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Name: ______________________________________Date: ________________
LRN: _________________ Grade/Section: _________ Parent Signature: ________

DIRECTION: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it beside the number.
__ 1. It is a period of intellectual, artistic and literary that started in the second
_ half of the 18th century.
a. Neoclassical b. Classic
c. Romantic d. Baroque
__ 2. The following are distinct themes of Romantic music, EXCEPT one;
a. Nationalism b. Supernatural
c. Nature d. Real world
__ 3. Which was referred to an instrumental piece that articulated a story?
a. Symphonic Poem b. Lieder
c. Art Song d. Opera
__ 4. Which of the following is a composition for solo voice and piano that
_ gives premium on symbolic meaning attached on the lyric?
a. Symphonic Poem b. Lieder
c. Art Song d. Opera
__ 5. What is the distinct melody of Romantic music?
a. Melody became more lyrical b. Melody became dramatic
c. Melody became vibrant d. Melody became lighter
__ 6. There were significant events that happened during the Romantic era.
_ Which one is NOT included?
a. Civil b. Franco-Prussian
c. Crimerean d. Pacific
__ 7. Who was known as the leading composer of art song?
a. Brahms b. Berlioz
c. Liszt d. Tchaikovsky
__ 8. What important changes were evident to the music of the Romantic
_ period?
a. Performance b. Vocal
c. Instrumental d. Theoretical
__ 9. What musical elements do the composers of the Romantic period used

_ in order to project expressiveness in music compositions?
a. Contrasting musical b. Used of crescendo and
dynamics diminuendo
c. Expressive texture d. Harmony & structure
__ 10. The German word for an art song.
a. Lied b. Lieder
c. Lies d. Plied


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