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The future of nearshore processes research


The Nearshore Processes Community

Edited by
Nicole Elko, Falk Feddersen, Diane Foster, Cheryl Hapke, Jesse McNinch, Ryan Mulligan,
H. Tuba Ӧzkan-Haller, Nathaniel Plant, and Britt Raubenheimer

December 2014

Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 13


he nearshore is the transition region between land and the be sustained for future generations, however overall coastal
continental shelf including (from onshore to offshore) water quality is declining due to microbial pathogens, fertil-
coastal plains, wetlands, estuaries, coastal cliffs, dunes, izers, pesticides, and heavy metal contamination, threatening
beaches, surf zones (regions of wave breaking), and the inner ecosystem and human health. To ensure sustainable nearshore
shelf. Nearshore regions are vital to the national economy, se- regions, predictive real-time water- and sediment-based pollut-
curity, commerce, and recreation. The nearshore is dynamically ant modeling capabilities should be developed, which requires
evolving, is often densely populated, and is under increasing expanding our knowledge of the physics, chemistry, and biology
threat from sea level rise, long-term erosion, extreme storms, of the nearshore. The resulting societal benefits will include bet-
and anthropogenic influences. Worldwide, almost 1 billion ter beach safety, healthier ecosystems, and improved mitigation
people live at elevations within 10 m of present sea level. Long- and regulatory policies.
term erosion threatens communities, infrastructure, ecosystems,
The scientists and engineers of the U.S. nearshore commu-
and habitat. Extreme storms can cause billions of dollars of
nity are poised to make significant progress on these research
damage. Degraded water quality impacts ecosystem and human
themes, which have significant societal impact. The U.S.
health. Nearshore processes, the complex interactions between
nearshore community, including academic, government, and
water, sediment, biota, and humans, must be understood and
industry colleagues, recommends multi-agency investment
predicted to manage this often highly developed yet vulnerable
into a coordinated development of observational and modeling
nearshore environment.
research infrastructure to address these themes, as discussed in
Over the past three decades, the understanding of nearshore the whitepaper. The observational infrastructure should include
processes has improved. However, societal needs are growing development of new sensors and methods, focused observa-
with increased coastal urbanization and threats of future climate tional programs, and expanded nearshore observing systems.
change, and significant scientific challenges remain. To address The modeling infrastructure should include improved process
these challenges, members of academia, industry, and federal representation, better model coupling, incorporation of data
agencies met at the “The Past and Future of Nearshore Processes assimilation techniques, and testing of real-time models. The
Research: Reflections on the Sallenger Years and a New Vision observations will provide test beds to compare and improve
for the Future” workshop to develop a nearshore processes models.
research vision where societal needs and science challenges
This investment in nearshore processes research will lead
intersect. The resulting vision, based on nearshore community
to new understanding and improved models of nearshore
consensus, is comprised of three broad research themes:
processes. A coordinated research investment will leverage ef-
1. Long-term coastal evolution due to natural and an- forts, avoid redundancy, and move the science and engineering
thropogenic processes: As global climate change alters the forward rapidly. Moreover, collaboration between academia,
rates of sea level rise and potentially storm patterns and coastal government, and industry will enable efficient transfer of results
urbanization increases over the coming decades, an understand- and predictive tools to stakeholders, supporting informed deci-
ing of coastal evolution is critical. Improved knowledge of sions that will improve diverse aspects of coastal management.
long-term morphological, ecological, and societal processes and To develop the infrastructure to address the research themes,
their interactions will result in an improved ability to simulate the nearshore community proposes to:
coastal change. This will enable proactive solutions for resilient
1. Build a sustained multi-agency funded U.S. Nearshore
coasts and better guidance for reducing coastal vulnerability.
Research Program (NRP) that would coordinate and fund near-
2. Extreme events: Flooding, erosion, and the subsequent shore processes research to address the three broad research
recovery: Hurricane Sandy caused flooding and erosion along themes via the development of new research infrastructure. The
hundreds of miles of shoreline, flooded New York City, and program would foster understanding and prediction through ob-
impacted communities and infrastructure. Overall U.S. coastal servations and modeling of long-term coastal change, flooding
extreme event-related economic losses have increased substan- and erosion from extreme storm events, and nearshore pollution
tially. Furthermore, climate change may cause an increase in and water quality evolution. The NRP would be analogous to
coastal extreme events and rising sea levels could increase the other coordinated multi-agency programs such as US CLIVAR
impact of extreme events. Addressing this research theme will (Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability, and Change).
result in an improved understanding of the physical processes
2. Formalize a Nearshore Community Council (NCC) with
during extreme events, leading to improved models of flood-
rotating representatives from academia, government agencies,
ing, erosion, and recovery. The resulting societal benefit will
and industry. The NCC would help structure the nearshore
be more resilient coastal communities.
community, foster continued collaboration, interagency coor-
3. The physical, biological and chemical processes im- dination, and represent the nearshore community to the public
pacting human and ecosystem health: Nearshore regions are and coastal stakeholders. The NCC would communicate vision
used for recreation, tourism, and human habitation, and provide and strategy, and advocate for sustained research programs.
habitat and valuable ecosystem services. These areas should

Page 14 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015

Figure 1. Nearshore region schematic (top) including
the inner-shelf, surfzone, swash, beach, dunes, tidal-inlet,
estuary, and city in a coastal plain. Idealized cross-shore profile of
the nearshore (bottom).

ver a billion people reside within mated 13.3 million U.S. jobs (Committee densely populated and dynamically
100 km of an ocean coast, with on the Marine Transportation System changing, face many challenges that are
an estimated 800 million living 2014). Tourism accounts for $1.5 trillion directly affected by nearshore processes.
within 10 m of current sea level (Small of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product, and Coastal infrastructure, economies, safety,
and Nicholls 2003; McGranahan et al. the popularity of beaches concentrates and human health are at risk, and these
2007). About 39% of the U.S. population 85% of tourist revenues in coastal states risks will increase with increased human
— 123 million people — live within the (Houston 2008). Communities, infra- development, global climate change
452 coastal shoreline counties, excluding structure, commerce, and resources are and sea level rise. Extreme storms such
Alaska (NOAA 2014). Coastal regions tied to the coastal nearshore region. as Hurricanes Katrina (e.g. Kates et al.
also contain extensive infrastructure for 2006) and Sandy (e.g. Rosenzweig et al.
The nearshore is the transition zone
military (Naval and Marine Corps) and 2014) cause billions of dollars in coastal
between land and the continental shelf
commerce (fisheries and aquaculture, damages. Degraded water quality along
(Komar 1998; Figure 1), including (from
ports and harbors). And the coastal re- the world’s coastlines has impacted
onshore to offshore) coastal plains,
gion supports a wide range of economic coastal ecosystems and human health
wetlands, estuaries, tidal inlets, barrier
sectors, including shipping and tourism. (e.g. Halpern et al. 2008). As global
islands, coastal cliffs and dunes, beaches,
For instance, in 2012, more than 73% by sea level rises and storm patterns shift,
surf zones (regions of wave breaking),
weight of U.S. international merchandise coastal communities will be at greater
and the inner shelf (to approximately
came through our many coastal ports and risk from encroaching high water levels
15 m depth). These regions, often both
navigation channels sustaining an esti- and waves. The dynamic nature of the

Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 15

nearshore can be in direct conflict with broad research themes that will improve
static coastal investment and infrastruc-
ture. Long-term erosion will threaten
communities, infrastructure, valuable
O ver the past three
decades, progress has
been made in understanding
our understanding and prediction of:
1. Long-term coastal evolution
due to natural and anthropogenic
cultural resources, ecosystems, and the complex interactions processes.
habitat owing to both climate change and between hydrodynamic,
limited sediment availability (National 2. Extreme events: flooding, erosion,
Climate Assessment 2014). Nearshore
sediment transport, and
and the subsequent recovery.
processes, the complex interaction of morphological processes.
However, societal needs 3. The physical, biological and
water, sediment, biota, and societal pro-
are growing with increased chemical processes impacting human
cesses must be understood and predicted
and ecosystem health.
to manage this often highly developed coastal urbanization and
yet vulnerable environment (Figure 1). threats of future climate These inter-related themes require in-
change. tegration of the broad range of nearshore
Over the past three decades, progress
processes science, discussed in Section 2.
has been made in understanding the com-
The observational, modeling, and com-
plex interactions between hydrodynamic,
munity infrastructure required to address
sediment transport, and morphological
these research themes are discussed in
processes. However, societal needs are ACE) requires improved data and models
Section 3, with specific recommendations
growing with increased coastal urbaniza- to operate hundreds of coastal ports and
therein. In order to implement this vision,
tion and threats of future climate change. navigation channels and to construct
we recommend two levels of broad com-
To discuss future research directions that resilient coastal projects and systems.
munity investment. First, we recommend
address these U.S. national needs, more The U.S. Navy needs to accurately and
developing a multi-agency funded U.S.
than 70 members of the North American efficiently characterize and model the
Nearshore Research Program (NRP) that
nearshore research and management nearshore environment to support marine
would coordinate and fund nearshore pro-
community met in Kitty Hawk, NC, landings, special operations, antisubma-
cesses research to address the three broad
for “The Past and Future of Nearshore rine warfare, and mine countermeasures
research themes via field and modeling
Processes Research: Reflections on the with emphasis on remote sensing and
studies and development of new research
Sallenger Years and New Vision for unmanned systems. The National Park
infrastructure. Second, we recommend
the Future” workshop (Holman et al. Service (NPS) requires a better un-
formalizing a Nearshore Community
2014). Participants included academic derstanding of the vulnerability of its
Council (NCC) with representatives
and governmental agency scientists, coastal infrastructure and terrestrial or
from academia, government agencies,
program managers, industry and other submerged cultural resources. State and
and industry to integrate the nearshore
agency representatives. The workshop local governments, who bear the brunt
community, increase collaboration and
objectives were to (1) review historical of coastal management issues, need to be
assist with inter-agency coordination
advancements in nearshore processes able to utilize the tools provided by the
with relevant government agencies. The
science and engineering research, and research and federal-agency community
recommendations are described in detail
(2) develop a vision for the next decade for assessing flood risk, designing shore
in Section 4.
of nearshore processes research that ad- protection, and sediment management.
dresses the intersecting societal needs and These societal needs require understand- SECTION 2:
scientific challenges. ing and accurate modeling across the RESEARCH THEMES
nearshore region from the ocean overland Nearshore processes research that
Several federal agencies responsible
to estuaries, and coastal plains. intersect societal needs and scientific
for emergency response, coastal protec-
challenges have been organized into
tion, resource management, research, and The community consensus resulting
three broad themes, involving coupling
national defense described their needs in from the workshop was that the sig-
and feedbacks between hydrodynamics,
regards to the nearshore. For example, nificant intersecting science challenges
morphodynamics, and anthropogenic
the Federal Emergency Management and societal needs must be addressed to
interactions, as well as between geo-
Agency (FEMA), driven by floodplain ensure future resilience and sustainable
logical, meteorological, hydrological,
management and emergency response use of the nearshore. This is consistent
and biological processes. For example,
requirements, pointed to the need for with recommendations of the National
processes can include turbulence, ocean
improved modeling of waves over land Academies (National Research Council
waves, currents, wave runup on beaches,
and flooding predictions. The National 2014): “Nearshore research questions
flooding, and sediment transport (Figure
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration should be addressed in an interdisciplin-
2). In addition, these processes and their
(NOAA) requires improved understand- ary context in which environmental, so-
interaction occur on varying temporal
ing of the connections between storms, cial and economic values are considered,
and spatial scales (from seconds to de-
hazards, society, and ecosystems. The and costs and benefits are measured, so
cades and cm to 100 km, see Figure 2).
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) seeks that outcomes can lead to sound coastal
Furthermore, humans alter the nearshore
the ability to include the influences of policy decisions.” Herein, a vision for the
region through development and coastal
climate change on long- and short-term future of nearshore processes research is
management, impacting nearshore hy-
coastal-change vulnerability assessments. presented to address these diverse chal-
drodynamics, morphodynamics, and eco-
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (US- lenges. The vision is comprised of three

Page 16 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015

Figure 2. A conceptual representation of hydrodynamic processes and the morphologic evolution of coasts. The
left side of the diagram indicates examples of fluid processes that influence changes in the morphologic features
shown on the right. The processes and the features they shape occur on a wide range of spatial and time scales.
The shading on the time-scale indicates scales over which humans also influence both processes and features in
the nearshore environment. The shaded regions indicate overlap between processes at different scales.

systems, and creating feedbacks between change can have high spatial variability change may depend on sediment supply,
human activity and natural processes. owing to the complexity of processes feedbacks with ecological processes, and
This range of processes, scales, and inter- acting along a given section of coastline. climate variability (Ruggiero et al. 2010;
actions makes the nearshore region com- For example, Hatteras Island, NC, has Schwab et al. 2013; Duran and Moore
plex to study. The following sub-sections hotspots of erosion only a few kilometers 2013). The modern coastal morpholo-
elaborate on the three research themes away from accreting shorelines (Figure gies of Cape Hatteras (Mallinson et al.
that intersect societal needs and scientific 3). Additionally, anthropogenic activities 2010) and Fire Island (Schwab et al.
challenges identified by the community that are a result of human development 2000; Lentz et al. 2013) are examples of
during the workshop. For each research in the coastal zone can alter natural pro- coupling between antecedent geology
theme, scientific advances are reviewed, cesses (Hapke et al. 2013; Nordstrom and estuarine and nearshore processes.
existing challenges discussed, research 2000; Psuty et al. 2002), potentially Changes in storm climatology may drive
questions are posed, and future societal inducing additional coastline change, increased rates of coastal change that
benefits from this research are provided. which ultimately may affect or even can be of the same order of magnitude
drive future human coastline modifica- or more as the impacts of sea level rise
Section 2a. Long-term coastal
tions (McNamara et al. 2011; Slott et al. (Slott et al. 2006; Moore et al. 2013;
evolution due to natural and
2010; Ells and Murray 2012). Such two- Ruggiero 2013). Inter-annual sand bar
anthropogenic processes
way interaction and feedbacks between migration (Plant et al. 1999) and long-
(i) Introduction natural coastline dynamics and activities term growth of shoreline instabilities
Infrastructure, valuable cultural re- that result from policy-driven decision- due to high-angle waves (Ashton et al.
sources, ecosystems, and habitat are making make human-occupied coastlines 2001) may be examples of processes
threatened by long-term coastal erosion tightly coupled systems. Understanding that are not predictable solely from the
owing to both climate change and limited future coastal conditions and accurately understanding of shorter-term processes.
sediment availability (National Climate predicting change over long temporal The feedbacks between these processes
Assessment 2014). Natural long-term scales are needed for long-term coastal must be quantified to improve long term
(10-1,000 years) coastal change results sustainability (National Research Coun- predictive capability.
from the cumulative response of short- cil 2014).
term processes, including surface waves Improving long-term predictions of
and water levels associated with storms (ii) Existing Challenges coastal change requires knowledge of
and the resulting erosion and accretion Long-term coastal change, which the economic and social processes that
of the coast (Stive 1990), and the longer- is driven by spatially and temporally couple human interventions with natural
term constraints imposed by sediment variable processes with complex and processes. Natural and human-induced
supply and the regional geologic frame- nonlinear feedback mechanisms, is dif- changes to sediment supply can result
work (Stive 2002). Long-term shoreline ficult to predict. For example, long-term in variations in coastal response that

Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 17

are difficult to anticipate (Gelfenbaum (iv) Societal Benefits hundreds of miles of shoreline, damaged
and Kaminsky 2010) and the evolution As global climate changes and causes structures (Figure 4), flooded New York
of human modifications to the coastline alterations to the rates of sea level rise City, created new inlets, and wreaked
can change in unanticipated ways. For and storm patterns over the coming havoc with transportation and utility
example, in some locations seawalls are decades, it is critical to understand how infrastructure. Storms along the U.S.
the dominant shore protection method, the coastline will evolve in response to west coast have caused major erosion
whereas in other locations beach nour- these forcing conditions. Coastal areas, to dunes and bluffs, undermining infra-
ishment and dune enhancement are with high-density population and infra- structure and property. Like tsunamis,
used. These human modifications have structure, are more susceptible to impacts extreme storm events can cause intense
different impacts on coastal processes, of climate change than inland areas, as coastal flooding and rapid morphological
and progress toward long-term predic- demonstrated by recent large disasters change (e.g. breaching a new inlet in a
tion requires an understanding of both like Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. Better barrier island) that pose high risk to so-
the economic drivers behind various knowledge of long-term morphologic and ciety (Sallenger et al. 2004, 2005, 2006,
mitigation strategies and the dynamics societal processes will help guide deci- 2007). Improved field-tested models are
that couple human modification to coastal sions related to the socio-economic costs needed to give residents more accurate
processes. and benefits of alternative engineering and timely warnings of the severity of
responses to long-term coastal erosion impending dangers and to plan for future
Progress has been made exploring the
and wetlands loss. Increased predictive storm impacts.
coupled relationship between property
capability of long-term coastal change
value, beach nourishment, and shoreline Coastal-storm-related economic
will enable:
change (Smith et al. 2009; Gopalakrish- losses have increased substantially,
nan 2011) but investigations over a wide Proactive solutions for sustainably largely due to increases in population
range of coupled coastal and economic developed coasts: Rather than reactive and development in hazardous coastal
systems is lacking. Combining new geo-engineering of the coastline (Smith areas (NRC 2014). Despite flood insur-
observational strategies and modeling et al. 2014), managers can determine the ance and measures to reduce flood-prone
techniques will enable progress toward optimal coastal protection based on esti- properties, the National Flood Insurance
a better understanding of the coupling mates of potential future evolution given Program (NFIP) owes the Treasury more
between human modifications and natu- the feedbacks with natural processes. than $24 billion, and has an annual in-
ral processes (McNamara and Werner These proactive measures may prevent come (in 2012, from premiums) of less
2008a). damage during extreme events and owing than $4 billion. Coastal inundation during
to long-term erosion, rather than simply extreme storms (Fritz et al. 2007; Sal-
(iii) Research Questions rebuilding and renourishing. lenger et al. 2007) may be exacerbated
The overall goal of the long-term by rising sea levels, and, owing to in-
coastal change research theme is the Better guidance for reducing coastal
creasing coastal populations, inundation
development of reliable and accurate pre- vulnerability: A better scientific un-
impacts on transportation infrastructure
dictions of natural and human-interven- derstanding of the long-term morphody-
could become one of the greatest threats
tion processes over multiple time scales. namic response of the coast that includes
of climate change (FitzGerald et al.
To achieve this goal, the following set of the coupled and dynamic relationship
2007, Emanuel 2013; Grinstead and
research questions need to be addressed: between natural processes and human
Moore 2013). Wave height and storm
interventions, and that reflects the spa-
1. What are the most important surge, which are related to flooding
tial variability of coastal responses, will
factors influencing long-term sedi- probability, are influenced by storm size
enable coastal communities to forecast
ment budgets and how can quantita- and maximum wind speed (Zhang et al.
future costs and benefits of development
tive models incorporate geological 2000; Eichler and Higgins 2006; Irish et
and protection. Based on the relative
constraints and ecological processes? al. 2008). Coastal urbanization affects the
costs and benefits, coastal communities
impacts of storm surge and new regions
2. What are the feedbacks and in- can quantify and reduce their vulnerabil-
will become vulnerable to flooding (Bil-
teractions between processes at short ity to coastal hazards.
skie et al. 2014). As understanding of the
time-scales, such as storms, and long Section 2b. Extreme events: flooding, processes affecting inundation advances,
time-scales, such as sea-level rise? erosion, and the subsequent recovery regional coastal inundation maps will be-
3. How can useful models of long- (i) Introduction come more reliable, and the costs owing
term evolution of the coastline be Although the path of Hurricane Sandy to flooding could decrease.
developed from models of short time- and the likelihood of some flooding and
Great progress has been made under-
scale processes (e.g. storms and re- erosion were forecast a few days prior
standing the wave, current, infiltration,
covery)? to landfall, coastal communities were
sediment transport, and wind processes
not prepared for the extreme damage
4. What drives human interventions, that combine to produce overtopping and
along the shoreline. Extreme events, by
how do mitigation strategies couple with flooding of beaches and changes to shore-
definition, occur infrequently. The high
natural processes, impact system dynam- lines and coastal communities. Storm
winds, water levels, waves, and strong
ics and long-term sustainability, and how impacts depend on the storm timing,
currents during Sandy were all extreme,
might these factors evolve as physical, duration, magnitude, and location (Geor-
as was the subsequent coastal damage.
economic, and policy forcings change? gas et al. 2014). In addition, interactions
Sandy caused flooding and erosion along
between tidal currents, wind-driven cur-

Page 18 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015

Figure 3: Example of long-term
shoreline change along Hatteras Island,
NC: A) Shorelines from 1978, 1989, and 2002
for the area near Rodanthe Pier; B) An example of 24-year linear regression shoreline change rates for Hatteras
Island. The box on the location map shows the approximate area of panel A. (After Hapke and Henderson 2015.)

rents, and wave-driven flows during high waterways during extreme storms. wave transformation during moderate
water levels may amplify forces on the Moreover, observations of the physical wave and wind conditions is simulated
beach and increase transport of sediment processes leading to post-storm recovery, reasonably well (Ardhuin and Herbers
and pollutants (Mulligan et al. 2008). including the rebuilding of beaches and 2002; Thomson et al. 2006; Ardhuin et
Recent work suggests that shelf waves natural closure of breaches, are rare and al. 2007; Cavaleri et al. 2007; Magne
(Chen et al. 2014) and winds (Soomere are not modeled accurately. Nearshore et al. 2007; Veron et al. 2007; Mulligan
et al. 2013) may exacerbate high coastal observations of processes during extreme et al. 2010; Gorrell et al. 2011; Elias
water levels and storm surges. Studies ex- storms also may contribute to understand- et al. 2012; Smit et al. 2014), present
amining these couplings and feedbacks, ing the run-up and morphological change knowledge regarding wave transforma-
including the effects of high winds, large resulting from tsunamis. Specific chal- tion during extreme events is limited.
waves, strong sediment transport, and lenges to understanding the propagation For example, recent studies for moderate
large bathymetric changes, and interac- of waves to the shore and the resulting conditions suggest that the probability
tions between the ocean, estuaries, rivers, overland flow, flooding, and morpho- of large steep waves may be higher than
and sounds, will advance understanding logical evolution of the coast, as well previously believed (Janssen and Her-
of extreme events. as the effects of infrastructure, coupling bers 2009). New research is needed to
between coastal systems, and climate understand how waves will evolve dur-
Owing to logistical difficulties, there
changes, are discussed below. ing extreme events in which processes
are few observations of nearshore pro-
affecting the waves (including winds,
cesses during extreme storms when (ii) Existing challenges storm surge, and currents) vary rapidly,
waves, flooding, sediment transport, 1. Wave propagation and flooding and waves may be altered as the storm
and morphological change are large. Understanding the transformation of sweeps past.
Although waves have been measured on wave propagation across the shelf to the
the continental shelf, and water levels shore is critical to predicting forces on Wave overtopping at the shore and
and winds have been measured along the shoreline structures, increases in wave- coastal flooding are dependent on the
coast, there are few observations of run- driven water levels, wave overtopping coastal total water level (TWL), which
up, overland flow, sediment transport, and flooding, dangerous wave-driven surf results from the interaction of oceano-
bathymetric evolution, and pollutant zone currents, sediment transport, and graphic, meteorological, hydrological,
fluxes on beaches, inlets, and coastal beach erosion and accretion. Although and geological forcing and constraints

Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 19

(i.e. astronomical tide, monthly mean and geologic structures, nearby water Although conventional approaches to
sea level, large-scale storm surge, wave levels (including the ocean, bays, rivers, sediment transport have predictive skill
setup, wind setup, fluvial discharges, and estuaries), rainfall, trapping of air, under moderate wave conditions (Hoefel
precipitation, subsidence, infiltration). and prior infiltration. In many locations, and Elgar 2003; Henderson et al. 2004;
Coastal flooding and overland wave and especially over large regions, the Yu et al. 2010), during extreme events
propagation occur when the magnitude contribution of all TWL components and other mechanisms such as the interaction
of extreme TWL exceeds the elevations the coupling between them can create of wave-breaking turbulence with the
of backshore features such as the crest of spatially varying flood hazards (Serafin bed, and the dynamics of momentary bed
sand dunes or coastal structures. Wave and Ruggiero 2014). Observations during failure, may become dominant. For ex-
run-up often is the dominant component extreme events, including the effects of ample, present models (Cox et al. 2000;
of extreme TWLs on open ocean coasts inland propagating waves (FEMA 1986), Puleo and Holland 2001; Raubenheimer
and therefore can be a primary driver of will lead to improved parameterizations et al. 2004) for swash processes neglect
coastal overwash (Stockdon et al. 2006a, in models to help plan for and prevent the onshore transport of turbulence
Laudier et al. 2011) and morphologi- flood-induced damages. owing to breaking waves (Puleo et al.
cal change. Improved understanding of 2000; Petti and Longo 2001; Cowen et
The urban environment presents addi-
the spatially and temporally variable al. 2003; Puleo et al. 2003; Sou et al.
tional challenges to those on the coast ow-
overtopping flows resulting from runup 2010), leading to underestimation of bed
ing to the presence of hardened structures
is recognized as fundamental to future stresses and sediment transport. Flow
(buildings, bridges), flow channels (sub-
flood modeling (Smith et al. 2012; convergences at the swash front, which
way and storm drainage systems), surface
Wadey et al. 2012). Wave frequency and are not yet included in most models, may
elements (roads, vegetation, structures),
direction (Guza and Feddersen 2012), be important for transporting sediments
and roughness features that can be larger
saturation of low frequency waves and and buoyant debris (Baldock et al. 2014).
than the water depth, creating a complex
swash (Thomson et al. 2006; Bakker et Alongshore flows in the swash may
flow system. Although urban inland flood
al. 2014), strong winds, infiltration (Heiss contribute to erosion, and the feedbacks
depths may not equilibrate with shoreline
et al. 2014), suspended debris (Sherman between hydrodynamics and alongshore-
water levels in transient events causing
et al. 2013), and coastal morphology inhomogeneous bathymetry may affect
static (“bathtub”) models to over-predict
alter the run-up. In addition, fringing and flooding and erosion rates (Puleo et
flooding, field observations of urban
barrier reefs can affect wave transforma- al. 2014). In addition, most nearshore
flooding have been modeled well with a
tion, run-up, and inundation (Monismith studies have focused on shorelines with
shallow-water-equation-based model that
2007; Hoeke et al. 2013; Becker et al. uniform sand grains. However, cohesive
resolves embayment dynamics, overland
2014; Merrifield et al. 2014). Existing sediments and gravel may be common,
flow, concrete floodwalls, and drainage
parameterizations of wave run-up (Stock- especially near inlets, river mouths,
into the storm water system (Gallien et
don et al. 2006a) and setup and swash and coastal cliffs. Simulations of mor-
al. 2014). Advances in measuring and
models (Raubenheimer 2002; Apotsos phology during extreme events require
modeling these processes, including the
et al. 2008) are based primarily on data considerations of the feedbacks between
coupling between them, will lead to better
obtained during mild or moderate wave the morphology and the hydrodynamics
predictions of flooding hazards.
conditions, and thus may be unreliable for (including tidal prisms, flooding, infiltra-
extreme events. Recent work (Senechal 2. Morphological evolution and tion, currents, and waves) throughout the
et al. 2011; Stockdon et al. 2014) has sediment transport storm and recovery periods. Quantifica-
focused on extending these parameteriza- Long-term morphological evolution is tion of the uncertainty associated with
tions to extreme storm events. affected by event and recovery when in- the accumulation of small errors resulting
tegrated over years and decades. Massive from integration or parameterization of
Models of overland waves and flows
shifts in morphology also can occur as a sediment transport may enable weighting
have been developed for rainfall-induced
result of a single extreme event because of results, which may help policymakers
flooding (Zoppou 2001), tsunamis (Suga-
sediment transport responds nonlinearly determine when results are reliable.
wara et al. 2014), and extreme storms
to the flow forcing. Even if an extreme
impacting coastal cities (Brown et al. At larger scales, the decoupling of
event does not cause immediate damage,
2007; Schubert et al. 2008; Gallien et hydrodynamic and sediment transport
it may have long-term impacts leading
al. 2014). Many studies of large-scale timescales and new parameterizations
to increased vulnerability of coastal
flooding have adopted similar modeling have led to improved simulations. For ex-
populations, including shifted shoals that
methodologies (Bates et al. 2005; Purvis ample, long-term nearshore morphologi-
endanger navigational pathways, altered
et al. 2008; Gallien et al. 2011, 2014). cal evolution and sandbar movement has
shorelines that impact coastal resiliency,
Flooding and overland flows are affected been predicted (Ruessink and Kuriyama
and reduced dune elevations that increase
by oceanic and atmospheric processes, 2008) with a deterministic, process-based
susceptibility to inundation and overwash
as well as by drainage and infiltration model (Lesser et al. 2004). However,
(Houser et al. 2008; Long et al. 2014).
of water into sediments (Matias et al. the model failed to predict the observed
2014). The drainage and infiltration rates Predictions of changing beach mor- beach profile change during major storm
(as well as transport of pollutants and phology (which affects overwash and events. Other studies have simulated
solutes in the aquifer) depend on the flooding) are not always accurate, and shoreline morphological change during
groundwater level (Uchiyama et al. 2000; better parameterizations are needed for extreme events if a heuristic limiter is
Bakhtyar et al. 2013), local sediment sediment transport (Foster et al. 2006). used to account for unknown processes

Page 20 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015

Figure 4: Photographs of Hurricane Sandy flooding at Atlantic City, NJ, (left) and El Nino storm flooding of Del Mar,
CA (right).
(McCall et al. 2010). Exchange of sedi- affect morphological changes and flood- (iii) Specific research questions
ments between the shoreline and inner ing in estuaries (Moreno et al. 2010; Improved coastal resiliency requires
shelf, and between the subaerial beach Brown et al. 2014), groundwater salinity better understanding of wave transfor-
and surf zone, may be important during (Anderson and Lauer 2008), and breach- mation, overland flow and flooding, and
extreme events when overwash may carry ing of inlets (Sherman et al. 2013). For morphological changes during extreme
sediments far inland, dune and bluff ero- example, the mouths of smaller estuaries events, as well as better understanding
sion may be severe, the subaerial beach or inlets may close intermittently owing of the coupling between these processes
may be inundated (with the dune acting to wave forcing and sediment transport and the natural post-storm recovery.
as a submerged sandbar, Sherwood et during extreme events (Zedler 2010; Specific research questions that need to
al. 2014), and strong rip currents may Orescanin et al. 2014), which may lead be addressed include:
carry sediments into deep water. The to different circulation patterns, strong
1. How do wave, run-up, set-up,
net gain or loss of material to inland stratification, and plummeting oxygen
and sediment transport processes dur-
regions and to the continental shelf may levels in estuaries and bays that can af-
ing extreme events differ from those
be the determining factor for net shore- fect nearshore fisheries. Large waves and
during moderate storm conditions?
line movement, and maps are needed of high river flow during storms also may
nearshore and shelf sediment types and impact both upstream areas and river 2. How do feedbacks between the
depths. In addition, algorithms for the plumes in nearshore regions. New obser- hydrodynamics and morphology af-
recovery of beaches following storms vations and models of the immediate and fect flooding, erosion, and recovery of
need to be improved and incorporated in long-term responses of coastal systems coastal areas?
larger scale models. to extreme events, including studies of
3. How do the urban environment
the coupled forcing from atmospheric,
3. Additional considerations: and human infrastructure affect flood-
oceanographic, and hydrologic sources
infrastructure, coastal systems, ing and erosion during extreme events
(Lin et al. 2010), will improve forecasts
and climate changes and the recovery afterwards?
of impacts over larger regions.
Humans and the coastline have be-
Addressing these questions will re-
come a tightly coupled system, with en- The number of tropical storms has
quire the collection of comprehensive
gineering projects allowing for a dramatic strong interannual and interdecadal vari-
data sets using combinations of remote
increase in the number of people living ability driven by climate cycles (Vitart
sensing and in situ measuring systems,
along the coast where natural disturbanc- and Anderson 2001). During El Nino
including rapid deployment of sensors
es can be severe. Although technological years on the US West coast, extreme
in advance of oncoming storms (Section
efforts have reduced the impacts of many events are more common, and are exac-
3a) and new methods to measure the
storms, the frequency of large magnitude erbated by increased sea level (Flick and
bathymetry during storms. Developing
disasters may have increased (Criss and Cayan, 1984). There is no consensus on
accurate models to forecast the effects
Shock 2001; Davis 2002; McNamara and the impact climate change will have on
of extreme events on coastal regions
Werner 2008). Knowing how extreme storm climatology. However, it has been
requires new observations to under-
coastal disaster events are distributed suggested that there will be more intense
stand and parameterize the coupling
and the extent to which they result from tropical and extratropical storms, as well
between atmospheric, oceanographic,
coupled economic-natural dynamics will as a poleward shift of storm tracks (Web-
and hydrologic processes that lead to
provide insight into effective and equi- ster et al. 2005; Bengtsson et al. 2006).
hydrodynamic and morphodynamic
table recovery from disasters. Improved understanding of the effects
changes (Section 3b). In addition, wave-
of climate on extreme storm activity
The intense winds, large storm surges, by-wave (phase-resolving) analysis may
will lead to improved management and
and heavy rainfall during extreme events be needed to examine spatially and tem-
protection of coastal communities.
Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 21
porally intermittent processes, such as the pathogen infections such as Staphylo-
transformation of the largest waves, the
resulting overwash and flooding, and the
nonlinear response of sediment transport.
E xtreme events harm
coastal communities
through loss of life,
coccus aureus or methillicin-resistant S.
aureus MRSA (Goodwin et al. 2012). A
recent death in Hawaii was attributed to
destruction of property, cutaneous exposure to sewage-polluted
(iv) Societal benefits nearshore waters (Song 2006). Bacterial
Extreme events harm coastal com- damage to infrastructure pathogens have been found to persist in
munities through loss of life, destruction and transportation systems, ocean (Yamahara et al. 2007; Goodwin
of property, damage to infrastructure spread of pollution, and Pobuda 2009, Halliday and Gast
and transportation systems, spread of pathogens, and contaminants, 2011) and Great Lakes (Ge et al. 2010;
pollution, pathogens, and contaminants, 2012) beach sand, likely posing a human
and economic disruption. Furthermore,
and economic disruption.
Furthermore, climate change health risk (Heaney et al. 2012). Polluted
climate change may cause an increase waters lead to beach closures (Noble et
in extreme events along U.S. coasts, and may cause an increase in
al. 2000), which have grown over the
rising sea levels could increase the occur- extreme events along U.S. past 20 years to more than 20,000 days
rence of flooding and erosion of coastal coasts, and rising sea levels per year of beach advisories in the U.S.
beaches, dunes, bluffs, and wetlands. could increase the occurrence (Dorfman and Stoner 2012 and Figure 5)
Answers to the questions above will help
of flooding and erosion of with corresponding negative impact on
coastal managers: beach tourism (Hanemann et al. 2001).
coastal beaches, dunes,
Assist in determining when coastal bluffs, and wetlands. Another threat to the nearshore region
communities should be evacuated: is excess nutrient input (eutrophication)
Evacuations result in loss of tourism, from terrestrial anthropogenic sources,
closed businesses, and reduced wages. such as sewage, agriculture, and urban
Furthermore, unnecessary evacuations Despite the importance of clean waters runoff, which can result in harmful algal
reduce the confidence of coastal resi- to our well-being and economy, the near- blooms impacting humans and eco-
dents, resulting in potential loss of life shore is often used to dispose of waste systems. Understanding and managing
if future evacuation notices are ignored that includes microbial pathogens (bac- eutrophication is crucial to preserving
(or not given). A better understanding teria and viruses), fertilizer (nutrients), nearshore water quality and ecosystem
of nearshore processes during extreme and organic (pesticides) and inorganic stability (Smith and Schindler 2009). In
events will lead to more accurate pre- (heavy metals) contaminants. The result is addition, terrestrial anthropogenic con-
dictions of the flooding and erosion that declining water quality along the world’s taminants, including heavy metals (e.g.
contribute to an evacuation decision. coastlines that threatens ecosystem and copper, mercury, lead), PCBs, current-use
Improve flood maps: Mapping of human health (Halpern et al. 2008, 2012). pesticides, and industrial and commercial
flood hazards creates broad-based aware- Major U.S. governmental agencies (NIH, compounds, collectively known as con-
ness of flood potential and provides the NSF, NOAA, EPA, and USGS) have taminants of emerging concern (CECs)
data needed to mitigate flood risk and to recognized that the link between the also enter nearshore waters, with signifi-
administer the NFIP. Advances in under- coastal oceans and human and ecosystem cant ecosystem impacts (e.g. Moret et al.
standing the coupling between coastal health is of critical importance. To ensure 2005). Particular CECs (such as bisphe-
systems, and the effects of climate on sustainable nearshore regions, predictive nol A) entering the marine environment
extreme events, will lead to improved real-time nearshore water- and sediment- can bind to receptors or enzymes that
predictions of flood occurrence and based based pollutant modeling capability regulate hormones, disrupting normal
location. must be developed, requiring expanded endocrine physiology in humans, fish and
knowledge of the physics, chemistry, and other animals. Moreover, the intertidal
Build resilient coastal communities: biology of the nearshore ocean. and beach regions have rich ecosystems
Better knowledge of the causes, extent, whose gametes and larvae must transit to
and timing of flooding, erosion, and re- Water polluted with microbial patho-
gens often enters the nearshore by point and from offshore shelf waters (Shanks
covery will help engineers design better et al. 2014). The physical, chemical, and
coastal structures and infrastructure, and or non-point sources where it is trans-
ported and diluted (Boehm et al. 2002). biological processes by which these pol-
may help policy-makers determine the lutants impact human and ecosystems are
regions least at risk, where growth and In the U.S., nearly 10% of all beach water
samples exceed EPA bacteria thresholds not well understood.
expansion is safest.
(Dorfman and Stoner 2012). Globally, Studies using controlled releases of
Section 2c. Physical, biological exposure to microbial pathogens in pol- mock bacteria such as microspheres
and chemical processes impacting luted nearshore waters is estimated to (Feng et al. 2013; Gast et al. 2014),
human and ecosystem health cause >120 million gastrointestinal dye tracers (Figure 6), and GPS tracked
(i) Introduction illness (GI) and 50 million severe respi- drifters, illustrate the complexity of pol-
The nearshore regions are used for rec- ratory illnesses per year (Dorfman and lutant transport and dispersion across the
reation, tourism, and human habitation, Stoner 2012), with annual U.S. costs of beach and the nearshore ocean. Shore-
and provides habitat and a wide-range of GI from beach recreation estimated at line released dye tracer is transported
valuable ecosystem services, including $300 million (Ralston et al. 2011). These alongshore by surf zone currents, and
food production and water purification. costs do not include those from other exchanged with the inner-shelf (Figure

Page 22 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015

6a). Dye released within a tidal inlet
during an outgoing tide (Figure 6b) turns
down-coast owing to breaking waves
that approach the coast at large angles.
The 200-m wide shoreline-attached dye
plume was observed >10 km down the
coast, and was only weakly diluted. On-
going research aims to better understand
these complex processes so that pollutant
transport can be predicted in the future. Figure 5: The
(ii) Existing challenges number of
U.S. beach
To reduce recreational waterborne
advisories and
illnesses, the BEACH Act requires U.S.
closures versus
states to implement beach monitoring year. (National
programs that use fecal indicator bacteria Resources
(FIB) density, which is linked to swim- Defense Council).
mer illness (Wade et al. 2003; Boehm
and Soller 2011), to assess beach water mixing. These processes differ dramati- pollutants. To achieve this goal, an im-
quality. FIB monitoring programs are cally between the surf zone and inner- proved understanding is needed of how
suboptimal for protecting recreational shelf. The surf zone is characterized nearshore pollutants are transported and
beach users because the samples require by breaking-wave driven currents and diluted in water and sediments, and how
24 hrs to process. If FIB exceed a thresh- eddies, whereas the inner-shelf is forced materials are biologically and chemically
old value, the beach typically is closed by wind, tides, waves and buoyancy. regulated in the nearshore. Moreover, it is
for three days. However, after 24 hrs, This leads to differences in the time- and necessary to understand how the transport
FIB may have been diluted or transported length-scales of nearshore transport and and fate of pollutants affect human health
away (Rosenfeld et al. 2006). The beach dilution processes, complicating under- and coastal ecosystems. Until recently,
may have been open when hazardous and standing and modeling. Surf zone eddies research into nearshore pollutants was
closed when not, impacting recreation laterally disperse material over tens of limited to separate physical, chemical,
and coastal economies. Furthermore, minutes (Spydell et al. 2007, Brown and biological studies. Although progress
beaches often are closed up and down et al. 2009; Clark et al. 2010), and rip continues to be made in a disciplinary
coast regardless of which direction the currents exchange material between the manner, future progress depends on
pollutants are transported. Monitoring surf zone and inner-shelf from minutes research that examines the coupled in-
programs are not in place for other con- to hours (Dalrymple et al. 2010; Hally- terdisciplinary physical, chemical, and
taminants (metals, CECs). Rosendahl et al. 2014). At time-scales of biological processes. In particular, it is
many hours, surf zone (Garcez Faria et al. important to determine
Observing and predicting the trans-
2000) and inner-shelf (Lentz et al. 2008)
port, dilution, and chemical or biologi- 1. The dominant physical mecha-
undertow and internal waves (Wong et
cal regulation of pollutants (pathogens, nisms of exchange between estuaries,
al. 2012; Sinnett and Feddersen 2014)
nutrients, or other contaminants) in the beach sands, surf zones, and inner-
can transport pollutants between the
nearshore is challenging. There are many shelf regions so they can be modeled.
nearshore and the inner shelf. In addition,
potential point and non-point sources, in- For example, can polluted beach
transport and dilution can be affected by
cluding runoff, sewage, oceanic outfalls, sediments act as a pathogen reservoir
fresh water outflow (Pullen and Allen
and sediments (Boehm et al. 2009; Gast that is released during storm-induced
2000) and coastal bathymetric variability
et al. 2011) and many potential pollut- erosion, and can this be accurately
(Woodson 2013). However, the relative
ants (bacteria, viruses, nutrients, metals). simulated?
importance of these processes and how
There is a dearth of knowledge about
they depend upon waves, winds, tides, 2. How the physical, chemical, and
the physical, biological, and chemical
and stratification is not well known. biological processes interact to regulate
processes that govern the distribution of
Material is also exchanged between different pollutant concentrations.
different pollutants once introduced into
beach sands, ground water, and the surf For example, what physical processes
the environment (Boehm et al. 2002;
zone (Phillips et al. 2011; Halliday and result in reduced surfzone FIB mortal-
Lipp et al. 2001). For example, surf
Gast 2011; Gast et al. 2011; Russell et ity and can this be incorporated into
zone (where recreational beach use oc-
al. 2012; Gast et al. 2014). However, the models?
curs) FIB mortality is much less than on
processes governing this exchange are
the inner-shelf (Rippy et al. 2013), and Addressing these research questions
not understood.
beach sands can harbor pathogens that are will require the development of new
released into the water during the highest (iii) Specific research questions instrumentation for pathogens and other
tides and storms (Halliday and Gast 2011; Improved coastal resilience over the contaminants, and the collection of new
Gast et al. 2011). long term requires development of real- comprehensive field observations, partic-
The fate of pollutants in the nearshore time predictive models for beach recre- ularly coupled physical, biogeochemical,
is directly controlled by transport and ation risk, nearshore ecosystem health, and pathogen observations (Section 3a).
and societal impacts of anthropogenic Accurate models of the fate of nearshore
Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 23
pollutants (e.g. pathogens, endocrine instrumentation and new observations, subsurface morphology (e.g. Aarninkhof
disruptors) that couple the physical, including long-term facilities, process- et al. 2005; Plant et al. 2008), providing
biological, and chemical processes will based studies, and citizen-science efforts. measurements for long-term coastal be-
be tested, calibrated, and improved with havior studies (Holman and Haller 2013).
(i) Existing and New Instrumentation
these new observations (Section 3b). Lidar measures waves and water levels
1. Remote Sensing in the inner surf and swash, as well as
(iv) Societal benefits Airborne-based observations — such sub-aerial bathymetry (Blenkinsopp et
It is of national and international as Lidar, multi-spectral, and hyper- al. 2012; Vousdoukas et al. 2014). High-
importance to safeguard the economic, spectral electro-optical sensors — pro- resolution X-band marine radar systems
recreational, and ecological resources vide sub-meter-scale snapshots of the sample offshore wave characteristics,
of the nearshore region for current and nearshore over large spatial areas (e.g. surface currents, and sand bar morphol-
future generations. Research investment McNinch 2004). Lidar maps of beaches ogy (Haller and Lyzenga 2003; McNinch
into this field will pay significant divi- and shallow waters are used for storm 2007). Estimates of bathymetry and spa-
dends in improved human and ecosystem response assessments (Sallenger et al. tially variable surface flows using remote
health. A few concrete examples include: 2006; Houser et al. 2008; Stockdon et sensing systems have improved owing to
al. 2013), decadal-scale coastal change recent advances in analysis techniques
Optimal beach closures and safety:
analyses (Lentz et al. 2013), and to (Perkovic et al. 2009; Haller et al. 2013;
With beach closure forecasts, the beach
assess multi-decadal- to century-scale Holman et al. 2013). These land-based
will be closed only when polluted and
nearshore evolution when integrated systems can be deployed rapidly, and
reopened when no longer polluted; this
with historical data sources (Hapke et al. may be operated during extreme events.
will result in cost savings from fewer ill-
2013). Although airborne Lidar-observed Future research to broaden the range of
nesses and reduced days of closure that
bathymetry is limited by water clarity and processes that can be deduced from the
harm local businesses. Similarly, systems
wave conditions, in recent years, lidar remote measurements, and to reduce
can be developed to make improved real-
technology has advanced and expense has problems associated with fog, rain, and
time rip-current predictions to help guide
decreased leading to increased availabil- blowing sand, will expand the benefits of
hazard and swimmer-safety warnings.
ity. Multi- and hyper-spectral sensors de- these systems.
Smarter nearshore aquaculture: tect surface and (some) subsurface optical
Validated coupled hydrodynamic, bio- properties (e.g. turbidity, suspended par- There also may be opportunities to
logical, and contaminant models can ticulates, and dye concentration) that are leverage satellite observations in near-
be used to help inform decisions about important to ecological habitats and mix- shore regions with technologies such as
nearshore aquaculture for shallow water ing (Stumpf et al. 2003; Adler-Golden et the Surface Water and Ocean Topography
species such as scallops and oysters. al. 2005; Klonowski et al. 2007; Clark et (SWOT —
al. 2014). In the future, it may be possible satellite that measures ocean, river, and
Improved mitigation and regulatory to measure spatial variations (including lake water levels for oceanographic and
policies: An understanding and modeling the vertical dependence through the hydrologic studies. New processing
capability for how terrestrial pollutants water column) of nearshore dye, biota, algorithms could enable these data to be
are transported to and within nearshore pollutant, and sediment concentrations used to estimate nearshore water levels,
ecosystems will enable improved mitiga- with airborne Lidar or multi-frequency potentially providing insights into coastal
tion policies by quantifying the extent techniques (Sundermeyer et al. 2007), morphology evolution.
by which pollutants impact coastal food possibly with sensors mounted on small
webs and human health. Remote sensing is well suited to
drones (Brouwer et al. 2014). Advances
observing large-scale variability (e.g.
SECTION 3: in these observational systems could lead
shoreline and sand bar evolution, and
ENABLING INFRASTRUCTURE: to rapid advances in understanding trans-
current and pollutant patterns), and also
Observations, modeling, community port and dilution of materials between the
may provide nearshore measurements
shoreline, estuaries, the surf zone, and
during extreme events. However, these
Section 3a. Observations the inner shelf.
techniques require inferring environ-
The prior sections identified observa- Land-based remote sensing devices mental quantities from scattering and
tional needs, including (i) long-term mea- can provide synoptic surface and sub- reflection of optical, infrared, radar, or
surements that could be used to evaluate surface observations with high temporal other signals. Consequently, advances in
models for long-term coastal evolution, resolution over long time scales and techniques and algorithms for estimating
(ii) observations during extreme events to during extreme events. HF radar systems ocean and land properties with remote
determine how processes differ relative sample surface currents usually with spa- sensing require in situ observations for
to those during moderate conditions, (iii) tial resolution of 1-2 km and occasionally ground truth.
coordinated field studies addressing cou- of 1/2 km (Kirincich et al. 2012). These
pling between atmospheric, hydrologic, 2. Fixed-location in situ
systems are useful for observing larger-
oceanic, physical, biological, chemical, instrumentation
scale coastal ocean surface circulation,
and geological processes, and (iv) studies In-situ acoustic sensors have led to
and at higher resolution may be useful for
evaluating the effects of human interven- increased understanding of the nearshore.
studying cross-shelf exchange from the
tions. As discussed below, advancement For example, continuous measurements
surf zone to the inner shelf. Shore-based
in understanding and modeling nearshore of the seabed location during and be-
camera and video systems have been used
processes requires new technology and tween storms using acoustic altimeter
to measure shoreline position and infer
Page 24 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015
Figure 6: Photographs of non-toxic fluorescent dye tracer (pink water) (A) one hour after continual surfzone dye
release at Imperial Beach California (Hally-Rosendahl et al. 2014), and (B) 1.5 hours after continual tidal inlet dye
release during ebb tidal flow at New River Inlet, North Carolina. In both cases, dye serves as a mock pollutant and
study of its transport and dilution will inform how pollutants from pathogens to chemical contaminants evolve in
nearshore waters. (Image from Clark et al. 2014).

arrays and scanning sonars have resulted resulting in a better understanding of shapes, and composition and are sensitive
in improved models of cross-shore bar the feedbacks between turbulent flows to bubbles from breaking waves (Puleo
migration (Elgar et al. 2001; Hoefel et and stress over wave ripples (Hare et al. et al. 2006), and development of multi-
al. 2003, Henderson et al. 2004), ripple 2014), the resulting suspended sediment spectral techniques for measuring sedi-
migration in the nearshore and inner shelf flux (Hurther and Thorne 2011), and ment concentrations is needed. Particle
(Traykovski 2007), and the bed-state the ripple evolution (Crawford and Hay tracking and laser-video techniques have
storm cycle (Hay 2011). Arrays of single- 2003). Suspended sediment concentra- been used to obtain high-resolution ob-
point acoustic Doppler velocimeters have tion and grain size can be estimated with servations of energy dissipation, bottom
provided new insights into surf zone cur- multi-frequency acoustic backscatter boundary layer dynamics, low concentra-
rents (Trowbridge and Elgar 2003; Apot- systems (Hurther and Thorne 2014), as tion sediment fluxes, and seafloor evolu-
sos et al. 2008; Mulligan et al. 2010), can bedload (Hurther and Thorne 2011). tion in the laboratory (Nimmo Smith et
wave-breaking turbulence (Feddersen Continued advances in techniques for al. 2002; Nichols and Foster 2007; Sou et
2010) and mixing owing to short-crested measuring sediment concentrations, par- al. 2010). Extension of these techniques
breaking waves (Clark et al. 2012). Re- ticularly in areas with mixed mud, sand, to field conditions could lead to major
cently developed high frequency acoustic and gravel, will improve understanding advances in understanding.
profilers enable measurements of flow of the processes leading to coastal erosion
New in situ observational tools are
profiles, and thus estimates of bed shear and accretion.
needed to measure waves, currents and
stresses, in the shallow swash (Puleo
In situ optical sensors often are used pollutant transport, sediment fluxes, and
et al. 2014). Multi-frequency Doppler
to estimate turbidity and sediment con- bathymetric changes from the surf zone
profiling devices enable combined mea-
centrations (Sutherland et al. 2000; Butt to the inner shelf during extreme events.
surements of turbulence and suspended
et al. 2002). These measurements are New techniques based on electrical con-
sediment concentrations (Hurther and
limited to a small range of particle sizes, ductivity to measure sediment concentra-
Lemmin 2008; Zedel and Hay 2010),

Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 25

tions in high-concentration, fast-moving decade, the development of Global Posi- enabling studies of long-term coastal
sediment layers just above the bed are tioning System (GPS)-equipped personal change, providing in situ measurements
resulting in new insights into swash sedi- watercraft (MacMahan 2001) has enabled during extreme events, and supporting
ment transport in the field and laboratory nearshore bathymetry to be surveyed process-based field studies (Birkmeier
(Lanckriet et al. 2013). However, these before and after storms in many regions. and Holland 2001). The Coastal Data
and other in situ sensors must be im- In addition, dye concentrations have been Information Program (CDIP), supported
proved to withstand energetic forcing in observed with mobile sampling platforms by USACE/IOOS and the state of Cali-
mixed water, air, and sand environments (Clark et al. 2009), enabling quantitative fornia, maintains an extensive network
with rapid morphologic change. In ad- estimates of surf zone mixing over large of wave sensors on the continental shelf
dition, during extreme events overland regions (Clark et al. 2010). Acoustic and a database of wave simulations
flows and sediment transport may be Doppler profilers and sonars mounted that have been used in many nearshore
affected significantly by infiltration of on personal watercraft and kayaks have studies. The Southern California Beach
water into the ground (Gallien et al. 2014; enabled synoptic surveys of circulation Processes Study (SCBPS), a component
Matias et al. 2014) and dunes (Palmsten and bathymetry (Hampson et al. 2011; of CDIP, has collected detailed near-
and Holman 2011). Groundwater levels Webb 2012). Smaller subsurface mobile shore bathymetry over the last 15 years,
can be measured with pressure or water- platforms, such as sea spiders and mini- principally in San Diego County (Yates
level sensors (Uchiyama et al. 2000), catamarans under development, could et al. 2009). Similarly, the Southwest
but advances are needed to measure lead to new observations of seafloor and Washington Coastal Erosion Study, a
subsurface flows. New robust sensors, water column processes. Unmanned ve- state-federal partnership, has collected
bathymetric surveying techniques, instru- hicles have the advantage of lower human 18 years of nearshore bathymetry along
ments for thin overland flows and infiltra- risk, especially during storms. Improve- high-energy dissipative beaches (Rug-
tion, and rapidly deployable sensors will ments in remote guidance systems could giero et al. 2005). The USGS National
enable advances in understanding coastal enable these systems to be used in a wider Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards
changes during extreme events. range of conditions. program provides historical shoreline
change and updated beach morphology
Studies of nearshore human and eco- In the last decade, GPS-tracked
information through sustained data acqui-
system health have used combinations surf zone drifters (Schmidt et al. 2003;
sition at a national scale (Stockdon et al.
of physical, biological, and chemical Thomson 2012; MacMahan, et al. 2014)
2006b; Hapke et al. 2011; Fletcher et al.
sensors. For example, chlorophyll-a mea- have been used to study waves, currents,
2012; Ruggiero et al. 2013). Worldwide,
surements have been used to understand transport, mixing, and dilution in the
there are some decades-long continuous
how bubbles and sediment affect fluores- nearshore (Spydell et al. 2007; Brown et
video observations through the ARGUS
cence (Omand et al. 2009). Studies of the al. 2009; McCarroll et al. 2014). Drift-
and other camera networks (Holman et
transport and dilution of pathogens have ers are easy to deploy and can be reused
al. 2003; Holman and Stanley 2007).
been conducted using acoustic current many times, making them ideal for ob-
The USACE National Coastal Mapping
meters to measure waves, flows, and tur- serving processes during a broad range
Program has integrated requirements
bulence, and Lidar and pressure sensors of conditions. Advances in consumer
from USGS, NOAA and USACE to col-
to measure swash and groundwater (Gast electronics have reduced the size and cost
lect U.S. coastal Lidar, high resolution
et al. 2011; Rippy et al. 2013). Nearshore of many components, enabling “swarms”
RGB imagery and hyperspectral imagery
pathogen measurements, which are used of inexpensive sensors to be deployed
every five years for examining long-term
to determine beach closures, require 24 to study temporal and spatial variability
physical and ecosystem coastal change
hrs to process. Quantitative polymerase of processes at small scales over large
(Reif et al. 2011). Several coastal states
chain reaction (PCR) technologies can areas and through the water column. For
also have shoreline and beach volume
provide relatively rapid pathogen mea- example, “smart grain” sensors are used
monitoring programs. Although limited
surements, but require samples to be to study sediment transport (Frank et al.
in their spatial and temporal scope, these
taken back to the laboratory. In situ PCR- 2014) and “wave resolving drifters” are
observing systems are valuable for study-
based marine pathogen sensors would used to examine wave dynamics (Herbers
ing interannual to decadal-scale coastal
enable new insights into the transport and et al. 2012; Thomson 2012). Swarms
change, as well as extreme events. How-
fate of marine pathogens in the nearshore. of cheap, expendable sensors can be
ever, much of this data is not integrated
New trace heavy metal (lead, mercury), deployed rapidly during extreme events
into a national database and is largely
sensors, developed for wetsuits (Malzahn or in hazardous conditions (e.g. a coastal
limited to morphology and wave data.
et al. 2011), could be developed to be sewage spill), and safely telemeter data
deployed in the nearshore. This would to shore. Recently multi-agency investment
enable fundamental new insights into has been made in U.S. Integrated Ocean
(ii) Observational methodology
contaminant transport and fate. Observing Systems (IOOS) primarily fo-
1. Nearshore observing facilities cused on the continental shelf and deeper
3. Mobile and rapidly-deployed Advances in understanding of near- water. Similar long-term observations
instrumentation shore processes has benefited from long- in the nearshore are needed to expand
Fixed in situ instruments enable col- term, near-continuous observing stations. understanding of coastal change and the
lection of data over long time periods and The U.S. Army Corp of Engineering impacts of extreme events. In addition,
with high temporal resolution throughout Field Research Facility (FRF) in Duck, long-term measurements of hydrodynam-
the water column, but typically have lim- NC, has collected wave and nearshore ics, bathymetry, biogeochemical pro-
ited horizontal resolution. Over the past bathymetric data for more than 30 years,
Page 26 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015
cesses, sediment transport, and turbidity are needed. New techniques to measure
are needed to understand nearshore eco-
systems, coastal morphological changes,
and the coupling between them. Thus,
E xisting nearshore
observing systems should
continue to be supported,
bathymetry, especially during extreme
events will provide information to im-
prove models for currents, flooding, and
existing nearshore observing systems and new nearshore observing morphological change during storms.
should continue to be supported, and systems should be developed New biogeochemical sensors could pro-
new nearshore observing systems should vide in situ measurements of pathogen or
be developed to provide information in
to provide information in new contaminant concentrations in sediments
new regions and for a wider range of regions and for a wider range or water. Development of low-cost, ex-
processes. of processes. pendable sensor “swarms” will allow in
situ measurements during storms and in
2. Process-study field
hazardous conditions.
and laboratory experiments
Several multi-investigator, multi- and, providing the scaling laws can be 2. Expand long-term observing sys-
agency nearshore studies were conducted satisfied, can provide insight regarding tems, conduct multi-agency interdisci-
in the 1980s and 1990s leading to sig- the parameterization of specific processes plinary field studies, and develop new
nificant advances in understanding of (Turner and Masselink 2012; Henriquez, citizen-science opportunities. A fund
hydrodynamics and sediment, transport. et al. 2014). Laboratory studies can be that supports field costs for scientists to
For example a series of studies funded particularly valuable by providing de- conduct studies at nearshore observing
by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, tailed information regarding small-scale facilities, similar to that for UNOLS ship
the Office of Naval Research, the U.S. processes, such as bottom boundary layer time, would encourage collaborations
Geological Society, and the National flows, bottom stress, sediment motion, and help sustain long-term measure-
Science Foundation have resulted in air entrainment, and ripple formation ments. Coordinated multi-agency multi-
advances in understanding and modeling and evolution (Nimmo Smith et al. 2002; investigator field studies would result
of surfzone waves, currents, water levels, Rodriguez-Abudo and Foster 2014; Yoon in better understanding of the coupling
swash, and bathymetric change. These and Cox 2010; Nichols and Foster 2007). between processes.
observations have been used by research- Laboratory environments also can be 3. Fund new and existing long-term
ers worldwide, and are still being used useful for evaluating new instruments. observing systems and programs. Work-
today (Wilson et al. 2010; Falchetti et al.
3. Citizen science ing with states and expanding efforts
2010; Wenneker et al. 2011; Moulton et
Even with new nearshore observing to engage community groups to survey
al. 2014; Feddersen 2014; Stockdon et
systems and expanded field studies, there beaches, dunes, and flooding extent could
al. 2014).
will be nearshore regions that are under- create data in regions rarely studied. Dif-
With the development of new instru- sampled. Visitors to beaches and estuar- ferent types of observations must be in-
mentation and the ability to combine ies, local residents, high-school science tegrated to allow the cumulative impacts
remote and in situ sensors, there is a need classes, or lifeguards could collect coastal from multiple events to be estimated and
for future multi-investigator process- morphology data with GPS-enabled to link short-term (spatial and temporal)
study field experiments in a wide range smartphones. The U.S. Geological Sur- variability with long-term variability.
of environments (e.g. including remote vey crowd-sourcing application “iCoast These data sets will help test and improve
and urban areas, rocky and sandy coasts, — Did the Coast Change?” (http://coast- nearshore process models used to guide
and regions with headlands, spits, deltas, will help the USGS societal decisions and to simulate the
inlets, estuaries, and wetlands) to ad- improve predictive models of coastal impacts of anthropogenic influences on
dress specific questions within the three change and educate the public about the long-term coastal behavior.
research themes (Section 2). Investments vulnerability of coastal communities to Section 3b. Modeling
by multiple agencies will enable the extreme storms. Expansion of these types
(i) Introduction
coupling between atmospheric, oceanic, of observations could improve under-
Numerical prediction tools and com-
hydrologic, and geologic processes to be standing of long-term shoreline change
puter capabilities have grown dramatical-
examined, and to ensure that researchers and the impacts of extreme events.
ly over the past two decades (Holman et
with expertise in physical, biological,
Recommendations al. 2014). Wave models are now routinely
geological, and chemical processes
1. Develop new sensors and observ- applied to assess wave transformation
can interact. Ideally, some large studies
ing techniques. New remote sensing over the continental shelf and surf zone.
should be focused over a few specific
techniques may provide better observa- These models can be paired with wave-
months to examine coupling between
tions of material transport between the averaged circulation models to predict
small- and mid-scale processes, and other
coast, inner shelf, and nearby estuaries, 3D nearshore currents (e.g. Kumar et al.
studies should be conducted sequentially
and may be used to guide rapid deploy- 2012). Depth-integrated nonlinear wave-
to span seasons and years.
ments of systems to measure nearshore resolving models (e.g. Chen et al. 2003;
In addition to field studies, labora- processes during extreme events. New Feddersen et al. 2011) simulate the evolu-
tory studies should be a component of in situ sensors that can measure water tion of individual waves including wave
nearshore investigations. Larger-scale column and near-bed, processes in shape, and the temporally varying flow
laboratory facilities enable controlled the bubbly, sediment- and biota-laden field due to waves and currents. At higher
experiments of some nearshore processes nearshore waters during extreme events computational costs, Reynolds-Averaged

Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 27

Navier Stokes (RANS) equation models tom stress processes (Torres-Freyermuth two-phase sediment transport models
(Torres-Freyermuth et al. 2007), Large et al. 2013), vegetation effects on flow have been developed (e.g. Drake and
Eddy Simulation (LES) formulations (Ma et al. 2013), flows around urban Calantoni 2001; Dong and Zhang 2002;
(Christensen and Deigaard 2001; Chris- structures (Park et al. 2013), and infiltra- Hsu et al. 2004; Amoudry and Liu 2009;
tensen 2006; Lubin et al. 2006), and tion processes could be understood better. Bakhtyar et al. 2010), which can be used
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Prediction of inlet breaching events will to evaluate and improve sediment pickup
solutions (Dalrymple and Rogers 2006; require improved models for rapid mor- flux (e.g. Amoudry and Liu 2010; Yu et
Gomez-Gesteira et al. 2010) provide de- phological change. Similarly, simulating al. 2012), simulate transport of mixed
tailed representations of the wave and 3D nearshore pollution transport will require grain sizes (e.g. Calantoni and Thaxton
flow field. These models have matured a predictive understanding of transport 2007; Holway et al. 2012), and model
significantly, but still require substantial and mixing processes in addition to non-spherical grain shape (Calantoni et
computational resources making large- improved biogeochemical models. Cor- al. 2004). More research is needed to
scale simulations difficult, and have yet rect process representation may require improve suspended and bedload sediment
to be compared in detail with observa- increased resolution in regions of high transport model physics, and develop
tions. Nearshore hydrodynamic models bathymetric variability such as urban and evaluate parameterizations of these
are used in estimating the transport of coastal setting with man-made structures processes. These capabilities are a criti-
sediment, pollution, nutrients, and larvae. (Gallien et al. 2014) or dynamically cal step toward solving realistic sediment
Sediment transport and resulting bathy- adapting resolution in coastal flooding transport problems such as winnowing
metric evolution is of particular interest fronts or tsunamis (LeVeque et al. 2011). (removing fine grains), bed armoring,
because bathymetry strongly controls the and gradation (e.g. Meijer et al. 2002)
Sediment transport modeling is es-
hydrodynamics, resulting in a feedback. and will enable more accurate short-
sential to predictions of bathymetric
Although sediment transport models term predictions for extreme events and
changes over a range of time scales (e.g.
have evolved significantly over the last also enable parameterizations that can
event scale, or long term). Meso-scale
few decades and have success simulat- be included in long-term coastal change
(e.g. Henderson et al. 2004; Jacobsen and
ing short-term morphological evolution, models.
Fredsoe 2014) or large-scale models (e.g.
inherent feedbacks and nonlinearities can
Reniers et al. 2004; Warner et al. 2008) (iii) Model coupled across
make coastal evolution on time scales
for coastal morphological evolution typi- disciplines and scales
of years and decades problematic. For
cally split sediment transport into bedload Predictive tools spanning a range of
these reasons, recent efforts have fo-
(concentrated sediment moving along disciplines and scales are required to
cused on developing numerical models
the seabed) and suspended load (in the address the research themes presented in
of the long-term evolution of large-scale
water column) components. Accurately Section 2. Urban overland flow predic-
coastal morphology (e.g. Ashton et al.
representing suspended load transport re- tions will require coupling hydrodynamic
2001; Lorenzo-Trueba and Ashton 2014;
quires resolving sediment suspension and models with fluid-structure interaction
Moore et al. 2013). Data assimilation
deposition driven by complex currents, models that may need to account for
methods also are being used in nearshore
waves, and turbulence. On the other hand, potential changes to the structures due
models to improve initial and boundary
bedload transport is typically not resolved to damage or collapse. Understanding
conditions, constrain uncertain model
and semi-empirical parameterizations of long-term coastal evolution will neces-
parameters such as bathymetry or drag
bedload transport rate and pickup flux sitate coupling physical morphological
coefficients, and estimate prediction ac-
are utilized. Parameterizations typically models with ecological, economic, and
curacy (Feddersen et al. 2004; Wilson
assume that the bottom stress and hence social models. Predicting the fate of
et al. 2014) and aid in the specification
the magnitude of sediment transport rate nearshore pollutants requires coupling
of uncertainty associated with model
(or pickup flux) are in-phase with the physical transport models with biological
forecasts. Further modeling advance-
magnitude of free-stream velocity above and chemical models. In many of these
ments are necessary to address the three
the wave bottom boundary layer (e.g. cases, the model coupling must account
identified research themes. In particular,
Soulsby and Damgaard 2005). However, for a two-way feedback between the
improvements are needed in model
this assumption is questionable during components. For instance, collapsing
physics and parameterizations, coupling
extreme condition where intense wave structures will strongly affect the flow
and nesting of models, and using data
breaking turbulence penetrates into the that contributed to their collapse, and
assimilation and uncertainty estimation
water column and enhances sediment changes in economic constraints will
techniques. Here, we elaborate on these
transport (e.g. Ogston and Sternberg alter the nature of human response to
key advancement themes.
2002; Yoon and Cox 2010) or when long-term changes.
(ii) Improvement in model physics large near-bed pressure gradients cause
momentary bed failure and liquefaction To bridge the large range of processes,
and parameterizations
(Foster et al. 2006; Sumer et al. 2013). modeling tools will require coupling ap-
An improved understanding of how
More complex multiphase flow (e.g. im- proaches to be applied to existing models
to represent or parameterize physical
plicitly modeling the water and sediment that incorporate different process, theo-
processes in numerical models is required
particles or phases) approaches avoid retical, and numerical frameworks. Chal-
to address the research themes described
the suspended and bed-load distinction lenges in model coupling arise for various
in Section 2. For example, to develop
by resolving the full profile of sediment reasons. Coupling models with different
improved predictions of overland flow,
transport. In the past decade, several theoretical underpinnings (e.g. wave-
swash and surf zone turbulence and bot-
resolving versus wave-averaged models
Page 28 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015
or hydrostatic versus non-hydrostatic physics and parameterizations, to enable
models) or disparate resolutions (e.g.
high resolution LES/DNS versus low res-
olution wave-averaged models) need ap-
N umerical models of
nearshore processes
need to include improved
models to be coupled across processes
and scales, and incorporate data assimila-
tion and uncertainty estimation methods.
propriate averaging and scaling methods. Model improvements must then be quan-
model physics and
One example is the stochastic representa- tified by comparison with observations.
tion of variable wave breaking forcing in parameterizations, to enable Potential focus areas for model improve-
a wave-averaged model following work models to be coupled ment corresponding to the three research
on Langmuir turbulence (Sullivan et al. across processes and themes could include:
2007). Coupling issues also can arise due scales, and incorporate data 1. Modeling coupled human and
to differences in solution methods (e.g. assimilation and uncertainty natural driven long-term coastal evolu-
finite-difference versus finite-element estimation methods. Model tion: This would include improving pa-
versus SPH methods) which can intro-
improvements must then be rameterizations of the physical sediment
duce significant inefficiencies in passing
quantified by comparison with transport processes that govern long-term
information between models. Further
observations. morphological evolution, improving cou-
challenges emerge when coupling models
pling with economic models, using data
from different disciplines. For example,
assimilation to constrain these coupled
hydrodynamic, long-term morphological
models, and providing uncertainty es-
evolution and human response models are quantities) have been used to diagnose
timates in long-term coastal evolution
all based on different frameworks with wave forcing and bathymetry estimation
different spatial and temporal scales. Hu- (Feddersen et al. 2004; Kurapov and
man manipulations of the nearshore (e.g. Ozkan-Haller 2013). These techniques 2. Modeling extreme event-driven
decades of recurring beach nourishment) also can aid in improving parameteriza- overland flow and corresponding
alter natural processes over large time- tions of unresolved physics (Feddersen erosion: This would include improving
and spatial-scales. Models incorporating et al. 2004), and can be used to design parameterizations of sediment transport,
coupled anthropogenic alterations and or refine an observational program that coupling wave, overtopping, overland
physical morphological dynamics are in best benefits forecasting efforts (Kurapov flow, and groundwater models, and using
their infancy in the nearshore, yet have et al. 2005). Forecasting the nearshore data assimilation to incorporate coastal
shown promise in densely populated (similar to weather forecasting) with flooding observations to improve model
coastal locations (McNamara and Werner little to no in situ observations (that are skill.
2008a, b). Future development of coupled difficult to obtain in extreme events) will
3. Modeling nearshore material
models is crucial to addressing our press- require data assimilation.
transport: This would include incorpo-
ing societal needs regarding long-term
Societal decisions are often made rating models of biological or chemical
coastal sustainability. A potential model
given uncertain future conditions. In evolution (e.g. FIB growth and mortal-
is the Community Surface Dynamics
contrast to hurricane modeling and other ity), improving model coupling to allow
Modeling Systems (CSDMS) which
mature modeling systems, nearshore groundwater to surf zone fluxes, and
develop geoscience model protocols and
models often present a single prediction assimilating new high-resolution in situ
tools to couple models.
that does not provide guidance regard- pollutant or biological observations.
(iv) Data assimilation and ing the potential range of scenarios (i.e.
Particular infrastructure recommenda-
uncertainty estimation uncertainty) that is needed in the decision-
tions that pertain to modeling include:
In contrast to weather forecasting, making process. Recent work in related
data assimilation methods only recently environmental science fields suggests in- 1. Develop nearshore modeling
have been applied to the nearshore. Data tegrated modeling framework approaches test beds based on existing and future
assimilation can help infer initial or that allow tracking uncertainty throughout observational data sets. This would
boundary conditions from existing ob- the decision-making process (Kelly et al. provide a straightforward method to test
servations (e.g. remote sensing of waves) 2013; Ascough et al. 2008; Landuyt et al. different types of models. Similar test
and lead to a skillful nearshore state 2013). Ensemble (Flowerdew et al. 2010; beds are available for climate, hurricane,
estimation and improve water quality or Zou et al. 2013) and Bayesian (Plant and and continental shelf ocean processes.
morphological change predictions. Dif- Holland 2011; Long et al. 2014; Van der Such a test bed would be based on open
ferent data assimilation methodologies Wegen and Jaffe 2013) approaches have standards of cyber infrastructure and
exist. Kalman filtering has been used to been recently used to quantify prediction include wave, circulation, sediment
estimate nearshore bathymetry (Holman uncertainty in storm surge and morpho- transport, and bathymetry observations
et al. 2013). Ensemble-based methods logical modeling. By explicitly estimating so that models can be evaluated and
(utilizing many model realizations along uncertainty, process based model results inter-compared.
with observations to deduce the correct can be assessed and ultimately used as de-
2. Enable continued model devel-
model state) have been used for bathym- cision support tools to address the societal
opment, in particular coupling of
etry and circulation estimation (Wilson et needs introduced in Section 2.
different types of models to facilitate
al. 2014). Adjoint methods (that formally
Recommendations new predictive capability. Such model
derive relationships between corrections
Numerical models of nearshore pro- development should be based on open
to model variables and the observed
cesses need to include improved model established standards leading to com-

Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 29

munity models, similar to other geosci- institutes, government agencies, and for various ecosystem services that can be
ences models. An example focus area is private sector and regional development attributed to the nearshore region (Asah
coupling wave, swash, overland flow, and funds, is monitoring and modeling a large et al. 2014). Similarly, the integrated
groundwater models. beach nourishment to test a long-term modeling framework Envision (Hulse et
approach to coastal hazard mitigation al. 2008) involves a GIS-based tool for
3. Develop a real-time data-assim-
while advancing understanding of coastal regional environmental assessments and
ilating nearshore modeling system
evolution (Stive et al. 2013). A similar scenario evaluation. The application of
for select regions of the U.S. coast.
coordinated investment in U.S. nearshore these tools to issues related to long term
This would provide an opportunity to
research would leverage efforts, avoid coastal change is just beginning, partly
expand and test models, improve cou-
redundancy, and move the science and because of our insufficient understanding
pling between models, incorporate data
engineering forward rapidly. of the underlying processes. Improved
assimilation, distribute real-time predic-
predictions of coastal flooding must
tions to the scientific community and to Other components of the U.S. geosci-
be clearly communicated to help plan
other users, including search and rescue, ence community have developed strong
evacuations and define new flood maps.
local government officials, and sanitation collaborations across research commu-
Improved coupled nearshore pathogen
districts. nities and federal agencies. The NASA
models could provide real-time predic-
Aquarius Satellite mission to measure
Section 3c. Community tions, allowing more efficient beach
ocean salinity has a large 32-member
Addressing the three identified re- closures and improve health and local
U.S. science team spanning a range of
search themes (Section 2) will require economies.
oceanographic specialties. The U.S.
new observational (Section 3a) and
internal waves community has an up- (iii) Education
modeling (Section 3b) infrastructure.
coming NSF funded T-TIDE internal Although this white paper is focused
It also will require that the community
wave experiment with 10 PIs from four on nearshore processes research, address-
have improved collaboration amongst
universities. Multi-agency examples ing these societal science and engineering
the academics, government agencies, and
include U.S. GLOBEC, funded by NSF needs will require an investment in under-
industry involved with understanding,
and NOAA to perform inter-disciplinary graduate and graduate education into the
predicting, and managing the nearshore
oceanographic and ecological research, future nearshore processes scientists and
region. Deriving societal benefit from this
and U.S. CLIVAR (Climate Variabil- engineers. As recognized by the National
research requires improved communica-
ity) funded by NOAA, NSF, Dept. of Research Council in 1999 (NRC 1999),
tion of research results to stakeholders. In
Energy, and NASA. The multi-agency societal needs regarding the nearshore
addition, future research successes also
funding of U.S. GLOBEC and CLIVAR have far outstripped financial support for
will depend upon educating the future
is coordinated through the U.S. Global educating future scientists and engineers
scientists and engineers who study near-
Change Research Program (USGCRP). to address these needs. The situation
shore processes. With the infrastructure
The nearshore processes community is even more dire now (ASBPA 2012).
to improve collaboration, communica-
lacks this type of collaboration. In order Furthermore, due to shrinking univer-
tion, and education, the nearshore com-
to address the complex questions in the sity degree programs, the U.S. coastal
munity will be strengthened.
Section 2 research themes, the federal engineering industry often funds U.S.
(i) Collaboration agencies interested in the nearshore (US- employee graduate education in the Neth-
Nearshore processes intersect the ACE, FEMA, USGS, NOAA, ONR, and erlands or hires foreign nationals. Thus,
mission responsibilities of roughly 20 NSF) and the U.S. nearshore community to ensure long-term U.S. coastal sustain-
U.S. federal agencies or large federal pro- will need to come together and develop ability, reinvestment in U.S. university
grams, as well as many state programs, meaningful collaborations. coastal engineering, oceanography, and
reflecting the importance of the nearshore other nearshore-related fields is needed.
(ii) Communication
to a wide range of societal interests. Over
To ensure significant societal benefit Recommendations
the last few decades, large coordinated
and impact, future nearshore processes The nearshore community has deter-
field experiments and model testing,
research results must be effectively com- mined that inter-agency coordination and
such as the series of community experi-
municated to stakeholders. The improved collaboration is necessary to develop the
ments at Duck, NC, in the 1990s funded
understanding developed via the research observational and modeling infrastruc-
by a broad array of agencies including
discussed herein will enable more accu- ture (Sections 3a,b) required to address
rate predictions of future outcomes and the three research themes (Section 2).
man et al. 2014), have resulted in many
uncertainty, but will require new commu- Specific recommendations include:
scientific discoveries. Similarly, during
nication strategies to ensure widespread
the early 2000s the Nearshore Modeling 1. Build a sustained, multi-agency
application to decision making. Com-
NOPP (National Oceanographic Part- funded U.S. Nearshore Research Pro-
municating multi-layered technical infor-
nership Program) resulted in improved gram (NRP) that would coordinate
mation including biological, geological,
nearshore models and observational test and fund nearshore processes research
chemical, physical, and economic data
beds. Recently, the European nearshore to address the three broad research
and model results to the stakeholders is
community has expanded substantially, themes via field and modeling stud-
challenging, although recent efforts have
enabling collaborative field and modeling ies and development of new research
made progress. For example, the Natural
studies, such as the Dutch “ZandMotor.” infrastructure. The program would de-
Capital Project has been developing tools
This study, which includes research velop new understanding and predictive
to provide decision support by accounting
Page 30 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015
capability through observations and mod- studies will lead to new understanding
eling of long-term coastal change, the
flooding and erosion impacts of extreme
events, and nearshore pollution and water
T he nearshore region
is vital to our national
economy, commerce,
of the nearshore, as well as providing
test-beds to inter-compare models and
enabling development and evaluation of
quality evolution. Through the NRP the recreation, and military, yet a real-time data assimilating modeling
next generation of nearshore scientists it is under threat from global system. In addition, as discussed in Sec-
and engineers will be trained. Substan- climate change, sea level tion 3a, infrastructure needed to obtain
tial interagency collaboration will be the observations includes developing new
required to develop the framework of this rise, extreme events, and
sensors and methods and creating a fund
new U.S. nearshore research program. anthropogenic influences. to support nearshore field costs (similar
The NRP could be under the umbrella of Much is unknown about to UNOLS ship time). As discussed
the White House Subcommittee on Ocean how the nearshore region in Section 3b, infrastructure needed to
Science and Technology (SOST), the responds to these threats. improve predictions of the nearshore
U.S. Global Change Research Program includes development of new representa-
(USGCRP), or other relevant interagency tions and parameterizations of processes,
coordination bodies. An example of benefits will include sustainable coastal techniques for model coupling scales
analogous coordinated multi-agency development. and processes, and incorporating data
programs is U.S. CLIVAR (http://www. assimilation and uncertainty estimation.
2. Extreme events — flooding, ero- supported by NSF, NASA,
sion, and the subsequent recovery: The As discussed in Section 3c, the near-
NOAA, Department of Energy (DOE),
research goal is to understand hydrody- shore community should increase col-
and Office of Naval Research.
namic and sediment transport processes laboration and engage more vigorously
2. Formalize a Nearshore Com- during flooding and erosion induced across academia, federal agencies, state
munity Council (NCC) with represen- by extreme events. This goal involves agencies, and the stakeholder communi-
tatives from academia, government establishing how waves, run-up, setup, ties. A coordinated investment in research
agencies, and industry to be elected overland flow, and sediment transport will leverage efforts, avoid redundancy,
by the community to fixed terms. The processes during extreme events differ and move the science and engineering
NCC would help structure the nearshore from those during moderate storm con- forward rapidly. Improved communica-
community, foster continued community ditions. Societal benefits will include tion tools are needed that present the
collaboration, interagency coordination, improved flood management and resilient results of predictions and forecasts, as
and represent the nearshore community to coastal communities. well as uncertainties, in ways that are
the public and coastal stakeholders. NCC useful to stakeholders. To this end, the
3. Physical, biological, and chemical
would communicate vision, strategy, and nearshore community should:
processes impacting human and eco-
approach to political leaders who can
system health: The research goal is to ac- 1. Build a sustained, multi-agency
support new efforts and expect tangible
curately predict anthropogenic pollution funded U.S. Nearshore Research Pro-
benefits for society, and advocate for
events in the nearshore and their impact gram (NRP) that would coordinate
funding for sustained research programs.
on ecosystems and human health. This and fund nearshore processes research
SECTION 4: SUMMARY goal requires understanding the primary to address the three broad research
AND RECOMMENDATIONS physical mechanisms of exchange be- themes via field and modeling studies
The nearshore region is vital to our tween estuaries, beach sands, surf zones, and development of new research in-
national economy, commerce, recreation, and inner-shelf regions. Societal benefits frastructure. The program would foster
and military, yet it is under threat from will include improved beach safety and understanding and prediction through
global climate change, sea level rise, management policies for the nearshore. observations and modeling of long-term
extreme events, and anthropogenic in- coastal change, the flooding and erosion
The nearshore community is poised
fluences. Much is unknown about how impacts of extreme events, and nearshore
to make significant progress on these
the nearshore region responds to these pollution and water quality evolution.
societally relevant research themes with
threats. This white paper presents a vi- Through the NRP the next generation of
appropriate investment in observational,
sion for the future of nearshore processes nearshore scientists and engineers will
modeling, and collaboration research
research where societal needs and scien- be trained. Substantial interagency col-
infrastructure. This infrastructure is
tific challenges intersect. This vision is laboration will be required to develop
needed to address all three research
comprised of three broad research themes the framework of this new U.S. nearshore
themes. The observation, modeling, and
that will improve our understanding and research program. The NRP could be
collaboration recommendation are given
prediction of: under the umbrella of the White House
at the end of Sections 3a, b, and c are
1. Long-term coastal evolution due summarized below. In particular, the ob- Subcommittee on Ocean Science and
to natural and anthropogenic pro- servational and modeling infrastructure Technology (SOST), the U.S. Global
cesses: The research goal is to accurately needs include conducting multi-agency Change Research Program (USGCRP),
simulate coastal evolution incorporating interdisciplinary field and numerical or other relevant interagency coordina-
geological and anthropogenic (global studies. The field studies should include tion bodies. An example of analogous
climate change, economic activity, and expanded nearshore observing systems coordinated multi-agency programs is
coastal management) feedbacks. Societal and citizen science opportunities. These U.S. CLIVAR (
supported by NSF, NASA, NOAA, De-

Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015 Page 31

partment of Energy (DOE), and Office of Julie Rosati (USACE), Peter Ruggiero don (USGS), George Voulgaris (Univer-
Naval Research. Substantial interagency (Oregon State), Chris Sherwood (USGS), sity of South Carolina), Heidi Wadman
collaboration will be required to develop Hilary Stockdon (USGS), Jim Thomson (USACE), J.P. Walsh (East Carolina
the framework of this new US nearshore (University of Washington), and Qing- University), Anna Wargula (WHOI), Jeff
research program. Ping Zou (University of Maine) Waters (USACE-CHL), Ken Willson
(CB&I), Greg Wilson (Dalhousie Uni-
2. Formalize a Nearshore Com- Meeting participants versity), Jennifer Wozencraft (USACE),
munity Council (NCC) with represen- Andrew Ashton (WHOI), Patrick and Qingping Zou (University of Maine)
tatives from academia, government Barnard (USGS), Reginald Beach (Office
agencies, and industry to be elected of Naval Research), Rebecca Beavers SECTION 6:
by the community to fixed terms. The (National Park Service), Doug Bellomo REFERENCES
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collaboration, interagency coordination, Guard), Kate Brodie (USACE-FRF), physical Research: Oceans (1978-2012),
and represent the nearshore community to Wendy Carey (University of Delaware), 110(C6).
the public and coastal stakeholders. NCC Agnimitro Chakrabarti (Louisiana State Adler-Golden, S.M., P.K. Acharya, A. Berk, M.W.
would communicate vision, strategy, and University), Jim Chen (Louisiana State Matthew, and D. Gorodetzky 2005. “Remote
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SECTION 5: CONTRIBUTORS transport model with applications to scouring
Elgar (WHOI), Nicole Elko (ASBPA), Li
Editorial Team downstream of an apron.” Coastal Engineer-
Erikson (USGS), Falk Feddersen (SIO), ing, 56(7), 693-702. doi: 10.1016/j.coasta-
Nicole Elko (ASBPA), Falk Feddersen
Diane Foster (University of New Hamp- leng.2009.01.006
(Scripps Inst. of Oceanography), Diane Amoudry, L.O., and P.L.-F Liu 2010. “Parameter-
shire), Guy Gelfenbaum (USGS), John
Foster (University of New Hampshire), ization of near-bed processes under collinear
Haines (USGS), Jeff Hanson (USACE-
Cheryl Hapke (USGS), Jesse McNinch wave and current flows from a two-phase
FRF), Cheryl Hapke (USGS), Alex Hay sheet flow model.” Continental Shelf Re-
(USACE-FRF), Ryan Mulligan (Queen’s
(Dalhousie University), Todd Holland search, 30(13), 1403-1416. doi: 10.1016/j.
University), H. Tuba Özkan-Haller
(Naval Research Lab), Rob Holman (Or- csr.2010.04.009
(Oregon State University), Nathaniel Anderson, W.P., and R.M. Lauer 2008. “The role
egon State University), Maria Honeycutt
Plant (USGS), and Britt Raubenheimer of overwash in the evolution of mixing zone
(NOAA Coastal Services Center), Julia
(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution morphology within barrier islands.” Hydro-
Hopkins (Woods Hole Oceanographic geological Journal, 16, 1483-1495.
Institute), Bruce Jaffe (USGS), Brad Apotsos, A., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, and R.T.
Contributors Johnson (USACE-CHL), Suzette Kim- Guza 2008. “Wave-driven setup and along-
ball (USGS), Jim Kirby (University of shore flows observed onshore of a submarine
Andrew Ashton (WHOI), Alexandra
canyon.” J. Geophysical Research, 113,
Boehm (Stanford), David Clark (WHOI), Delaware), Jeff Lillycrop (USACE-HQ), C07025. doi: 10.1029/2007JC004514
Todd Cowen (Cornell), Soupy Daly- Tom Lippmann (University of New Ardhuin, F., and T.H.C. Herbers 2002. “Bragg
ander (USGS), Steve Elgar (WHOI), Hampshire), Phil Liu (Cornell), Omar scattering of random surface gravity waves
Nicole Elko (ASBPA), Falk Feddersen Lopez (Stevens Institute of Technol- by irregular seabed topography.” J. Flu-
ogy), Tucker Mahoney (FEMA), Curt id Mechanics, 451, 1-33. doi: 10.1017/
(SIO), Diane Foster (UNH), Timu Gal- S0022112001006218
lien (SIO), Guy Gelfenbaum (USGS), Mason (USACE-Retired), Kim McKenna Ardhuin, F., T.H.C. Herbers, K.P. Watts, G.Ph van
Sarah Giddings (SIO), R.T. Guza (SIO), (Delaware DNREC), Jesse McNinch Vledder, R. Jensen, and H.C. Graber 2007.
Cheryl Hapke (USGS), Alex Hay (Dal- (USACE-FRF), Jon Miller (Stevens In- “Swell and slanting-fetch effects on wind
housie University), Todd Holland (Naval stitute of Technology), Jennifer Miselis wave growth.” J. Physical Oceanography,
37, 908–931.
Research Lab), Rob Holman (Oregon (USGS), Mara Orescanin (WHOI), Me-
Asah, S.T., A.D. Guerry, D.J. Blahna, and J.J.
State), Tom Hsu (University of Dela- lissa Moulton (WHOI), Ryan Mulligan Lawler 2014. “Perception, acquisition and use
ware), Bruce Jaffe (USGS), Jim Kirby (Queen’s University), Maitane Olabar- of ecosystem services: Human behavior, and
(University of Delaware), Jeff Lillycrop rieta (University of Florida), H. Tuba ecosystem management and policy implica-
(USACE-CHL), Tom Lippmann (UNH), Ozkan-Haller (Oregon State University), tions.” Ecosystem Services.
ASBPA 2012. “The state of U.S. coastal engineer-
Jamie MacMahan (Naval Postgraduate Meg Palmsten (Naval Research Lab), ing & science.” Science and Technology
School), Tucker Mahoney (FEMA), Kim Kyle Parker (Louisiana State University), Committee of the American Shore and Beach
McKenna (Delaware DNREC), Dylan Allison Penko (Naval Research Lab), Preservation Association,
McNamara (UNCW), Mark Merrifield Nathaniel Plant (USGS), Britt Rauben- Ascough, J.C. II, H.R. Maier, J.K. Ravalico, and M.
heimer (WHOI), Molly Reif (USACE), W. Strudley 2008. “Future research challenges
(University of Hawaii), Ryan Mulligan
for incorporation of uncertainty in environ-
(Queen’s University), Jon Miller (Ste- Spencer Rogers (NC Sea Grant), Julie mental and ecological decision-making.”
vens Institute of Technology), H. Tuba Rosati (USACE-CHL), Peter Ruggiero Ecological Modelling, 219(3-4), 383-399.
Özkan-Haller (Oregon State University), (Oregon State University), Jose Sanchez Ashton, A., A.B. Murray, and O. Arnoult 2001.
Meg Palmsten (Naval Research Lab), (USACE-CHL), Michael Slattery (SC “Formation of coastline features by large-
Sea Grant), Jane Smith (USACE-CHL), scale instabilities induced by high-angle
Nathaniel Plant (USGS), Britt Rauben- waves.” Nature, 414(6861), 296-300.
heimer (WHOI), Ad Reniers (Miami), Nina Stark (Virginia Tech), Hilary Stock- Bakhtyar, R., D.A. Barry, A. Yeganeh-Bakhtiary,

Page 32 Shore & Beach  Vol. 83, No. 1  Winter 2015

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