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Module 4 Activity 3: How is INCLUSIVE classroom managed

Jean Kang

Write an impression story using the following terms

• Physical organization
• Classroom routines
• Classroom climate
• Behavior management
• Classroom rules
• Academic learning time
• Transition time
• Sponges

Harry Potter’s Hogwarts School of Witchcraft

Hogwarts school had to practice INCLUSIVE classroom management strategies.

Professor Dumbledore ordered to start with Physical Organization, which means to

organize the space, walls, floor, lighting, arrangement of students’ desks, storage area,

and others so that students can learn in an organized, comfortable and safe

environment. Harry Potter and his classmates have got used to Prof. Dumbledore’s

Classroom Routines. Classroom routines are the activities and sequence which are

arranged in an ordered and structured manner that professors can use the routine every

day in a consistent way. They help students maximize learning efficiency and reduce

anxiety, especially for those with learning disabilities (LD). Professor McGonnagall who

teaches transfiguration thinks Classroom Climate is the upmost important thing.

Classroom climate is the culture and atmosphere that a teacher and his/her students

experience every day. It is formed mostly by the communication style between teacher

and students. A teacher who gives respect, trust, and a lot of positive feedback to

students often motivates students and such a classroom climate is highly desirable for

students. Professor Lockhart values Behavior Management, which I, as a teacher

cannot agree more. Behavior management refers to teacher’s strategies used to

promote students’ positive behavior and prevent negative behavior. It includes

establishing classroom rules, providing consistent consequences, and monitoring

student behavior (Friend & Bursuck, 2019). The ill-tempered Filch, who knows a lot of

short-cut and secret of the castle thinks that use of time is the key. The time in

classroom is mostly Academic Learning Time. Transition Time is when students

transition from one activity to another. Research has shown that students’ learning

results are improved with increased academic learning time (Berliner, 1990, as cited in

Friend & Bursuck, 2019). Therefore, transition time should be designed to be efficient,

organized, and consistent to maximize academic learning time and reduce anxiety in

some students who have difficulty in transitions due to LD. Slughorn, Potions teacher,

emphasizes using Sponge Time, which is the transient time before a scheduled

academic activity or before the end of one class period. Teachers can use this transient

time, normally 2 or 3 minutes, to do sponge activities, such as reviewing or practicing

learned content, or some learning points that students often show mistakes so they can

“soak up” that time (Friend & Bursuck, 2019). Hogwarts has demonstrated excellence

since they adopted these INCLUSIVE classroom management practices.



Friend, M. & Bursuck, W. D. (2019) Including Students with Special Needs: A Practical

Guide for Classroom Teachers (8th Ed.). New York, NY: Pearson

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