Rising Action: Write The Second Part of The Plot To Your Short Story

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Rising Action

Write the second part of the plot to your short story

Richard woke up on The familiar bed that he always woke up on, even if he didn’t
remember laying down on it, in a familiar house that he always despised, with the familiar
sight of his mother that he always hated, and wished for her to disappear, to die. He
followed his familiar routine that his mother imposed on him. Waking up, walking down
stairs, eating breakfast, washing his dish, going upstairs, taking a shower no longer than
10 minutes, and then preparing for school. Richard has been following this exact same
routine since when he learned to walk, so 9 years. When he openes the door of his house
to get outside of the jail he calls home, he enters a place of torture, in which he must act
perfect, and no less from it. He has to walk to school, alone, with kids always laughing at
him for being alone, for being different. But today was different, he saw the kids laughing
at him, but he could not hear them, and could not recognize their faces, for they were
blurry and covered with jagged lines. He felt peace for the first time ever, so he raised his
head and smiled all the way to school. 

Richard arrives at school, but it somehow felt different, as if it was colder and darker. It
took him some time to decipher what he was seeing, and he noticed that everything
around him didn't have color, it was all black and white, and he liked it. He always thought
that the freedom for others to choose such bright clothing around such warm and happy
places was unfair. Why is everyone around him so cheerful while bringing someone down?
Why did he have to suffer so much? Well, he could never answer his question, but now at
least he didn't have to see all those happy people. When he saw his teacher, she seemed
familiar, a woman  with pale skin and red hair. He wondered how he could see the red
hair, and then realized it looked like his mother. Richard didn't want to see this, so he ran,
he ran as fast as he could to get out of the hell hole he was in. Every woman around him
was his mother, and every new woman around him got more twisted and frightening. Their
eyes pitch black with dark liquid coming out of them and their mouths, with long nails and a
distorted body, and the worst part about it was that he could not scream for help.
Everytime Richard opened his mouth and tried to scream, he felt as if someone was
choking him, so he just ran, and somehow found himself in front of the door of his own

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