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Bangladesh University of Professionals

Term Paper

Marketing Information System

Submitted to
Arifur Rahman Khan

Submitted By- Team Blue

A K M Ashique Parves- 18251185 (YouTube Ads)
Azharul Islam Rony- 18251075 (Google Ads)
MD Sayeem Bin Islam- 18251037 (LinkedIn Ads)
Rubayet Hossain Rupom- 18251005 (Instagram Ads)
SK. Abdur Rauf Iqbal- 18251123 (Facebook Ads)
YouTube Ads Campaign set up

With the newly redesigned Google Ads interface, managing YouTube ads is now easier
than ever. If you have experience with Google ads or Facebook ads, many YouTube
ads features will look familiar to you.

Here are the steps needed to set up YouTube ads.

1.Link Google AdWords to Your YouTube Channel

The first step is to link your Google Ads account to your YouTube channel.

To do this, log into your Google Ads account (or My Client Center if you’re an agency).
Then click Tools at the top of the page and select Linked Accounts from the Setup

Follow the prompts to add your YouTube channel. If you’re the account owner, the
linking will happen automatically. If someone else owns the account, you need to enter
the email of the owner and request access.
Upload Your Video Ad to YouTube

To use a video in a YouTube ad campaign, you must first upload it to YouTube. The
quality of the video and your ability to grab the viewer’s attention right away are critical to
its success. Focus on making an impact in the first 5 seconds.

2. Choose a YouTube Advertising Campaign Objective

The next step is to create your campaign. Go to your Google Ads dashboard, and on
the Campaigns tab, click the + button and select New Campaign.

YouTube has options for creating several campaign types, which determine the type of
ads you can run, the placements available, and more. Depending on your ultimate
campaign goal, choose one of the following options for your YouTube video ad:

 Leads and Website Traffic are the best options for driving traffic and generating
conversions from your YouTube ads.

 Product and Brand Consideration provides opportunities for generating

broader brand awareness and putting your products in front of big audiences,
including influencers.

 Brand Awareness and Reach is typically used to generate brand buzz and
includes more options for ad types.

After you select a campaign objective, you’ll see a list of available campaign types for
that objective. Select Video as the campaign type. When you’re finished, click Continue.
3. Choose a YouTube Ad Format
The YouTube ad formats available to you depend on your campaign goal and video ad
length. Here’s a rundown of the most frequently used formats.

TrueView Ads

TrueView reach ads run before, during, or after the video and work best for creating
initial awareness of your brand or product. They feature a Skip button that allows users
to skip the ad after 5 seconds

Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads

Non-skippable in-stream ads are available only for some campaign types (Reach
campaigns) and can be 6–15 seconds long. If you try to load videos that are 16 seconds
or longer, you’ll see an error message. (Note: Some articles state that these ads can be
15–20 seconds but YouTube specifies 15 seconds or less.)
Bumper Ads

Video ads that are 6 seconds or shorter can be used for bumper ads. Unlike TrueView or
skippable ads, bumper ads don’t change the view count of your videos. Users can’t skip
bumper ads

4. Set a Budget, Schedule, and Bid Strategy

After you select an ad format, enter a name for your campaign, set a campaign budget,
and choose start and end dates.

The cost of YouTube advertising is much lower than you may think. In fact, some
campaigns can cost as low as $0.02 per view. But you must get the bidding strategy right
because bids have a direct impact on the success of your campaigns.

There are many different types of bids and strategies to use. Select one of these two
strategies to maximize results:
 Maximum CPV is used with TrueView ads and tells YouTube the most you want to
pay for each view of your ad. For discovery ads, it determines the maximum you’re
willing to pay for users to click on your ad. In some cases, it may make the
difference between your ad appearing or not. For discovery ads, it also determines
your ad’s position compared to other ads.

 Target CPV is the average you’re willing to pay for your conversions. You may pay
a bit more or less per individual conversion but your daily averages won’t exceed
your average amount.

For some campaign types, you may also see the Maximize Conversions option. This
option is similar to automatic bidding and gives you less control over your action results.
Therefore, it may result in higher costs.

5. Control Where Your YouTube Ad Will Be Shown

Next, you see three options for managing where your YouTube ads will be shown.
Choose from these network options to determine where your YouTube ads will run:
 YouTube Search Results: This option is available only if you’re running discovery
ads. Uncheck this option for all other types of ads.

 YouTube Videos: This is the best option for the majority of your ads with the best
balance of price and quality.

 Video Partners on the Display Network: Select this option if you want to run
YouTube ads on partner sites outside of YouTube. While it may reduce your cost,
it’s also likely to significantly reduce quality.

Below Networks, you can also choose which locations and languages you want to target.
6. Define the Target Audience for Your YouTube Campaign
YouTube’s audience targeting options are quite robust. Additionally, the data from
YouTube is supplemented by data coming from Google Search and partners. This
combination makes YouTube advertising incredibly powerful.

Demographics Targeting
YouTube’s demographic targeting options are fairly straightforward. You select the age,
gender, income, and marital status of your target audience. Unlike Facebook or other
platforms, YouTube viewers aren’t required to log in to view videos, so YouTube won’t
know the demographics of unregistered users. Uncategorized YouTube viewers are added
to the Unknown category.
7. Refine Your Ad Visibility with Keywords, Topics, and Placements
After you define your audience, you can choose from these three settings to narrow your
Choose Relevant Keywords
Forget everything you know about keywords and topics. You’re not looking for the
keywords that people are searching for, but rather the keywords that appear in the
YouTube videos where your ads will show.

8.Set a Bid Amount for Your Campaign

If you chose Maximum CPV as your bidding strategy, it’s important that you don’t set your
bid too low because your ad may not run at all
9. Select the Video for Your YouTube Ad

The final step is to choose the video you want to use as your ad. Either use the search box
to find your video or paste the URL from YouTube. Because several videos on your
YouTube channel may look similar, pasting the exact URL will get you straight to the right
Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers
bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web
users. It can place ads both in the results of search engines like Google Search and on
non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos. For Google ads First we must enter
“” on search bar then we must select start now. After that we will see
something like below shot

1. Here we must select our campaign goal.

2. After selecting our campaign goal, we will choose our campaign type. We will
select “SEARCH” as our campaign type.
3. Then we need to enter our campaign name like “Men Shoes”

4. After that we will choose our campaign time like From Oct-19 to Oct-31. This is
for if you face any trouble or internet issue this campaign will not be stopped.

5. Then we must choose out location to target our customer

6. We will select our language for our target market. We can choose more than one
language if we prefer.

7. After finishing campaign setting, we will choose our budget. How much money
we want to spend on our ads? We must put budget per day & Biding per click.

8. Now we must set up ad groups. Here we need to put key word for search. Those
key words will help our customer to find our ad.

After setting up ad groups we now moved to create our ad

9. Here we will add headlines, descriptions to create our ad

10. Last part is Billing. Here we must pay for our ads. We all must do now select
information’s about our bill.
11. After select, all information we must click on submit. And that’s all, now our ad
will be visible to our target customer.
LinkedIn Ads

After we log into the LinkedIn account, click on work and down you will see advertise.
Then we must click on advertise
Once we are into the LinkedIn campaign manager, we need to click on Next.

Then we need to select our objective for the ad.

Here I have selected engagement that means I want more people to engage with my
content through like, share, comment, view or click.

Here you can select your audience you can either you can either use saved audience,
or you can create a new one. Then we need to select where is our target audience
based. Here I have selected Dhaka and Chittagong .
Then you can either narrow your target audience or exclude people by giving attributes
and matched audiences. We can also enable audience expansion.
Then we need to choose the ad format whether we want a single image, video ad or a
conversion ad.
Then we need to add a page which is associated with this account.

Then we have an option to place the ad on LinkedIn and its partner apps and website.

Then we need to select how much we want to spend daily. I have given $10.00 here.
Then we must schedule the time of the ad campaign. Here I have decided to run this
campaign for 5 days and spend a total of $50.00.
In the bidding option we can select maximum delivery to get the most results possible
with the full budget. Or we can select target cost to get the most result possible while
staying near the budget goal. I have selected maximum delivery here.
Conversion tracking is an option if we want to measure the action members take after
clicking or viewing the ad. Then we click Next and the campaign will be saved.

Then we need to select a new content. I can be either a existing content on the page or
we can create a new one.
I have selected a content from the page and clicked sponsor.

The ad campaign will be saved. Then we must click Next.

Then we can review the whole information and launch the ad campaign.
Instagram Ad

Instagram is an American photo and video sharing social networking service owned by
Facebook, created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and originally launched on iOS
in October 2010. Instagram has finally surpassed one billion users. This means that if
we can get your Instagram ad campaign just right, we can easily boost our lead
generation and increase your revenue. Of course, the reason Instagram ad campaigns
are so successful is not just about pretty pictures. For our ads to be successful, there
are a few other things you need to get exactly right once you have got your image or
video sorted.
Instagram offers several ad formats. Each ad type works for different business goals
and has different call-to-action options available.

Step 1: Get started in Facebook’s Ads Manager.

You will be taken through the Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad levels. You can create multiple
ads that fit into a single ad set, and multiple ad sets that fit under a single campaign.
The first thing that you will do is choose your objective. When creating Instagram
newsfeed ads, you can use any objective listed.

Step 2: Next, you will start making decisions at the ad set level. If you’re sending traffic
to a secondary location with your ad, you’ll first choose where to send them. You can
send them to your site, your app, or messenger to contact you.
Underneath this, you may see the option to create an offer to drive conversions.

Below this, you will set your targeting options.

Step 3: Instagram Ads gives you full access to Facebook’s incredible targeting
options. You can target both cold and warm audiences.
You can target users based on location, or those of certain demographics. These
 Gender
 Age
 Languages spoken etc.
Step 4: When you are running newsfeed Instagram Ads, you can also choose to run
other placement options at the same time. If you are running Instagram Story Ads,
however, you cannot choose any other placements. You can choose to run mobile-only
ads, but you cannot run Instagram Ads if you have desktop-only ads enabled.
For Instagram newsfeed ads, you can choose to enable other placements, including
Facebook’s newsfeed and side column ads, audience network ads, and messenger

Some marketers make the mistake of running campaigns where only Instagram Ads are
enabled, thinking that it will be easier to create due to formatting.
However, sometimes this can end up affecting cost in a negative way. Instagram Ads,
as we already know, can cost more than other placements on Facebook Ads.
Step 5: When it comes to your budget, you have two options. You can set a daily
budget, or a lifetime budget. A lifetime budget can be ideal when you want Facebook to
automatically distribute the ad spend for you over a set period, while guaranteeing you’ll
never go over budget if you schedule incorrectly.

You can choose to run your ad set continuously or schedule a start and end date.
Setting an end date ensures that you will never have a campaign that gets forgotten,
and you can always extend the end date later.
Step 5: There are four different ad formats you can use on Instagram Ads. These are
single image ads, carousel ads (also known as “multiple image ads”), video ads, and
Instagram Stories. Since Stories are technically a different type of placement, we will
talk more about them in-depth later.

Single image formats can be clear and to the point. They work well for simple concepts
and ads featuring a single product. If you are selling something with a high visual
appeal, you cannot go wrong with a single image ad.
These ads should:
 Have an image ratio of 1.91:1
 Come at the recommended image size of 1200 x 628 pixels
 Have less than 20% of the image containing text

You can also add videos to one or more slides in your carousel to make them even
more engaging. These images and videos should be square instead of rectangular.
Encouraging users to Swipe is beneficial for these ads, as they are not as obvious on
Instagram as they are on Facebook.
Instagram video ads run on auto-play, just like Facebook. Also, like Facebook, they start
playing without any sound. You should combat this by adding closed captions to your
videos, especially since the biggest perk of video ads is the ability to tell a story more
Facebook Ad

Step 01: Create an account with Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook's Ad Manager is a sophisticated dashboard that provides users with an
overview of all their campaigns. To create a page there is an option named ‘Create
page’. By clicking on it one can easily create their page by giving some information.

Step 02: Start creating an ad through Facebook's Ads Manager

To create a new campaign, or ad through the Facebook Ad Manager, tab over to the
type of ad you want to create and click the "Create" button, as shown below.
Step 03: Choose an objective
Facebook's Ads Manager, like many social media advertising networks, is designed with
your campaign objective in mind. Then choose a goal whether you want to boost your
page or promote your page to the target audiences. These describes what you want
from your customers.

Step 04: Choose your audience

Your next step is to configure your target audience -- you can do this for each ad set
that belongs to the same campaign. If you are just starting out with paid advertising on
Facebook, it is likely that you will have to experiment with several different targeting
options until you reach an audience that fits just right.
Step 05: Set your budget
Facebook allows you to set either a daily budget or a lifetime budget.

Step 06: Create your ad

By using a post such as photo or video we can Boost those contents to our customers.
We can add some descriptions so that the customer will get to know about whether
there are any discounts or about the product.
Step 07: Monitor your ad's performance metrics
Once your ads are running, you will want to keep an eye on how they are doing. To see
their results, you will want to look in two places: the Facebook Ad Manager and your
marketing software.

Step 08: The Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad Level

You can also get far more specific with your analysis by checking the performance of
campaigns and even down to individual ads. This can help you figure out which
messaging, audiences, and collateral are resonating the best.

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