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1. Sun Rise
2. Overcoming one’s struggle
3. In order us to realize that someday we will overcome all of our struggles and
give the others a light of hope that one day they could overcome their
struggles too.
1. Hope
2. Hopeful
3. Hyperbole: An extravagant statement; the use of exaggerated terms for the
purpose of emphasis or heightened effect.
Metonymy: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted for
another with which it is closely associated; also, the rhetorical strategy of
describing something indirectly by referring to things around it.
Irony: The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. Also,
it is a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the
appearance or presentation of the idea.
Oxymoron: A figure of speech in which incongruous or contradictory terms
appear side by side.
4. Struggle and Accomplishment
Theme: DEATH
 Frightening
 Truth
 The End
 Death of a family member
 Near death of my self
 Witnessed death of others
 Frightening as a lion hunting its prey.
 The truth that will pierce your heart.
 The final stage of someone’s survival.
 It’s a sunny morning yet it’s gloomy, everyone is mourning for the loss of
our loved ones, I saw all of them crying out loud beside in a grave where
they buried my grandfather, I don’t know why but for the whole time I never
shed a tear, but deep inside I feel like my heart has been shattered like a
glass, maybe it’s because I can’t still accept the truth, the truth that he’s
gone, that his journey’s already ended. But because of what he said before
he dies, “If one day I die, I’ll be happy because I won’t be able to witness
how the world would change for the worst and I also won’t be able to feel
the cruelty of the world.” That’s why I moved on easily for his death but
that’s also the start when I view death as frightening, it’s frightening in the
way that people choose death easily instead of living. Through watching
movies and videos I witnessed other people dying, that’s when I realized
choosing death is having a reason to die. There’re many reasons why
people die and end up facing death than to keep living. I remember the
time when I was near hit by a truck and then I was scolded by someone
and in my mind, I want to say to that person that “don’t worry I won’t die
yet, I’m still waiting for a reason why I need to die and that reason is I need
to die to keep someone’s alive” which means life for a life. So, until that
reason has not come yet I will value my life. I need to survive for my final
stage will be meaningful and I want to die for a reason and not for an

I. Using Literary Elements and Techniques

A one word that everyone is so afraid of, and a word that conveys a truth.
It’s like an earthquake you don’t know when it comes but when it does, you’ll
be terrified. It’s the word death, a word that can be consider as the end of
someone’s world. Someone already accept that everyone of us would be
facing death and someone already said that their already to face death but
then their afraid to die. They can deny it but they can’t avoid it, they can’t
avoid the fact that their afraid to die, only a person that’s not afraid to die is a
person who’s willing to die for something and a person who loss a will to live.
Death of a person is like a sun set’s, when their slowly buried under and until
the time comes that you can’t see it anymore even its silhouette.

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