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Name: Siarza, Kleyfhord Jiffyrson V. Date: Feb.

8, 2021
Course & Year: BEEd - 3
Grade level: Grade 9 Subject Area: English
Grade 5 Filipino
Activity 4

 Distinguish among the 3(three) forms of assessment.
 Draw concrete examples of three forms of assessment.

Direction: observe two classes and record your observation using the
observation sheet.

OBSERVATION SHEET 1.1(Grade 9, English)

Indicators of Assessment FOR, OF, AND AS learning

Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF Learning

Write observed teacher activities Write observed teacher and Write observed teacher
that manifest assessment FOR student activities that manifest activities that manifest
learning. assessment AS learning. assessment OF learning.
(Assessment while teacher (Self-Assessment.) (Assessment at the end of
teaches. Conduct of pre-test and teaching.)
post test are included.)
 The teacher does oral  On the board work  The assessment that
recitation for the activity students evaluated was use to the class was
participation of the class and their answer on the board an authentic assessment.
ask question as the work and discuss it. It was graded and at the
discussion is on going and  And also the teacher same time the students
every stanzas there are given a group work activity and teacher gives a
corresponding questions related to its lesson today. comment before
which is ask by the teacher. After the group activity the evaluating it and give a
 The teacher does a students evaluated the score.
board work activity which performance of each
alter on it was been group.
evaluated to by students and
the teacher.

OBSERVATION SHEET 1.2(Grade 5, Filipino)

Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF Learning

Write observed teacher activities Write observed teacher and Write observed teacher
that manifest assessment FOR student activities that manifest activities that manifest
learning. assessment AS learning. assessment OF learning.
(Assessment while teacher (Self-Assessment.) (Assessment at the end of
teaches. Conduct of pre-test and teaching.)
post test are included.)
 While the discussion is  The teacher ans the  The group was
on-going, the teacher ask other learners evaluate the evaluated, the assessment
questions related to the answers of each students used was the authentic
discussion they had to check who were ask to answer assessment performance
they prior knowledge from the questions. based assessment.
their past discussion. The  The teacher was also  At the end of the class
assessment performed was provide a group work to the teacher give a short
oral recitation. evaluated if the student quiz to its learners.
 There are some point learned in their discussion.
that the teacher ask for a
board work activity.

1. Did you observe assessment for three (3) forms of assessment? Expalin
your answer.
Yes, the three forms of assessment was present during my observation and
during and at the end of the discussions. The activities were given was
completely evaluated and graded or recorded. The teacher ensures that the
learners learned during and at the end of the class.

2. Based on your observation, to what extent is Assessment AS learning

(self-assessment) practiced compared to Assessment FOR (formative)
and OF learning (summative).
The assessment AS learning was only happen through the learners itself
they evaluated the answer of the learners as teacher do so. And also the
learners evaluate themselves to see if their answer are accurate or right, or if
its wrong, the assessment AS learning is a self-paced, meaning it happen
through you alone. The other form of assessment was happen to be
evaluated and conduct through the educators.

Write your reflection on the following:

1. As a student, do you like assessment? In general, do you think that the

students like assessment? Why or why not?
As a hard working student, I like the assessment that was given to us by our
educators, it is the time to evaluate ourselves and also the teacher will
evaluate learners to determine if we’ve learn something during and after the
class or at the end of the semester. This assessment and evaluation will
motivate us and strive hard to get the job or future what we wanted. There
are some students don’t like the assessment because they’re not confident
enough to perform a certain task. That is why most of the student would like
to spend time at home or in the internet cafe rather than staying at school.
Probably this cases are only few to the millions.

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