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Islamic Political Thought and Institutions

An introduction to political thought and institutions in Islām,

PROGRAMME FEES (RM)* ‫مركز راج زاريث صفية لدلراسات العليا يف الإسالم والعلوم واحلضارة‬
particularly the concepts of imamāh, khilāfah, siyāsah, ḥakimiyyah. Master Full Time (By Research)
The Sunni concept of al-ikhtiyār, ‘aqd al-wakalah, bay’ah, ahl al- Local International
ḥall wa al-‘aqd (the people of loosing and binding); Islamic political
4 Semesters 4 Semesters
principles including justice, mutual consultation (shurā’), equality
(musawah), accountability (muḥasābat al-ḥakīm); the concept of 10,630 24,930
constitutional government in Islām and contemporary debate on
Islām and democracy.
Maximum Duration: 8 Semesters (4 years). “The university must have been conceived in
emulation of the general structure, in form,
Major Muslim Scientists Ph.D. Full Time (By Research) function and purpose, of man... It was meant
A study of enduring legacy of selected Muslim Scientists, such as Local International to be a microcosmic representation of man—
al-Khawarizmī (d. 266/850), al-Zahrawī (d. 404/1013), Ibn Sinā (d. 6 Semesters 6 Semesters indeed, of the Universal Man (al-Insān al-
428/1037), Ibn al-Haytham (d. 431/1040), al-Birunī (d. 440/1048),
al-Tusī (d. 672/1274) and others who were the precursors to
15,770 37,020 Kullī).”
modern methods in scientific and technological advancement in Maximum Duration: 16 Semesters (8 years).
Modern West. A selection of texts will be studied in translation. *Fees are subjected to change without prior notice Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
(Distinguished Visiting Professor, 2013-2015)
A study of major thinkers of Islām such as al-Ash‘arī (d. 324/936), In order to support quality instruction, learning, research and
Ibn Sinā (d. 428/1037), al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111), Ibn Rushd publication, RZS-CASIS welcomes all parties, corporate bodies
(d. 595/1196), Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728/1328), Ibn Khaldūn (d. and individuals, to generously contribute to our endowment fund.
808/1406), Mullā Sadra (d. 1050/1640) and others. This course will Since its inception, RZS-CASIS, as a centre of excellence strives to
concentrate on the basic essentials in the thought of these various provide rigorous and intellectually challenging programmes at the
thinkers. post-graduate level as a strategic initiative to revivify the Islamic
Islam and World History civilisation in its full glory.

An advanced level course analyzing the advent of world history Your contribution in the form of dedicated zakat, waqf and
with the coming of Islām. The preceding civilization of the Romans ṣadaqah will consolidate RZS-CASIS to become an advanced
centre of scholarship and learning with the highest quality of in- For more information, please contact:
and the Persians with the concomitant religious background of the
time will be studied. Islām ushered the universal brotherhood of tellectual and academic faculty, and an excellent library. A sound
mankind thus consolidated, albeit indirectly, the European identity financial backing and outstanding facilities will enable the first-rate
training of future minds from all over the Muslim World to become THE PROGRAMME COORDINATOR
that lead to the development of the West. The growth of Islam
territorially is accompanied with the advancement of statecraft and bearers of the light of illumination of true knowledge following the
footpaths of learned scholars of the past.
Raja Zarith Sofiah Centre for
learning and knowledge facilitated by the creation of new Islamic Raja Zarith Sofiah Centre for Advanced Studies on Islām, Science and Civilisation (RZS-CASIS), Advanced Studies on Islām,
Science and Civilisation
languages. The centers of learning, and the spread to knowledge In today’s academic practice, foundations, chairs and fellow-
culture and learning to newly liberated lands brought about a ships are set up to accommodate the professors while scholarships Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM KL)
universal world Muslim culture. are made available to facilitate the students. These facilities ensure Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100 Kuala Lumpur
the search for knowledge excels without financial hindrance. The
Reading in Classical Text
contribution will be used, among others:
Reading and surveying the texts of prominent Muslim theologians 1. to support SMN al-Attas Chair of Islamic Thought; Telp: +603 2615 4825/4636 | Email:
such as ‘Aqā’id al-Nasafī by Imam ‘Umar al-Nasafī (d. 537/1142)
and ‘Aqīdah al-Ṭahāwiyyah by Imam Abu Ja’far al-Ṭahāwī (d.
2. to promote research and publication; Fax: +603 2615 4988 | Website: UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA
3. to develop RZS-CASIS library;
321/933). Original Arabic text is explained in English with
reference to relevant later works. 4. to fund scholarship for RZS-CASIS students;
5. to conduct seminars and other academic endeavours.
Religion, Development and Human Culture
The genesis of religion from mythological beliefs. Revelation versus
Step 1:
non-revealed religion or religious tradition. Ethics and values. The
development of human communities into societies from ethnic Make your cash contribution to Bank Islam’s account no.
14032010035630 or cheques made payable to Bendahari
based to religion based identities. The advancement of human
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
culture, values with the unfolding of revelation-based religion.
Islām and Other Faiths Step 2:
Fill in the form and then send it together with the slip/re-
A thorough understanding of Islām as a revealed religion, ceipt of transaction either to; or whatsapp
Abrahamic faith, and al-dīn al-ḥanīf. A critical analysis of religous to +60 19-306 8241.
pluralism, the development of Perennial Philosophy and the idea of
Transcendent Unity of Religions. The concept of tolerance and the
rights of non-Muslims in Islām. Any contribution shall stipulate “Donation for RZS-CASIS Fund”
an institute that seeks to inculcate
authentic Islamic knowledge and profound
understanding of other civilisations HER MAJESTY RAJA ZARITH SOFIAH

and the contemporary world. BINTI ALMARHUM SULTAN IDRIS SHAH

Permaisuri of Johor Darul Ta‘zim
Chancellor of UTM


Holder of SMN al-Attas Distinguished Chair of Islamic Thought,
Founder-Former Director of CASIS


The Raja Zarith Sofia Centre for Advanced Studies on Islām, Science, and Civilisation (RZS-CASIS), BY COURSEWORK AND RESEARCH COMPULSORY UNIVERSITY COURSES: Decolonization and Islamisation of Contemporary
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) was established when the then Vice Chancellor Dato’ Seri Prof. Dr. Ir. Zaini Ujang Professor Knowledge
invited Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud to found and direct a centre to promote advanced scholarship and learning for the • M.Phil in Islamic Thought and Civilisation Dr. Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud Islamic Philosophy and Methodology of Science
advancement of knowledge in the fields of study relating to Islām, science and civilisation. For the conferment of M.Phil degree, students are required to This course analyses the relation between Religion and Science; the This course analyses the phenomena that knowledge framework,
Holder of SMN al-Attas Distinguished
origins and development of Modern philosophy of science, from methodologies and contents are organically linked to worldviews,
RZS-CASIS specializes in the said fields and the allied sciences under the ambit of the worldview of Islām in full cognizance complete 42 credit hours and Research with coursework is 48 credit Chair of Islamic Thought
Mechanical Philosophy, Newtonian paradigm to Quantum physics; values and socio-political and economic interests of dominant
of developments in other civilisations, especially in the contemporary world along the philosophy and practice espoused by the hours. Professor
the separation of science from metaphysics; Methods of scientific groups, states, cultures and civilizations. The Western colonization
renowned Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd Nor, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zainiy Uthman Duration: Dr. Muhammad Zainiy Uthman of Asia, Latin and North America and Africa and its effects on
and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khalif Mu‘ammar were the founding members of RZS-CASIS and they began its instruction on February enterprise from experimental method to modern empiricism,
Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Science positivism and scientism. The idea of Islamisation of contemporary the indigenous knowledge frameworks is explored. Issues of neo-
1, 2011, with Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd Nor as its Founder-Director. Minimum 1.5 years (3 semesters) Maximum 4 years (8 semesters)
and Tasawwuf
knowledge and Islamic science will also be discussed. colonialism, captive mind, colonisability mentality, decoloniality
Among the Centre’s main objectives is to train young scholars who are intellectually adept to delve into the intricacies • Ph.D. in Islamic Thought and Civilisation Professor
and especially Islamisation and integration of knowledge will be
of religious thought while simultaneously at home with intellectual and scientific ideas, technologies and socio-economic History and Methodology of Islamic Science and vigorously analysed.
For the conferment of Ph.D degree, students are required to Dr. Tatiana Denisova
thought, and institutions of today. They will have the requisite intellectual tools and competent knowledge to imbibe from the
complete 90credit hours and Research with coursework is 96 credit
multi-disciplinary programme to prepare for future intellectual and civilisational challenges at home and the world at large. Islamic Historiography, World History Qur’an and Hadith: Principles, Methodology and Con-
hours. and Malay History This course is an introduction to the great works of early
temporary Challenges
Muslim scientists, and technologists and their main pioneering
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Duration: Associate Professor contributions. A survey of the various sciences and methods The course provides a concise understanding of the science of the
1. To establish a center of excellence for conducting cutting-edge researches on Islām, science and civilisation. Minimum 3 years (6 semesters) Maximum 8 years (16 semesters) Dr. Khalif Muammar A. Harris developed and used by Muslim scientists, astronomers, Holy Qur’an (‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān) including the concept of wahy, its
Islamic Thought, Shari’ah and Islamic geometricians, medical doctors towards the advancement of their transmission, collection and preservation; asbāb al-nuzūl, nāsikh
2. To provide expertise on the field of Islamic thought and civilisation.
Political Thought respective fields, and their influences on the West. wa al-mansūkh, al-muḥkam wa al-mutashābiḥ; the schools of Tafsir;
3. To produce competent scholars who can integrate religion with science and technology to develop a civilisation contemporary debates on the Qur’ān and its exegesis. History of
based on tawhidic worldview. Associate Professor COMPULSORY PROGRAMME COURSES: origins, development, transmission, dissemination and collection
4. To study, publish and generate meaningful works on contemporary Islamic thought and civilisation. With the recommendation of the Centre’s Academic Committee Dr. Wan Suhaimi Wan Abdullah of Hadith literature; Hadith-Criticism; the Genre of technical terms
Worldview and Epistemic Frameworks
5. To translate great works of Muslim scholars into various languages students may chose to pursue the programme by research only Islamic Theology, Islamic Psychology (mustalahat al-ḥadīth); the reporters of Hadith (rijāl al-ḥadīth);
and Tasawwuf A comparative analysis of all the major worldviews in the recorded contemporary debates on the science of Hadith.
history of mankind and their relationship with the conception,
In short, RZS-CASIS is an institute that seeks to inculcate authentic Islamic knowledge and profound understanding Associate Professor methodology and purpose of knowledge and knowing, and the ELECTIVE COURSES:
of other historic civilisations and the contemporary world. Dr. Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad culture of knowledge they generate. The worldviews and the
Students are assessed through project papers, individual and group Islamic Theology and Law knowledge culture of Greeks, Judeo-Christians, secular-humanists, Islām in Malay History and Culture
SMN AL-ATTAS DISTINGUISHED CHAIR OF ISLAMIC THOUGHT assingment, participation and appropriate written examinations the Indians, Chinese, Japanese and especially the Muslims will be A study and a survey of the coming of Islam to the Malay Archipelago;
coupled with other assessment determined by the lectures. studied. An analysis of similarities and differences will be carried
SMN al-Attas Chair is a distinguished chair established at RZS-CASIS in honour of Tan Sri Professor Dr. Syed Muhammad Dr. Suleiman Mohammed Bilād al-Jāwī in Islamic sources; Archeological, cultural and
out that will encourage deeper understanding, mutual cooperation,
Naquib al-Attas, a renowned thinker in contemporary world. The Holder of the Chair will conduct RZS-CASIS Saturday Night Hussein Boayo scientific artifacts; The new Jāwī language and script. The rise of
and respect and tolerance.
learning and scholarship; Early works on tafsir, hadith, language,
Lecture Series, scholarly dialogues and seminars—among other academic duties. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Arabic Language and Literature
history, theology, taṣawwuf and philosophy will be examined with
An English Certificate of IELTS/TOEFL with band score of 6.0/550 the growth of fiqh and literature; The growth of centres of learning:
pondok, zawiyyah, pesantren; The Malay sultanates and Islām in
modern Malaysia.

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