Persepolis Final Project

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Persepolis Final Project:

IB English HL 1

Project Objectives:

● Display the highest level of critical thinking by creating your own, unique graphic novel,
complete with a plot, characters, and main concept.

● Understand the primary elements of the graphic novel, intentionally making your own
authorial choices to best convey the main concept to your audience.

● Possess a fundamental understanding of global issues in and around your own life.

Project Directions:

Develop a short graphic novel of at least two pages and a minimum of 12 panels in length that displays a
global issue in American society and that clearly communicates the effects of that issue on either your life
or the lives of others. In doing so, utilize the common craft of graphic illustration to intentionally convey
your message to your audience, such as panel size, depth and perspective, emanata, varying captions and
word bubbles, iconography, graphic weight, etc.

Once you have completed your novel, use a separate piece of paper to clearly explain each of the
following: the global issue category, the global issue frame of focus, your main idea in terms of the frame
of focus (what are you telling your audience about this specific issue in America?), and then choose five
different authorial choices to briefly discuss how they are used in support of the main idea.

Keep in mind that a global issue must meet each of the following three criteria:
1. Have significance on a large scale
2. Be transnational
3. Have an impact on everyday, local contexts
Grading Rubric: Please copy and paste this rubric at the end of your analysis!!!

Substandard: Proficient: 15 Points Exceptional: 20 Points

0-10 Points

The student fails to The student identifies The student clearly

clearly identify a a pertinent, albeit identifies a complex
global issue, possibly obvious issue in and pertinent issue in
focusing on a minor American society and American society and
problem in society clearly explains its displays insight when
that fails to meet two impact; the global explaining its impact
Global Issue Concept or more of the IB issue meets at least and relevance; the
requirements; the two of the IB global issue also
student’s position on requirements and it meets all three IB
the global issue is also can be similarly seen requirements and can
unclear, lacking a in cultures elsewhere. easily be
focused or central compared/contrasted
idea. to cultures elsewhere.

The student fails to The student includes The student includes

meet the page length at least two pages of two or more pages of
and panel minimum; panels, though might well-planned,
the plot, characters, fail to meet the 12 well-designed panels
and theme are either panel minimum; the that contain a clear
overly-simplistic or plot, characterization, plot, developed
Graphic Illustrations convoluted in nature; and theme are evident, characterization, and
the final assignment yet not very complex an intentional theme;
reflects a lack of time or creative; the level the illustrations are
and effort spent on the of art makes it clear complex, creative, and
project. that more effort could meticulous, reflecting
have been spent on the an abundance of time
illustrations. spent on the

The student fails to The student The student

implement at least implements at least intentionally
three specific elements four aspects of craft implements at least
of craft to enhance the that contribute to the five well-chosen
reader’s reader’s aspects of craft that
Authorial Choices understanding, understanding, though directly contribute to
showing basic some choices feel the reader’s
knowledge of arbitrary and lack understanding of the
illustrative technique intentionality. main concept; each is
and a lack of well-explained in the
intentionality. post-analysis.

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