The Legend of CringleKitten

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The Legend of CringleKitten

There has been a man known as “CringleKitten” claiming to be an ape. He

has spread disinformation many times but people take his word as bond.
This man is not an ape, he everything we despise in the suits. More than
likely he is a suit and I will debunk all of what this man has said.

Let’s start with something simple, he said after the first squeeze he
donated to the ape foundation and adopted a gorilla with the name “Fuck
Melvin Capital”. This is comical, a simple reverse search can disprove this
is the Gorilla adopted, lying about something so simple proves he is trying
to gain trust through various techniques.

We can analyze the text where the name of the newly adopted gorilla is,
take note of font and boldness difference. This isn’t the first time Mr.
Cringle ;) has photoshopped things.
We can take a look at his trading account screenshots in this next section,
but first let me preface by showing who he claims he is. Mr. Cringle is
allegedly a canadian male, residing in montreal but working for a hedge
fund in British Columbia, he was born into one of the largest
pharmaceutical conglomerates in Canada and is a registered nurse
specializing in surgery. All claimed by him and we’ll dive deeper into how
useful this is later if all true.

Onto the account screenshots.

These are Cringles account screenshots. Let’s take note of one that is
confirmed legit and compare.

The 2 biggest flaws I see are the 2 $ at the front and end, they are
misaligned, not evenly placed. That is a major red flag imo. And the
missing CAD that shows up on everyone else's accounts except for the rare
occasion with Mr. Cringle.

This isn’t the important thing, despite multiple accounts of proven

photoshop that is minor in comparison to what type of information the
man has spread. I will not restate his claims because it is complete and
utter FUD that I cannot condone. But we will now move onto our suspects
of who the guy is.
CringleKitten is an absolute disgrace to the community we are in, this guy not only
Is a fraud in regards to who he claims to be and the things he claims to have done, he is
A repulsive individual we can take a look at what he has said more recently to show the
Facts he himself has now disproven, Originally stating the squeeze would cap at $500,
A rather low number when you consider what we can actually do here, i believe this can
Go to 10k+ if Apes hold, not only do I think that personally but other much smarter apes
think so as well. This is a highly likely target considering how much we are shorted. Now
let’s just rehash what he had said before, he has personally stated to me in a voice call
and others as well that he has BlackRock connections and they told him and gave him
documents to prove the squeeze is coordinated and will cap at the mighty price of $500.
For one, this is complete bs considering a company as large as blackrock would not care
to tell a random kid about their plans and leak documents that can be used as proof for
manipulation. Cringle told Trey a larger influence in the movement, about this whole
scheme and had tried to get Trey to push that on his channel. Trey fell victim but luckily
some legal advisors and apes had convinced him to stop being so naive and he didn’t
end up posting this. Now fast forward to this week, Cringle now seems to have amnesia
and has forgotten he said BlackRock’s plans and PT, he now states that it will go to
$750-$1000. My guess is that he got so much backlash for the $500 he had to raise it a
bit to appease some people, this completely goes against his totally legit “insider info”.
This guy is a lying fraud and all the facts are here, I cannot fathom how people think he
is legitimate in any sense of the word.
Take note in Cringles buddy, UraniumPotato. The 2 are grouped up together spreading
fud all around servers, they move together. They are one in the same. It is disgusting, is
it ridiculous, it needs to be stopped. These men are absolute shills and should be
discredited immediately before spreading more fud.

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