Vausdha - Mathamity 2021-22 Circular

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Exploration is the engine that drives innovation.

Theme: Science and Technology for Global Sustainability

As the world is growing rapidly all the resources are limited, how will be able to sustain due

There are various challenges in having suitability such as distribution of water, food, and
energy etc

Agricultural farming (including organic farming and automation in farming)

Under this topic, Students need to understand the background on the growing human
population but the land is still the same to farming it.

Due to increasing population, it has the less land still you need to grow the food needed for
the growing population, that means you need to increase the productivity
by bringing the smart technologies that save the efforts of farmers. Few examples of smart
farming are as below

 Completely automatic and robotic labours for repetitive tasks

 Driverless Tractors
 Precision Seeding Equipment
 Automatic Watering and Irrigation
 Weeding and Crop Maintenance
 Drones for Imaging, Planting, Spray insecticides and More
 Sensors and the IoT being used in the agriculture farms

Swachh Bharat/Cleanliness

 How you can keep your city clean, what equipment you can use, how can you bring
new technology that reduces the efforts.
 What are the benefits out of cleanliness drives? You can showcase all these things
while during the project for the exhibition

Health innovations

The Students can make the models on the latest health innovations happening in the world

For example,

 Virtual reality is the new health innovation where patient need not travel to
hospital for treatment, using Virtual Reality allows the patients to get the
treatment just sitting at home
 IoT devices
 Medicines
Science and the Home

 Science and the Quality of Life

 Water and Man
 Conservation of National Resources
 Science and Low Cost Technology for Development
 Science and Technology in Information Age
 Science and Technology to Meet the Challenges of Life.
 Science & Technology for Society
 Science, Indigenous Technology and Sustainable Development
 Science and Technology in the Changing world
 Recent Trends in Science and Technology.
 Science and Technology for Rural Development
 Science and Technology for Sustainable Development
 Science & Technology and Planet Earth

Non-conventional energy / renewable energy

 Renewable Energy /Nonconventional energy has the main source of energy such as

geothermal(power generated naturally), wind(windmill), solar, tidal, biomass and
small hydroelectric plants.
 Under this theme you can develop the models on windmill generators, solar power
panel generator, biomass generator or power generation using dams.

Mathematics for a quality life

The main aim of this sub-theme is to make our school children realize about various
mathematical ideas and tools to solve problems confronting the society and thereby leading to
a quality life. The exhibits/models in this subtheme may pertain to;
 mathematical models to show how disease might spread in human in the event of
 policies, programmes and schemes in mathematics that have a significant impact on human
 mathematical applications that have a wide ranging impact on issues such as agriculture,
energy, health, space, energy, health, environment, space, industry, communication,
education, etc.
 impact of mathematical ideas on other subject areas such as science, medicine, psychology,
social science etc;
 mathematical ideas to solve various problems of our everyday life/ environment related
 mathematical models to predict orbital path of comets, meteors and other minor planets;
 mathematical models to show spread of forest fi re depending on the types of tree, weather
and nature of the ground surface;
 mathematical models to demonstrate the action of medicines in human system;
 using mathematical tools and computer simulation to improve cancer therapy/wound
healing/tissues formation/corneal wound healing;
 mathematical tools to describe traffic flow/stock market option;
 mathematical tools to show the effect of climate change/global warming;
 mathematical tools for predicting future population and knowing the impact of population;

Humanities and Commerce (For Grade XI and XII)

 Social Media
 Marketing and Advertising
 Auditing
 Business Ethics
 Finance
 Social Computing
 Knowledge Management and knowledge Economy
 Technology and Education
Mass Media
 Sociology of Food
 Spirituality, superstition and Legends
 Energy Alternative
 E-society and online communities
 Human-computer interaction
 Human-Environment interactions
 Youth Cultures

For division of work:

 Students will work in groups of not more than 5 members. Group leader will be the first roll
number of each group.
 Marks will be given to students on the basis of work done individually.
 Sub-theme can be chosen by the groups according to their ideas.
 For every section, the groups will be divided as follows :(subject to change depending upon
the strength of the individual class)

 Roll no 1 to 5………..     Group 1

 Roll no 6 to 10……….    Group 2
 Roll no 11 to 15………   Group 3
 Roll no 16 to 20……….  Group 4
 Roll no 21 to 25………  Group 5
 Roll no 26 to 30………   Group 6
 Roll no 31 to 35 ………  Group 7
 Roll no. 36 till last roll number ……. Group 8

• Research to be done by all members of the group. Apart from research, following is the
work distribution of the group members (subject to change with mutual consent):

Ø First roll number in the group- title page, acknowledgement, table of content
Ø Second roll number in the group- statement of purpose and hypothesis
Ø Third roll number in the group- Materials and procedure
Ø Fourth roll number in the group- Observation and result
Ø Fifth roll number in the group- Log book, reference and PowerPoint presentation

Following are the key points to be kept in mind for Vasudha/Mathamity:

 Model to be prepared (as per the requirement of the project)

 All written work (file) to be done in soft copy as a folder in MS Word.

 Logbook to be prepared in MS Excel.

 Project Report (file) to be written according to guidelines written below:

Ø The written report (file) to be minimum 20 pages in length.

Ø It must be typewritten, doubled spaced with one- inch margins, and 12 pt Times New
Roman Font.
Ø Remember to put headings/titles on graphs/charts/tables/URL in case of reference of
Ø All photographs must have captions explaining their significance.

 Log book for work distribution to be made. Please add pictures as evidence of meetings
conducted or of students working on their project.
 Survey (online) of not less than 50 people.
 Interview with experts can be included as per the requirement of the project.

Guideline for Written Report (file)

Written report for a project should include:
Title Page: The first page in the report should include the title of the project as well as the name and
grade of the student.
SDG (Sustainable Development Goals): Please relate your project to any SDG and explain how
your project will help in achieving the chosen SDG.
Acknowledgment: Here is where you thank everyone who helped to make your project successful
(including Mom and Dad.) Everyone that you interviewed, including teachers, scientists, and other
experts in the field should be mentioned here.

Table of Content: This page provides the reader with a list of the different parts of the project and
the page number on which each section can be found.

Statement of Purpose: State the purpose of the project in the form of a question.

Abstract: You must have an abstract of your project which is a brief outline/synopsis of the project.

Research: This is the part of the report that contains all the background information that you
collected about your topic. Any books or articles read from the internet/journal, authorities on the
topic that you talked to, or outside materials collected should be summarized in this section. This
section should be written in your own words and NOT copied from your resources. Any data collected
from reliable source should have the URL mentioned alongside.

Materials: This is a list of all the materials and supplies used in the project. Quantities and amounts
of each should also be indicated.

Procedure: You will list and describe the steps you took to complete the project. Usually this is listed
in a numbered sequence. This part shows the stages of the project so that another person can carry out
the experiment.
Observations and Results: In this section, you will tell what you learned from the project. It is also
IMPORTANT to include all graphs, charts, or other visual data (pictures) that helps to show your

Conclusion: This is a brief statement explaining why your project turned out the way it did. You
should explain why the events you observed occurred. Using the word “because” is a good way to
turn an observation into a conclusion. The conclusion should tell whether the hypothesis was proven
or not proven. Also give the reason(s) why you chose to learn more about the subject. You could also
add what you know now that you didn’t know before you completed your project.

Reference: Enlisted the details of all references which you have used for project.
Last date for submission is 15th July, 2021.

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