhibit high-performance characteristics.
formations. These classifications highlight important themes shared between dissimilar products Recombinant materials have long proven their performance in the construction industry.
and make unexpected connections. For example, an aluminum floor system and polypropylene chair Reinforced concrete, which benefits from the compressive strength and fireproof qualities of concrete
are made of different substances, but they could be similarly important in their use of recycled mate- and the tensile strength of steel, is a classic recombination. These materials are often composed of
rials. The seven broad categories I have proposed are as follows: down-cycled components, which may be difficult if not impossible to re-extract, and the success

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of recombinant materials is based on their reliable integration, which is not always predictable. spreading with an increased sense of ecological responsibility, measurable performance enhance-
However, the continued value exhibited by many such hybrids is evidence of its growing popularity. ment, and enhanced brand differentiation.
As this volume hopefully demonstrates, Transmaterial is a living, evolving project with a few
5. Intelligent simple goals: heighten awareness about new materials and technologies, provide tools to access
Intelligent is a catchall term for materials that are designed to improve their environment and that and use these materials and technologies, and effect positive change via enhanced design and
often take inspiration from biological systems. They can act actively or passively and can be high- construction. As the subscriber list to the weekly product emails continues to grow, a fascinating
or low-tech. Many materials in this category indicate a focus on the manipulation of the micro- community of material manufacturers, designers, artists, scientists, architects, builders, students,
scopic scale. and engineers has evolved to recommend, assess, and test new products. Please visit www.
Intelligence is not used here to describe products that have autonomous computational power as well as the website of Princeton Architectural Press’s companion program,
but rather products that are inherently smart by design. The varied list of benefits provided by these Materials Monthly, at, where you may continue to discover exciting
materials includes pollution reduction, water purification, solar-radiation control, natural ventilation, developments in the world of materials beyond those contained within this collection.
and power generation. An intelligent product may simply be a flexible or modular system that adds
value throughout its life cycle. Blaine Brownell

6 . T r a n s f o r m at i o n a l

Transformational materials undergo a physical metamorphosis based on environmental stimuli. This

change may occur automatically based on the inherent properties of the material, or it may be user
driven. Like intelligent materials, transformational materials provide a variety of benefits, including
waste reduction, enhanced ergonomics, solar control, illumination, as well as unique phenomenolog-
ical effects. Transformational products offer multiple functions where one would be expected, pro-
vide benefits that few might have imagined, and help us view the world differently.

7 . I n t e r fa c i a l

The interface has been a popular design focus since the birth of the digital age. Interfacial materi-
als, products, and systems navigate between the physical and virtual realms. As we spend greater
amounts of time interacting with computer-based tools and environments, the bridges that facilitate
the interaction between the two worlds are subject to further scrutiny.
So-called interfacial products may be virtual instruments that control material manufacture or
physical manifestations of digital fabrications. These tools provide unprecedented and unimaginable
capabilities, such as enhanced technology-infused work environments, rapid-prototyping of complex
shapes, integration of digital imagery within physical objects, and making the invisible visible.
Interfacial materials employ the latest computing and communications technologies and sug-
gest society’s future trajectory. Interfacial materials are not infallible, but they expand our capabili-
ties into uncharted territory.

O n wa r d

Inspired by environmental imperatives, new technologies, and unprecedented design opportuni-

ties, the design and construction industries are undergoing an extraordinary transformation. The
conservatism that once characterized the construction trade is melting away, and innovation is

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P r o d u ct pa g e key

A. name E. summary
The trademarked name of the particular A basic text description of each entry
entry being featured F. t r e n d
B. number (nº) This field assigns one of the seven trends
D This nine-digit identification number is mentioned in the introduction to each
C unique to each entry. The first six digits are entry: ultraperforming, multidimensional,
based on the new MasterFormat material repurposed, recombinant, intelligent,
classification system, published June 8, transformational, or interfacial.
2004, by the Construction Specifications G . t yp e
Institute. The last three digits are used to Defines each entry as a material, product,
identify each product within a serial list. or process
G This numbering system is congruent with H . a d d i t i o n a l d ata
the Materials Monthly program, also The following information is also used to
E published by Princeton Architectural Press. describe product entries: contents,
C. description applications, types or sizes, environmental
F A brief, generic explanation of each entry benefits, industry tests or examinations,
D . c at e g o r y limitations, and manufacturer contact
Refers to the basic materiality of the information.
product, such as concrete, metal, or plastic;
it is the primary means of organization in
this book.

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