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CREATIVE WRITING It refers to the way of speaking we use in

everyday life. Informal language does not usually contain

ACTIVITY SHEET any complex syntactic patterns or sophisticated terms. It
might contain colloquialisms and contractions.


I think… It is my opinion that…
Competencies/y Job Occupation
To get To receive
*Use imagery, diction, figures of speech and specific experiences
Just a note to say… I’m writing to inform you…
to evoke meaningful responses from readers What’s up? How do you do?
(HUMMSS_CW/MP11/12-Ia-b-4) Nice to meet you. See ya (you) It is a pleasure to meet
Objectives Wha’d’ya (what do you ) want? Please state your business.
*Use imagery, diction, figures of speech and specific experience.
*Write of brief literary description or a short paragraph through *Colloquialism
making sense of pictures and songs. It is nonstandard, which means that is not
accepted or used by the educated speakers and often
IMAGERY regional ways of using language.
It is technique using imaginative and descriptive words to They are appropriate for informal and
paint a picture in the reader’s mind. conversational speech and writing.
It includes figurative and metaphorical language to Expressions like yup, guys, ain’t ,gonna, y’al are
improve the reader’s experience through their senses. examples of colloquial.
Imagery appeals directly to one or more of the five
senses. *Slang
An author achieves imagery through the use of words. It is an informal, nonstandard form of language
which consists of newly created and rapidly changing
Types of Imagery words and phrases.
*Olfactory-what we smell Words like phat (physically attractive), bonkers
*Tactile-what we touch or feel (mad), Beemer (a BMW), fam (family) and frenemy (two
*Visual-what we see friends with constant disputes) are some examples of
*Auditory-what we hear slang words.
*Gustatory-what we taste Also words like LOL (laugh out loud), TTYL (talk to
Example: you later) and IDIC (I don’t know) can be considered as
Read the text below. slangs.

An interesting story *Jargon

“You know what guys. It was the seasons. In the spring I It is a specific words or phrases used in different
was walking in the garden and I felt the wetty grass at that time. I contexts, professions and trade. The people outside that
was eating chocolate too. The day was precious, I saw blue sky, context may not be able to identify these words and
white clouds, budding leaves and various flowers. I heard the phrases.
melodious sound of birds, they were singing in harmony in the It can be used in professional context.
early morning. Then I smelt the beautiful fragrance of roses, and I FTP ia a police jargon for failure to pay the fine;
also felt the freshness of the wind against my cheeks. I touched BP is a medical jargon for blood pressure.
flowers, they were soft and lovely.”
Imagery used:
A figure of speech expresses an idea, thought, or
1. I felt the wetty grass-Tactile image with words which carry meanings beyond their literal
2. I was eating chocolate-Gustatory
ones. Figures of speech give extra dimension to language by
3. I saw blue sky, white clouds, budding leaves and various
stimulating the imagination and evoking visual, sensual
4. I heard the melodious sound of birds, they were singing in imagery; such language paints a mental picture in words.
harmony in the early morning.-Auditory Some types of figurative language are the following:
5. I smelt the beautiful fragrance of roses-Olfactory *Alliteration: The repetition of an initial consonant
6. I also felt the freshness of the wind against my cheeks.- sound.
Tactile Example: She sells seashells by the seashore.
7. I touched flowers, they were soft and lovely.-Tactile *Apostrophe: Directly addressing a nonexistent
person or an inanimate object as though it
DICTION were a living being.
It is the choice of words or the style used by an individual Example: "Oh, you stupid car, you never work
when speaking or writing. when I need you to," Bert sighed.
There are several factors to consider when choosing *Assonance: Identity or similarity in sound between
words: internal vowels in neighboring words.
*Words need to be right and accurate. Example: How now, brown cow?
*Words need to be appropriate for context. * Hyperbole: An extravagant statement; the use of
*Words need be understood by the reader or listener. exaggerated terms for the purpose of
*When speaking, words need to be properly pronounced. emphasis or heightened effect.
TYPES of DICTION Example: I have a ton of things to do when I
*Formal Diction get home.
It refers to the appropriate way of speaking for * Irony: The use of words to convey the opposite of
formal or official occasions. It often contains complex their literal meaning. Also, it is a statement or
syntax and sophisticated words. Formal diction does not situation where the meaning is contradicted
contain colloquialism, contractions, slang, etc… by the appearance or presentation of the idea.
*Informal (Casual) Diction Example: "Oh, I love spending big bucks," said
my dad, a notorious penny pincher. ACTIVITY 2
*Metaphor: An implied comparison between two MUSIC and ME!
dissimilar things that have something in Directions: Think of a song that has figure of speech. Then, fill-out
the table below.
Example: "All the world's a stage."
*Metonymy: A figure of speech in which a word or SONG SINGER LINE/S FIGURE of
phrase is substituted for another with which SPEECH
it is closely associated; also, the rhetorical
strategy of describing something indirectly
by referring to things around it. You Are the Ed Sheeran I’d climb every Hyperbole
Example: "That stuffed suit with the briefcase Reason mountain
is a poor excuse for a salesman," the manager and swim
said angrily. every ocean
*Onomatopoeia: The use of words that imitate the 1.
sounds associated with the objects or actions 2.
they refer to. 3.
Example: The clap of thunder went bang and 4.
scared my poor dog.
*Oxymoron: A figure of speech in which incongruous
or contradictory terms appear side by side. 6.
Example: "He popped the jumbo shrimp in his 7.
*Paradox: A statement that appears to contradict ACTIVITY 2
Example: "This is the beginning of the end,"
said Eeyore, always the pessimist. Read the selection below. Select and write in the blanks the
*Personification: A figure of speech in which an corresponding sensory details for each of the following senses.
inanimate object or abstraction is endowed
The sweet smell of chocolates seems to call me in the
with human qualities or abilities.
evening. The attraction of its delectable taste is really hard to
Example: That kitchen knife will take a bite
resist. When the temptation is too much to handle, I tip-toe into
out of your hand if you don't handle it
the kitchen, past the photos of colorful flowers hanging on the wall
and over the cracking sounds of the hardwood floors. The sight of
*Simile: A stated comparison (usually formed with
those beautifully rounded chocolates only increases the fast
"like" or "as") between two fundamentally
beating of my heart and salivating in my mouth. The taste of its
dissimilar things that have certain qualities in
delectable, melting goodness on my tongue causes all my senses to
Example: Roberto was white as a sheet after
he walked out of the horror movie.
1. Sense of sight
Bouchrika, I. (2021).Imagery Literary Device: Definition, Types, and
2. Sense of sound
Creative nonfiction.(2020).Quarter1-Module3:Literary elements 3. Sense of smell
and techniques.Dep.ed-Davao City. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
4. Sense of taste
Figures of Speech. ______________________________________________________
Creative writing/Malikhaing Pagsusulat (2020). Quarter1-Module 5. Sense of touch
1:Creative ______________________________________________________
Five types of imagery. ACTIVITY 3
What is it like?
Imagery. Directions: Take a very careful look at the picture below and
40023518 choose one picture. Then, write a brief paragraph of the place
using imagery, diction, and figures of speech. You may incorporate
What is creative writing, diction, imagery ,and figure of speech. an experience related to the location to make your literary description more vivid.

1. Write your name in a sheet of paper.
2. Answer ACTIVITY 1, 2 and 3 in an intermediate
paper or yellow paper.
3. Read and strictly follow instructions.
Organization *Topic *Topic sentence *Topic *Topic
(Focus and sentence is is evident sentence sentences is
unclear is clear more

*Conclusion is *Conclusion is *Conclusion is *Conclusion

weak/missing evident clear is clear and

*Insufficient *Some *Supporting *Supporting

supporting supporting details are details are
details details sufficient, skillfully
effective and chosen for
relevant effect

*Beginning, *Organized *Clear *Well

middle, end beginning, beginning, linked
are not well middle, end middle and beginning,
organized with simple end with good middle and
transitions transitions end with
Style *Voice is *Voice is *Voice is clear *Voice is
(Voice, inappropriate unclear and consistent used to
Vocabulary, inconsistent reinforce
Sentence purpose
Variety) *Simple or *Limited *Uses and
/30 inappropriate vocabulary vocabulary connect
vocabulary correctly and with the
effectively reader

*Little or no *Uses a few *Uses some *Uses a

variety in different variety in wide variety
sentence type sentence types sentence types of sentence
or structure or structures or structures types or
Grammar *Many errors *Several errors *A few errors *Practically
and in spelling , in spelling, in spelling, no errors in
Mechanics punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, spelling,
/20 verb verb tenses, verb-verb punctuation
tenses,subject- subject-verb agreement, , verb
verb agreement, pronoun tenses,
agreement, pronoun usage, usage, and subject-
pronoun and sentence sentence verb
usage, and structure, but structure, but agreement,
sentence that have some they do not pronoun
structure that impact on the affect the usage, and
create clarity of clarify of sentence
confusion in meaning and meaning structure
meaning and overall
weaken the impression

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