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Marpol Inspection Report


MARPOL Annex I (Prevention of Pollution by Oil)

AA. Oil record book
BB. Sludge / Bilge disposal
CC. Diagrams & Modifications of Systems on board
DD. Class / PSC / Flag State Reports
EE. SOPEP Manual
FF. Certificates
6. CPP:
AA. Cleanness & Leakages Free
BB. Marking of Valves & Pipes
CC. Flexible Hoses
DD. Filters of the Pumps /Suction valves
EE. Sludge System
FF. Bilge System (ER)
GG. Draining system
AA. Mandatory Spares
BB. Operational and visual condition
CC. Maintenance
AA. Duct keel
BB. Underdeck passages

MARPOL Annex III (Prevention of pollution by harmful substances in packaged form)

MARPOL Annex IV (Sewage pollution prevention)
AA. Sewage Treatment Plant
BB. Tanks and System
CC. Spares
DD. Documents
MARPOL Annex V (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage)
AA. Documents
BB. Facilities & Equipment
CC. Incinerator
MARPOL Annex VI (Air pollution prevention)
AA. Fuel
BB. Refrigerant
CC. Ballast Water Management:
DD. Other Documents

Vessel: MSC Manya Date: 30 November, 2020

*Important items will be marked as: (!)

*Critical & Detainable items will be marked as: (!)
Version 02 Tech 32c
*Attach sufficient number of photographs for better understanding and for record as evidence

MARPOL Annex I (Prevention of Pollution by Oil):


AA. Oil record book:

a. Is ORB in use provided by Flag State Administration? Which Flag State?- LIBERIA

b. Is ORB of latest edition? - YES.

c. If the edition on board is not the last one released by the flag state, is the one in
use corrected to all latest amendments by the flag state? -
d. Is Master signing ORB at the bottom of every page?- YES
e. Are entries of Weekly Retention under Code C-11 logged within 7 days? (Auto
increase of the sludge tank/oily bilge tank should be recorded under weekly
retention entry in ORB) – YES.
f. Are entries of OWS maintenance/repairs logged? Last entry? –
g. Is the D15.1 entry compared with the actual rated capacity of the OWS? - YES.
h. Are ORB entries checked against the OCM data log?-
i. Are entries of OCM replacement logged? Last entry? -
j. Are entries of Bilge Holding tank inspection/cleaning logged? Last entry? –
k. Are names & capacity of the tanks indicated in ORB matching with IOPP certificate
Supplement Form A -
l. Are all other mandatory entries in ORB in compliance with IMO MEPC.1 Circ.736 &
Company’s Circular 01/2018?-
m. Are ORBs available on board for last 3 years or since ship’s delivery to MSC? –
n. Do we have Code ‘I’ entry for Wash basin drain to oily bilge tank?-
o. Do we have Code ‘I’ entry for LT cooler / Boiler drain to sludge tank? (not to be
drained into E/R bilges or BHT)-
p. Is the vessel sending ORB along with OCM data downloaded on Monthly basis?-

For Panama Flag State ORB only:

q. Are entries for Part III A, B, D logged? –
r. Is “Identification of Ship’s tanks” completed correctly in table on page 23? –

Version 02 Tech 32c

Any Omissions or Deviations noted during review of ORB(s):

BB. Sludge / Bilge disposal:

a. Are receipts for Sludge/Bilge disposal available? -yes

b. Do the quantities indicate in receipts match with records in ORB? –YES
c. Are entries in QSEEMS Forms MARPOL 01 & 03 reflecting same figures? -YES

CC. Diagrams & Modifications of Systems on board.

a. Were any modifications made to the original Fuel/Sludge/Bilge/Sewage/Draining

systems? –
b. Are applied modifications reflected in amended drawings & approved by Class? –
c. Are applied modifications reflected in the current Class Statutory Certificates (as
applicable)? -
d. If no modifications applied, do the original drawings have evidence of verification or
approval by Class?

DD. Class / PSC / Flag State Reports

a. Does any PSC and/or Flag State inspection report contain any MARPOL relevant
deficiencies? -
b. What is the status of above deficiencies? -
c. Was verification and reporting on rectification provided to issuing Authorities? -
d. Do any MARPOL relevant CoC/Memo/Deficiencies exist in the Class reports?
e. What is status and dates for rectification/implementation (as applicable)? -
f. Verification carried out during this inspection, results –

EE. SOPEP Manual

a. Is SOPEP available and approved by Flag State or Classification Society? - YES

b. Is evidence of latest Annual or occasional review of SOPEP by MSCSMCY
available? - Is Latest List of Shore contacts attached (Hard copy or CD)? – YES
c. Are All SOPEP Appendixes updated? - YES

FF. Certificates

a. Ensure that following Certificates are available with Master/Chief Engineer:

b. OWS Type Approval Certificate – YES

Version 02 Tech 32c

c. OCM/Measuring cell Type Approval Certificate (installed & spare) – YES
d. OCM/Measuring cell latest Calibration Certificate (indicate dates) – YES
e. Latest OWS discharge sample laboratory analysis (at least once per year for ships
delivered after December 2013) - Ship Names


a. Is the sealing carried out as per QSEEMS procedure VPM – Chapter 6 – Section
2? – YES

(Sealing on NB & take over vessels must be completed within 30 days)
c. Does the Chief Engineer keep and personally maintain the Seal Log? – YES
d. Are entries correct and accurate? – YES
e. Are numbers of seal logged matching with installed? (to be verified up to the extent
required by inspecting Superintendent) - YES
f. Does the Master keep and personally maintain the Seal Log? – YES
g. Does the Master keep used MARPOL seals for two-year period (lots of Jan-Dec for
each year) after removing? - YES
h. Used Marpol seals – Are these disposed on Annual basis? Last done? -
i. Do issued dates of seals match with date of installation? – YES
j. Do returning dates of seals match with dates of replacement/removing? - YES
k. Is the seal’s issuance by Master to Chief Engineer recorded individually for each
occasion in both Logs? - YES
l. Do we have the Seal ROB mentioned in the Master Hand over notes? -

AA. Verify correct seal installation on flanges of below listed pipelines (one seal per
flange, except blind flanges where 2 seal to be installed across):

a. Engine room Bilge pipelines (Discharge side only) - YES

Version 02 Tech 32c
b. Sludge pipelines (Discharge side after Sludge pump only) - YES
c. Sewage pipelines (Discharge side after STP/Pump only) - YES
d. Boiler blow down line –
e. Cargo hold bilge overboard (Discharge side after Pumps, if applicable)

Scrubber – N/A

a. Is wash water monitoring sample line cheat proof to inlet and outlet on Water
monitoring module.
Note: For ZEME It is Untreated and Treated water sample analyzer [UWSA &
b. Is holding tank suction and OVBD discharge line flanges sealed against un-
authorized usage?
c. Is sludge tank OVBD discharge line flanges [from pump until std. shore connection
on deck] sealed against un-authorized usage?
d. Is alkali bunkering line on deck installed with blank flange and sealed?
e. Is BOTU/WTU discharge line connection to wash water OVBD sealed?
f. Confirm flanges in feed line from Process [Recycle] tank to BOTU [WTU] to be
g. Is CEMS sampling line secured against tampering?

BB. Verify that following valves are sealed (sealing to be provided in such way that
could not be avoided while operating valves. Use as many seals as required to
achieve compliance):

h. ER Bilge and Cargo Hold Bilge systems interconnection – YES

i. ER Bilge and Ballast System interconnection – YES
j. ER Bilge and Cooling Water Systems – YES
k. ER Bilge and Sludge Systems interconnections – YES
l. Direct Bilge suction valve(s) – YES

m. Emergency Bilge suction valve(s) – YES

Version 02 Tech 32c

n. Sewage Direct overboard valve(s) – YES
o. (if same outlet is used for discharge of both treated and untreated sewage,
designated valve(s) on the pipeline for discharge on untreated sewage shall be
sealed. In special regulatory areas common overboard valve(s) to be sealed)
p. OWS overboard discharge valve – YES

q. Bow Thruster compartment overboard discharge valve – YES

r. Bow Thruster Compartment Bilge & Cargo Hold Bilge systems (suction valve’s
control could be isolated & sealed on control panel) -
s. Steering Gear compartment overboard discharge valve –
t. Duct keel Bilge / Pump (Valve Casing) room and Cargo Hold Bilge system valve
(suction valve’s control could be isolated & sealed on control panel and remote
drive) –
u. Drain valves overboard from any compartment where risk of any kind of oil spillage
possible (Underdeck passages, Cargo areas, Storage compartments, etc.) –
v. M/E flywheel bilge valve to be sealed and contents should be transferred manually
to sludge tank. (verify entries in ORB)

CC. Verify that following is sealed:

a. Sampling pipe of OCM (Both ends of the pipe using suitable cheat proof devices) –

Version 02 Tech 32c

b. Access/Inspection hatches of Sewage Treatment Plant – YES

c. Shore discharge Flanges of Sludge, Bilge, Sewage system on Deck/Bunker

stations – YES

d. Drain/Flushing valves of Sludge system tanks (in closed position) – YES

e. Drain valves of Boiler washing tank (in closed position) – YES


a. Are all equipment’s quantity & quality matching with requirements of SOPEP
Manual Appendix J? – YES
b. Is inventory updated monthly (deck scupper plugs to be mentioned as quantity in
use and spare separately for each type) and posted in the Sopep locker - YES
c. Is the portable (wilden pump inside the Sopep locker located in a separate box and
sealed with ISPS Seal? - YES
d. Is there evidence that the pump is used for tasks other than emergencies? -NO
e. Is the ISPS seal number logged after breaking and records compared to daily work
done report.- YES


a. Are any leakages from Thrusters reported by crew or seen during inspection? –
Version 02 Tech 32c
b. If Thruster(s) has Bio-degradable oil in the system? – N/A
c. If vessel is entering VGP areas and where biodegradable seal is not fitted, do we
have an ‘Infeasibility Statement’? -
d. Are any internal Oil or Water leakages noticed during inspection of Thrusters
compartment? -NO
e. Results of Thruster(s) LO analysis maintained on board? What’s % of water
contents? – < 0.02%
f. Results of Thruster(s) LO analysis carried out by Shore Laboratory? –
g. What is cosmetic condition of Thruster’s compartment overall including Bilges,

h. Any reports from the crew on loss of LO from the system? – NO

i. What is the arrangement for pumping out of BT room bilges? Is it operational?
If tested during inspection? -
j. Was the pumping tested every 3 months and Office permission obtained as per
QSEEMS procedure VPM Chapter 5 – Section 10? (check entries for
corresponding dates in MARPOL Seal log) - YES


a. Results of Stern Tube LO analysis maintained on board? What is percentage of

water content? – < 0.02%
b. Results of Stern Tube LO analysis carried out by Shore Laboratory? -
c. Visual condition of LO in the Header tank? Any emulsion noted? - NO
Version 02 Tech 32c
d. Are any leakages from Stern Tube reported by crew or seen during inspection? –
e. In case of any internal leakage, do we have save all tray fabricated and discharge
leading direct to sludge tank (instead of bilge well)?-
f. If Stern Tube has Bio-degradable oil in the system? –
g. Is air guard system is fitted?
h. If vessel is entering VGP areas and where biodegradable seal is not fitted, do we
have an ‘Infeasibility Statement’
i. Any reports from the crew on loss of LO from the system? Check average
consumption –NO

6. CPP:

a. Results of CPP LO analysis maintained on board? What is percentage of water

content? –
b. Results of CPP LO analysis carried out by Shore Laboratory? -
c. Visual condition of LO in the Header tank? Any emulsion noted? -
d. If CPP has Bio-degradable oil into the system? –
e. If vessel is entering VGP areas and where biodegradable seal is not fitted, do we
have an ‘Infeasibility Statement’? -
f. Any reports from the crew on loss of LO from the system? –


a. Are any machinery/mechanisms observed with oil leakage (cranes, hatch cover’s
hydraulic system, mooring winches, windlasses, Lifeboat’s davits/ramps etc.)? –
b. Are the save-alls at bunker stations and ventilation heads of Fuel & IOPP tanks of
adequate size, provided with closing plugs, having good operational drains (if
designed) and clean? -
c. Do all save-alls have clear marking of their capacities? -
d. Is location and shape of save-alls suitable to contain spillage and prevent spillage
overboard? – YES
e. If save-all trays are fitted in close proximity to overboard side, are guards fitted to
prevent any spillage overboard? - YES
f. Are save-alls provided around Mooring Winches/Windlasses (as applicable)? - YES
g. Are bunker lines (FO/DO/LO) & Sludge line, their valves and flanges in good
condition? - YES
h. Is the pressure test date & pressure available for the bunker line and the sludge
line? Was the pressure test done hydrostatically? - YES
i. Is this pressure test date stencilled at the bunker manifolds? - YES
j. Are Scupper plugs kept fitted at all times as a practice? – YES
k. Are any Drums with LO/Chemicals stored on open decks? - NO

If Power Pack & Fuel storage tanks on board

Version 02 Tech 32c

l. Is fuel top-up line & connection between Power pack(s) and Storage tanks
adequate & spillage proof? -
m. Is fuel top-up line located safe enough against damages during cargo operations? -
n. Do consumption tanks of Power Packs have High Level Alarm? Was it tested in
operation? -
o. What is the condition of the Fuel Storage Tank(s)? -


AA. Cleanness & Leakages Free

Are following compartments/areas/machinery within compartments of Engine Room


a. Purifier compartment -
b. Auxiliary Engines compartment, including AEs -
c. Main Engine (itself) –

d. Tank top including Bilge wells /Gear pit of ME compartment –

e. Tank top including Bilge wells of Shaft compartment and under the fly wheel -
f. Boiler area –

Version 02 Tech 32c

g. Compressors area/compartment –

h. Incinerator area –

i. Trays around machinery –

j. Steering Gear & Compartment –

BB. Marking of Valves & Pipes

Is marking of following system pipes/valves in ER provided correctly & sufficiently?

a. Bilge line by Yellow with Green bands -

b. Sludge line by any color with Black bands -
c. Sewage lines by any color with Grey bands –
d. CH Bilge Line – Two green bands –
e. Cross over valves by Orange & visible sign on orange background “Cross over
valve. For Emergency use only” –
f. Direct Bilge suction valves by Orange & visible sign on orange background “Direct
Bilge Suction valve. For Emergency use only” –
g. Emergency Bilge suction valve by Orange & visible sign on orange background
“Emergency Bilge suction valve. For Emergency use only”

Version 02 Tech 32c

CC. Flexible Hoses

a. Are there any Flexible (oily) hoses observed in the ER or other compartments
during inspection? –
b. Are there any portable pumps, other than one for SOPEP, observed in ER or other
compartments during inspection? –
c. Is the hose locker located as far forward (outside the ER)? Specify location
d. Are all Flexible hoses within ER designed for clean water & air are marked/tagged
accordingly (Purpose, Length, Diameter), and has no signs of oil inside? –
e. Are all Flexible hoses and portable pumps (other than the ones in SOPEP
inventory) stored in a sealed and locked locker located outside of ER as per
procedures? –
f. Does the key to this locker remains in the possession of the Master? -
g. Is updated inventory of flexible hoses posted? -
h. Is office permission being taken for every opening of Hose Locker and report sent
on closing as prescribed? (Permission must be taken even if any supdt is onboard)

i. Do we have a 25m3 submersible pump along with 100mtrs hose in the Hose
locker? -

DD. Filters of the Pumps /Suction valves

Were Filters of the Fire/GS/Ballast pumps opened for inspection? Any oil traces found?
(attach photos) -

a. Were filters of Direct Bilge Suctions from bilge wells opened for inspection? Any oil
or water residue/traces found? (attach photos) –

(To be done only during CE Change over & Superintendent visit onboard)
b. If yes, is it oil or water? -

EE. Sludge System

a. Are Sludge system pump and valves in good operational condition? -

b. What is the capacity of the Sludge pump? -
c. Are International Sludge shore connection provided on Bunker stations? –
d. Do we have any interconnection between sludge line and bilge line?-
e. IOPP Tanks soundings verified (including FO overflow tank and cofferdams)? –
(Overflow tank sounding must be close to empty at all times)
Version 02 Tech 32c
f. What is the Total sludge retention capacity of the ship as per IOPP? -
g. How much Sludge is actually on board? -
h. Is remaining retention capacity of Sludge tanks sufficient for the intended voyage? -
i. What is the average Sludge production during last 3 months as per MARPOL 03?
(review and compare figures with entries in MARPOL 01, TECH 01, ORB, sludge
disposal receipts, Estimate quantity in comparison with total Fuel used) -
j. Are mandatory spares for Sludge Pump or spare Sludge Pump available on board?
List printed from AMOS available and displayed? –
k. Is Sludge incinerated on board (where included in the IOPP)? (If so, verify records
in ORB) –
l. Is Sludge evaporated on board? (If so, verify records in ORB) –
m. Are any difficulties noted/reported by crew associated with Disposal of Sludge
ashore, collection on board, excessive production? -

FF. Bilge System (ER)

a. Are Bilge system pump(s) and valves in good operational condition? –

b. What is the total Bilge water retention capacity of the ship as per IOPP? -
c. Quantity of Bilge water actually on board? -
d. Are any evidence of excessive Bilge water generation noted? Sources? -
e. What is the average Bilge water production per day during last 3 months? -
f. Is remaining retention capacity of Bilge Holding tank(s) sufficient for the intended

GG. Draining system

a. Are any drains from various machinery/mechanisms tray which could contain Fuel
or Oil leading to Bilge Holding tank or connected with Bilge system? -
b. Any modifications required or already carried out? –
c. In case modifications carried out, are deviations verified by Class? –
d. Confirm no possibility of draining water from sludge tank to Bilge Holding tank?-
e. Are drains in ER that lead to Double Bottom tanks complying with Load Line
Regulations? (NRV provided, drains are uninterrupted from the level above Load
Line) –
f. Are there any drains/interconnections leading to the tanks through manhole? –
g. Are there any hoses in use as drains or extension of drains? (Not allowed and to be
removed/replaced with permanent pipes) -
(Verify official E.R. drain piping diagram, compare with actual arrangements. Check
if there are lines without NRV or interrupted below Load Line, leading to the tanks
through manhole, non-approved modifications, flexible hoses. Specify D.B. tanks

D.B. Tank No. / Designation Remarks / Deficiencies noted

Version 02 Tech 32c


AA. Mandatory Spares

a. Are all mandatory spares for OWS available on board as per ship’s specific
equipment as indicated in Tech 27? -
b. Is the list of all spares (as printed from AMOS) displayed clearly with ROB? -
c. Is a spare, Calibrated by maker OCM or measuring cell available on board? Date of
Calibration? -
(PS – the spare OCM must be off landed only when we have the spare unit
available onboard)

BB. Operational and visual condition

a. Are all engineers able to demonstrate operation of OWS? –

b. Are OWS maintenance records, operating and troubleshooting instructions for
OWS and OCM are posted in the vicinity of the OWS? -
c. Results of operational test of the OWS/OCM during inspection:
If test completed with overboard discharge, indicate rate achieved for 1 hour:
d. Operational test of 3-Way valve (section of discharge pipe to be removed and
proper holding condition of the valve to be checked. Photos showing internal
condition of the pipe and overboard valve mandatorily required) –
e. Is the video made for the 3-way valve operation to ascertain holding of the valve?-
f. Operational condition of Sludge dumping valve to be verified (verify stopping of
OWS pump or opening of appropriate valve) -
g. How is the physical external appearance of the OWS/OCM? –

h. Does the appearance of the OWS/OCM and its piping/surroundings justify further
detailed inspection? –
i. OWS overboard valve – is the key to the lock available in personal custody of the
CE (& not kept in the ECR)?-
j. Is the OWS overboard discharge done during daylight with Master’s consent after
informing Bridge? –
k. If discharge is done outside daylight hours, is this approved by office?-

Version 02 Tech 32c

CC. Maintenance

a. When was OWS last opened by crew (if 2 sections – dates for both)? -
b. What was the reason for opening? -
c. Was this opening logged in ORB? –
d. Was it recorded in AMOS? -
e. When BHT was last inspected? -
f. Was cleaning required & provided (indicate date if applicable)? -
g. Was it recorded in ORB? -
h. Was it recorded in AMOS? -
i. Is OWS operated at least once every month and it is reflected in the ORB and
MARPOL 03? Dates of last 3 operations? -


AA. Duct keel

a. Is the vessel designed with a Duct Keel? –

b. Are any leakages, spills, accumulation of water and/or oil observed? -
c. What is the condition of the Pipes/Joints/Valves? –
d. Is Bilge discharge system protected against accidental discharge overboard? –
(Duct keel should not be discharged overboard directly, even if arrangement is
provided. Valve for such arrangement to be kept shut and sealed – To only transfer
contents to BHT and pump out through OWS)

BB. Underdeck passages

a. Is the vessel designed with Underdeck Passages? -

b. Are any leakages, spills, accumulation of the water and/or oil observed?-
c. What is the condition of the Pipes/Joints/Valves? –
d. Are drains of the bilges kept closed and sealed to prevent accidental discharge
e. Are sounding pipes of Fuel Tanks kept closed and self-closing devices provided,
operational and not secured in open position? –


a. Are all Ballast Tanks having mutual bulkheads with FO/LO/IOPP tanks inspected
on a six monthly basis? –
b. Are all Ballast Tanks having ventilation/sounding pipes of FO/LO/IOPP tanks
passing through them inspected on a six monthly basis? -
c. Are reports for above inspections submitted to the Office and available on board? –
d. Any critical/important finding with regards to possible contamination/poor
condition/abnormalities/excessive corrosion? -
Version 02 Tech 32c
e. Which tanks were inspected during current inspection? –
f. What is the condition of inspected tanks? –
g. Are the ballast tanks having common boundary/interface with fuel tanks on the
vessel provided with perforated sounding pipes? –
h. Are manhole covers closed after tank inspection with all nuts & gasket secured and
renewed, if needed?
i. Is a general inspection of manhole covers inside cargo holds carried out and
condition of all studs/nuts/gaskets verified?
j. What is the condition of the Fuel/LO/IOPP Tanks’ bulkheads within Cargo Holds? –
k. What is the condition of the external hull, Fuel/LO/IOPP Tank bulkheads? –
l. Are manholes of FO/LO/IOPP tanks properly colour marked and visibly named
within all ship’s compartments including Cargo Holds? –
m. Are boundaries of FO/LO/IOPP tanks properly colour marked within all ship’s
compartments including Cargo Holds? -
n. Soot: Is there a washing tank for the exhaust gas boiler installed? If yes, are all
direct pumping possibilities through that tank excluded?


a. Is the incinerator provided onboard? -

b. Incinerator Type Approval Certificate –
c. Is it designed for burning Sludge? -
d. Is it reflected in IOPP Certificate along with capacity of mixing tank? -
e. Are valves of the mixing tank sealed in closed position? –
f. Is Boiler designed for burning of Sludge?
g. Is it reflected in IOPP Certificate along with capacity of mixing tank? –
h. Is the incinerator operated at least every month and it is reflected in the ORB? -


i. Is the vessel fitted with Pure Dry system? –

j. Is the system in use? –
k. Quantity of FO recovered as per counter and actual in the last 3 months:
l. Quantity of sludge generated in the last 3 months:

MARPOL Annex III (Prevention of pollution by harmful substances in packaged form)

a. Are Chemicals segregated as OWS Friendly / Non Friendly and placards posted? -
Version 02 Tech 32c
b. Are Chemicals segregated as Acidic / Alkaline and placards posted? -
c. MSDS available at Chemical Locker? -
d. Do Chemical storage areas/lockers have no risk of spillage overboard? -
e. Is paint on board stored in designated Paint Locker only? -
f. Is MSDS available at Paint Locker? -
g. Is manifest for all IMDG cargo carried onboard available? -

MARPOL Annex IV (Sewage pollution prevention)

AA. Sewage Treatment Plant

a. Is Sewage Treatment Plant installed? -

b. Is STP included in the ISPP Certificate by Class? –
c. Is Capacity of STP as per Type Approval certificate matching with number of
persons in ISPP Certificate and number of persons on board? -
d. Is the STP in good operational condition and operating in Auto mode? –
e. When was the STP last inspected and cleaned internally? -
f. Is the condition of sludge return line clean and transparent? -
g. Is the flow through sludge return line visible? –
h. Are Chemicals Chlorine applied in STP / Sewage system available on board? -
i. Is Chlorine tablet/Chemical present in the chamber provided on STP during the
inspection? –
j. Are the chlorine tablets in STP of correct type (only from manufacturer) and of
proper diameter?-
k. Average Monthly consumption of the chemical in use?
l. Is Document for Approved Rate of Discharge of untreated sewage issued by
Class/Flag state available? –
m. Confirm the STP overflow should not lead to BHT?-

BB. Tanks and System

a. Is Sewage Holding tank provided on the vessel and included in ISPP Certificate? –
b. Is Treated Sewage Holding tank designed and included in Class constructional
drawings/ amended documentation with Class approval (Sewage, Ballast line
diagrams, Capacity Plan, Ballast Water Management Plan, Trim & Stability Booklet,
loading software, as applicable)? –
c. If Tank modified from any Ballast tank, is it disconnected from the Ballast system? –
d. Is sewage direct overboard discharge carried out on the vessel? Under which
circumstances? -
e. What is the practice implemented on board for discharge of treated sewage at
sea/port? -

Version 02 Tech 32c

CC. Spares

a. Are set of mandatory MARPOL spares for STP as per Form Tech 27 available on
b. Is the list of all spares (as printed from AMOS) displayed clearly with ROB? -

DD. Documents/Certificates

a. Sewage system Line diagram approved by Class (if any changes/modifications

carried out) -
b. Results of last 6 Monthly laboratory analysis –
c. Sewage Management Plan available (MSCSMCY Form)? –
d. Type approval Certificate available for STP? –

MARPOL Annex V (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage)

AA. Documents/Certificates

a. Is Garbage Record Book of latest version (MSCSMCY Format) available and well
maintained? Any omissions/incorrectness/violations in records? -
b. Are GRB available for last 3 years or since vessel’s delivery to MSC? –
c. Is Garbage Management Plan of latest version (MSCSMCY Format) prepared,
posted? -
d. Is certificate concerning Prevention Pollution by Garbage issued by Class? -
e. Are Compactor, Comminuter & Incinerator included in the Certificate? –
f. Certificate with specification from makers for comminuter (confirming ground food
passing through 25mm mesh) and Type approval certificate for Compactor
available onboard? –
g. Is the crew aware of company’s EMS target – Reduction 0.5m3 garbage generation

BB. Facilities & Equipment

a. Are Garbage storage facilities provided on board properly marked in accordance

with the GMP & correctly reflected there? –
b. Is the actual quantity of waste receptacles on Garbage Collection Station matching
with GMP and with the certificate concerning Prevention Pollution by Garbage?
c. Are Garbage storage facilities on board of adequate quality and design against
spillage/pollution? –
d. Are the drums of non-combustible type (including cooking oil drum in galley)?-
e. Is the garbage Chute available onboard for disposal of food waste at sea?-
f. Is the disposal at sea done during daylight hours and not by one person alone?

Version 02 Tech 32c

g. Is Garbage compactor fitted & operational? -
h. Is Food waste processor/Comminuter fitted & operational?
i. Is the Compactor / Comminuter in use? -

CC. Incinerator (Mediterranean area – Barcelona Convention not applicable as

amendment still not fully in force – Vessels could continue to use Garbage & Oil rags)

a. Is disposal of solid garbage in incinerator a regular practice on board? -

b. Is incinerator included into IAPP Certificate? –
c. Is Certificate concerning Prevention Pollution by Garbage available? -
d. Are records with regards to disposal logged in the GRB and operation of the
Incinerator in the ORB (Panama Flag only) recorded and dates are matching? –
e. What is the condition of refractory in chamber? -

MARPOL Annex VI (Air pollution prevention) - Compliance System – Exhaust Gas

Cleaning System (Scrubber)

Is Vessel is retrofitted with Approved EGCS System/systems?

Make: Wartsila/ZEME/Yara/Viswa

Model / Rating

Exhaust monitoring System: Scheme A/B

AA) Documentation:

1. Is vessel issued with full term IAPP Cft with inclusion of EGCS system under
equivalents section 2.6 of IAPP Cft.? //Deck 03//
2. Vessel with EU flag with non EU EGCS maker, Confirm if MED-G Cft is issues?
//Deck 03//
3. Confirm if EGCS Data Update in IMO GISIS under MARPOL Annex VI in Public
4. Is vessel having below Approved MARPOL Docs [Vessel Specific?]

 EGCS Technical Manual [ETM-B]

 EGC Record Book
 SOx Emission Compliance plan [SECP]
 Onboard Monitoring Manual [OMM].
 Scrubber Onboard Training Record Book.

Version 02 Tech 32c

 MARPOL Test Report.
 Fuel Handling and Change over Management with Inclusion of Scrubber

5. Ph, PAH, Turbidity and Density sensor type approval & Factory calibration
Cft.//Deck 03//
6. CEMS type approval and factory calibration Cft. //Deck 03//
7. Last, wash water sample lab analysis. //Deck 03//

BB) Record Keeping:

1. Is EGCS Record book filled up with daily spot checks [Form 5,6&7 in Wartsila] as
an alternative means of demonstrating compliance in case of monitoring system
2. Are all section of EGCS Record book duly filled?
3. Are all maintenance as per OMM recorded in EGCS Record book.
4. Is Scrubber onboard training record book updated?
5. When was last wash water sample tested? Please check record in EGCS Record
6. When was last CEMS validated with SO2/CO2 span gas? Please check this in
EGCS record book.
7. Last Alkali bunkering, to be verified from Alkali Delivery Note.
8. Confirm if MARPOL data extracted during inspection?

Note: Data needs to cross check against to cross check EGC record book logs for  EGC Shutdowns,
EGC Maintenance, EGC running with Water monitoring or CEMS  failure  [Flag exemption record]

9. Holding tank last discharged to sea, records to be matched with sounding and
EGCS Record Book.
10. Sludge last discharged ashore, records to be verified from EGCS Record book and
shore discharge receipt.
11. Last wash water sample shore analysis record. //Ref Deck 03//

CC) Operation & Maintenance:

1. Is Scrubber operational in Open, Closed Loop and Closed loop Zero Discharge?
2. If time or situation permits, please test scrubber in all 3 modes
3. % ME MCR, % AE Load tested.

Version 02 Tech 32c

4. SO2/CO2 ration achieved in Global, SECA mode while running in OPEN & Closed

****Separate Scrubber daily running sheet can be filled and attached.

5. BOTU function tested and Satisfactory.

Note: For Wartsila, all 3 BOTU functions checked / For Apateq WTU, please check pneumatic
sludge compressor.

6. Holding tank OVBD discharge function tested.

7. Confirm Scrubber maintained as per maker’s PMS to be verified from EGCS record
8. Confirm if Scrubber included in AMOS and maintenance recorded.
9. Confirm if CEMS maintenance carried out as per makers manual and recorded in
EGC record book.

DD) Scrubber Safety Checks:

1. How many location leakage detection sensor fitted and their location?

Note: Lekage detection sensor to be fitted in each compartment through which GRE pipes passes.

2. Confirm Scrubber shutdown functional from all locations.

Note: To be checked on main control panel, lekage detection panel and Engine alarm system.
3. Confirm hard-wired Emcy Shutdown tested from all locations and found Operational.
4. For Yara inline Scrubber, Was soot pit lekage alarm checked for proper functioning.
5. For Yara inline and Viswa horizontal scrubber, Is there any possibility water ingress to
exhaust system? Please discuss the same with CE.

EE) Mandatory Spares:

1. Are all mandatory spares for Scrubber onboard as per ship & Equipment specific as stated
in Tech 27?
2. Are spare Ph, PAH, Turbidity and Density sensor and CEMS consumables filters onboard?

3. Is CEMS calibration gases [depending on CEMS maker Norsk or SICK] available onboard?
// Ref Tech 01//

4. Is Calibration kit for Ph, PAH and Turbidity sensor onboard. // Ref Tech 01//

5. Is CIP chemicals for 4 months cons onboard? // Ref Tech 01//

6. Is spare blower and motor onboard for Exhaust damper sealing air fan? //Tech 27//

7. Is spare level switch [triggering shutdown] onboard? //Tech 27//

Version 02 Tech 32c
8. For Wartsila scrubbers, Confirm if Spare pump for alkali circulating and BOTU transfer
pump available onboard? //Tech 27//

FF) MSCSMCY Policy for Scrubber Vessels:

1. Does Vessel has sufficient compliant fuel in line with MSCGVA fuel policy?
2. Is sufficient alkali onboard for 2 round trip closed loop operation in present trade?

3. Confirm engine room kept manned at all times [ref circ__]

MARPOL Annex VI (Air pollution prevention) -

AA. Fuel

a. Is Company’s Approved Change Over procedure of latest version for ECA and
Specific Areas (EU/Turkey etc.) available on board? –
b. Do the ship’s staff correctly implement the C/O procedure on board? -
c. Are records with regards to C/O procedure correctly logged in ORB (Panama Flag
only) and Marine Sulphur Record Book (ECA only) and Engine Room Log book? –
d. Are reports on C/O procedure using Shipboard 10 Checklist provided correctly? -
e. Are records of all Bunkering operations and handling of samples correctly logged in
ORB and MSRB (as applicable)? -
f. Are BDN available for last 3 years?
g. Are bunker samples kept in a designated locker (retention for one year, check
locker capacity, location and whether kept locked)? -

BB. Refrigerant

a. Does the vessel have any Ozone Depleting Substance (e.g. R22) in use? –
b. Is a Refrigerant Leakage Log correctly maintained? –
c. Is the Refrigerant leakage detector available on board? -
d. Is the refrigerant Recovery Kit & Bottle available onboard? -
e. Are records with regards to Ozone Depleting substances maintained in the ORB
(for Panama Flag vessels) and in the ODS log book (for other Flag vessels)? -
f. Refrigerants phasing out in Jan 2020 (e.g. R-404a, R404a, R417a) in use on
board? If yes, where? –
g. Status of conversion to ZERO ODS - R407c – In progress / completed?

CC. Ballast Water Management

a. USCG Type Approval Certificate/USCG AMS Certificate for BWTS –

b. Latest BWTS sample laboratory analysis (6 monthly for first year of installation and
at least once per year thereafter) -
Version 02 Tech 32c
c. Is BWMP approved by Flag State or Class available on board?
d. Which categories of Ballast treatment are approved for the ship as per IBWMC? –
e. Is BWMP fully updated as per requirements of IBWMC? –
f. Is Ballast Handling Log well maintained? –
g. No ballasting/deballasting being carried out in port? (Permission from the
Company was requested/obtained)? –
h. Is the Ballasting/Deballasting Checklist Shipboard 14 in use & being complied
with? –
i. Are ballast tanks having common boundary with fuel tanks checked for presence of
oil before being deballasted? -
j. Is BWTS fitted on board (planned to be fitted)? –
k. BWTS Compliance date? -
l. Is BWTS well operational and always in use for Ballast operations (except internal
transfer)? -
m. Are spares for BWTS available on board to provide replacement/repairs and
maintaining system in fully operational condition? –
n. Is the list of all spares (as printed from AMOS) displayed clearly with ROB? –
o. Is the BWTS by-pass valve operation familiarized to all crew and related alarm is
connected to AMS?-
p. Ballast Stripping system – Is this also connected to the BWTS?

DD. Other – Including Documents/Certificates

a. EIAPP Certificates for ME/AE (as applicable and indicated into IAPP) –
b. NOx Technical Files maintained and updated (as applicable) –
c. File is checked against the maintenance records & use of spare parts?
d. NOx Technical file – Last 3 entry dates?
e. Is VGP / NTVRP File maintained and updated (including Annual Report) & VGP
Compliance statement available onboard? -
f. Is vessel complying with US Biofouling requirements? –
g. Is the Biofouling Record Book available on board?
h. Bio Fouling Plan – Crew Training carried out as per Deck 07 –
i. Is Anti-Fouling Certificate (Statement of compliance) + Records available on board
and updated as per latest Dry Docking? –
j. Was the Emergency bilge suction valve seat checked during dry dock / lay up?-
k. Are all waste receipts issued during dry dock correctly compiled and accounted for
with work done reports?
l. Are SEEMP Part I & Part II with the Confirmation of Compliance available on board
and staff aware of same? – (indicate revision __________)
m. Are Annual Energy Efficiency Evaluation Sheets (SEEMP Part I) completed by the
ship’s staff and Performance Department available on board?

Version 02 Tech 32c

n. Is EU MRV Monitoring Plan with the with the Statement of Compliance available on
board?- (indicate reference date __________)
o. Is Document of Compliance of CO2 Emission Report available on board? Indicate
validity date________
p. EEOI - Verification of EEOI software installed onboard and voyage data being filled
and reviewed till date? -
q. Are Passage Plans updated with regards to Environmental/MARPOL information
and requirements? -
r. Are Targets for ISO 14001 compliance for current year and analysis of
achievements for previous year known by the crew and measurable progress could
be demonstrated? -
s. Is Company’s MARPOL Policy posted on board at designated locations (Bridge,
ECR, Mess rooms, Office, OWS)? –
t. Is the vessel sending Marpol 01 along with OCM data logger to the office on weekly
u. Is the vessel maintaining IOPP & Non-tank IOPP sounding log? (FO Overflow Tank
& Cofferdam soundings checked)?
v. Is the Marpol 04 – Bunker Sounding Logs maintained and duty officer completing
the checks?
w. Is the bunker survey carried out?
x. Did we note any difference in actual and declared bunker figures? If so, are the
figures corrected now?
y. In case of manual fuel transfers – is the crew aware to keep two persons monitoring
the transfer at all times.
z. Ro-Ro vessels – is the oily water in bilges directly drained overboard?-
aa. In Turkey for preventing wash water discharge, do we have permanent
arrangement for drain in a ballast tank or wilden pump is rigged ready to make
transfer in ballast vent thorough open vent head? -

Any outstanding deficiencies from previous MARPOL inspection carried out

on ……………………:

MARPOL Compliance rating of this inspection (Good, Fair, Poor):

Superintendent/Manager: Date:

Version 02 Tech 32c

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