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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
School Division of Las Piñas City

NAME: ____________________________________Year & Section: ____________

School:____________________________________ Teacher: _________________
Fourth Quarter WEEK 5
Lesson 5 Describe Jesus as the true source of life. * explain what it means to connect
Connected to to Him as the main vine. *Explain
Jesus how my connection with Jesus is
DAY 1 – DAY 2 important in my day to day life.
DAY 3 – DAY 4


Jesus is the true vine


A- Directions: Please memorize Bible verse in : John 15: 5;’’ I am the Vine ,and you are the
branches . If you stay joined to you. You will produce lots of fruits . But you can not do anything
without Me.’’

B- Directions: Analyze each situation. (See What If! In Lesson Summary)

 Relate Carlo's story with "remaining in Jesus." How did Carlo show that he valued his relationship
with God above all?
>He did not let his best friend cheat.

 If you were Carlo, how would you respond to Jerome's request?

>I will tell him I could help him study next time but I will not give him answers for the current test.

 Is it okay to sacrifice "friendship" for doing what is right and pleasing to God?
>Yes because we can help people not to sin by telling them what they did wrong.

 Should Carlo feel guilty about his best friend's accusations?

> No, because he chose to follow God.

 Between Carlo and Jerome, with whom can you relate?

>Carlo, because I don’t cheat in exams.

 Do you often find yourself wanting to please friends rather than remaining in God? What should
be the right thing to do when caught in a similar dilemma as Carlo's?
>If I was in that situation I will tell the truth to my friend I will tell him what’s right and wrong.

Study your lessons

C: Directions: Write the values you learned here.





D. Directions: Write here how you can apply these values to

 Your life as a student:


 Your family situation:


 Your community or your nation:


Dear God.


In Jesus' name. I pray. Amen.





Lesson 5 – Connected To Jesus

Key Verse – John 15:5 -7

Scripture: “I am the Vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to Me, and I stay joined to you, you will produce
lots of fruits. But you cannot do anything without Me.” John 15:5

During the last few hours before His arrest, Jesus taught His disciples about Himself as the vine to show
their need to stay joined to Him.

Jesus, the Vine, is your life support.

* cannot do anything without Me." (John 15:5)

Using the vine to represent Himself, Jesus stressed that since life flows from Him, it can also be sustained by
Him. In other words, Christ is your life support, and you need to keep connected to Him to experience true life.

Your connection to the Vine allows you to bear fruit.

"If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit." (John 15:5)
The changes that happen because of your relationship with God will show in the way you think, act, speak, and
relate to others. Because Christ lives in you, there are transformations that take place in your attitude. These changes are
called "fruit" or evidences that you really have the life of the vine flowing in and through you.

You are under the Gardener's care.

"My Father is the Gardener. He cuts away every branch of Mine that doesn't produce fruit. But He trims clean
every branch that does produce fruit, so that it will produce even more fruit." (John 15:1-2)
God wants you, as a "branch," to be an image of His Son, the vine. To "bear fruit" is to show the character of
Christ in your thoughts, words, and deeds. For you to produce more fruit, our heavenly Father, the gardener, commits to
prune you. He does this through challenges, situations, and life experiences you go through day by day. Many of life's
problems are used by the Father to prune you and make you bear more fruit.

You are expected to remain in the Vine.

"So remain faithful to My love for you." (John 15:9)

Christ's words to His disciples are also His words to you. There is no way you can go through life unless you are
connected with Him. Jesus knew that, without this connection, the flow of life is cut off. When the branch doesn't stay
connected to the vine, the vine still lives, but the branch dies.
Your need for God is a matter of life and death. And God, who loved you so much that He gave His Son for you to
have eternal and abundant life, wants you to continue with this life. For that to happen, you must remain in Christ, your
To remain is to depend on Him fully by seeking Him, His guidance, wisdom, and direction, at all times and in all
situations. It is relying on the Holy Spirit to take you through the troubles of everyday life and help you come out victorious.
Also, to remain is to obey Him. This obedience springs from your intimate relationship with Him and your
willingness to please Him.

Case study: Carlo excels in all he does. Being the best in class, classmates often ask for his help in doing
assignments and projects. Carlo attributes all these blessings to God. In return, he resolved to honor God at all times.
Because of this, he decided that he will never copy during exams. He also decided not to let anyone copy from him. In
one of the long exams, Carlo's best friend, Jerome, found the questions too difficult. He asked Carlo for answers, but
Carlo was quiet the whole time and never responded to any of Jerome's pleading. After the exam, Jerome was angry over
Carlo's behavior. He wanted Carlo to feel guilty for not helping" his "best friend." Jerome accused Carlo of being selfish
and self-centered.


John Newton lived a very tough life, and it seemed like he forgot all that his mother taught him about Christ as
Savior. But God did not let go of Him. Someone gave him a copy of Thomas A. Kempis' The Imitation of Christ. He had
regained consciousness of God after he fell overboard into the raging waves and was rescued by his fellow sailors who
shoot his legs with a harpoon and hauled him back on board. That turned his life around.
He went all over England to share Christ and continued preaching even when he was old. Even though he was
nearly blind and spoke in whispers, he kept on preaching. Often, there were people who helped him while he was
preaching. One Sunday, he preached in his very weak voice: "Jesus Christ is so precious." His helper, who heard him
repeating the statement twice, whispered to him that he has said the phrase twice already. Newton turned to the helper
and said loudly, "Yes, I've said it twice, and I'm going to say it again: Jesus Christ is precious!"

‘’To God be the glory’’.

CAA Baptist Academy
Contact # 0921 286 9448/ 829 2301
Address: 2741 PagkakaisaStreet.,Timog CAA,

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
School Division of Las Piñas City
NAME: ____________________________________Year & Section: ____________
School:____________________________________ Teacher: _________________
Fourth Quarter WEEK 6
Lesson 6 *List godly qualities /habits that can be developed *Explain what habits are and how
Developing Godly and explain how I can developed them. habits can help me grow in my
Habits relationship with God.
DAY 1 – DAY 2
DAY 3 – DAY 4


God wants me to develop godly habits so I can live a life that is pleasing to Him.


A- Directions: Please memorize Bible verse in: 2 Peter 1: 5:7;’’ Do your best to improve your Faith.
You can do this by adding goodness, understanding, self- control, patience, devotion to God, concern
for others ,and love .

Study your lessons


B- Directions: What if?

Draw yourself inside the circle then answer the following .

1. How would your friends describe you?

2. If you are not yet where you want to be, how do you plan to get there?

C- Directions: Write ways to show godly habits in the following situations. The first is done for you as an

Godly habits Application 1 Application 2

Generosity I will give my extra things I will share my stuff with
Realizing that all I have to children without enough my siblings
belongs to God and using clothes and without
it for His purpose… homes.

Being Thankful Making

known to God and others
the ways they have
benefited my life…

Orderliness Preparing
myself and my
surroundings so I will
achieve the greatest

Values I learned
D- Directions: Write the values you learned here.
Steps to following God .
E-Directions:Write here how can you apply these Values to
 Your life as a student:

 Your family situation:


 Your community or your nation:


Dear God.
In Jesus' name. I pray. Amen.




Lesson 6 – Developing Godly Habits
Key Verse – 2 Peter 1:5-9

Scripture: “Do your best to improve your faith. You can do this by adding goodness, understanding, self-
control, patience, first, you didn't see the need to do it, and second, your devotion to God, concern for others,
and love.” 2 Peter 1:5-7

Following God may be a different experience from how you have lived before. Before you
followed God, you may have acquired habits that were not really pleasing to Him. You may have found it
difficult to please God because, according to Ephesians 4:17-19, mind was powerless. Aside from not knowing
what pleases God, you didn't even have the power to do what was right. If you continued living like that,
intimacy with God would be next to impossible.

However, you can experience God when you seek to develop godly habits to help you live a life that is
pleasing to Him.


Understanding "Habits"

Habits are things that you do over and over so many times that they become automatic. How you talk,
act, and behave now are learned habits.
Just as forming habits is important to a growing child, so also is the forming of godly habits in a new believer's
life. Without these habits, you can never say that you are growing according to what God desires.

A habit starts from a DESIRE.

"Pray for us. Our consciences are clear, and we always try to live right. I especially want you to pray
that I can visit you again soon." (Hebrews 13:18-19)
Habits begin by desiring to do something. It is hard to do what you don't really want to do. You must
have the desire to acquire a habit.

A habit is slowly formed by DISCIPLINE.

"I don't run without a goal. And I don't box by beating my fists in the air. I keep my body under control
and make it my slave, so I won't lose out after telling the good news to others." (1 Corinthians 9:26-27)
This is where practice and training comes in by doing an action over and over again. It is interesting to
note that discipline comes from the word disciple. This shows that a real disciple of Christ is a disciplined

A habit becomes a pleasure or DELIGHT.

"I love Your commands! They bring me happiness." (Psalm 119:47)
As you keep on performing the habit, you will begin to like what you are doing. This is when the
difficulty turns into a delight. The reward of the habit is now the pleasure of doing it.
Godly habits, are God-given means for you to grow in maturity and godliness. Habits serve as spiritual
exercise that makes a believer stronger, healthier, and happier as one matures in Christ.
Forming habits is not easy. But it's the only way you can grow to be like Christ. These habits are the
practices of true followers. Jesus said in Luke 9:23,...if any of you want to be My followers, you must forget
about yourself. You must take up your cross each day and follow Me."


St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), prayed meditatively for periods of one hour at a time, twice a day. She
believed that faithful practice of meditation could guard one's soul. Her writings taught the practice of
"recollection" or checking how one's senses affect one's meditation. With the help of wonderful sceneries that
the eyes sees or short readings, she focused her attention on Christ and start meditated on who God really
was. Her idea was to maximize the use of her senses in order to focus and be with God. Although practicing
the discipline may be difficult at first, the mind will naturally learn to focus on God almost effortlessly.

‘’To God be the glory’’.

CAA Baptist Academy
Contact # 0921 286 9448/ 829 2301
Address: 2741 PagkakaisaStreet.,Timog CAA,

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