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Singing in groups could make you happier

1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F)

1. Singing in groups could reduce anxiety but increase depression. T / F

2. A community singing programme helped with the research. T / F
3. Researchers spent six years following people who sang together. T / F
4. The article said people thought the singing group was not valued. T / F
5. The lead researcher said all participants reported positive benefits. T / F
6. The singing was the most important part of everyone's recovery. T / F
7. Some participants said the singing workshops were a life saver. T / F
8. The researcher said the workshops created happiness and fun. T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article

1. positive a. recuperation
2. anxiety b. took part in
3. conducted c. brought about
4. attended d. worry
5. enhanced e. part
6. recovery f. start
7. result g. favorable
8. component h. increased
9. initiate i. consequence
10. induced j. organized

3. Gap fill

affects initiative
reducing reported
being wider
collaboration fun
essential contributes
valued sanity
conducted result
weekly maintenance

Researchers have found that singing in groups Lead researcher, professor Tom Shakespeare,
could have positive effects on (1) reducing anxiety said: "We found that singing as part of a group (9)
and depression. The research is from the contributes to people's recovery from mental
University of East Anglia in the UK, in (2) health problems." He added that: "All of the
collaboration with a community singing group participants we spoke to (10) reported positive
called Sing Your Heart Out. A research team (3) effects on their mental health as a direct (11)
conducted the study to examine how singing with result of taking part in the singing workshops. For
other people (4) affects mental health. Researchers some, it represented one component of a (12)
followed a group of participants who attended free wider programme of support. For others, it stood
(5) weekly singing workshops for six months. out as key to their recovery or (13) maintenance of
They discovered that singing in groups was an (6) health." Professor Shakespeare explained: "We
essential part in helping people recover from heard the participants calling the (14) initiative a
mental illness. In addition, it helped people feel life saver and that it saved their (15) sanity." He
(7) valued, enhanced their mood and increased said: "The key thing for everyone was that the
their confidence, social skills and feeling of well- Sing Your Heart Out model induced (16) fun and
(8) being. happiness.
4. Multiple choice quiz

1) What two mental health conditions could 6) Who is Tom Shakespeare?

singing in groups reduce? a) William's brother
a) blackouts and fainting fits b) a singer
b) migraines and polar disorder c) the lead researcher
c) stress and headaches d) a mental health patient
d) anxiety and depression 7) How many of the participants reported
2) What kind of group did a university positive effects?
collaborate with? a) all of them
a) a rock group b) 90% of them
b) a community singing group c) three-quarters of them
c) a mental health organization d) half of them
d) a small group 8) Where were the workshops a component of
3) How much did the weekly singing workshops in some people's recovery?
cost? a) in the back of their head
a) $100 b) London
b) $200 c) in their support programme
c) $10 d) in medicine
d) nothing 9) What were the workshops a key to for some
4) For how long did people attend the participants?
workshops? a) a crossword puzzle
a) 2 months b) recovery
b) 4 months c) their inner mind
c) 6 months d) life
d) 8 months 10) What two things did the Sing Your Heart
5) What did the article say the singing Out model induce?
workshops enhanced? a) fun and happiness
a) music knowledge b) good and bad
b) vocal chords c) laughter and tears
c) voice quality d) opera and rock
d) mood

5. Spelling

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2
1. positive effects on reducing teayxin 7. singing as part of a group cetnsrbuiot
2. in booaitrlcolan with 8. voeceryr from mental health problems
3. a group of racintastppi 9. it represented one pntenocom
4. an sstleinae part in helping people 10. calling the aniiviitet a life saver
5. hnencaed their mood 11. it saved their itsyan
6. increased their dfecnnocie 12. idunedc fun and happiness

Anxiety Recovery
Collaboration Component
Participants Initiative
Essential Sanity
Confidence Induced


Write a letter to an expert on singing. Ask him/her three questions about it. Give him/her three of your ideas
on where and how we can sing more in groups.

Song Happy
Sad movies help reduce pain

1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F)

1. The article says a doctor ordered a patient to watch a sad movie. T / F

2. Watching sad movies may increase our tolerance to pain. T / F
3. Endorphins are chemicals released by the brain to relieve pain. T / F
4. The same areas of the brain handle physical and psychological pain. T / F
5. The research was the work of one researcher. T / F
6. A group of people watched a film about Britain's geology in a test. T / F
7. People who watched a sad movie decreased their resistance to pain. T / F
8. People who watched a documentary became more resistant to pain. T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article

1. traumatic a. lower limit

2. boost b. emotional
3. tolerance to c. carried out
4. psychological d. endurance of
5. triggers e. disturbing
6. conducted f. fighting
7. battling g. explanation
8. increased h. improve
9. threshold i. sets off
10. reason j. rose

3.Gap fill

author Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph

boost below.
deal part
doctor those
chemicals reason
reveals battling
tragedy series
amount high
Watching sad or traumatic movies can sometimes geology
be just what the (1) doctor ordered. A new study
(2) reveals that watching distressing movies may Dr Dunbar and his colleagues conducted a (9)
(3) boost our tolerance to pain. Researchers at series of tests to determine the effect that tragic
Oxford University say that movies that get your stories have on us. They invited 169 people to take
emotions going can increase the (4) amount of (10) part in the experiment. One group watched a
endorphins released by the brain. These are our traumatic drama about a disabled man (11)
body's natural painkillers - (5) chemicals that battling homelessness, drug addiction and
make us feel better after physical or psychological alcoholism. Another group watched a
pain. Dr Robin Dunbar, a co-(6) author of the documentary on the (12) geology and archaeology
study, explained that: "Maybe the emotional of Britain. The results showed that on average, the
[distress] you get from (7) tragedy triggers the pain tolerance of (13) those who watched the
endorphin system." He added: "The same areas in traumatic drama increased by 13.1 per cent. This
the brain that (8) deal with physical pain also (14) compared to an average decrease in pain
handle psychological pain." threshold of 4.6 per cent for those who watched
the documentary. Dr Dunbar suggested one (15)
reason we like watching sad movies is the natural (16 high from the endorphins.
4.Multiple choice quiz

1) Who did the article say might order the 6) How many people took part in the
watching of sad movies? experiment?
a) an Amazon customer a) 169
b) the doctor b) 196
c) a psychiatrist c) 961
d) a teacher d) 619
2) What does a study say watching sad movies 7) What country's geology did a group of
boosts our tolerance to? people watch a documentary on?
a) emotions a) Panama
b) tears b) Lesotho
c) sadness c) Britain
d) pain d) Japan
3) What part of the body releases endorphins? 8) By how much did the pain tolerance of sad
a) the eyes movie watchers increase?
b) the stomach a) 13.1%
c) the brain b) 13.2%
d) the heart c) 11.3%
4) Who is Robin Dunbar? d) 31.1%
a) co-author of the research 9) What happened to the pain tolerance of
b) a drug addict those who watched the documentary?
c) a movie star a) it halved
d) a documentary maker b) it increased
5) What might trigger the endorphin system? c) it stayed the same
a) painkillers d) it went down by 4.6%
b) distress from tragedy 10) What natural thing did a doctor say we get
c) action movies from the endorphins?
d) research a) sleep
b) a side
c) a high
d) a low

5. Comprehension questions

Who did the article say might order the watching of sad movies? A (the) doctor
What does a study say watching sad movies boosts our tolerance to? Pain
What part of the body releases endorphins? The brain
Who is Robin Dunbar? Co-author of the study
What might trigger the endorphin system? Emotional distress from tragedy
How many people took part in the experiment? 169
What country's geology did a group of people watch a documentary on? Britain's
By how much did the pain tolerance of sad movie watchers increase? 13.1%
What happened to the pain tolerance of those who watched the documentary? It decreased by 4.6%
What natural thing did a doctor say we get from the endorphins? A high


Write a letter to an expert on sad movies. Ask him/her three questions about them. Give him/her three of
your ideas on ways to use movies to make us feel better. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next
lesson. Your partner(s) will answer your questions.

Sad Movie
Gotye - Hearts A Mess ( radio edit / short version )

Pick apart/depart To your heart

The pieces of your heart You don't get burned/earned
And let me clear/peer inside 'Cause nothing gets through
Let me in It makes it wheezier/easier
Where only your thoughts have been Easier on you
Let me occupy/comply your mind But that much more difficult for me
As you do mine To make you see

Your heart's a mess Your heart's a mess

You won't admit/permit to it You won't admit/permit to it
It makes no sense It makes no sense
But I'm desperate/separate to connect But I'm desperate/separate to connect
And you, you can't live like this And you, you can't live like this

You have soft/lost Love ain't safe

Too much love You won't get dirt/hurt if you stay chaste
To fear, doubt and lust/distrust So you can wait
Its not enough But I don't wanna taste/waste my love
You just threw away the sea/key

1. Synonym match

1. inside a. uncertainty
2. thoughts b. attach
3. occupy c. maintain
4. fear d. inward
5. doubt e. accept
6. distrust f. tough
7. admit g. damage
8. difficult h. Feeling
9. connect i. worry
10. hurt j. skepticism

2. Put the words in the right order

a. apart of your Pick the pieces heart You can't live like this
Pick apart the pieces of your heart f. fear too You have much love lost to
b. in your thoughts Let me have been where You have lost too much love to fear
only g. threw the key just You away
Let me in where only your thoughts have You just threw away the key
been h. difficult But for that much me more
c. occupy do mine Let your mind as you me But that much more difficult for me
Let me occupy your mind as you do mine i. hurt stay chaste if You won’t you get
d. it won't admit You to You won't get hurt if you stay chaste
You won't admit to it j. But I don't wanna waste my love
e. can't You this like live waste I don't my You waste love
3. Gap fill

You have (1) lost

Too much love
To fear, (2) doubt and distrust
Its not enough

It makes no (3) sense

But I'm desperate to connect

Love ain't safe

You won't get (4) hurt if you stay chaste

Let me (5) in
Where only your (6) thoughts have been
Let me (7) occupy your mind
As you do mine

You don't get (8) burned

'Cause (9) nothing gets through
It makes it easier
(10) Easier on you

4. Message

Give a piece of advice to your friend who is in love, but his beloved one’s heart a mess.

Lana Del Rey – Love

Look at you kids/bids with your vintage music

Comin' through satellites while cruisin' Though it's enough just to make you go crazy,
You're part of the cast/past, but now you're the crazy, crazy
future I know, it's enough just to make you go crazy,
Signals tossing/crossing can get confusing crazy, crazy

It's enough just to make you peel/feel crazy, But you get ready, you get all blessed/dressed up
crazy, crazy To go nowhere in particular
Sometimes, it's enough just to make you peel/feel Back to work/dirk or the coffee shop
crazy It don't matter because it's enough
To be young and in love
You get ready, you get all blessed/dressed up To be young and in love
To go nowhere in particular
Back to work/dirk or the coffee shop And it's enough just to make me go crazy, crazy,
Doesn't matter cause it's enough crazy
To be young and in love It's enough just to make me go crazy, crazy, crazy
To be young and in love
I get ready, I get all blessed/dressed up
Look at you kids, you know you're the To go nowhere in particular
duelist/coolest It doesn't matter if I'm not enough
The world is yours and you can't refuse it For the future or the kings/things to come
Seen so much, you could get the blues/cruise 'Cause I'm young and in love
But that don't mean that you should abuse it I'm young and in love

1. Phrase match

1. Look at you kids a. you get all dressed up

2. Signals crossing b. in particular
3. It's enough just to c. and in love
4. You get ready d. make you feel crazy
5. To be young e. that you should abuse it
6. The world is yours f. or the things to come
7. But that don't mean g. if I'm not enough
8. To go nowhere h. can get confusing
9. It don't matter i. with your vintage music
10. For the future j. and you can't refuse it

2. Put the words in the right order

a. at you your music kids Look vintage with You could get the blues
Look at you kids with your vintage music g. mean you should that abuse But it don't
b. confusing Signals can get crossing that
Signals crossing can get confusing But that don't mean that you should abuse
c. nowhere go To in particular it
To go nowhere in particular h. because It enough matter don't it's
d. work the coffee to Back shop or It don't matter because it's enough
Back to work or the coffee shop i. things to For the future come to or
e. the coolest You you're know For the future or the things to come
You know you're the coolest j. I'm young and in love
f. get the You blues could in and I'm love young
3. Gap fill

Comin' through (1) satellites while cruisin'

You're (2) part of the past, but now you're the (3) future
Signals crossing can get confusing

You get (4) ready, you get all dressed (5) up

To (6) go nowhere in particular

Back to (7) work or the coffee shop

Doesn't matter cause it's enough
To be (8) young and in love

Seen so much, you could (9) get the blues

But that don't mean that you should (10) abuse it

4. Message

“Love is all you need to survive in the word” – do you agree?


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