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Qualitative Health Research

Volume 17 Number 10
December 2007 1372-1380
© 2007 Sage Publications
Choose Your Method: A Comparison of 10.1177/1049732307307031

Phenomenology, Discourse Analysis, hosted at

and Grounded Theory

Helene Starks
Susan Brown Trinidad
University of Washington

The purpose of this article is to compare three qualitative approaches that can be used in health research: phenomenology,
discourse analysis, and grounded theory. The authors include a model that summarizes similarities and differences among
the approaches, with attention to their historical development, goals, methods, audience, and products. They then illus-
trate how these approaches differ by applying them to the same data set. The goal in phenomenology is to study how
people make meaning of their lived experience; discourse analysis examines how language is used to accomplish per-
sonal, social, and political projects; and grounded theory develops explanatory theories of basic social processes studied
in context. The authors argue that by familiarizing themselves with the origins and details of these approaches, researchers
can make better matches between their research question(s) and the goals and products of the study.

Keywords: qualitative methods; phenomenology; discourse analysis; grounded theory

Q ualitative research methods enable health sciences

researchers to delve into questions of meaning,
examine institutional and social practices and processes,
one of these approaches but not the others, and teachers
of qualitative methods courses. For the first two audi-
ences our goal was to provide a framework to help
identify barriers and facilitators to change, and discover researchers choose an analytic approach that aligns the
the reasons for the success or failure of interventions. As desired product of a study with the researchers’ assump-
with all research endeavors, choosing the method that is tions, existing knowledge, and reasons for engaging in
best suited to the line of inquiry is vital to obtaining the research. For the third audience our goal was to create a
desired results. A judicious choice of method guides the tool that teachers could use to introduce these approaches
research toward the intended aims and helps ensure that to students. We begin our analysis with a brief compari-
its products are useful and well received. son of the history of ideas, goals, methods, and products
The purpose of this article is to introduce and com- of these three approaches. We then use a single data set
pare three qualitative approaches that are commonly to illustrate how the approaches differ in practice.
used in health research: phenomenology, discourse
analysis, and grounded theory. In writing this article,
we had three audiences in mind: novice qualitative Introducing the Three Approaches
researchers, researchers who might be familiar with
We have depicted the similarities and differences
Authors’ Note: We thank David Allen for inspiring and support-
across the three interpretive approaches in Figure 1.
ing this work, and the students of MHE 597 Winter 2006 for The figure approximates an hourglass, in which
applying these approaches to their research proposals. This pub- greater differences are observed at the beginning and
lication was supported in part by AHRQ training grant No. T32 at the end of the research project. The approaches
HS-013853 (Dr. Starks) and by the Centers for Disease Control converge in the analytic phase, sharing methodolo-
and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute through the
gies for decontextualizing and then recontextualizing
Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network, Grant 1-U48-
DP-000050 (Ms Trinidad). Part of the material in this article was data. They then diverge again in the postanalytic
presented at the Fifth Advances in Qualitative Research Methods phase, in which the research findings are framed and
Conference in Edmonton, Canada, in January 2004. packaged for the target audience.


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Figure 1
Similarities and Differences of Three Interpretive Approaches With Respect to
History, Goal, Philosophy, Methodology, Analytic Method, and Product

Phenomenology, discourse analysis, and grounded description and close analysis of lived experience to
theory are the products of different intellectual tradi- understand how meaning is created through embodied
tions. However, their coevolution in the history of ideas perception (Sokolowski, 2000; Stewart & Mickunas,
means that the boundaries between them are porous. 1974). Phenomenology contributes to deeper under-
This is depicted in the figure by the vertical dotted lines standing of lived experiences by exposing taken-for-
that separate the three approaches. In what follows, we granted assumptions about these ways of knowing.
provide a brief summary of the intellectual lineage and Sokolowski (2000) wrote about this as follows:
basic value commitments of phenomenology, discourse
analysis, and grounded theory. Phenomenological statements, like philosophical state-
ments, state the obvious and the necessary. They tell us
Phenomenology what we already know. They are not new information,
but even if not new, they can still be important and illu-
Phenomenology is rooted in early 20th-century minating, because we often are very confused about
European philosophy.1 It involves the use of thick just such trivialities and necessities. (p. 57)

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In phenomenology reality is comprehended through of grounded theory is to develop an explanatory theory

embodied experience. Through close examination of of basic social processes, studied in the environments
individual experiences, phenomenological analysts in which they take place (Glaser & Strauss, 1967).
seek to capture the meaning and common features, or Grounded theory examines the “six Cs” of social
essences, of an experience or event. The truth of the processes (causes, contexts, contingencies, consequences,
event, as an abstract entity, is subjective and knowable covariances, and conditions) to understand the patterns
only through embodied perception; we create meaning and relationships among these elements (Strauss &
through the experience of moving through space and Corbin, 1998). Within this approach knowledge of
across time. The phenomenological perspective is social realities is achieved through careful observation
nicely captured in a remark attributed to Einstein that of behavior and speech practices.
expresses the difference between embodied time and
chronologic time: Put your hand on a hot stove for a
minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl The Approaches as Methods
for an hour and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.
Each of these interpretive approaches addresses
Discourse Analysis questions of meaning and understanding. When they
are employed as research methods, differences emerge
Discourse analysis evolved from linguistic studies, with respect to how the researchers frame research
literary criticism, and semiotics. It is concerned with questions, sample participants, and collect data.
language-in-use; that is, how individuals accomplish
personal, social, and political projects through lan- Framing the Research Question
guage.2 Discourse analysts argue that language and
words, as a system of signs, are in themselves essentially Phenomenologists ask questions about lived experi-
meaningless; it is through the shared, mutually agreed- ences, as contrasted with abstract interpretations of
on use of language that meaning is created. Language experience or opinions about them (van Manen, 1990).
both mediates and constructs our understanding of real- Discourse analysts explore how knowledge, meaning,
ity. It also defines the social roles that are available to identities, and social goods are negotiated and con-
individuals and serves as the primary means through structed through language-in-use. Grounded theorists
which they enact their identities (Chandler, 2002; Lyons inquire about how social structures and processes influ-
1971). Careful analysis of language, using what Gee ence how things are accomplished through a given set
(2005) has described as the seven “building tasks” of of social interactions.
language (significance, activities, identities, relation-
ships, politics, connections, and sign systems and Sampling
knowledge), can shed light on the creation and mainte- Morse (2000, 2001) has written that in qualitative
nance of social norms, the construction of personal and research studies sample size depends on five things:
group identities, and the negotiation of social and polit- the scope of the study, the nature of the topic, the
ical interaction. Discourse analysis involves tracing the quality of the data, the study design, and the use of
historical evolution of language practices and examining shadowed data (when participants speak of others’
how language both shapes and reflects dynamic cultural, experience as well as their own). For the methods we
social, and political practices (Crowe, 1998; Gee, 2005; describe, data are most often gathered through inter-
Hayakawa & Hayakawa, 1991). views or focus groups, although texts of various types
also may be used. Each approach involves use of pur-
Grounded Theory posive sampling methods to recruit participants who
Grounded theory originates from sociology, specifi- have experienced the phenomenon under study. The
cally from symbolic interactionism, which posits that concept or the experience under study is the unit of
meaning is negotiated and understood through interac- analysis; given that an individual person can generate
tions with others in social processes (Blumer, 1986; hundreds or thousands of concepts, large samples are
Dey, 1999; Jeon, 2004). These social processes have not necessarily needed to generate rich data sets. The
structures, implied or explicit codes of conduct, and exact number of individuals needed, and the number
procedures that circumscribe how interactions unfold of interviews per individual, depends on the goals and
and shape the meaning that comes from them. The goal purpose of the study.

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Phenomenologists are interested in common features Thus, qualitative research frequently relies on inter-
of the lived experience. Although diverse samples might viewing as the primary data collection strategy.3 A
provide a broader range from which to distill the essence semistructured interview format can work well for any
of the phenomenon, data from only a few individuals of the three methods we describe here. In a phenome-
who have experienced the phenomenon—and who can nological or grounded theory study the objective of the
provide a detailed account of their experience—might interview is to elicit the participant’s story. Both the
suffice to uncover its core elements. Typical sample researcher and the participant assume that their words will
sizes for phenomenological studies range from 1 to 10 be understood as spoken and intended (i.e., their words
persons. will speak for themselves). The researcher/interviewer
Within discourse analysis sampling different groups presents herself as the listener and asks participants to
that participate within a given discourse can illuminate give accounts of their experience of the phenomenon.
the ways in which participants appeal to external dis- She asks probing questions to encourage the participant
courses and identify their influence on the discourse to elaborate on the details to achieve clarity and to stay
under study. Sample size depends on the analytic objec- close to the lived experience.
tive and the data source. For example, it is possible to The objective of an interview for discourse analysis
use a single person’s narrative and compare it with writ- is to capture the participant’s language, including any
ten documents; alternatively, larger sample sizes might references or appeals to other discourses. In discourse
be required to understand variations in language-in-use analysis it is not assumed that the researcher and par-
across persons and settings. ticipant necessarily mean the same thing when they use
Grounded theory relies on theoretical sampling, the same words. In the interview, then, both the inter-
which involves recruiting participants with differing viewer and the interviewee are understood to use lan-
experiences of the phenomenon so as to explore multi- guage to present themselves and the people and events
ple dimensions of the social processes under study. The about which they speak in a certain way. In this context
researcher continues to add individuals to the sample words are not assumed to speak for themselves. Thus,
until she reaches theoretical saturation; that is, when the the interviewer might need to ask clarifying questions
complete range of constructs that make up the theory is about the meaning the participant intends to convey
fully represented by the data. Although it is impossible through the use of specific terms.
to predict what sample size will saturate a given theory,
typical grounded theory studies report sample sizes Analytic Methods
ranging from 10 to 60 persons. The general methods of interpretation are fairly sim-
ilar across the three approaches. Interpretive analysis is
Data Collection an iterative, inductive process of decontextualization
Data collection strategies for all three approaches can and recontextualization (Ayres, Kavanaugh, & Knafl,
use a mix of observation, interviews, and close reading 2003; Morse & Field, 1995). During decontextualiza-
of extant texts. Through observation researchers can tion the analyst separates data from the original context
gather data about how participants behave in their nat- of individual cases and assigns codes to units of mean-
ural settings and make meaning out of their experiences. ing in the texts. In recontextualization he or she exam-
In phenomenology observation of how participants live ines the codes for patterns and then reintegrates,
in their environment through time and space provides organizes, and reduces the data around central themes
clues about how they might embody meaning. For dis- and relationships drawn across all the cases and narra-
course analysis observing participants’ speech provides tives. All three interpretive methods distill textual data
insight about how the participants deploy language to to a set of categories or concepts from which the final
accomplish their objectives and position themselves in product can be drawn.
relation to others. In grounded theory observation allows
the researcher to see how social processes are con-
structed and constrained by the physical and social envi- Creswell (1997) has described a systematic process
ronments in which they are practiced. for coding data from a phenomenological inquiry in
Although observation can be a rich source of data, which specific statements are analyzed and categorized
it is often impractical in health research because of into clusters of meaning that represent the phenomenon
the potential for intrusiveness and logistical difficulty. of interest. Taken-for-granted assumptions are explored,

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and special attention is given to descriptions of what was In phenomenology and grounded theory the researcher
experienced as well as how it was experienced. van engages with the analysis as a faithful witness to the
Manen (1990) wrote that phenomenological analysis is accounts in the data. Even as the researcher immerses
primarily a writing exercise, as it is through the process herself in the data, she must be honest and vigilant
of writing and rewriting that the researcher can distill about her own perspective, preexisting thoughts and
meaning. Analysts use writing to compose a story that beliefs, and developing hypotheses. In phenomenology
captures the important elements of the lived experience. and grounded theory researchers engage in the self-
By the end of the story the reader should feel that she reflective process of “bracketing,” whereby they recog-
has vicariously experienced the phenomenon under nize and set aside (but do not abandon) their a priori
study and should be able to envision herself (or someone knowledge and assumptions, with the analytic goal of
else who has been through the experience) coming to attending to the participants’ accounts with an open
similar conclusions about what it means. mind (Gearing, 2004; Sokolowski, 2000; van Manen,
The objective of a discourse analysis is to understand 1990). Additional reflexive practices include consulting
what people are doing with their language in a given sit- with colleagues and mentors and writing memos
uation. Thus, the coding phase for a discourse analysis throughout the analysis to help analysts examine how
entails identifying themes and roles as signified through their thoughts and ideas evolve as they engage more
language use. For example, coding and analysis could deeply with the data (Cutcliffe, 2003; Finlay, 2002).
compare an interviewee’s use of the word patient as Memos also serve the function of establishing an audit
compared to her use of person, or explore how the trail, whereby the analyst documents her thoughts and
speaker uses technical language and professional jargon reactions as a way of keeping track of emerging impres-
to make implicit claims of expertise or authority. Gee sions of what the data mean, how they relate to each
(2005) described the analytic process as one of search- other, and how engaging with the data shapes her under-
ing for textual evidence to show how language accom- standing of the initial hypotheses (Cutcliffe, 2000).
plishes the seven building tasks. Likewise, the discourse analyst remains cognizant
Grounded theory involves a constant comparison of, and explicit about, her perspective and position in
method of coding and analyzing data through three the analytic process, including how her role as a partic-
stages: open coding (examining, comparing, conceptu- ipant in the professional academic discourse shapes her
alizing, and categorizing data); axial coding (reassem- thinking. In so doing, she uses her knowledge to situate
bling data into groupings based on relationships and the analysis so that the reader can weigh the evidence
patterns within and among the categories identified in with an understanding of the analyst’s perspective in
the data); and selective coding (identifying and describ- mind (Finlay, 2002). Analytic credibility depends on
ing the central phenomenon, or “core category,” in the the coherence of the argument: Readers will judge the
data) (Dey, 1999; Strauss & Corbin, 1998). Ideally, trustworthiness of the process by how the analyst uses
each interview or observation is coded before the next evidence from the interviews to support the main points
is conducted so that new information can be incorpo- and whether the building tasks of language converge
rated into subsequent encounters. Themes identified toward a convincing explanation (Gee, 2005).
through the coding of initial interviews may also be
explored in follow-up interviews. Audience and Product
The products of research will vary based not only on
The Role of the Analyst and Assuring
the analytic approach but also on how far the analyst
Trustworthiness carries the interpretation and synthesis of her findings.
Qualitative analysis is inherently subjective because The products of qualitative analyses can range from
the researcher is the instrument for analysis. The thematic surveys (relatively close to the data) to inter-
researcher (or the research team) makes all the judg- pretive explanatory theory (farthest from the data)
ments about coding, categorizing, decontextualizing, (Sandelowski & Barroso, 2003). Generally speaking,
and recontextualizing the data. Each of the approaches phenomenological analyses produce rich thematic
has its own techniques for monitoring, documenting, descriptions that provide insight into the meaning of the
and evaluating the analytic process and the researcher’s lived experience. Phenomenologies are often written as
role to assure rigor and trustworthiness.4 anecdotes or thematic stories, drawing on elements

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Table 1
Informed Decision Making (IDM) as Seen Through the Different Approaches
Phenomenology Discourse Analysis Grounded Theory

Purpose To understand primary care To shed light on the reasons for To develop effective training and
providers’ (PCP) experience of the limited or incomplete education for PCPs about
decision making with patients adoption of IDM by PCPs how to approach prostate
under conditions of clinical cancer screening discussions
Research question What is the lived experience of What discourses are used in How does IDM about prostate
PCPs as they discuss prostate IDM, and how do they shape cancer screening happen
cancer screening with PCP and patient roles and between PCPs and their
their patients? identities in the average-risk patients?
doctor–patient relationship?
Audiences PCPs, medical educators, Medical educators, Clinic directors, curriculum
professional societies, and other guideline-developing designers, patient
guideline-developing bodies, clinic directors educators, PCPs

reported from different narrators to create a blended the theory, and other researchers who design studies
story. Such accounts allow the reader to get a feel for to test the theory in practice.
what it is like to have the experience. Audiences for
these analyses include clinicians and others whose Applying the Three Approaches to a
practice would be enhanced by understanding how Single Data Set
individuals live through and make sense of a particular
experience. To illustrate how the approaches generate different
The products of discourse analysis use evidence analyses and products, we present three brief analyses
from participants’ narratives and other texts to expose of the same data set: an interview study with 25 pri-
the ways in which people use language to accomplish mary care physicians (PCPs) that explored their use of
their objectives; as such, discourse analyses often have informed decision making (IDM) in the context of
a pragmatic aim and require more analytic abstraction. prostate cancer screening. IDM emphasizes the impor-
Clinicians, interventionists, and policy makers can use tance of patients’ values and preferences in health care
discourse analysis to understand how framing and lan- decisions. Patients’ priorities are to be balanced with the
guage can help achieve a desired outcome (such as pro- clinician’s expertise to arrive at the best choice for the
moting healthy behaviors), to understand why a individual patient. IDM is particularly useful when deci-
particular practice is heading in a certain direction, or to sions have (a) insufficient medical evidence to support
gain support for a proposed policy. recommending a particular course of action, (b) poten-
Although the goal of grounded theory analysis is tial outcomes that are highly variable and/or include
to produce theory, some analysts identify patterns substantial harms, and (c) outcomes that patients will
only within and between categories. Such truncated value differently based on their personal situation and
analyses produce conceptual thematic descriptions beliefs (Briss et al., 2004; President’s Commission for
rather than explanatory theories. When the analyst the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and
synthesizes all the data, however, she builds a theory Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1982; Rimer,
around a core category that explains the central phe- Briss, Zeller, Chan, & Woolf, 2004). All three of these
nomenon present in the data. The findings of a com- conditions apply in the case of prostate cancer screening
plete theory are often presented diagrammatically to (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2002).
demonstrate how the core category relates to the other The rich data from this interview study were well
dominant themes. Audiences for grounded theories suited to this exercise of trying all three analytic
include clinicians, practitioners, and researchers who approaches. In Table 1 we have summarized the differ-
are interested in designing interventions to support ences with respect to the purpose, research questions,
people engaged in the social processes explained by and audience.

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Phenomenology: PCPs’ Lived Experience of voice) “So, if you have further questions, talk to your
Decision Making Under Uncertainty doctor.” (sarcastic) Great!

The purpose of this analysis is to understand how This analysis reveals aspects of PCPs’ lived expe-
PCPs experience an uncertain clinical decision-making rience of decision making under uncertainty. The
process within the larger context of the doctor–patient product of the research is a thematic description of
relationship. The PCP’s professional identity is complex the common elements of the experience, such as the
and multifaceted; depending on the situation, he might “gut-sinking” feeling that reflect the difficulties that
act as a trusted expert, a scientist, a patient advocate, a physicians experience in discussing prostate cancer
confidant, or a healer (among other possibilities). screening with their patients. The audience for these
Many of our interviewees described feelings of angst, findings includes other physicians who could use
confusion, frustration, and resentment arising from a these stories to make sense of their own difficulties
conflict of duties and obligations. They expressed their with decision making under uncertainty.
discomfort with feeling that, through no fault of their
own, they cannot meet their patients’ needs or expecta- Discourse Analysis: How the Discourses of
tions because of the lack of clear recommendations for Medicine and Public Health Construct
prostate cancer screening. Compounding this is the Doctor–Patient Roles and Identities
knowledge that regardless of whether their patients
choose to be screened, there is always the possibility Through the lens of discourse analysis we can shift
of significant negative consequences. Some patients our attention to how PCPs’ many possible roles are con-
who are not screened will die of a cancer that might structed and negotiated in interactions with patients. In
have been successfully treated. Others who decide to be the IDM study we can see how the discourses of medi-
screened will receive false positive results that will cine and public health shape the roles available to
require weeks or months of additional testing and physicians and patients in the context of decision mak-
worrying. Still others will be screened and treated, pos- ing under uncertainty.
sibly experiencing the side effects of incontinence or For example, the discourse of medicine suggests that
impotence, for a cancer that would never have become physicians should be expert diagnosticians, scientists
symptomatic. practicing evidence-based medicine, and advisors to
Because there is insufficient clinical evidence on their patients. Within the profession particular respect
which to base a recommendation, PCPs feel unable to is accorded to those who know. Under conditions of
provide one; even so, they struggle with declining to uncertainty some PCPs make a distinction between
make a recommendation. As one physician remarked, science’s not having the answers

I feel, for PSA [prostate specific antigen] testing, it’s Usually I end up having to talk to [the patient] at
just hard. There’s so much uncertainty out there I some point about the issue of, unlike other cancers,
never . . . I feel like if I ask a patient, “What do you there’s very little we know about prostate cancer in
want to do?” they’re going to say, “Heck if I know! It’s terms of the screening.
obvious from talking with you, Doctor, you don’t even
know. So bouncing it back to me is going to be no And the individual physician’s not having the answers
What I would really like to have—and I know these
The lack of clinical evidence was cited as a major exist, so I guess it’s mainly my own fault that I don’t
have it, honestly—is the accepted age-based normal
problem. One interviewee expressed his frustration
range for PSA, and secondly, the likelihood of prostate
with the lack of evidence this way:
cancer based on PSA reading and age.
It’s hard [to have these discussions with patients]
A more thorough analysis could explore the ways in
because the data stinks, and there’s so much misinfor-
mation and so much promotion of prostate cancer
which expertise and authority play out through lan-
screening that it puts the primary care physician who guage practices in the office encounter, clarifying
wants to be evidence-based in a very difficult position what is at stake for the participants.
. . . And so, you leave the patient with, this “Well, I have From the public health discourse, the message is that
no clue what to do,” kind of a handout. And, you know, good doctors screen their patients appropriately and
the bottom line of every handout says, (fake cheery good patients seek screening at appropriate intervals.

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As one physician commented, “Let’s just put it this fast-paced. There’s no lollygagging. You’re always
way: There’s no commercial out there telling you not to behind, or at least at risk for becoming behind, by
have a prostate test.” Another told us that she measures things that come up that you didn’t anticipate, or that
the success of a discussion of screening by the patient’s you did, but that the schedule just doesn’t allow for.
ability to “defend his choice” to be screened or not.
PCPs thus find themselves arguing against the domi- They explained that it is more efficient to simply do
nant public health discourse about health maintenance the same thing for everyone, using a relatively stan-
and cancer. They are in the difficult position of trying to dardized “spiel” to discuss the pros and cons of screen-
explain that although in general cancer screening is a ing, a strategy that might be viewed as counter to the
good idea, there are ways in which prostate cancer individualized nature of IDM. PCPs also noted that
might be a “weird cancer” and one for which screening many of their older male patients simply do not make
might not always be the best choice. frequent outpatient visits. PCPs talked about needing to
Examining PCPs’ descriptions of how they talk with “pick [their] battles” to “make the most of the visit.”
their patients about prostate cancer screening reveals This usually meant focusing on the complaint that
which discourses they and their patients bring to the brought the patient into the office. When physicians felt
encounter as well as what other factors in the conversa- they had time to address health maintenance topics,
tion trigger use of one discourse over another. Patients’ they often prioritized prevention and screening issues
expectations and how they engage in the dialogue, as that they considered to be of greater clinical importance
well as PCPs’ perceptions of their “sophistication,” also and proven benefit, such as screening for colorectal
shape which discourse will be used in any particular cancer or counseling on diet and exercise.
exchange between doctor and patient. The analysis Patients’ expectations were also a factor in prostate
can help us see how the interlocking discourses of med- screening discussions: PCPs were more likely to have
icine and public health can help or hinder the imple- an involved conversation when patients had not already
mentation of IDM techniques by PCPs. We can also made up their minds about whether to be screened. In
consider how some of the conflicts in identity and role this context, we saw the physicians doing what they
due to uncertainty might be exacerbated by the com- could to meet their patients’ needs, offering informa-
peting demands of the discourses and expectations the tion, expert advice, and ways to think about the pros
participants bring to the conversation. These results and cons of screening and treatment.
could be used by medical educators to help PCPs assess In this last example we see overlaps with the two
patients’ baseline assumptions and expectations and previous analyses about meeting both parties’ expecta-
address these in discussions that warrant informed deci- tions of what it means to be a doctor. In the context of
sion making. the grounded theory analysis, however, this factor is
less important than the core category: making the most
Grounded Theory: Making of the visit. The product of this analysis would be a sub-
stantive theory about the logistical, professional, and
the Most of the Visit
personal constraints that limit PCPs’ use of IDM tech-
The goal of this grounded theory analysis is to niques to discuss prostate cancer screening with their
develop a theory that explains what circumstances patients. Clinic directors and others with an interest in
lead to prostate cancer screening discussions in pri- promoting informed decision making around prostate
mary care settings and how and why physicians and cancer will need to address these constraints before
patients engage in these discussions. In this analysis they are likely to succeed in their efforts.
we use the six Cs to discover the contingencies and
conditions that shape the clinical encounter.
In the IDM study we learned that many factors Conclusions
affected whether and how PCPs discuss prostate cancer
screening. First is the limitation imposed by tight This article is the product of our struggles to learn
appointment schedules (10- to 15-minute time slots how to choose the most appropriate method for a partic-
were common). PCPs described the tradeoffs they make ular qualitative research project. The examples from the
“just to get through the clinic day” and stay more or less IDM study—although, admittedly, very brief—highlight
on time. One commented, how the analytic approach shapes how one frames
research questions, attends to data and their meaning,
Most people in primary care, when they start a clinic and draws conclusions based on the analysis. This
session, it’s a survival kind of thing, really. It is really side-by-side comparison is intended to help researchers

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1380 Qualitative Health Research

become familiar with the origins, history of ideas, and Guba, E. G. (1981). Criteria for assessing the trustworthiness of nat-
embedded assumptions of these approaches and, thus, uralistic inquiries. Educational Resources Information Center
Annual Review Paper, 29, 75-91.
empower them to make better matches between their
Hayakawa, S. I., & Hayakawa, A. (1991). Language in thought
research question(s), audience, and the goals and prod- and action (5th ed.). Orlando, FL: Harcourt.
ucts of the study. Hermanowicz, J. C. (2002). The great interview: 25 strategies for
studying people in bed. Qualitative Sociology, 25(4), 479-499.
Notes Jeon, Y. H. (2004). The application of grounded theory and sym-
bolic interactionism. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences,
1. For a comprehensive list of philosophers who have con- 18(3), 249-256.
tributed to phenomenology, see van Manen (2000). Lyons, J. (1971). Introduction to theoretical linguistics.
2. Many disciplines of linguistics have incorporated discourse Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
analysis into their methods. For a full range of perspectives, see Morse, J. M., & Field, P. A. (1995). Qualitative research methods
Schiffren, Tannen, and Hamilton (2001). for health professionals (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
3. For an excellent resource on valuable interviewing skills, Morse, J. M. (2000). Determining sample size. Qualitative
see Hermanowicz (2002). Health Research, 10, 3-5.
4. For additional reading on issues of trustworthiness, see, for Morse, J. M. 2001). Using shadowed data. Qualitative Health
example, Angen (2000), Davies and Dodd (2002), Guba (1981), Research, 11, 291-292.
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