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Mirielle Baluyot

Dr. Gibson

History 101-60

1 March, 2021

Response #2: The-I Search Paper

In the article, “The I-Search Paper”, it briefly explained the difference between an

‘I-Search Paper’ and a traditional research paper an individual may write. The I-Search Paper

encourages a student to write about something he/or she is genuinely interested in, and not just

some abstract topic given by the teacher. It asks that the writer should be part of the paper as if

they were a part of the search. In a traditional research paper, “Most students think of them as a

game, written with the fewest possible errors, using ‘Teacher-Words’ for a good grade.” When it

comes to writing any paper, especially when it is expected of you to do because it is a graded

assignment, students just write about the main points and do not include any enthusiasm.

I think the I-Search Paper is easier to do, compared to a traditional research paper

because you are able to write from within. The I-Search Paper somewhat reminds me of the

response assignments we have to do for this history class, in a way that we have to read and then

explain what the article said, what did we think about, and what did we learn. I enjoy doing these

types of assignments because I could pick which article/reading I find interesting and easily write

and give my thoughts about it.

I learned that the I-Search paper is a personal research paper about a topic that is

important to the writer. It is usually less formal than a traditional research paper; it tells the story

of the writer's personal search for information, as well as what the writer learned about the topic.

I also noticed how in some of my classes that I’m taking right now we’re given a topic to write
about and sometimes it doesn’t seem interesting, which makes it difficult for me to write and

answer the prompt question.

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