IE 580 - Fall 2020 - LAB 2

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IE 580_Fall 2020

LAB 2:

• To evaluate the effects of gloves on hand grip strength after a fatiguing protocol and dexterity of
completing a task.
o Dexterity refers to one’s skills in task performance (especially used in reference to the
tasks involving the hands).

• 4 pairs of gloves
• Grip dynamometer
• Data collection sheets

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LAB: (data already collected)

• Each person will complete this lab using their dominant hand.
• Record your fit and comfort ratings on the data collection sheet.
• You MUST complete the task for all 5 conditions (4 glove conditions and bare hand).
• Enter and save all of your data on the lab computer before leaving.
• You must get your data checked by the TA after it is in the lab computer before leaving.
failure to do so will result in loss of points for lab
• Be accurate when collecting the data.
o Each person will complete this lab.
o Work in groups of 2 or 3:
 One person performs the task, the other person(s) will record the measurements
and/take time to complete the task
 Rotate until all people have done all the tasks
Experimental Task Equipment/Task Description Corresponding Measurements for
Dominant Hand Only
Hand grip strength Grip dynamometer
(Before and after fatiguing exercise)
Rope knotting task Tie 3 knots/6 ties Time to complete (sec)

Glove 2
Glove 1

Glove 3 Glove 4

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IE 580_Fall 2020



• Measure the hand grip strength using the provided dynamometer
o NOTE: Make sure to find your optimal grip size to exert maximum strength
o NOTE: Tests will be done only for your dominant hand


1) Stand straight with your weight evenly

distributed on both feet. With your dominant
arm in a 90-degree flexion (see Figure A)
squeeze the Grip dynamometer with as much
force as possible for 2 seconds, being careful to
squeeze only once.

Figure A: 90-degree elbow flexion

2) Record your grip strength (kg) on the provided NOTE: You will have 45 completed
data sheet. Repeat twice for three total trials. measurements for this test

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IE 580_Fall 2020


• You will be tying 3 knots or 6 ties.


Get in the start position (Figure I).

Start recording time when subject starts tying knot.

Figure I: Starting position (start of trial)

13) Tie 3 knots

a) End of trial is when subject completes
tying 3 knots (Figure J).

Figure J: Ending position (end of trial)

14) Record the time to complete the trial (sec). NOTE: You will have 45 completed
measurements for this test

15) After each glove condition (three trials are NOTE: You need to rate the difficult level of
completed with one glove) rate the grip completing the task after each glove condition
dexterity of task completion on a scale of 1 is completed (after three trials are completed
(poor dexterity) to 5 (great dexterity) with one glove).

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IE 580_Fall 2020


Answer the questions in a word document. Show any formulas used in the word document.
Support your written answers with tables and graphs. Upload the excel document for partial credit.

NOTE: Pick a subject and use that same subject’s data for questions 1-3.

1) Pick a subject. For the grip strength test, quantify the difference between that subject’s average
force exerted for each glove condition to the average force you exerted for the non-glove
condition. Based on your individual average force exerted, rank the 4 gloves based on how close
they are to the non-glove condition. (10 pts)

2) For the rope knotting task, compare the average task completion times of each glove
condition to that subject’s non-glove condition. [NOTE: For each condition, use the
minimum task completion time]
a) Rank the 4 gloves using that subject’s INDIVIDUAL task completion times based on
how close they are to the non-glove condition. Describe the observed trend (if any)
within your given rankings. (10 pts)
b) Review that subject’s INDIVIDUAL dexterity ratings for each glove. Think of possible
reasons why that subject might give the dexterity rating given after completing the rope
task. (5 pts)

3) Compare and discuss the similarities and differences between that subject’s individual
ranking of gloves for maximum strength testing (grip) to that subject’s individual glove
rankings based on task completion time. What trends did you/would you expect to see
between these rankings? (5 pts)

4) Describe the relationship (if any) between the CLASS average ratings for glove fit and hand
dexterity FOR EACH GLOVE. Discuss your answer and show graphs to support your
answer. (10 pts)

5) Repeat question 1-3 using measurements for THE CLASS (BE GENDER SPECIFIC).
Comment on any trends and differences (if any) between your individual ranking of gloves and
the gender totals calculated for the class. What could contribute to these differences or
a) Measured grip strengths (15 pts)
b) Rope tying task completion times (15 pts)
c) Does gender influence the outcome measurements? Use graphs to show comparison between
gloves and gender and to support your written answer. (20 pts)

6) Using the data provided here and your analysis, describe what type of industry and what type of
task each glove would be beneficial to provide protection. (10 pts)

DUE 10/23/2020 AT 11:59 PM


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