Mini-Test 3 A: (Track 16)

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A [Track 16] Listen to the conversation between Josh

and Claire. Write T (true) or F (false).
1. Claire has never been to Italy before. ____
2. Josh says Claire shouldn’t go to the art museums. ____
3. Josh thinks shopping is the best thing about Italy. ____
4. Josh thinks American pizza is better than Italian pizza. ____
 A  _______ / 8 points (2 points each) 

B [Track 17] Listen to the conversation between

Eddie and Jill about Leonardo da Vinci. Check (✔) the
correct answers.
1. Eddie _______ about Leonardo da Vinci.

a. ⬜ wrote b. ⬜ is writing c. ⬜ might write

2. Eddie thinks Leonardo da Vinci is the most _______ person in history.

a. ⬜ creative b. ⬜ talented c. ⬜ interesting

3. Eddie says he admires Leonardo da Vinci because he was _______.

a. ⬜ an artist b. ⬜ a scientist c. ⬜ a science-fiction writer

4. Jill thought da Vinci was from the _______.

a. ⬜ 15th century b. ⬜ 16th century c. ⬜ 17th century

C Match the questions and the answers.

Are those printers quiet? ____ a. No, they’re tight and uncomfortable.
Do you like baggy T-shirts? ____ b. No, they’re very loud.
Do you like this color? ____ c. No, it’s beautiful.
Is her dress ugly? ____ d. Not really. I like them tight.
Can you walk in those shoes? ____ e. Not really. I think it’s extremely bright.
C  _______ / 5 points (1 point each) 

D Circle the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

1. I don’t like to walk in the park at night. It isn’t dangerous /
2. I had a great vacation. It was very stressful / relaxing.
3. The city is beautiful today. The streets are really clean / dirty.
4. I bought a CD of modern / traditional American music 
from the 19th century.

F Cross out the word that doesn’t belong in each list.

1. careers:
A. astronaut B. director C. passionate D. athlete
2. personality:
A. honest B. politician C. determined D. brave
3. fruits / vegetables:
A. avocado B. carrot C. steak D. onion
E Complete each question with the opposite of the
underlined word. Use the comparative form of the
correct word from the box.

ba difficult expensive heavy thin


1. Are these cameras cheaper or ________________________ than your new

2. Is this laptop lighter or ________________________ than my laptop?
3. Is this cell phone thicker or ________________________ than your old
4. Was today’s test easier or ________________________ than last month’s
5. Is this printer better or ________________________ than my old one?

F Complete each conversation with the correct response

from the box.

Would you like a salad with that? That’s wonderful! I’m happy to hear
 I think you should take a boat tour. I’ll let you have it for $15. 
 Let’s try the new restaurant at the mall.

1. A: I really like this hat. Would you take $10 for it?
B: _________________________________________________

2. A: I’ll have the lamb chops with mashed potatoes, please.

B: _________________________________________________

3. A: I just passed my driving test.

B: _________________________________________________

4. A: What would you suggest doing here?

B: _________________________________________________

5. A: Where should we have dinner tonight? Any suggestions? 

B: _________________________________________________
G Read the suggestions from a travel website. Answer each
question with the name of one of the travelers: Lizzie,
Martin, Greg, or Tanya.

1. Who had bad weather on vacation? _____________________

2. Who started in one city and then went to different places? _____________________
3. Who enjoyed going shopping and sightseeing? _____________________
4. Who didn’t write about food? _____________________
 N  _______ / 4 points (1 point each) 

H Read the magazine article. Number the events from Björk’s life
from 1 to 4.
____ She made a CD to raise money for children.
____ She was a singer in the Sugarcubes.
____ She was in a movie and won a prize.
____ She made her first album.

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