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NAMA PELAJAR:______________________________________________ KELAS:__________




(1 JAM)

Part 1
Question 1-9
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.

London – Cyber Attackers threaten hospitals that the VIVI Laptop

management will lose access to patients’ records and other
files if money is not paid to the hackers. A spoke person of
SSS Digital that oversees hospital cybersecurity in the
country, said that the virus Wanna Decryptor, a variant of
malware is being used by attackers. It will hold affected • 7th Gen Intel®Core™i3 processor
computers as hostage while attackers demand a ransom. At • 15.6” display; 8GB RAM 512GB
least 10 hospitals have been affected by the attack and • Best Buy item RM1,700.00
patients have be turned away when the system is taken • Available in black, silver and red

1. Cyber-attacks have resulted in 3. The computer has

A. very small screen
A. Hackers being arrested by the authority. B. only one colour left available
B. Disrupting the daily management of hospitals. C. an offer at a discounted price
C. The failure of the computer virus.

Boy : Mum, can I use your mobile to make a call?

Mother : Sure, here it is. I was wondering when you will get
around to ask me for that favour.
Boy : Wow, mum, this is priceless! You’ve the latest Digi
Mum : Yes, your father gave it to me as an anniversary
Boy : Mum, imagine how much my friends will envy me….
Mum : Hold that thought and return my phone to me.

2. From the notice, we know that 4. What do you think the boy was going to tell his
A. we can share the information on Instagram mother?
B. we can register through Whatsapp A. He would like to have the smartphone
C. the event is held in Kuala Lumpur B. he was going to thank his mother for giving him the
C. He was going to wish his mother ‘Happy

Fresh and tasty Cakes Dear Manager,
¤ Various flavours and styles Last Saturday, we celebrated my brother’s
¤ Quick delivery birthday at your café. I must say the birthday
decorations were nice and your staffs were
Custom orders can be made on request- at friendly and polite.
least a week before the required date. However, I was very disappointed with the
Zetty : 019 3324323 quality of food served as they were not to our
5. Diana’s wedding is on 25th December 2021 and she expectation. I have eaten at your café a few times
and have found the food tasty and delicious.
wants to order from Zetty. Diana
Unfortunately, that couldn’t be said about the food
A. can order a two-tier cake with two different
served during my brother’s birthday. Most of the
food including the potato fries were cold and soft.
B. has to ask someone to pick up the cake from The fried chicken was overcooked and hard.
Zetty’s place. I have complained to your staffs but no
C. needs to place her cake order by 20 th action has been taken.
A dissatisfied customer
SKYDIVING 8. What was the customer unhappy about?
A. Birthday decorations
Feel the exhilaration and excitement during
B. Behaviour of staffs
this adrenaline rush act and feel like a bird,
C. Food quality
soaring in the sky. It can be a great adventure,
easier said than done. Mr.Perry, a professional
skydiver and instructor has the tips if you
think you are up you the challenge! Chef EJ

Ever smell freshly baked bread and buns?

6. People venture into skydiving Hmm, it’s delicious so today I would share
A. as it can make them fly in the sky like a bird with you a recipe for cinnamon rolls. Smells
B. to gain some thrilling experience good, taste buttery! You have to make it from
C. when they get good advice from a professional scratch, not with ready-made dough you buy
from the supermarket. Don’t worry, it will
only take 45 minutes for you to measure out
things till you put them into the oven. Just
The Pulau Payar Marine Park is located to the south follow the tips to guarantee so you will get
of the main island of Langkawi and home to a cluster soft, fluffy rolls for afternoon tea!
of four islands. These islands are Pulau Payar, Pulau
Segantang, Pulau Lembu and Pulau Kaca. They 9. Which of the following statements is true?
happen to be the only spot to snorkel and dive and at A. The cinnamon rolls will be ready within 45
the same time experience the beauty of the coral minutes.
reef and marine life in this part of the coast. B. The chef will provide a recipe for cinnamon rolls
Visitors generally stay the day via tour groups for anyone who would like to try.
that depart from the Kuah Jetty in Langkawi or C. Guidelines are given if you want to be a successful
alternatively, from Penang on a two-hour ferry ride. baker.

7. According to the article,

A. the biggest island is Pulau Payar
B. the only way to get to the park is by taking a ferry
C. visitors can only go to the park from Kuah Jetty in

(9 Marks)

Part 2
Questions 10-19
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter
A, B ,C or D on your answer sheet.

Internet Savvy
There is a wealth of knowledge available if anyone is (0) willing to tap into the world of Internet.
You can find almost anything you want; from how to do something, to books that you can (10)
_________ for free. You can also watch various videos on places around the world, exercises,
motivational talks and entertainment programmes, among others.
In addition, having the Internet is very (11)__________ because you can carry out tasks without
leaving the house. You can shop and pay your bills. If you want to travel, you can buy plane tickets to
any city and book hotels of your choice. If you choose not to have a (12)__________ job, you can work
from home. Work can be done from the comfort of your home whilst taking care of your children! By
using e-mails, you can send letters and documents that can (13) _________ their destinations within
Cooking should be fun if you are adventurous in trying new recipes (14) _________ all parts of
the world. Famous chefs and housewives share ways of preparing various food which you can follow
(15) __________ . There are also steps in making handicraft which can be worth (16) __________ for a
hobby or to earn extra income. (17) __________ , you will find plenty of ideas if you wish to redecorate
your house or to do landscaping for the house. You can also learn a new language or just indulge in a
relaxing game. It is no wonder you can just sit in front of the computer for hours!
Despite the great benefits, it is (18)__________ to have a little control over the amount of time
that you spend on the internet. Instead, try to spend more time on activities such as (19) __________ for
walks or meeting friends to increase contact time with the real world.

10. A buy B read C watch D write

11. A good B exciting C convenient D interested
12. A well-paid B permanent C lasting D fixed
13. A reach B arrive C receive D come
14. A from B for C at D by
15. A nicely B correctly C easily D strictly
16. A seeking B watching C trying D tried
17. A Despite B Although C Yet D Furthermore
18. A clever B wise C great D logical
19. A taking up B discussing in C coming into D going out

(10 marks)

Part 3
Questions 20-25
You are going to read an article about the 5G technology. Six sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap (20-25). There are two extra
sentences which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Understanding the Advantages of 5G

What is 5G exactly? 20 . It offers much faster data download-and-upload speeds. Compared to

4G, 5G networks feature network improvements that will have far-reaching impacts on how people live, work,
and play all over the world.

Each wireless network generation has reflected a significant increase in speed. The benefits of 5G – the
fifth generation of cellular network technology – will push far beyond 4G LTE. 5G has the predicted speeds of up
to 10 Gbps, which amounts to a hundredfold increase if compared to the speeds of 4G. 21 . For example,
with 4G, we need at least 10 minutes to download a high-resolution movie at optimum speeds. However, we can
download the same movie at peak download speeds in just six seconds with 5G.

22 .In other words, latency is the time needed for a device to react to the order given by a user.
One of the goals for each wireless generation has been to reduce latency. New 5G networks will have even lower
latency than 4G LTE, with the round-trip transmission of data taking less than five milliseconds. The short latency
of 5G can be applied in a wide range of fields. 23 .

5G latency makes many previously unthinkable innovations possible and one of them is Internet of
Things (IoT). 24 . These physical objects can connect and exchange data with other devices and systems
over the internet. For example, IoT enables a manufacturer to improve its manufacturing efficiency. With IoT, the
machines in factories can be connected, monitored and analysed so that they can perform at their optimum

In conclusion, 5G will usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and change the economy. Due to the
speeds and capacity that 5G network promises to bring, it has the potential to be an indispensable technology. It
is estimated that by 2035, 5G will enable $12.3 trillion of global economic output and support 22 million jobs
worldwide. 25 .

A It is the next generation of mobile internet E In real life, the speed enhancements of 5G will
connection. mean exciting possibilities for consumers.
B Therefore, it is essential for us to understand and F 5G will enable billions of new connections with
embrace the technology. speed and security.
C For example, in the field of medicine, a surgeon G The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the
living in one country can perform a “tele-surgery” network of physical things, such as machines,
on a patient living in another country by animals, people and computers, that are
operating a surgical device remotely. embedded with sensors, software, and other

D The United States, China, and South Korea are H Latency measures how long a signal takes to go
expected to be among the first to install full 5G from its source to its receiver, and then back
networks. again.
(6 marks)
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Shahriz Azilla Binti Mohd Sabri Pathma Devi A/P Thanacothy Noraini Binti Haron
(Subject Teacher) (Head of English Panel) (GKMP Bahasa)


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