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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

Dedicated to the restless ones who want to create home business and have financial FREEDOM!

Copyright Notices

Copyright © Henry Omenogor - © Menog Publishing

First Edition: 2017, September, Second Edition; August 2018

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system without permission in writing from the Publisher. Requests for permission or further
information should be addressed to the Publishers.

Published by:
Henry Omeonogor and Menog Publishing,

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

Although the author O. Henry Omenogor and publisher have made every effort to
ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and
publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss,
damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions
result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

This book is not intended as a substitute for the legal or accounting advice. . The reader
should regularly consult a professional in matters relating to his/her country’s laws for
business as well as a professional accountant for accounting purpose.

The information in this book is meant to guide the buyer for the production of Yogurt and
Ice Cream from home or set up his/her own mini factory for production.

Your result may vary as you apply the advice and instructions. The authors and
publisher advise readers to take full responsibility for their results. Before practicing the
skills described in this book, be sure that your equipment as well as baking ingredients
complete for maximum success.

Book Category: (advice, how-to)

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

What is Yoghurt

The bacteria used to make yogurt are known as "yogurt cultures".

Fermentation of lactose by these bacteria produces lactic acid,
which acts on milk protein to give yogurt its texture and
characteristic tart flavor.

The word yogurt comes from Turkey and refers to a tart, thick
milk. However, the origin of yogurt is not singular. Yogurt can be
found in nearly every culture that has kept animals for milk and it
was likely discovered in similar ways in each region.

When fresh milk is left in a container with friendly bacteria, the

milk thickens and develops a delicious, sour taste. The lactic
acid produced by the fermentation process also acts as a
preservative, helping the cultured milk stay fresh longer.

Around 1900, scientists started studying and isolating the

bacteria that made yogurt. Soon after, they were able to
combine selected strains that would culture reliably for
commercial creameries. These blends are called direct-set

With no starter to maintain, direct-set starters made it possible

for a company to consistently make the same yogurt with each

What is the difference between Normal Yoghurt and Greek

yoghurt: Greek yogurt is strained three times, so most of the
liquid is removed. This is what gives Greek yogurt it’s thicker
consistency and stronger flavors compared to regular yogurt.
Because Greek yogurt is more “concentrated,” it has more
protein than regular yogurt.

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What is a Yogurt Starter or culture?

A yogurt starter is a carefully balanced blend of bacteria which

consume lactose. This blend of bacteria converts the lactose in
milk to lactic acid, giving yogurt that classic, deliciously tangy

Lactic acid production lowers the pH of the milk, which allows

yogurt to be stored longer and changes the protein structure,
giving yogurt its texture. Each yogurt starter has a unique blend of
bacteria, which produce different flavors and thicknesses.

You can buy unsweetened Yoghurt from the store (this is called
culture or starter) or you can make yours. I will show you how to
produce yours in the production aspect of this ebook. If you are
buying a culture or starter, some may not write or label it to be a
starter or culture. It will be labeled as unsweetened or plain
yoghurt. It is the same. A starter or Culture Must not have flavour.
It has to be plain.

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life--think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.
Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just
leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success." Swami Vivekananda



You can make yogurt at home for family, or for business.

You do not need any special equipment or machine to start your

Yogurt making business from home on a small scale. Following
are the basic ingredients and supplies that you need.

Milk: Milk is everywhere. You can chose from dairy to non-

dairy , whole milk to no fat. All you have to do is to take
these milk through pasteurization or boiling.

Yogurt Starter Cultures: This is so simple. Starter means

the culture you will need to kick off or activate the process of
your yogurt fermentation. You can buy some from any
shopping mall or make yours. What matters here is the
bacteria content, flavor and consistency. It is advised that
you buy unsweetened cultures from the store. How the
culture you are using was cultured matters.

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Clean Container: You must use a clean container that is

either a food-grade plastic for the incubation of the yogurt.

A Clean Pot for heating milk: This can also be a stainless

steel, enamel, or glass. Please try as much as possible not
to allow the milk to scorch during boiling.

Thermometer: You will require a Thermometer for

measuring the heat or temperature level. But if you don’t
have never mind. You can still make your yoghurt.

An Insulator for keeping the yogurt warm during culturing

may be necessary. Let me also state that this will largely
depend on the kind of culture you are going use. This
insulator could be an ice chest, oven, yogurt maker, a crock
pot, an insulated cooler, or even a thick towel to cover. All
that is necessary is to see that the culture maintain a stable
temperature during fermentation.

A Timer can be helpful as a reminder to check on the

culturing yogurt.

Measuring cups and spoons are required to measure the

yogurt and milk for each batch.

A place for the yogurt to incubate, undisturbed, for the

entire culturing period is important. Your yogurt is supposed
to culture for between 2 to 48 hours depending on what type
of culture used. It should be in an environment where it will
be undisturbed within the period.
Thickener, this helps in thickening your yogurt to standard. I
will highly recommend gelatin.

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Buy 400g or Powdered Milk. It could be any type.

Buy Yogurt Starter or Culture at the Shopping mall or big

stores. It is important that you look for unsweetened
yogurt to buy as this serves as your starter or culture.

Buy Gelatin Sachets. This is a thickener.

Get 3liters to 6litrs of clean water.

Pour the 3litter or 6litres of water to your cooking pot.

Pour 400g of the milk powder to the clean water in the

cooking pot

Take 100ml or 10 table spoons of the water and milk

mixture into a cup or bowl and pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of

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gelatin into the cup and mix thoroughly for the gelatin to
dissolve completely.

Pour back the mixture of gelatin and the milk in the cup or
bowl to the pot containing the full milk again and boil for
15 minutes while you stir at intervals to prevent the milk
from sticking to the pot. This is call pasteurizing of the

Bring down the boiled milk and gelatin and allow cooling
for 15 minutes.

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Take or scoop again 100ml of the boiled milk mixture to a

cup or bowl and take 2 and half tablespoons of the Yogurt
culture you bought from the store and pour into the cup
and mix very well

Pour back to the cooling milk, and then pour into a

container and cover.

Transfer the container to a baking oven and leave for 4 to

24 hours or place it in an ice chest/cooler and allow it to
stay undisturbed for 4 to 24 hours.

Once you check, you will discover that your yogurt is


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Bring it out and use sieve to sieve your yogurt. This will
remove tick contents which did not form and let your
yogurt become very smooth.

Now you will not go and buy another culture again as you
will make your own culture. Take some part of your new
unsweetened yogurt and keep in the refrigerator for your
next production. That is your culture. Do not add any
sugar or flavor to that one.

Now, divide your yogurt and start adding sugar,

sweeteners, food colour and flavours as you desire.

For your strawberry Yogurt, add strawberry liquid flavor

essence or any other one. For strawberry, buy pink food
color and add to your own satisfaction as this will color
your strawberry yogurt to pink. For Vanilla, you will need
to add the vanilla essence flavor.

Add to your industrial bottles and freeze for selling or start


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Yoghurt for my new baby: Children should be having

some dairy products every day. Milk, cheese and yoghurt
give your child protein and calcium. Calcium helps build
strong bones and teeth. From birth to around 4-6 months,
babies should only be having breastmilk or formula. But
you can make healthy yoghurt for children afterwards

Most pediatricians recommend starting your infant on

Yogurt around 7-8 months of age. Some pediatricians also
recommend yogurt as a great first food (from 6 months+).

Selecting a Whole Milk Yogurt is the most beneficial to

your infant as babies need fats in their diets for proper
growth. You can make your yoghurt for your baby and add
less milk and flavor instead of buying commercial yoghurt
with lots of sugar.

Note: Giving baby yogurt can cause an allergic reaction in

some babies with milk allergies. Milk allergies occur in
approximately 2 to 3 percent of all infants. Symptoms of
milk allergy include: diarrhea, vomiting, irritability, swelling
and skin rashes.

Other Yoghurt types you can make:

1) Low Fat Yogurt: Low fat milk contains 1% fat content

by weight. Use low fat milk for the milk in low fat yoghurt.
When buying your milk for your yoghurt, ask for low fat

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2) Non Fat Yogurt: Nonfat milk or Fat Free Milk contains

0% to 0.05% of fat. Substitute the powdered milk with a fat
free milk or skim milk and you make fat free yoghurt

3) Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt is strained three times, so

most of the liquid is removed. This is what gives Greek
yogurt its' thicker consistency and stronger flavors
compared to regular yogurt. Because Greek yogurt is
more “concentrated,” it has more protein than regular

To make Greek yoghurt, once you have your normal

yoghurt produced, you will need to strain it and have it
reduced in volume as you are going to strain the water

To strain regular yogurt to a Greek yogurt consistency, set

a fine sieve lined with cheesecloth, a plain white paper
towel over a bowl and spoon plain whole-milk yogurt into
the sieve. Refrigerate and allow the liquid to drain off for
two hours.

4) Vanilla Yoghurt: For Vanilla Yoghurt, once you have

made your plain yoghurt, add vanilla flavor to taste along
with sugar. This gives you a vanilla Yoghurt

5) Unsweetened Yoghurt Or Culture: You would have

bought a plain unsweetened yoghurt that you used in
making your own yoghurt. That is also called culture. You
can make money selling only unsweetened yoghurt or
yoghurt culture. And for your to use in producing again,
you do not need to buy another unsweetened yoghurt.
Once you have made yours, scoop some plain
unsweetened yoghurt out before mixing with sugar or

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flavors and use this one for your next production. That is
your starter or culture.

5) Strawberry Yogurt: For strawberry Yoghurt, add

strawberry Flavor and add a rose pink food color


There are different ways to package your yoghurt.

Production is different from packaging. You can get the
best product, but when packaged wrongly, it will not
endear to the customer.

There is a lot of bottling you could use. In Lagos, take a

visit to Ojota and see samples of bottled containers for
packaging diary product like Yoghurt or find a way of
customizing yours with plastic makers.

In Ghana, go to Accra and find bottles for packaging your


How to distribute your yoghurt:

You can make yoghurt and sell at schools, churches,

crusades, sell from your shop, package and add baked or
fried pastries such as meat pie or fish rolls and employ
people who can push the cart daily for you.

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory



What is Ice Cream?

Ice Cream is a soft, sweet frozen food made with milk and cream
and typically flavored with vanilla, fruit, or other ingredients.

You can make ice cream at home for family, or for business.

Method 1:

How to make the popular local ice cream:

Here’s the recipe that will cost you a few money to produce a
decent home-made ice-cream for commercial


1/2 gallon powdered milk (850g)

1-1/2 gallon coconut milk (2550g or 5.69kg
1/3 gallon evaporated milk 1.9kg
2 kg sugar
1/3 kg corn starch


1. Mix all ingredients using mixer (or egg whisk) until the
consistency is foamy.
2. Pour in a stainless steel pan or boiler. Let boil for 15 minutes
to kill any microbes or bacteria. Set aside to cool.
3. Put desired flavoring such as vanilla, lemon, strawberry,
banana, pineapple, chocolate, coffee, nuts, cashew and

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

others. You can also use real fruit flavors like mango,
cheese, etc.
4. Put into freezer for half an hour or until half-frozen.
5. Remove from freezer and mix again (with big wooden spoon
or egg whisk) until the consistency becomes a thick mass.
6. Transfer it in round stainless container. Cover, put it in
wooden push cart. Put lots of crushed ice and salt between
the containers. You can use dry ice as an alternative.
7. The ice-cream will get hard in 20 minutes.

Use Ice Cream Cones or Containers: You can ice cream

containers in the market such as Accra Market in Accra, Ghana,
Idumota, Ojota in Lagos Nigeria or any big market in your country.
Or buy them in from grocery stores in different sizes. Search
online too.

Potential market are schools, parks, birthday and baptismal of

friends, relatives and neighbors, public market, and any other
place where the foot traffic is high. You can even make home

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

Method 2:

There are five stages in making ice cream: preparation, scalding,

chilling, first freezing, and final freezing. In the preparation stage,
you need to measure the required ingredients and put them in
individual containers.

Materials Needed:

Large whisk
Measuring spoons and cups
Pocket-type thermometer
Steel paddle
Sieve screen
Stainless steel container
Weighing scale
Wooden bucket
Wooden ladle

Ingredients (4 Gallons Yield):

1 kg White sugar
1/2 kg Skimmed milk
1/2 kg Butter milk powder
600 g Cassava flour
7 kg Table salt
4 pcs Egg yolks
2 cans 300ml Condensed milk
1 can 300g Cream (whipping cream)
1/2 bar Cheese

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1 kg Grated coconut
2 tbsp food color (egg yellow)
3 tbsp Vanilla
7 tsp or 34.5ml rhum or brandy
1/4 ice block

1. Preparation

1. Once all the ingredients are ready, extract coconut milk from
the grated coconut using 4 cups of water. Set it aside.
2. Extract more coconut milk from the same grated coconut,
this time using 8 cups of water. To remove the coconut bits
from it, don’t forget to filter the coconut milk after the
extraction. Set the second extraction aside likewise.
3. Get the eggs and separate the white from the yolk. Beat the
egg yolks, then mix them with the second extraction of
coconut milk.
4. Once the mixture is blended well, slowly add the skimmed
milk and the buttermilk powder while mixing the mixture with
a whisk. Some ice-cream makers use either skimmed milk or
buttermilk powder, but if you want to make your ice cream a
bit more special, you can mix the two powders. You just
need to maintain the required 1-to-1 proportion.
5. After blending the mixture, set it aside. (Mixing milk and egg
gives rise to custard.)
6. Get the cassava flour and dissolve it in 2 cups of water.
Once the cassava flour is completely dissolved, filter it using
a sieve or cheesecloth. Also set aside.
7. Get the stainless steel container and prepare it to hold the
cream mixture.
8. Spread 1/4 kg of white sugar at the bottom of the stainless
steel container to avoid unnecessary coagulation of the

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2. Scalding

1. Scalding helps dissolve the sugar, infuses the other flavors

evenly, and improves the texture; it makes the ice cream
creamier and smoother.
2. Start the scalding process by boiling a gallon of water for 5
3. Dissolve the food color in water.
4. After boiling the water, pour the water into the stainless steel
5. Also pour in the cassava flour mixture and, using the steel
paddle, continuously stir until the sugar dissolves and the
mixture achieves a viscous (thick) consistency.
6. Add the mixture you did in step 1, while you continuously stir
the mixture.
7. Also pour in the custard mixture and continuously stir until it
attains a paste-like viscosity. Then add the dissolved food
8. Once you achieve the right viscosity, you can start chilling
your ice cream mixture.

3. Chilling

To chill the mixture, cover the stainless-steel container and put

crushed ice in the wooden bucket. The ice should surround the
stainless-steel container and above the level of the mixture inside
the container. The chilling stage will only start when the
temperature of the mixture reaches 4°C to 0°C. Chill for 2 hours
or overnight.

While waiting for the ice cream to be chilled, prepare the flavoring.
For this project, we will make mango marmalade.

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4. First Freezing

After chilling the ice cream overnight, you can now freeze it by
putting more ice in the wooden bucket. You need to put the
crushed ice and the rock salt alternately. Using the paddle,
compact the ice and the salt each time you put in more ice.
Compacting lessens the air gaps that cause the ice to melt faster.

During the first freezing stage, the temperature should further

drop to -18°C to -20°C. While freezing the ice cream, paddle the
outer part of the mixture to prevent the frozen mixture from
adhering to the sides before it can be stirred. The stirring process
allows the cream mixture to expand.

While still in the freezing stage, get the steel handbeater and start
stirring the cream to let it expand. Once it expands to half of the
container, mix in the following while continuously stirring the
cream mixture:

1. 3/4 kg of white sugar together with the grated cheese,

condensed milk, cream, and vanilla.
2. Add crushed ice and salt to the wooden bucket whenever
3. As you stir the cream mixture, you will notice that the
consistency will become thicker and creamier. You will also
notice that it is expanding.
4. Once the cream expands up to the brim of the container, add
the rhum or brandy.
5. Make sure to stir the mixture down to the bottom to distribute
the flavor and the other ingredients evenly.
6. Taste the cream.

5. Final Freezing

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At this stage, you may now pack the ice cream in small containers
like pint containers, small cups, half-gallon or gallon containers,
and freeze the cream in these containers. Or you may simply put
the ice cream in the stainless steel container for final freezing.
During the final freezing stage, you need to cover the container
tightly and add more crushed ice and salt in the bucket as well as
on top of the container. Let it stay for 2 hours or until frozen.

Now your ice cream is ready for consumption. Keep it frozen until
it is ready for serving. The shelf life of this ice cream product is 7
to 10 days, depending on temperature fluctuations. If you can
maintain the temperature between -18°C and-25°C, the shelf life
of the ice cream would be longer and the quality would be better.

Method 3:

Aside the above, you can also buy an already prepared Ice
Cream Powder that is available for commercial ice cream
business with no sweat. In Lagos, you can call Comelk Mix
Company on 09075893513.

In this last method, you can buy ice cream dispenser and sell as
Clubs, Cinema Centers, and Schools etc

You could also search online for Ice Cream Powder and cone
sellers. They are in Ojo.

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

Method 4:

Go to shopping malls and buy Whipping Creams. You could get

them in Accra from Ghc50 to GHc100. Then buy condense milk.

However, the ideal milk whipping cream should not be liquid but
powdered Whipping Cream.

Should you want it, whatsapp 0552250129 to get supply. 1litre of

Whipping Cream Powder is GHc120 and this gives you much
more than four of the whipping cream liquid. But you can buy the
liquid whipping cream at shopping malls. If you live in any other
country, try to find where you can buy whipping cream powder. I
use Vzylion brand.

In Lagos, buy whipping cream powder at Ojota.

Basically, you start with 2 cups of whipping cream and 1 can of

Sweetened Condensed Milk.

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Whip the cream to stiff and foamy with egg whisker…

Add your flavors, toppings, and mix it with the condense milk.

Put them in containers and get it frozen and sell.

For Vanilla, add vanilla flavor

Strawberry, add Strawberry flavor

For Chocolate, add cocoa powder

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory


Do you want to learn how to set up your own Micro Bread Bakery
from home? See testimonies below



Testimonials from our book buyers and students

“I am truly thankful for your time and consider it a blessing to be able to learn this
information from you. I have started baking and truly, I have orders this weekend for
Raisins Bread. Pastor Terrence Blakesley, California, USA

Below is Pastor Blakesley’s first bread after taking my distance online training along
with book purchase with me. It was an awesome experience with him. He has since
started his home baking with Micro Oven and still bought into my Ice Cream Making
Training. He sent me this pix below.

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

“It is as if we have known for long. Thank you for your training. I am enjoying the online
one on one training, I made some bread today and I am happy. Mrs. Aramide, Abuja,

“Thank you Uncle Henry for your work. Your vision affirmation section of this training is
great. I am lucky as I wanted to travel down to Nigeria after calling you but you called
me back to train me here. The milk bread, Sardine and Braided
bread has improved my baking products. Alhaja
Zainab, Ashaley Botwe, Accra Ghana.

This is Alhaja Zainab to the left learning how to fold and make
sardine rolls.
As of today, she owns three baking shop spread in Ashaley
Botwe and Madina area of Accra Ghana.

“What more can I say, I am grateful to God for bringing you my way. I bought my Oven
and baking materials without a baking knowledge and by providence I located your
advert on Tonaton and went for four days coaching, On the third day, expatriates
ordered my bread. I am grateful. Mrs Mavis from Kasoa, Accra.
-----She has invested big into this business and have reaped also. Mrs Mavis is still on
my consultancy.

“Thanks to you too. I really enjoyed the training. It’s a great

investment with great returns. Our bread idea for special
shops is our concentration and you delivered. I am from a
family that value quality and that’s what we got" Irene, from
Adenta, Accra Ghana
This is Irene on training as she makes French Baguette. She
is actually a US based trained Cake Baker
before coming for this training. I had one on one training with
her for 5 days

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

Thanks Mr. Henry, I have started!!!!!!. God bless you always

sir. Just wanted to surprise you. Your Recipe sooo perfect
and guide so Thanks sir. Appreciate you so much. My
husband is so excited."
Ayeni Omonike Soyombo

Mrs Ayeni Omonike Soyombo becomes the founder

and baker of Freshly Bake. See the picture of her the side.

And many more.

You are next in line
See my Interview with a News Paper on Opportunity in
Micro Bakery Business.

Join my next one on one Micro Bakery Training. Visit or email me

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Practical Yogurt and Ice Cream Production from Home or a Mini factory

Bread baking in training

My workshop attendee




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