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Amanda Herold

Dr. Talbot
20 November 2018
Assignment #7 – Musical Form Unit Plan
Essential Question: How do we experience musical form?

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Concept Strophic Binary Form Rondo Form Ternary Arranging Composing
Form Form
Repertoir Baby Floating Viennese Star Wars Floating Class
e Bumble Down the Music Clock Main Down the Composition
Bee River Theme River
Activities -Verse -Circle -Focused -Parachute -Students -Students
Writing Game Listening Routine will create will
Scarf Game Creation for an compose
-Orff -Small “Star Wars: arrangemen pieces in
instrument Group -Small Main t to strophic,
s Binary Group Theme” “Floating binary,
Composition Rondo Down the rondo, and
Composition -Class River” ternary form
Ternary using Orff
parachute and non- -Kahoot End
routine pitched of Unit
composition percussion Review
Context: Students are in a 6th grade general music class. They are familiar with Orff instruments
and can comfortably read notes within the staff in treble clef. Students have listened to pieces
with various musical forms but have not been introduced to the names of the musical forms.
Unit Description: In this unit, students will identify, define, perform, and create various musical
forms. Students will verse-write, play games, create routines, and create arrangements and
compositions using Orff instruments and non-pitched percussion instruments. The unit
culminates in a final class arrangement and composition using musical forms they learned
throughout the week. There is also an end of the unit Kahoot that reviews what students learned
throughout the week and asks about comfortability with the topic.
Unit Standards:

MU:Cr3.2.6a: Present the final version of their documented personal composition or arrangement,
using craftsmanship and originality to demonstrate an effective beginning, middle, and
ending, and convey expressive intent.
MU:Pr5.1.6a: Identify and apply teacher-provided criteria (such as correct interpretation of notation,
technical accuracy, originality, and interest) to rehearse, refine, and determine when a
piece is ready to perform
MU:Re7.2.6a Describe how the elements of music and expressive qualities relate to the structure of the
MU:Cn10.0.6a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent
when creating, performing, and responding to music
Retrieved from: 2014 Music Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2018, from

Unit Learning Outcomes:

-Students will define various musical forms
-Students will create different musical forms
-Students will identify different musical forms
-Students will perform different musical forms

Unit Assessment (also found on Day 6 – Composition:

 Teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ doing a composition in rondo form
 Teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ performance of class formed composition
 Teacher will visually assess students’ reflections on composition performance
 Teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ class created definitions of the musical forms
they have learned

For each musical form composition and performance:

Assessment 0 1
Class Students did not Students
Composition create a created a
composition in composition in
the proper the proper
musical form musical form
Student Student did not Student
Performance perform or performed and
participate in participated
composition throughout
process composition

Extension of Lesson:
-Students will learn arch form
-Students will learn jazz standard song form
-Students will learn cyclic form
-Students will learn sonata form

Day 1 – Strophic Form

Section 1: Essential Questions & Standards
Essential Questions How can we learn Strophic Form through the use of Orff instruments and
How are we learning? verse writing?

Standards MU:Cr1.1.6a: Generate simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases

What is the framework for within AB and ABA forms that convey expressive intent.
our learning outcome?
MU:Pr4.2.6a Explain how understanding the structure and the elements of
music are used in music selected for performance
MU:Re7.2.6a Describe how the elements of music and expressive qualities
relate to the structure of the pieces.
MU:Cn10.0.6a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to
personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and
responding to music
Retrieved from: 2014 Music Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2018,

Section 2: Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes 1. Students will identify Strophic Form
How are we relating the 2. Students will perform Strophic Form
standards to the lesson? 3. Students will define Strophic Form
4. Students will create Strophic Form

Section 3: Materials, Vocabulary, & Pre-Requisites

Materials  Thompson, B. (n.d.). Baby Bumblebee. Retrieved November 20,
2018, from

 Orff instruments
 Chalkboard
 Paper
 Pencil

Glossary of Terms &  Form: The structure of a composition, the frame upon which it is
Abbreviations constructed. Form is based upon repetition, contrast, and variation.
Certain specific forms include sonata-allegro form, binary form, rondo,
etc. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from
 Strophic Form: Song structure in which every verse (strophe) of the
text is sung to the same musical tune. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.).
Retrieved November 23, 2018, from
 Phrase: A musical unit, often a component of a melody.
The phrase may be regarded as a dependent division of music, such as
a single line of poetry; it does not have a sense of completion in itself.
Usually two or more phrases balance each other, as in a period.
(OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from
 Verse: In poetry or song, a verse is a group of lines which constitutes a
unit. Often there are several verses in a single text, and usually
the rhyme scheme, rhythm, and number of poetic lines and feet are the
same from verse to verse in a single text. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.).
Retrieved November 23, 2018, from

Section 4: Procedures
Song Title 1) Students will gather in the center of room.
Do = Eb 2) Teacher will begin to sing “Baby Bumblebee”
3) After completing singing the song, teacher will invite students to sing
4) Teacher will sing a phrase and have students sing along
5) After learning the entirety of the first verse, teacher will have students
sing it without interruption.
6) Students will sing this two more times to ensure understanding and
clarity. Teacher will assist in breaking down lyrics if students are
7) After performing, teacher will then sing the second verse
8) After this, teacher will the second verse and have students sing back
each phrase
9) Students will then sing the 2nd verse entirely without pause
10) Teacher will sing the 3rd verse
11) Teacher will sing the 3rd verse phrase by phrase with students singing
each phrase back
12) Teacher will explain that although the lyrics are different the melody is
the exact same
13) Teacher will then teach the solfege to students phrase by phrase and
have them repeat back.
14) Students will then perform the solfege to its entirety without stopping
15) Teacher will then divide class in half with one half singing the solfege to
the piece and the other half singing the lyrics
16) Students will perform this piece in all three verses
17) Students will then trade places and perform the activity again
18) After this, teacher will have students perform “Baby Bumblebee” on Orff
19) Teacher will establish rules for Orff instruments:
-No playing while someone is talking
-No stepping over the instruments
-Respect each other’s ideas and opinions
-Respect the instruments
20) Teacher will set up Orff instruments and hand students the proper
21) Teacher will use solfege to teach the song. Teacher may also sing the
note names to assist students that are struggling
22) Teacher will encourage students to sing the solfege while playing
23) After students have performed the piece on Orff instruments 2-3 times.
The teacher will ask for volunteers to sing any verse of the song.
24) After this, teacher will put students in small groups of 4-6 to create their
own verse to the song “Baby Bumblebee”
25) Groups will perform their verses for the class
26) After the performances, teacher will put students in pairs and ask
students “Was this strophic form?” and “How do you know?”
27) Teacher will have each pair share their answers with the class. *Each
student must answer a question
28) Teacher will explain that it was strophic form because it was sung to the
same melody.
29) As an exit-ticket, students will define strophic form

Section 5: Assessment & Extensions

Assessment  Teacher will aurally assess students’ identification of strophic form
Checking understanding of through class/pair discussion
objectives.  Teacher will aurally assess students’ performances of strophic form by
listening to see whether they are singing to the same melody each time
 Teacher will visually assess students’ definitions of strophic form
through their exit ticket
 Teacher will aurally assess students’ creation of a verse to strophic form
by listening to see whether they are singing to the same melody as
“Baby Bumblebee”
0 1 2
Student sang to
the same
Student did not Student sang to
melody as “Baby
Student sing to the same the same
Bumblebee”, but
Performance melody as “Baby melody as “Baby
Bumblebee” Bumblebee”
struggled with
Student did not Student created
Student created
create a verse or a verse to the
a verse and sang
Student failed to sing it song but did not
it to the proper
Creation with the “Baby always use the
melody in “Baby
Bumblebee” correct pitches
melody from the melody

Extension of Lesson  Teacher will have students play Orff instruments while singing their
Where can this lesson go in verses
context?  Teacher will play different musical selections and have students identify
whether it was in strophic form
 Teacher will have students sing piece in rounds
 Teacher will have students create a dance to their verse

Day 2 – Binary Form

Section 1: Essential Questions & Standards
Essential Questions How can we learn Binary Form through games?
How are we learning?

Standards MU:Cr1.1.6a: Generate simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases

What is the framework for within AB and ABA forms that convey expressive intent.
our learning outcome?
MU:Pr4.2.6a: Explain how understanding the structure and the elements of
music are used in music selected for performance
MU:Re7.2.6a Describe how the elements of music and expressive qualities
relate to the structure of the pieces.
MU:Cn10.0.6a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to
personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and
responding to music
Retrieved from: 2014 Music Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2018,

Section 2: Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes 1. Students will identify Binary Form
How are we relating the 2. Students will perform Binary Form
standards to the lesson? 3. Students will define Binary Form
4. Students will create Binary Form

Section 3: Materials, Vocabulary, & Pre-Requisites

Materials  Chalkboard
 Paper
 Pencil
 Open space
 Andrews, F. M. (n.d.). Sing Together Children. Delaware, Ohio: World
Around Songs. Retrieved November 22, 2018.

 Instructional Resources for Game: 3 Songs to Teach Form. (2017,

January 21). Retrieved November 22, 2018, from

 Video Resource for Game: Bates, V. (2012, May 03). We're Floating
Down the River. Retrieved November 22, 2018, from

Glossary of Terms &  Form: The structure of a composition, the frame upon which it is
Abbreviations constructed. Form is based upon repetition, contrast, and variation.
Certain specific forms include sonata-allegro form, binary form, rondo,
etc. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from
 Binary: Two-part (A - B) structure of music; usually each part is
repeated. The term can also mean any formwith two periods,
or sections. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018,
 Phrase: A musical unit, often a component of a melody.
The phrase may be regarded as a dependent division of music, such as
a single line of poetry; it does not have a sense of completion in itself.
Usually two or more phrases balance each other, as in a period.
(OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from

Section 4: Procedures
Floating Down the 1) Teacher will have students come to the center of the room
River 2) Teacher will teach students “Floating Down the River”
Do = Eb 3) Teacher will instruct students phrase by phrase and have students
repeat back after the teacher
4) Teacher will then sing the music line by line and have the students sing
it back
5) Teacher will then sing the “A” section (6/8 section of the song) and have
students sing it back.
6) Afterwards, teacher will sing the “B” section (4/4 section of the song)
and have students sing it back
7) The class will then sing “Floating Down the River” to its entirety
8) Teacher will then have class sit down and watch a video on how to play
the “Floating Down the River” game
9) After watching the video, the teacher and students will review the
instructions of the game.
The instructions are as follows:
-"We're floating down the river" - Students take hands and walk in a
circle, keeping a steady beat with their feet. One students stands in the
middle of the circle.
-"Two in the middle" - The student in the middle chooses one student
to join him or her and jump inside the circle.
-The song begins again, except this time, both students in the middle
choose a partner to jump with and the lyrics change to "four in the
-Continue until everyone is jumping! 
10) Students will play the game until everyone is jumping
11) Students will play the game 2-3 more times
12) After playing the game, the teacher will have class sit down and have a
13) Teacher will have students get in pairs and discuss the two major
movements they performed in the piece
14) Teacher will then have each pair tell the class what they thought the
major movements were
15) Teacher will then write the phrases “We're floating down the river"
and “Two in the middle" and ask students to describe the movements
at these parts of the song
16) Teacher will explain that these are the two major movement sections
and will name them A and B. Teacher will explain that this is Binary
17) Teacher will put students in pairs and have them create their own
Binary Form composition using body percussion, voice, and locomotor
or non-locomotor movements
18) After 5 minutes, each pair will perform their composition for the class
19) As an exit-ticket, students will define Binary Form and explain what
they did for their “A” section and their “B” section.

Section 5: Assessment & Extensions

Assessment  Teacher will aurally assess students’ identification of binary form
Checking understanding of through class/pair discussion
objectives.  Teacher will aurally and visually assess students’ performances of
binary form through their compositions
 Teacher will visually assess students’ definitions of binary form through
their exit-tickets
 Teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ creation of binary
form by listening and/or looking for two distinct sections
Assessment 0 1 2
Student Student did not Student Student
Performance perform struggled to successfully
perform and performed a
may not have binary
had a differing composition
“A” and “B”
Student Student did not Student created Student created
Creation create a binary a binary form a successful and
form composition, proper binary
composition but struggled form
separating the composition
“A” and “B”

Extension of Lesson  Students will create a class binary composition

Where can this lesson go in  Students will create a game using different body movements out of the
context? class binary composition
 Teacher will play different selections of music and have students
identify whether it is binary
 Students will compare Binary Form and Strophic Form

Day 3 – Rondo Form

Section 1: Essential Questions & Standards
Essential Questions How can we learn Rondo Form through the organizational strategies in
How are we learning? Kodaly’s The Viennese Clock?

Standards MU:Cr1.1.6a: Generate simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases

What is the framework for within AB and ABA forms that convey expressive intent.
our learning outcome?
MU:Pr4.2.6a Explain how understanding the structure and the elements of
music are used in music selected for performance
MU:Re7.2.6a Describe how the elements of music and expressive qualities
relate to the structure of the pieces.
MU:Cn10.0.6a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to
personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and
responding to music
Retrieved from: 2014 Music Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2018,

Section 2: Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes 1) Students will identify Rondo Form
How are we relating the 2) Students will define Rondo Form
standards to the lesson? 3) Students will create Rondo Form
4) Students will perform Rondo Form

Section 3: Materials, Vocabulary, & Pre-Requisites

Materials  Scarves
 Paper
 Pencil
 Chalkboard
 Open Space
 “Viennese Musical Clock” – Kodaly: EAST56123. (2013, February 01).
Kodaly-Hary Janos Suites-Viennese Musical Clock. Retrieved November
23, 2018, from

Glossary of Terms &  Form: The structure of a composition, the frame upon which it is
Abbreviations constructed. Form is based upon repetition, contrast, and variation.
Certain specific forms include sonata-allegro form, binary form, rondo,
etc. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from
 Rondo: Term referring to a form of composition in which the
first section recurs after the second section is performed in an A-B-
A style. Also, a rondo could have more sections  arranged: A-B-A-B-A,
or A-B-A-C-A, etc. This form is found especially in compositions of
the Baroque and Classical eras. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved
November 23, 2018, from
 Coda: The closing few measures of a composition, usually not a part of
the main theme groups of the standard form of a composition, but a
finishing theme added to the end to give the composition closure
(OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from
 Non-Locomotor: Movement that a person performs while remaining

Section 4: Procedures
Piece: Viennese Musical 1) Students will gather and stand in a circle at the center of the room
Clock 2) The teacher will hand each student one scarf
3) The teacher will explain that the class is exploring Rondo Form today
and that they should wave their scarf high in the air whenever they hear
the “A” section.
4) Teacher will play the “A” section for the students before listening to the
entire piece.
5) Students will listen to Kodaly’s “Viennese Musical Clock” and wave their
scarves during every “A” section
5a) If students are struggling to hear the sections, teacher can signal the
beginning of a new section with a wood block or verbally. Teacher may only
do this during the first listening.
6) Students will listen to the recording again this time counting how many
times it alternates from the “A” section to a different section.
Sections for reference:
Introduction: 0:01-08
A 0:09-24
B 0:24-38
A 0:38-53
C 0:53-1:11
A 1:11-1:26
D 1:26-1:41
A 1:41-1:55
Coda/End: 1:55-2:03
7) Students will continue to listen to the piece until they can find all of the
sections. Teacher can hint that there are as many “A” sections as there
are non- “A” sections (not including the introduction)
8) After locating all of the sections, the students and teacher will assign
letter names or symbols to them.
9) The teacher will instruct students as a class to create different body
movements (non-locomotor) for each non- “A” section of the piece
10) Students will listen to the piece again, this time performing their
created body movements on non- “A” sections and waving their scarves
on the “A” sections
11) Teacher will have students perform this a few times to ensure clarity
12) After performing, teacher will divide the class into groups of 4 and have
them create a rondo of their own for 5 minutes with each section lasting
8 beats and using finger snapping as their “A” section
13) Groups will perform their rondo for the class and explain each section
14) After all groups have performed, the teacher will combine all of their
compositions into one large rondo and continue using the finger
snapping as the “A” section
15) As an exit ticket, students will write the format of the rondo they
created in their individual groups and define what rondo form is.

Section 5: Assessment & Extensions

Assessment  Teacher will visually assess students’ identification of Rondo Form
Checking understanding of through the scarf and movement routine and class discussion
objectives.  Teacher will visually assess students’ definitions of Rondo Form
through their exit ticket
 Teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ creations of Rondo
Form to see if it meets the structure of the form
 Teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ performances of
Rondo Form by observing whether or not they follow the Rondo Form
Assessment 0 1 2
Student Student did not Student Student
Creation create a rondo somewhat successfully
form created a rondo created a rondo
composition form form
composition but composition
struggled to
meet all of the
for rondo form
Student Student did not Student Student
Performance perform struggled to successfully
perform rondo performed
form and could rondo form in
not recognize their
the musical compositions

Extension of Lesson  Teacher will have students listen to other music selections and have
Where can this lesson go in them identify whether it is in Rondo Form
context?  Teacher will have students compare Rondo Form and Binary Form
 Teacher will have students compare Rondo Form to Strophic Form
 Teacher will have students rearrange their compositions to be in Binary
Day 4 – Ternary Form
Section 1: Essential Questions & Standards
Essential Questions How can we learn ternary form through the use of a parachute?
How are we learning?

Standards MU:Cr1.1.6a: Generate simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases

What is the framework for within AB and ABA forms that convey expressive intent.
our learning outcome?
MU:Pr4.2.6a Explain how understanding the structure and the elements of
music are used in music selected for performance
MU:Re7.2.6a Describe how the elements of music and expressive qualities
relate to the structure of the pieces.
MU:Cn10.0.6a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to
personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and
responding to music
Retrieved from: 2014 Music Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2018,

Section 2: Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes 1) Students will identify ternary form
How are we relating the 2) Students will define ternary form
standards to the lesson? 3) Students will create ternary form
4) Students will perform ternary form

Section 3: Materials, Vocabulary, & Pre-Requisites

Materials  Open Space
 Parachute
 Paper
 Pencil
 Music for Star Wars: Main Theme (condensed):
 S210189. (2013, March 10). Ternary 1. Retrieved November 23, 2018,

Glossary of Terms &  Form: The structure of a composition, the frame upon which it is
Abbreviations constructed. Form is based upon repetition, contrast, and variation.
Certain specific forms include sonata-allegro form, binary form, rondo,
etc. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from
 Ternary Form: A compositional form which consists of
three major sections, an A section which states the thematic material, a
B section which presents a contrasting theme, and a final
A section which restates the opening thematic material. Also, any three
part form. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018,
 Locomotor: Movements that involve traveling from one place to
 Non-locomotor: Movement that a person performs while stationary

Section 4: Procedures
Song Title 1) Students will gather and sit at the center of the room
Do = Eb 2) Teacher will play “Star Wars: Main Theme” and instruct students to
listen to the different sections of the piece
3) Teacher will bring out parachute and explain rules for parachute use:
-No touching the parachute unless instructed
-No going inside the parachute unless instructed
-All classmates will be supportive of each other’s parachute ideas
4) Teacher will explain that students will be using the parachute to create
a visual representation of ternary form
5) Teacher will instruct students to pick a handle on the parachute and
teacher will play the audio again
6) During this listening section, students will think and test ideas with the
parachute that work with the music. Teacher will guide this and make
sure that repeated sections of music share the same movement
7) After listening and experimenting twice, the teacher and students will
create a final parachute routine with movements created by the class
8) Students will perform final parachute routine. Teacher will have them
repeat piece until they appear confident in movements
9) Upon finishing the routine, teacher will bring class into a discussion
10) Teacher and students will discuss the movements they chose and assign
letter names.
11) Teacher will have students get back into the circle with the parachute
12) Teacher will have students as a class create a routine (Locomotor and
non-locomotor) to the structure “ABA-CDC-ABA”. Teacher will guide
students in this process
13) After creating the routine, students will perform the routine
14) Teacher will have students sit down for a discussion
15) Teacher will have students get in pairs and have them answer the
questions “Was that Rondo Form” and “Why or Why Not?”
16) Teacher will have pairs share their answers and then have a group
discussion on the topic. *Each student must answer a question.
17) As an exit ticket, students will define ternary form and write down the
structure of Star Wars

Section 5: Assessment & Extensions

Assessment  Teacher will visually assess students’ identification of ternary form in
Checking understanding of the parachute routine when switching between sections
objectives.  Teacher will visually assess students’ definitions of ternary form
 Teacher will visually assess class’s ternary form composition and
whether it follows the given structure
 Teacher will visually assess students’ performances of ternary form and
whether they differentiate between sections
Assessment 0 1 2
Class Class did not Class created a Class
Composition create a ternary structure but successfully
composition failed to follow creates a
guidelines given creative ternary
by teacher (ex: composition
not following that follows the
structure given guidelines set
by teacher) by the teacher
Student Student did not Student Student
Performance perform performed but performed and
struggled to showed
differentiate comfortability
between with transitions
sections between

Extension of Lesson  Teacher will play other musical selections and students will determine
Where can this lesson go in whether it is in ternary form
context?  Students will compare Binary Form and Ternary Form
 Students will compare Rondo Form and Ternary Form
 Students will change the class composition parachute routine into
Binary Form

Day 5 – Arranging
Section 1: Essential Questions & Standards
Essential Questions How can we better understand binary form through arranging a piece of
How are we learning? music?

Standards MU:Cr3.2.6a Present the final version of their documented personal

What is the framework for composition or arrangement, using craftsmanship and originality
our learning outcome?
to demonstrate an effective beginning, middle, and ending, and
convey expressive intent.
MU:Pr5.1.6a Identify and apply teacher-provided criteria (such as correct
interpretation of notation, technical accuracy, originality, and
interest) to rehearse, refine, and determine when a piece is
ready to perform
MU:Re7.2.6a Describe how the elements of music and expressive qualities
relate to the structure of the pieces.
MU:Cn10.0.6a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to
personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and
responding to music
Retrieved from: 2014 Music Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2018,

Section 2: Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes 1) Students will arrange a piece of music
How are we relating the 2) Students will perform an arrangement
standards to the lesson? 3) Students will reflect on their arrangement
4) Students will create a class definition for Binary Form

Section 3: Materials, Vocabulary, & Pre-Requisites

Materials  Open Space
 Orff Instruments (proper mallets already set next to instrument)
 Non-Pitched Percussive Instruments
 Pencil

  “I feel…” Assessment:

 Andrews, F. M. (n.d.). Sing Together Children. Delaware, Ohio: World

Around Songs. Retrieved November 22, 2018.
Glossary of Terms &  Form: The structure of a composition, the frame upon which it is
Abbreviations constructed. Form is based upon repetition, contrast, and variation.
Certain specific forms include sonata-allegro form, binary form, rondo,
etc. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from
 Binary: Two-part (A - B) structure of music; usually each part is
repeated. The term can also mean any formwith two periods,
or sections. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018,
 Phrase: A musical unit, often a component of a melody.
The phrase may be regarded as a dependent division of music, such as
a single line of poetry; it does not have a sense of completion in itself.
Usually two or more phrases balance each other, as in a period.
(OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from

Section 4: Procedures
Song Title 1) Students will come to the center of the room
Do = Eb 2) Teacher will sing “Floating Down the River” and review lyrics with
3) Teacher will sing the solfege to “Floating Down the River” and teach
students it phrase by phrase with hand signs
4) Teacher will continue to review this until students feel comfortable with
the solfege
5) Teacher will have students perform the piece on Orff instruments after
establishing Orff instrument rules:
Assessment 0 1
-No playing while someone is talking
Class Arrangement -Respect each
Arrangement other’s opinions
is not and ideas
Arrangement is
-No steppingas
recognizable over the Orff instrumentsas
-No harming
“Floating Down thetheOrff instruments
“Floating Down the
6) Teacher
River”will have students play on the Orff instruments phrase by
phrase while singing the solfege
Class Performance Performance
7) was the
After learning not parts,
Performance was
students will in
perform the entire piece using
in Binary Form
Orff instruments Binary Form
8) After performing, teacher will ask students what else they should add to
the arrangement. Teacher will ask for volunteers for non-pitched
percussion instruments.
9) Teacher will have students perform the piece again and experiment and
discuss where they want to fit the non-pitched percussion in
10) After deciding, students will perform the piece with the final decisions
for non-pitched percussion placement
11) Teacher will have students perform the piece once more, but this time
have students sing the lyrics to the piece.
12) Students will perform this 2-3 times
13) Teacher will put students in pairs and ask the question “How was this
Binary Form?” and “What made you feel it was Binary Form?”
14) After discussing in pairs for a few minutes, teacher will have each group
explain their answer to the class. *Each member must answer one of the
15) Teacher will guide students in creating a class definition for Binary
16) Students will write a short 3 sentence reflection on how they felt the
arrangement went and what they would change about it
17) As an exit-ticket, students will anonymously draw a smiley face, neutral
face, or sad face to represent their comfortability with Binary Form

Section 5: Assessment & Extensions

Assessment  Teacher will visually and aurally assess the class’s arrangement of a
Checking understanding of song and whether they maintained parts of the original song
objectives.  Teacher will aurally assess students’ performance of the arrangement
and whether it is binary
 Teacher will visually assess students’ reflections on what could have
gone better in their arrangement/what would they have changed
 Teacher will visually and aurally assess collaborative class definition
Extension of Lesson  Teacher can record arrangement and have students play the game to the
Where can this lesson go in new arrangement
context?  Teacher can have students arrange the song to be in Ternary Form
 Teacher can have students arrange the song to be in Strophic Form
 Teacher can have students create a new verse

Day 6 – Composing
Section 1: Essential Questions & Standards
Essential Questions How can we better understand Rondo Form through Composition?
How are we learning?

Standards MU:Cr3.2.6a: Present the final version of their documented personal

What is the framework for composition or arrangement, using craftsmanship and originality
our learning outcome?
to demonstrate an effective beginning, middle, and ending, and
convey expressive intent.
MU:Pr5.1.6a: Identify and apply teacher-provided criteria (such as correct
interpretation of notation, technical accuracy, originality, and
interest) to rehearse, refine, and determine when a piece is
ready to perform
MU:Re7.2.6a Describe how the elements of music and expressive qualities
relate to the structure of the pieces.
MU:Cn10.0.6a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to
personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and
responding to music
Retrieved from: 2014 Music Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2018,

Section 2: Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes 1) Students will compose a piece in rondo form
How are we relating the 2) Students will perform their composition
standards to the lesson? 3) Students will reflect on their composition
4) Students will review musical forms

Section 3: Materials, Vocabulary, & Pre-Requisites

Materials  Open Space
 Orff instruments (proper mallets already set next to instruments)
 Non-Pitched Percussion Instruments
 Laptops/iPads
 Kahoot Exit Quiz:
Glossary of Terms &  Form: The structure of a composition, the frame upon which it is
Abbreviations constructed. Form is based upon repetition, contrast, and variation.
Certain specific forms include sonata-allegro form, binary form, rondo,
etc. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2018, from
 Rondo: Term referring to a form of composition in which the
first section recurs after the second section is performed in an A-B-
A style. Also, a rondo could have more sections  arranged: A-B-A-B-A,
or A-B-A-C-A, etc. This form is found especially in compositions of
the Baroque and Classical eras. (OnMusic Dictionary -. (n.d.). Retrieved
November 23, 2018, from

Section 4: Procedures
Song Title 1) Students will gather in the center of the room
Do = Eb 2) Teacher will explain that students will first be composing pieces using
the different forms they used throughout the week
3) Teacher will ask students to explain and define the forms they have
4) Teacher will explain rules for Orff and non-pitched percussion
-No performing while someone is speaking
-No stepping over instruments
-Respect each other’s opinions and ideas
-Respect the instruments
5) Teacher will work with students to create and agree upon a 4 measure
(16 beat) “A” section.
6) Teacher will work with students to create and agree upon a 4 measure
(16 beat) “B” section
7) Students will play just this portion
8) Teacher will now ask students to perform a strophic form composition
using what they have learned
9) Students will perform strophic form
10) Teacher will now instruct students to perform binary form
11) Class will perform binary form
12) Teacher will instruct students to perform ternary form
13) Class will perform ternary form
14) Teacher will now explain that students are going to improvise new
sections and perform rondo form. Each student will receive a letter (that
is not “A”) and will improvise their own 4 measure (16 beat) section.
Teacher will explain that between each section they must play the
original “A” section they created
15) Students and teacher will perform this until every student has
improvised their 4-measure section.
16) Teacher will put students in pairs and have them discuss the questions:
“How was that Rondo Form?” and “Why did we improvise these
17) After a few minutes, each pair of students will answer these questions
for the class. *Each student from the pairs must answer a question
18) Students will write a 3 sentence reflection on how they felt about their
composition and what they would change about it or like to add
19) As an exit-ticket, students will answer a Kahoot that reviews what they
have done during this unit and comfortability with the content.

Section 5: Assessment & Extensions

Assessment  Teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ doing a composition in
Checking understanding of rondo form
objectives.  Teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ performance of class
formed composition
 Teacher will visually assess students’ reflections on composition
 Teacher will visually and aurally assess students’ class created
definitions of the musical forms they have learned

For each musical form composition and performance:

Assessment 0 1
Class Students did not Students
Composition create a created a
composition in composition in
the proper the proper
musical form musical form
Student Student did not Student
Performance perform or performed and
participate in participated
composition throughout
process composition

Extension of Lesson  Teacher can have students form lyrics to their composition
Where can this lesson go in  Teacher can have students record the notation to their composition
context?  Teacher can have students create other sections (“C”, “D”, etc.)
 Teacher can have half the class perform and agree on a musical form to
perform and have the other class guess which form they performed

I affirm that I have upheld the highest principles of honesty and integrity in my academic work, and
have not witnessed a violation of the honor code.

Amanda Herold

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